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Other urls found in this thread:


picked up


it's a game about the future. yes, there will be black people in the future.

cdpr still hasn't fucking shown straight male v lmao 3 gameplay demos 2 trailers they still haven't shown male v fucking women but they fucking showed faggot male v assfucked by mexican last year lmao no straight male v lol

I hope this game is not getting the same treatment that the Witcher got where you can't kill anyone you want
Otherwise the new Watch Dogs will be better because in those games you were able to kill any degenerate you come across



People are really ugly. Get used to it.


Is just me or did they downgrade the graphics?

Brian Fox, a black man, is the creator of bash and the reason why the terminal still exists today.


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He's half white.

bash is shit

not where I live

not that ugly anyway

fukken burgers man, why must you turn everything into a representation of the lowest common denominator


no way. thats left propaganda



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>partly cloudy weather forecast in the top monitor
they're getting cheeky



Oh my friggen gosh a darkie

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Well you live where you live and therefore ugly people live where you live

So you're telling me this whole setting is affirmative action garbage? Can't wait to have this game shove politics down my throat.

Gimme dos choco puff milkies

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

Double dropped.

Are yu telling me that this n-er who made created the tabletop game is now working on the video game adaptation. Uhhhm... hard pass!

here you drops thiss

*handels over OPPO withtat he edroopedd

if it weren't for bash you wouldn't have your garbage hipster fish, zsh, ksh, etc.

>goal posting

You okay user?

This is weather for Cyberpunks version of the Matrix and this is female Morpheus. From the 40 seconds clip they showed from the new gameplay you see her help you get in a bathtub with ice and you both enter cyberspace in a later part of the video.


I really like this post.

How is that changing the goalposts, he wouldn't have invented anything if he wasn't half european.

I only really hate American and Britbong niggers.
As long as they aren't tribal they aren't that bad.

nice false flag

>Game set in america
>Not nig nogs
>African nigs
>not tribal
Are you retarded?

Mike Pondsmith is the guy who made the Cyberpunk pen & paper game. He's not the game director, he's the principle creator of the setting.

oh my god there are BLACK people in the FUTURE??????

Not in my future.

the black side of his family were all composers, physicists, and artists, actually.

as if he would've worked for stallman if his white genes would've dictated his intellect.

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And you wonder why we wan't global warming so bad.

honestly it's more surprising how many white people are in the game considering how quickly blacks reproduce

No, just a mob of sort of sallow skinned brownish yellow folks with nappy hair

india has severe drought and drinking water problems even now
they will emigrate to us, prepare your anus

There's literally no way the future progresses without a conflict that kills a few billion people.

lol, no

Also bash is complete garbage compared to zsh

>why does this dystopia have niggers???

It's funny, actually. The biggest contributors to FOSS are minorities as they stand more to benefit from free open source software than privileged whites on their overpriced Apple machines and PCs running proprietary operating systems. The biggest contributors to FOSS come from India and China.

There actually won't. Most American black people will look like Brazilians if things keep going the way they are. Actually most American blacks already do. Blacks with really dark skin like that I imagine will be extremely rare unless they are direct African immigrants which will also potentially be numerous or completely barred. I'm betting on the latter due to the economic destruction caused by immigration and overpopulation in the U.S. making it impossible.


blacks in american city in 2077?? no way

blacks have consistently been 13% of the population for a while actually. it's hispanics that that will make up a majority of the US in 2077, especially in LA where the game takes place.

>all those African countries
I'm so glad I'll be long dead by then. I wonder if China just won't go full genocide mode when they see how many nogs are around though?

>if it weren't for C you wouldn't have your precious bash

is it a coincidence a nigger names his programming language after assaulting someone?

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Blacks don't reproduce faster than whites, the are less of a quarter of the US population for a few hundred years.

It's the fucking hispanics, educate yourself.

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What shell comes pre-installed in every OS? Not zsh.

>if it weren't for arab algebra there wouldn't be programming

this is how retarded you sound.

Africans have the highest birth rate in the world, and guess where they will be going to for greener pastures?

wrong, blacks get way more abortions than whites

without abortion blacks would be at over 3 in terms of replacement rate

Not the US, Europe. Or a famine.

They'll be going to the geographically closest place Europe

Popularity != Good

Windows is popular.

>this is how retarded you sound.

it's literally your retarded argument, nigger

>implying you won't see an European Arab hegemony kill its way across Africa when they start feeling threatened

upper-middle class africans are actually building up places like Nairobi and Kenya that I doubt that there's going to be a migratory crisis that all the doom and gloom altcuks keep crying about.

Blacks have been less than a quarter for at least two centuries user. They didn't have abortion back then. Would you fucking educate yourself?

