why do white women age like milk?
Wait is that really the same person? Holy fuck the absolute state of Nintendo girls
The same reason niggers look like piles of shit their whole lives, that's the way God made us
Whites make and invent everything important and have to carry human civilisation in everything from entertainment, to science, art, and philosophy. It's a heavy burden.
>women ruining their bodies with plastic surgery
Nothing new here.
How long will Nintendo allow her bimbofication continue before the fire her?
same reasons why niggers are ugly from the day they're born
Except white women don't actually invent anything and just leech off of white men, so that doesn't make any sense. If anything, white women should be the most youthful based on how pampered their existence is.
>implying white women have anything to do with any of that
who is she?
Super saiyan Audrey
my ex-gf
They are the daughters of the white "greats" and inherit their shitty aging genes. This is known.
Its not age, its always been clear this chick is straight up addicted to plastic surgery. It was cringe as fuck when Yea Forums started obsessing over fake ass tits and shovel face
why are whites so insecure they feel the need to bring up minorities?
>fake bimbo bitch doing fake bimbo bitch things
fellas she always had a horseface, you just never bothered looking up from her boobs the first time around (not that I blame you)
as long as possible, god willing
she looks hot
And what have you contributed to that burden?
Besides feeling pride in the effort and work of others grasshopper?
why do women fucking love blonde hair so fucking much?
I never brought up minorities. I just pointed out that whites do and accomplish everything of note. It literally has nothing to do with minorities in the strictest sense.
>first post is literally someone talking shit about whites
>anons give poster a taste of their own medicine
>w-why are white's so insecure!!
She's cute, so what
nobody but retards is falling for your own retardation
what level bog is this
what does that have to do with anything?
kek, this. whites are insecure as fuck, it's okay though, they're dying out.
whites cant handle criticism
Oh really? what have you created?
Or are you just taking credit for something that someone else did?
Because that would be some nigger behaviour
I'd breed with Audrey
t. black dude
And poc's are hypocrites. See I can hyperbole and generalize too.
the absolute state of wh*te ””””””””””””””””women””””””””””””””””
said the shit skin ayy lmao good luck on that job interview my guy
I run two at-risk youth outreach shelters, and one at-risk youth volunteer program.
You can have her, Tyquon.
Impotent cope.
t. seethign whiteoids
I'm also
If God is real then there's no way in hell they're perfect. Because giving humans different races was objectively a huge mistake.
Of course you would, I'm sure you'd also breed that pink haired landwhale from yesterday's Ubisoft conference, if given the chance.
>he doesn't like bleached bimbos with fake tits
I'm an automatic hire due to affirmative action. Stay mad whiteboy.
>nitpicking this hard
You're a mistake too. Rectify yourself.
>It's a heavy burden.
Only from the perspective of lesser humans.
>bleached blonde bimbos with fake tits are equivalent to landwhale tumblrinas
In what universe?
Suicide is a sin, sorry :^)
Naturally. I'm trying to imagine it from where they're sitting.
is this what americans consider white?
>he thinks running a shelter for human waste is equivalent to creating something important for our civilization
we're surrounded by plebs, my brother
>suicide is a sin
You'd be doing the world a favor though, I'm sure god would forgive it just this once.
How is he wrong?
>taking pride in other people achievements
Respectable. Still, I hold that to your humanity, not your race.
At least you are giving back to your community.
not fooling me
The Shepard must have a flock of sheep to lead into enlightenment, user. That's what the whites are: the Shepards of man. Shepards are not perfect. How could they be? They must do everything for the sheep.
She went from nerd to Brazzers
Either club culture or gym culture
Some of you are truly retarded
Most women age very poorly past 30
the fact that she's willing to pursue bimbofication should be applauded
Its a confirmation that you commit to being a freeuse cumdumpster for you man/ rich men if single
bimbofication is the logical conclussion of a society that forces woman into becoming sex objects
nothing bad with it you sissies
Yeah, white men do those things. And on top of that we have the burden of our women hitting the wall like a freight train after 30.
We really do have a hard life.
she's wearing based pantyhose, almost saw some pantyshots too ;_;
Define importance? Videogames are unimportant but people waste their lives on them. Same with anime, manga, TV, comics, etc.
Not everyone can be a Melville or write an epic concerto. The whites tend to do society's heavy lifting in all forms however.