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Wrong. There's no mexicans because daddy built the wall. There's no blacks because they all killed each other.

>in the future apes will be taught to use computers

Have any of you played infamous second son set at night with neon powers. It gives off this vibe to me.

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>two strawmen arguments
Peak Yea Forums discourse.

>They didn't have abortion back then.
Imagine unironically believing this

>people don't migrate from one continent to another

top fucking lel retard

>a derivative shells that came to be because of bash is the same as a programming language used to create said shell
if you don't understand the mere basics of what it is that I'm talking about, why engage?

popularity != mainstay adoption

fucking swear it's like talking to a chromosomal inbred aberration.

white supremacy!11

Upper middle class and educated Africans will be the first ones to leave, and they already are. Many African countries are experiencing massive brain drain due to the state of them.

>lol niggers xD

>you can make yourself look like anything you want with the technology
>make yourself look like an ugly nigger monkey

>They didn't have abortion back then.
Not at the safety and prevalence we do now. Also, birth control pills weren't invented back then either. Stop being retarded.

>people don't migrate from one continent to another
You dumb nigger we where arguing birthrates, stop changing the goalposts. Africans aren't moving to the US you fucking kike, its the spics. Fucking educate yourself before you embarrass yourself again.


>straight male gameplay
sounds fucking gay mate

>whitoid doesn't know that modern personal computing was a black man's invention

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Wolfenstein cunt show up yet again

Does race mixing not exist in cp verse?
You'd think at some in that ladys ancestry theres non-black people and they wouldn't have distinct west-african ancestry facial features.
Those lips are really unrealistic.

>post a white-gene stealing nigger

You are so dumb I'm going to stop responding.

Don't think that means you won the argument though.

>Not at the safety and prevalence we do now.
You are fucking retarded as well.

This board is a cesspit of resetera freaks.

I'm convinced you're false flagging because of how uninformed you are. Go be a kike elsewhere.

I'm so sick of the afro women in vidya. I'm not even racist, they're just not attractive at all

>it's another /pol/ thread

This is a white man in America

cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

Did you all know that the average Ecuadorian penis is 7 inches long? That average is larger than all of Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia!

did you know the average IQ in ecuador is 83

Delete this

>I'm not even racist
>just a mysoginist

OP picture has the straightest hair that a woman that black has ever had

>Game set in 2077
>Complains about blacks

Sorry but err....

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Actually, in America the Black population has been at a decline for the past 20 years.

Exactly, if anything white people should be removed from this game, it's unrealistic to have so many of them still by 2077.

It's declining at a slower rate than whites though.

This, they shouldn't even be a skin-color choice.

>not expecting nigs and trannies in a shithole Cyberpunk future

More reason to pump them full of bullets, I say.

truly a dark future

didn't you hear? ecuador discovered the secrets of the universe.


biggest dicks AND biggest brains on earth? surely the aliens bestowed the incas with the best genes that have graced this earth.


Cyberpunk is about society gone to hell, blacks fit in.

I see what you did there.

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Why can't Africans use condoms or birth control?

Also if global warming disasters don't kill a large majority of them off the West should drop a sterilization bomb on the whole continent.

According to this image, India's population will stay the same for the next hundred years while China's will shrink.

>the reason why the terminal still exists today
what the fuck are you smoking


>9 countries with more than 250 million people in them
>global population of 11 billion
>all in less than a century from now

Holy shit planet earth is fucked.


>""mmm mmm baby, afta I gets done hacking this mainfrake n shit u betta bring yo pretty lil white boi c*ck over her and give mama sum sugah"

that's poundsmith to you

Can't wait for everyone to be mixed brown waifus.

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Thet cant even afford food m8

I bet that "another man" would be Jackie. Double picked up

Blacks actually have around the same number of children as whites do, but they tend to die way faster than anyone else. This is why even though white population growth has slowed it has persisted, meanwhile the black population growth has come to a screeching halt and completely stagnated for the last four decades.

Spics on the other hand are having shitloads of kids that will completely dwarf every other group combined at the current rate things are going.

how do the multitudes of spic babies live and the black ones don't?

If you haven't noticed yet its been fucked for a while now even with the current population.

Since we didn't curb carbon emissions soon enough scientists are predicting the end of modern civilization by 2045-2050.

brian fox jumpstarted the FSF project with stallman, worked exclusively on helping stallman on GNU and emacs. not only did he help create more tools for the terminal, but the entire reason why we can communicate with the terminal today is because of fox's invention of bash. anyone who was born after 1985 and has opened up the terminal learned how to use it through bash and continues to be the standard shell on every computer's terminal.

Blacks may reproduce fast but they can't stop killing each other off so their numbers don't grow. Hispanics are who you need to worry about.

how does nigeria have the food calories and geographical size to support that many

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>the end of modern civilization

What does that mean, exactly?

End game for whites. It's the only place where civilization exists.

kill yourself retard

His post is about a video game you blind retard.

Because when your infant mortality rate is so high, you have lots of babies so that a few can survive. But with modern medicine finally arriving in Africa, more of the babies are surviving, so the populations are exploding.

Then there would be no future
only shithole tier aftica levels will remain

Eww. yeah. I can see why. What kind of shitty touchscreen keyboard bullshit is that? FUCKING DISGUSTING!

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We can only hope there's a war that kills all the men in one of those countries so we can import mail order brides for cheap.
Like, imagine if India and Pakistan fight. Boom, wives for everyone, curry included. You only have to potty train her.

It means Mad Max will become reality.

>no topre

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it isn't on every computer's terminal and when it isn't guess what the fuck the computer doesn't not have a terminal it has ksh


the white monkey is the most pathetic creature on this planet, being dependent on Jews and niggers for technological advances, yet having the nerve to consider themselves the superior race.

That shit better not be Apple.


I actually roomed with a student from Nigeria who was attending business school in the U.S. He was a very smart guy, definitely not your stereotypical African monkey. And he said that after seeing America, he never wants to go back to Nigeria again. Educated Africans are definitely the ones who want out the most.

>Also if global warming disasters don't kill a large majority of them off the West should drop a sterilization bomb on the whole continent.

Holy shit I just realized that Mass Effect was partially a redpilled allegory.

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Most countries on earth collapsing. You just get left with a few superstates after the chaos.

Won't Jews still be around to have a nice cushy society for themselves?

Wtf is with this garbage hair
Man I really can't wait for next gen

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>whit0ids having a stroke coming up with more goalposts
what kind of fucking retard do you honestly have to be to think that ksh has been the default shell on any fucking computer since the 1980s?

Hopefully incels don't exist

That is what happens when blacks straighten their hair with a hot iron. It's pathetic.


>Population projection being linear instead of logistic
Do these people even population dynamics?

At worst it means the whole world turns into a tribalistic shithole. At best it means the globalist dream dies and everyone but a handful of superstates remain while the rest of the world is fucked.

>south korea

Jews are dying out at the same rate as whites, if not faster. And considering there are barely any of them to begin with, they'll probably be completely gone within the century.

Japan is fine. The fucking gooks will die.

hair is hard to get right user

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I gotchu senpai

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Have you never seen a black person who straightens their real hair? That's what it looks like.

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Thank god I'll be long gone by then

You dont think IQ would be equal between the races 60 years from now and with aid from genetic and robotic enhancements?

>pol in charge of predicting the future based on graphs

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Plenty of fertile land in Nigeria and it's a lot bigger than it looks in Mercator map projections. Only 42% of it's arable land has been cultivated, but the federal government is increasing food production by focusing on the agricultural sector. So I'm not worried about that. It's the corruption that's the issue. Luckily the current government has taken some steps towards fighting corruption. So we will see.

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it ain't bash

But what happens to the world then? Don't Jews control everything currently?

>what kind of fucking retard do you honestly have to be to think that ksh has been the default shell on any fucking computer since the 1980s?

Can you retype this in English please?

what kind of fucking retard do you honestly have to be to think that ksh has been the default shell on any fucking computer since the 1980s?

also, your sentence is phonetically and grammatically incorrect.

I strongly suspect thats a boy


Yeah, Nigerians are actually pretty cool. The negative African stereotypes are mostly from African-Americans who have been in America for generations and inherited the redneck culture in the south. Blacks people who immigrated to America within a generation, usually from the west Indies or Africa, usually perform better than native whites and blacks.

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Is this really a thread?

There is a thread about being angry that a black person is in a video game?

Is this legit how people live their lives? Angry at literally any black representation in any medium?

I cannot grasp this concept and hold onto it. How do you make it through your average day?

When I did my applied sciences degree there were a lot of Nigerian immigrants and apparently of all the immigrant groups, Nigerian immigrants are vastly overrepresented in successfully graduated higher tech education degrees in the countries they move to. Even more than Indians. I bet that trend is not going to continue very long when all the climate change refugees will start escaping the equator.

i literally can't even: the post

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that's twice the IQ at display of this thread.


Go back you faggots


You guys know that cyberpunk 2020, on which 2077 is based, was created by a black guy, right?

Dilate, have sex, seethe, and cope

I do, and he is a fucking legend

Also has the coolest voice in the world, I hope he voice acts a character

u mad?

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Someone update this for this year please.