>hello darkness my old friend...
I'm perfectly proud in my own achievements, started my own business, started volunteer program, all of which centered around troubled youth.
why is she wearing forearm panties?
>white pantyhose
Post Theresa
Botox and boob jobs.
Has nothing to do with being white, only insecure.
I feel bad that we never got to see her puke on a real dick.
Is she related to the Bognadoff?
alcoholism stress and light skin is made for europe and not america
She is resuming eating like a normal human being to get pregnant
Either that or she is hitting menopause HARD
Well, God pretty much created life then left it to follow its own course, so you could say niggers, jews and unitedstatenese are a failed experiment
>black hair
>black eyes
uh huh
>Gradual bimbofication
what did nintendo mean by this?
Because they think guys want perfect dolled-up women and end up fucking up their faces and turning into Frankenstein. My GF is 31 and an athletic tomboy and she still looks like she's 21. Total fucking babe.
stfu nobody cares about your argument autist, we are here to discuss this bimbo
What have you personally invented to justify you aging like milk?
Hi, Raimi.
t-that's not the nintendo i knew!
have sex
>mfw the lighting on the background made it appear like a horse at first
>mfw i have no face
It also has to do with having enough money for those things, which is a white trait.
All I want is for Audrey to step on me while she tells me about the latest Zelda game.
Also, proof*
And Asian. Mudskins wouldn't know about being successful, I'm not surprised.
what utterly awful form. she's squirming all over like she's sitting on a dryer, clearly way too much weight for her.
you fucking suck tho
just make a good game. you however cant. keep enjoying your sjw bullshit
Can I get a quick rundown?
how about she crushes you with her breasts?
She's clearly using more weight than she's prepared for. She's going to injure herself jerking it around like that.
FACT: fake tits are an even worse crime than breast reductions
Her silicone breasts?
90% of women just goes freefall when they get past 30. It's called "the wall"
left - before burning the coal
right - after burning the coal
Asians are honorary whites, everyone knows that.
oh they're real, and they're spectacular
>I'm a huge weeb
>men age like wi-
Must every thread on this accursed website be filled with incels who talk about "the wall" and pills and races
Sexy babe.
Where do you think you are?
white women don't do shit but take jobs from qualified men of all races
Growing older with a bit of grace is better than trying to halt it. Take care of yourself and who gives a fuck about the rest.
asians are fucking yellow
She should go bigger, to be honest.
Real? Check out this bottom left photo from 2011~2012.
Are you telling me that they suddenly more than doubled in size naturally?
>signs a post was made by an american
Do you not know what "honorary" means?
I know this is Yea Forums in E3 season but lying is still bad
>You have to be an incel to talk about races, pills, or "the wall"
Fucking kek. Off yourself, buddy.
How do i convince my gf to get implants?
What is that faggot doing on the right? Lmao, just grab a bench for flies
Why lie to yourself about how your gf really is?
she needs to do porn ASAP
>white pantyhose
I'm a fan, but she rocks the black ones well too
I slipped a disc just watching this insanity. She is way past full retarded.
the white race are good at only one thing
Audrey Drake.
uhm user, they look huge on the left, she is just wearing baggier/modest clothing
Oh, you just know.
Huge on the left? Baggy? Are you blind?
why are there only 22 images in this thread?
Love bimbos.
I love the "I sucked a million cocks because I have no worth at all" look in her eyes.
*Meant for:
Based user, Slayer of POCs
I hope this isn't this last glimpse of her we get this year. We only see her once a year and that outfit was pretty disappointing
Depends largely on the girl, and what kinks of hers you can link to implants. If she's a chestlet, odds are she already wishes she was bigger, even if it isn't a priority for her.
you are a namefag with based taste
She was so beautiful before, why do people feel the need to destroy themselves for vanity's sake?
these were better times
The white race is only functional when left alone (no diversity) or when order is established by force.
but black don't crack
Frank Miller looks like a fucking cancer/AIDS patient. What the fuck happened? Why do people insist on staying pure and white, when this is what happens to you if you have white genetics?
>automatic hire
Yeah, in the cotton fields.
Holy yummola.
and what? Reminds me of my ex, she also was a sociopath with daddy issues.
Didn't even recognize her.
shes getting pretty comfy with the chad negar here
Pretty sure Miller is Jewish
>brown eyes
Jesus. Just do squats
divorce does that
>muh white solidarity
That why you treated my Irish grandparents like dogshit? Kys faggot.
They crack as soon as their genes are propogated.
Look at these demon spawn; Look hideous from day 1.
Jew detected
Nope. He's Irish.
He is in his early 60's and is clearly an outlier.
mr burns RP?
one of life's biggest mysteries
>"You", as if the Irish aren't white
>Muh victimhood status
>X group treated Y group different, as if this is only a white trait
>"muh slavery" negro mentally
Denzel Washington is a couple years older, and looks 20 years younger.
>implying it's just women
Ugly people age like milk. Doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. You won't grow up to become the Dos Equis man just because you're a man, youre just gonna get old and every ugly feature is only going to get worse in addition to new blemishes and disfigurements piling up.
All the attractive old men have been attractive young men before, or at least had the potential to be attractive.
He's ethnically Jewish
Mindset influences physical development.
Gay people physically look different when they embrace this identity. They just look... deviant.
And Keanu is 10 years younger than Denzel but looks 30 years younger.
lmao cocaine
Ellen Page coming out as gay was the worst thing that ever happened to her. Pre-coming out, she was a moderately cute girl, just with an unattractively boyish body. Post-coming out, she just reeks of manfaced dyke.
Imagine those glossy bimbo lips around your shaft
>surprised she had more plastic surgery when her tits were never real
Proof? His wiki says his family is Irish Catholic.
>that low back tattoo
confirmed whore
holy fucking shit
it's like this dormant jew gene inside her just exploded
That delusion. Denzel and Keanu both look in their 40s
God I remember the 2016 treehouses like it was yesterday. Where does the time go, Yea Forums?
Northern Europeans have had a great influence from the Medieval Era onward, ultimately inventing more and achieving more than their Southern European counterparts. But both groups/regional entities have contributed, and both are European.
What's your point?
One if my co workers at my old job was an old black women who spoke in a kind voice and used to call everyone honey. Not a day went by i didn't wanna fuck her raw all night long, every time she called me honey with that voice of hers it got me horny as a motherfucker. She had big titties and a small waist. I miss you black gilf.
all the milk from her tits went to her face
What is this?
A internet high-five place hand here jpg for manlets?
If the botox, boob job, dyed hair, or tan didn't give it away already, there you go.
This post triggered so many shit skins.
Not really.
If you mean all of North America, no. If you mean just the USA then yes.
but she is a whore that was saved by nintendo
white roasties, not even once
That looks like Miss Belarus 2018.
When is a woman in her sexual prime?
>Rollins mark
oof, yikes
natural blondes have the best genes
ask Hitler
>I'm white when it's convenient, potato nigger when it's not
Kys faggot
He's a crypto-Jew, he only says he's Irish Catholic so he can stay in the industry and fool goyim like you
Why is it always women who look like terrible slags with blonde hair the ones always reaching for the dye
lol why are you so obsessed with white people
they look the same, this is the power of makeup.
My ex was just like that, I couldn't recognize her in the morning with a clean face.
Same shit happens on instagram, women are like the E3 version of watchdogs when they are after your money and then the real version comes out.
white women age like shit because too much make up and terrible diet
if you eat healthy and exercise, you will look good till 50
literally who and literally who gives a shit
>dumb northerner too low iq to even understand a simple picture
Her redemption arc will come with Botw2.
But he's right about all of that.
She's not white you fucking dipshit.
squats don't activate all those extra glutes and adductors that a cable would
For Trump
shes white for american
Fucking based
I'd like to shout "THIS CAN'T BE REAL", but deep down in my heart I know it is.
I wonder what Jade Raymond looks like these days, has she curdled as well?
I really don't like blonde hair. I just find it trashy.
No one ITT can actually define who is white.
Prove me wrong.
everything about her get up is an eyesore
Too much surgery in her face, that weave looks bad
y tho
bro they're fake as shit
Caucasian with pale skin. That's it. End of story.
White girls fuck dogs
Women stop caring about their bodies once they got what they want.
Ellen Page obviously got famous & rich, which are the #1 and #2 most basic needs of every woman.
She realized she never would have to work again and now we here.