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I'm pretty sure they said you could but you might get chased by the police™

>the white part only counts when they do something good


Way to make the superior race™ take responsibility

It's not Nigeria and equatorial Africa you should be worried about. They'll be fine, majority of the food insecurity in the region comes from a lack of infrastructure' that's being dealt with in the majority of the equatorial countries. The big worry is how the Sahelian countries, India and South-east Asia will deal with it.

Threads over dude, go be mad somewhere else.

It's just your average polish citzen

>Blacks people who immigrated to America within a generation, usually from the west Indies or Africa, usually perform better than native whites and blacks.

Here in Ohio all the worst ghettos are full of African immigrants.

>the cuck cries and in pain as he strikes you

>in the dystopian future


That's probably because they are Somalis/south Sudanese.

Literally the worst kind of immigrants.

i'll still play it unless they have only the same 25 voice lines for rando npcs like the witcher and like 15 character models so every fucking character looks the same as every other character

I'm not going to take the time to explain to e-niggers, again; why their race fails everytime . I know this is what you want; but I'm not going to give you another (you) you genetic failure.

what this user said. i guess i should have specified Nigerian immigrants.

You know, american blacks and whites in general will tend to dissapear and be replaced by some sort of latinos (in the whole american continent at least)
Fucking hell, natural redheads are a rarity now

Incorrect. White birth rates are the only climbing rate. Latinos are leveled off but the population is increasing with immigration.

yeah, i'm black and will be buying this game

we make up most of the video game market

Imagine thinking a game was made for your racial demographic or that it should be

>b-but muh white people global warming.

taking someone else's game doesn't count as 'buying'

this game was made by a black guy for black people

Please don't play this game, racist. Keep cowering in your cumstained sheets and never leave your room. It's the only thing you will ever achieve.

based and blackpilled but also wrong, the polish made this.

Doesn't that nigger get shot

yeah but they were taking directions from a black guy

wow haha, epic. you pwned him!

The Chinese would massacre Europeans first before they start fucking with Africans because at least Africans can be put to work.

who is this sexy nigress?

Looks cool.

absolutely based. hope all games will only have blacks, trannies and muslims. maximum triggering the pol snowflakes is GREAT

I know. Are you salty too, underman?

Psst, that's not an afro, bro.

Why can't they just at least make them look good? I'd be fine with them being in games but they all go for realism and they look like shit

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>yes, there will be black people in the future.
Ooga booga what are birth/death statistics

>there will be black people in the future
Not if I have anything to say about it.

Night City is a shithole
It has the worst crime rate in America
And you don't expect any blacks in it? LMAO

The world was made by a black person, realized in digital form by white people, and was made for everyone

Thread over

not if I have anything to say about it

Blacks and whites really do have so much in common when you really think about it, huh?

look at the tits on that nigger hahaha

i wonder if people realize the cyberpunk tabletop game was created by a black man... the whole game this one is based off.

2077 is absolute kino.

The 2 on the right look different from the rest, at least in terms of hairstyles.

>blacks have consistently been 13%
I'm not sure about this but i think it can be attributed to the birth control.

They where that number before the pill.

You can't even pick it up yet, how do you drop it.

/pol/ feeling their relevance waning

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stuff of my nightmares

As much as I dislike the commiefornia setting, and wish the game was set somewhere else (cyberpunk China mixing traditional medicine with cyber implants for instance) I'm reserving my critiques for when the game comes out.
There's a difference between forcing niggers in a medieval fantasy setting and a /dystopian/ world based on current society's trends. They aren't out of place.
Also, a setting like this has the potential of being the ultimate shitpost. It could be full of thinly veined irony and work as a commentary of our society's eventual degradation, all while twitter brainlets take it at face value and praise it for how visionary it is.
I might be naive but I still trust in the poles to not be total sellouts.

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it's funny how you weebs hate california, when california has the highest asian population in the country. i grew up in a city here that is at least 60% asian.


having psychotic hatred of black people and random black npc's doesn't make you cool redditors


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And? American asians wouldn't make an interesting setting.

how the fuck does ethiopia have that many people? aren't they starving to death?

a racial group cant be a setting by definition you illiterate third worlder with an internet connection

Nice ad hominems bud

its a white male who desided to be a black chick for today
its Cyberpunk man

the only bad and overused thing in this pic are multiple screens with techno mumbo-jumbo to show 'yea you dont understand this but in the future they totaly use it'

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>state of decay 2
>star wars jedi
>rollerskate champion ubisit game
all these had the afro nog in them

Well there will be genetic modification available in the future so someone could make themselves into a dark nkgger if they wanted to, but in reality everyone with money will just be white.

>immigrants who were born or grew up in another country having anything in common with their country of origin

please do this
and the watch dogs coon