If anything whites handle racial criticism the best. Everyone else chimps out and that's why it's basically illegal.
she looks likes like a chaturbate camwhore wtf
white girls who fuck dogs age better tho
in most cases 16-24. but for some cultures it starts around 12. inb4 pedo, I believe women are game after their first period.
Honestly being the majority makes people soft. Everyone I know gets so fucking scared when they're not the overwhelming majority when they go somewhere.
Honestly an upgrade.
I love bimbofication/sluttification. She devalued herself so much, it's really hot.
I believe hurting pedophiles is an act of good.
I want more Theresa.
White girls fuck dogs, white dudes love their dogs nuts, white parents kiss their kids on the mouth, white people fuck their siblings, white boys shoot up schools, white boys sell drugs more than men of any other race.
Blacks and Hispanics in America don't have this problem. Le 56% goblinos don't have this problem.
God fucking damn she's hit the wall so fucking hard we'll never be able to keep the Mexicans out.
Seething nujapanlet
Hope you liked your bloated slow boomer in a championship shot for no reason whatsoever. Okada is cool though.
She looks fine on the right though.
I feel like botox is a meme that is actively making women look worse not the other way around
My nigga
yikes, I have a 42yo fuckbuddy who looks better than her and she doesn't even like to use makeup .
That's the most nig' thing I've ever seen.
I think she could still go a bit further. The outfit could at least be better, though this was a good enough start, I suppose.
People who work out age better. There are 30 and 40 somethings at my gym who look better than most 20 somes.
are you dense? he's literally explaining in that post that he's Jewish
god you fucking goyim are retarded, no wonder we run everything
Is this the work of sissy bimbo videos?
black and latina women invented thicc, which is arguably the most important achievement in human history
So anyone with olive skin who is a caucasoid European is not white?
Oh yes for sure. Let's hope she continues down the right path, the potential is definitely there.
Thread theme
>white boys sell drugs more than men of any other race.
I'll give you everything but this.
olive is still pretty pale desu. I'd give it to them on a case by case basis. I draw the line at brown. I'm mixed myself so I'm a neutral party in this discussion.
Not mexican. If you compare her to couple years ago when she had dark hair still she looked older than her age. She looks way better now.
They do. Whites do and sell more drugs (mostly because of weed, not really hard drugs) than blacks.
>white boys sell drugs more than men of any other race.
you mean jews
The call that saved Nintendo
Quick rundown on her?
No? He's saying that American superheroes were largely created by Jews, which he is right about.
Because of degeneracy, you have to be pure inside to look pure outside.
miller was/is an alchoholic allegedly, plus 9/11 the republican party and a divorce rammed him into elderly
If you flip that chart in the other direction for men it's almost exactly like real life.
This. Lack of fitness and exercise, poor diet, and a psychological dependence on makeup. They literally appeal to magic thinking as they age. They think that foreigners are magic and so if they buy the magic googunk from the huplup trees of Tra-la-lee that it'll bring back their youth. Only $500 a jar? BARGAIN.
Kelly McGillis has lived rough af. But she is like 5 years older than Tom Cruise.
Jews are white people for all intents and purposes. They should stop being allowed to pull the racial minority card in one breath and the fellow white people card in another.
Race is defined by culture and perception, and when you look at a Jew what you see is a white person with maybe some semitic features.
It's funny how I can click on any thread on any board and I'll always see sperg posts by WCK.
Most people in general don't age well after starting into their late 20s. The "wall" does exist for both men and women, but women are generally hit harder by this.
Only drug dealers I ever see are black guys wearing waterproof coats
Roasties can't be as qt as real Asians no matter how hard they try.
Why is this yellow fever autist sperging about white women in this thread when the thot in OP's picture is a brown person?
>Amerimutts enter the thread
Cope harder.
cool, I said 12 before because in most south american tribes girls generally get pregnant the first time at 12.
also this is an attraction percentage, when you look at fertility you see that the window is much smaller, after 26 things go downhill pretty fast for women
Asian women are handsome strong white guys' first option always.
How do you know if your precious insectoids are males or females, you delusional autist?
They both look fake as hell.
The fiscal competence and lack of giving a shit is part of makes tomboys attractive, to be real. To any femanons out there who care what men think or who are just drifting, we don't care about that. However, if you can do a backflip you'll impress pretty much any guy on Earth. Don't hurt yourselves trying, though. That shit's hard.
>Jews are white people
hah , no
inferior race
here we go again
You don't get around much, do you.
95% of drug dealers are white people and most of their clients and secondary dealers are white college students
Go home Chicken Tenda... just because you had a Jewish father doesn't make it so that everyone will turn out to be an Elliot like you.
White women are trash, here's what STD Bitch would look like without heavy make up.
They don't.
Your bug women (Asians) do though. On a second note, why are throwing a fit about white women in this thread, WCK?
Fuck the world and fuck you.
Too bad they're full of dog sperm.
there is not really a wall for men, but if you really wanna push it, then it is in the 40, when men turn 40 he loses like 30% of muscle mass
what the fuck
Yeah dude let's all be one race, one Tower of Babel.
Asian women are beta incels only option
she was always ugly lol that's why she had to get implants in the first place to distract you from her face lmfao
A bit of white cum fixes anything. Don't worry about it.
Because most white women live solely on on a diet of loneliness, TV dinners and boxed wine.
Skip to 1:27. This alpha gets a hundred matches on Tinder. youtube.com
You can't be beta if you are successful on Tinder.
gosh... thjese white pantyhose
How do you tell Asian males and Asian females apart?
Considering people are genetic copies of their ancestors. Our ancestors achievements are our achievements. Why don't brainwashed zoomers understand this? If Europeans and Africans switched geographic location tomorrow. Africa would be a great place to live in 10 years and Europe would become a desolate wasteland.
The problems you have with the Jews are similar to the problem the blacks have with whites.
The Jews see you as you see niggers, goy.
Honestly as a mixed dude all this race baiting just seems so dumb. I guess I'm just above it all really.
>people are genetic copies of their ancestors
Keep telling yourself that, mulatto
The dumb autist who spams yellow fever threads made this thread and he believes the shitskin in that picture is a white woman. And he's autistically complaining about white women. This is pure unadulterated autism and schizophrenia.
That’s funny, I see jews as rats
My grandpa is an amazing carpenter. I have 0 carpentry skills. The achievements of your race are not yours.
Exactly. White whores are full of dog cum, but Asian women are full of white cum so it's all good.
takes no effort to fuck asian women because they know they are insecure and ugly, just like the "men" who are forced to fuck them to "escape" inceldom
on a second note, you should kill yourself being obsessed with porn
It’s only good if it’s my cum.
Left or right. Choose carefully.
Yeah and the blacks see you as a babydick honkey.
Neither of you want to admit who your superiors are.
>all those mad as fuck replies
Reality or paranoia. Choose carefully, incel.
>Caucasian with pale skin end of story
>but I'll make exceptions
This is some retarded ass shit
That example is so goddamn stupid I don't even know where to begin.
Easily fooled morons like you are why women do this retarded shit to themselves now instead of just aging naturally. She definitely does not look better now, you fucking idiot.
> ooga booga muh dick
Who gives a damn about the opinion of homo habilis?
>fake tits
why do women do this?
Most of those are your replies WCK
You can't even samefag properly.
Olive is pale
>escape inceldom
Exactly, no white guy can be an incel. Just be white bro.
Downs syndrome convention centre raising crazier mentally ill offsprings
I like it.
The virgin
The houses he built aren't my accomplishment. You can only take credit for things you did yourself.
truly, phoneposters killed Yea Forums
You're still an incel if you try to "escape" with yellow fever.
t. someone who has never left their house
You're really not getting it are you.
The Jews are superior to you in the same way that you think you're superior to the blacks.
yeah, this feels like a while ago when black chicks were all over my dick, nowadays it's much harder since "we all queens now!" shit made their ego hiper inflated.
>No picture or mention of white women
>second post is WCK and he's already having an autistic meltdown about white women and projecting asian women unto white women
What the fuck is wrong with this ban evading psycho?
It's pointless. You can't lie to BWC when it sees something like this.
I go outside all the time. On the grand scale it's still on the paler side of things. There's still brown dark brown black dark black etc.
Caucasian and relatively pale skin is white.
>t. colorblind man
Asians are white, look at their olive skin
They have such fair skin!
It's not the goddamn achievement of the house he gave you. He gave you hands and a brain capable of building a house you dipshit. You're not a carpenter because you never learned to be one and you don't care to do so, but you can be a carpenter if you wanted to be one because you have the necessary genes.
Niggers, for example, have never built a functioning civilization. Ever. Even though they want to they are simply not capable of doing it.
That's not even a legitimate exercise you dumbasses
Ooh ooh ahh ahh
Is this the thread where we are allowed to talk about how much we want to FUCK these treehouse girls?
I want Audrey to nurse me with her giant milkermelons and give me a handjob at the same time
The fucking eyebrows. Does anyone find that attractive
30% Asians are virgin, so it's likely that both of them are.
I like the way even the dog is disgusted.
What the fuck are you even trying to say with that gibberish, WCK
Always niggers starting up racism. When theyre 30 percent european in usa as well.
You’re really not getting it are you
Your “theory” is shit
you're retarded my dude lol
I live in Eastern Europe and natives here can get pretty brown if they work in the sun too long.
Like half those guys are white and 99% of people would call them white.
Fyi., after you have sex regularly you are no longer an incel.
>Yellow fever incel got pictures and videos of white incels dating insectoids on his hard drives
What's more pathetic: having yellow fever or jerking off to incels with yellow fever
>implying genes enable civilization
Why do people who haven't even the slightest foundational knowledge of biology bring up genes?
You seem very uneducated.
> Like half those guys are white and 99% of people would call them white.
You're literally retarded, WCK
Go choke on dog meat and kill yourself
This is the thing I hate about white people on Yea Forums the most, you fat, ugly, closeted double niggers think you're higher than everyone else because Europeans happened to be in charge for 500 years, when we all know 99% of you will never accomplish anything in your lives. Pathetic.
Which contradicts given that they're not pale to anyone who isn't blind. Don't start moving the goalposts.
Being white and going extinct because you’re a dumb goy
It's not a theory it's the reality you try to hide from. Jews have higher IQs, make more money, control society and large corporations from the shadows, manipulate the media, and have convinced the leaders of all first world "white" countries to support their takeover.
You are the inferior race, you just don't want to admit that it's true.
have sex
>tfw 35 year old non wh*te trap
>still look like im in my early 20s when im dressed as a girl or boy
lmao whites on sucide watch
Fyi, being forced to fuck insects will still make you an incel
Probably a combination of destroying their skin and hair with excessive cosmetic use and letting themselves go weight-wise.
Post pic or fuck off tranny nigger
Genes inform human behavior, and human behavior begets civilization. Tell me why Europe can be bombed into the stone age two times in 100 years and Africa is still a shit hole today? African genes make them incapable of creating good societies.
So what if they are half-Asian? Still better than full Asian, which gives them huge privileges in Asia.
Your rice country is gonna get napalm'd and nuked again if you keep sperging, dumb insect.
Africa will always be a shit hole and you know it. Stop lying to yourself.
Oh look the heeb shows his colours.
I don't know what WCK means.
Semantics. I consider olive to still be pale. Not super pale but on the paler end of the spectrum.
i get id'd every time i go out
n-no bully...
holy fuck the level on incel in this thread is insane
It doesn't matter if you are half or quarter Asian.
One drop rule. Also, Asian offerings have the exaxt same mutated genes. You're all mentally ill and fucked up in the head.
Okay user. Let's entertain your dumbass shit for one second.
Which genes exactly? Identify the sequence in the genome that allows whites (which no one ITT has been able to properly define without being contradictory) to "beget civilization", the specific genes that Africans lack.
What is the DNA sequence?
yes, white, not PALE lol
Pls be my gf(male) I want a passable trap gf so bad!
Semantics are literally what you're backpedaling on since you can't define white properly.
the fuck is this video games
the fuck is this whore
Holy shit you're beautiful.
>light skinned Iranians, Afghans, Indians, and Arabs are white now
I bet you wouldn't call Jews white.
I use them pretty interchangeably I guess. Then just say caucasian with white skin I guess.
I support the islamization of Europe
It spells the end for kikes :^)
lmfao how desperate are you?
How far do you think Nintendo will allow her to go?
I thought trannies all killed themselves at 30. How did you live to 35?
You backed down really quick.
I thought whites were supposed to be strong and smart.
Not all of us are racist incels m8.
Nice try 40%
No you assholes don't, just look at Yea Forums as a whole. You can't even make fun of your own race in jest like black people do with their own without you complaining about REEEEEEEEEEEEE MUH J00Z.
>be Asian
>look like you don't have a gender
>be mentally ill
>carry mutated genes
>age like milk
>short, smelly and yellow
And the best part about these insectoids
Slate grey nevus(congenital dermal melanocytosis, Mongolian spot) is abenign, flat,congenitalbirthmark, with wavy borders and an irregular shape. In 1883, it was described and named afterMongoliansbyErwin Bälz, a German anthropologist based in Japan, who erroneously believed it to be most prevalent among his Mongolian patients.[2][3][4][5]It normally disappears three to five years after birth and almost always bypuberty. The most common color is blue, although they can be blue-gray, blue-black or deep brown.
>syrian LARPing as a roman
>wot did ya say about ngubu m8?
They also invented homosexuality
>Mayoniggers SEETHING ITT
where is Krysta
Video of /ourguy/ Keanu cucking a full Asian male.
Also see the webm another case like this.
Is this what bongs consider black?
1. i dress and talk like a man at work and keep my trapping a secret
2. i didnt cut off my dick or consider myself a woman
3. im not a tranny im just a gay man that likes to dress up part time
They look like downs syndrome too
Maybe it's from their constant inbreeding?
Jon Skywalker, superior WMAF hapa mogging full Asians in China.
Modern meds and ancient Romans are two different race btw
Many clusters of genes related to intelligence and brain development are found in whites and asians many times more than Africans. In addition, genes related to impusliveness and volent behavior are found in Africans to a higher degree. You don't need to point to a single gene, you merely need to observe the actions and behaviors of these groups over history. Historically, whites and other high IQ populations create and spread successful civilizations and Africans simply don't.
>that shitskin
Oh no, it's another yellow fever by the exact same ban evading autist. Who'd had guessed.
I would absolutely call most jews white. Eva green is white, Alison Brie is white etc etc.
Fine, caucasian and white skin.
They don't get the same shade of white. They're like light bronze not eggshell.
>didn't cut off dick
Based. How do you manage to look so young at 35?
Wtf she now looks like my mom
try again without all the filters gayfag
I asked for specifics you dumb nigger. Point them out.
pick one
Nobody believes any of you faggots who say "what is white"
Everyone knows what white is and if you say this you're not arguing in good faith.
Says the shitskin typing on a computer and internet that was invented by white people. Cope harder.
Europe advanced as far as it has because of livestock and resource availability. The majority of the world's easily domesticable animals are originally from what is now the developed world. Everywhere domesticable animals are native, society flourishes where it would otherwise be unsustainable.
Africa isn't a tribal shithole because muh good wypipo genes are Europe-exclusive, it's like that because it's a fucking desert savannah with virtually no easily domesticable native livestock and low-tech farmable soil.
You can't tech up without the reliable food supply to support a large community. Google it faggot, look into it, don't just buy right into your ooga booga tribal in-group racial bias.
There are no such genes because that guy is a retard, but intelligence probably atrophies in the gene pool as it loses necessity, further compounding the problem
lots of onions
>Pseudocience /pol/ bait
>genes related to intelligence
name them, faggot
Genes only account for around 50%, the rest are determined by your environment (Not parents though)
So some indians and chinamen are white?
Throwing “your” women under the bus that easily, whitoid?
So it's apparent to everyone that a mod and janny is deliberately ignoring these chink threads on purpose right?
Bros a classmate looks a lot like old Audrey, I asked her for a date and she just laughed, and now Audrey ruined herself.
I don't wanna love anymore
If you can't even define the basic tenet of what you're trying to establish a global solidarity for, there's no point in arguing in the first place.
I'm not Asian, I'm what you'd call a nigger.
ITT: A bunch of ugly fuck dumbasses trying to desperately make a case for how they aren't the ugliest dumbass
i take take hormones to slow down the effects if aging and I had my balls removed since testosterone ages men rapidly. I take esteogen and it literally de-aged me by 15 years. at work other guys my age treat me like their little brother.
well this is me...
n-no bully
Africa has way more fertile land than Europe though, and it also has easier domesticable animals than Europe ever did.
Different shade dude. And chinese people aren't caucasian dummy.
based user owning these pasty crackers
Why are minorities so insecure that they make comments about their superiors all the time?
>not all of us are retarded
I know, just you lol
kinda. i went vegetarian and quit drinking alcohol and going outside without sunblock. it helped immensely
Here you go fag.
General conditions are harsher though
Yes, whites were, and are.
Non whites are useless.
In fact, if non-whites hadn't existed, the world would be a much better place.
Or worlds, we would probably already have a foot on Mars.
cute. would
Unironically PLEASE be my wife.
Impressive if that's actually you and you're 35. Keep it up mate.
Bros, why can't she accept what God gave her?
They aren't. Europe is temperate climate for the most part and it becomes a dead waste roughly every 3 months every year.
The continent of Africa is much bigger and has way more resources than Europe.
Why do you speak like a redditor?
Arabs and asians would have done fine.
>this is a 35 year old male
>A seething whitoid actually made this chart
Reminder that WMAF pisses off Reddit virgins and sends them into a spam frenzy of AMWF.
>different shades of white
> black fragility
very epic, please continue
Sorry BRO
a seething nigger made this post
No they wouldn't.
Sandniggers have terrorism in their vains, and asians are all bug people who only know about mundless ant colony-like work and would have poluted the planet to death.
Do hip thrusts then as an accessory exercise after squats. Cables are a meme.
Uh huh, yeah, name them faggot. Name the animals native to Africa that could totally be domesticated super easily as livestock to support large populations without modern levels of technology.
They had absolutely nothing like the pigs cows and sheep that let Europe grow as absolutely massive as it did.
They had Zebras but good fucking luck with those, and they BARELY even had goats.
If you're barely taller than an asian girl you have some big fucking problems.
The left because it's near impossible she is faking that face. The one on the right is grabbing her chin and has long bangs.
Racemixing of any kind is horrifying.
It produces nothing but subhumans.
Thankfully, racemixing is a phenomenon that almost doesn't happen outside of the United States of Amerimutts.
Until they find out about her side job as an escort who uses her husband as a gimp.
i diet and exercise daily without drinking alcohol or smoking fren. proper skincare goes a long way and most ppl seriously underestimate sun damage on their skin
Cope, incel.
If non-whites didn't exist, you literally wouldn't exist. Reminder that blue eyes evolved before light skin in Europeans, "shitskins" from the Middle East gave you guys most of your domesticated animals (yes, even the pig), and that light skinned humans literally evolved from darker skinned humans.
>my autistic infograph with dubious sources is proof I am anything of value
Try starting a farm in Africa without livestock or metallurgy or fertillizer you fucking retard
I call white Europeans precursors because they're going extinct, I make sure they're not jews first though before giving them this privilege
There is nothing more pathetic than a bunch of neckbeards crying over a girl they could only ever hope (and have hoped) of being with changing her hair color on a vietnamese cave painting blog site
>muh guns germs and steel argument.
I don't care or have time to break down Jared Diamond for you, but his theories are trash. Africa is completely full of domesticable animals, and Africa is still a shit hole after Europeans brought horses and diary cows and pigs and whatnot over to them. Africans can't farm. Ask Mugabe. He kicked the white farmers out and the nation entered a famine.
>Genes are the blueprint for every part of the human being... except behavior and intelligence.
How stupid are you?
>gave you guys most of your domesticated animals
Thanks for...
>that light skinned humans literally evolved from darker skinned humans.
Sounds like, much like how Neantherdals got raplaced and went extinct, we should apply the same logic here, since non-whites are less evolved species.
What race are you user? Tell me your secrets of being young looking and cute.
also gunpowder from chinamen
Sometimes on r/hapas the truth slips out despite the heavy anti-WMAF censorship.
Fact: there are virgins here who have trouble speaking to women in real life who think they have valid opinions about girls
I'm half Spanish and half Native American.
>redditor makes accusations without proof
very convincing
Cows come from Aurochs, which were an extremely aggressive and violent animal which was very hard to tame, similar to the bovines in Africa. Pigs come from wild boars, which Africa also has. And sheep were domesticated in the middle east, not even in Europe.
Zebras are a fucking meme animal and their entire reputation of not being able to be domesticated is a farce. Look up how wild horses used to look like before getting domesticated.
poor genetics
>I don't have time to prove you wrong but you're totally wrong
>Africa has a lot of domesticable animals like uhh.... Dude trust me!
lol so this is the level of discourse that race realists operate on
Not him, but cows already exist in Africa, and they aren't the taurine cattle that evolved in the Middle East. Donkeys are also a thing too. Of course, after a certain level, you can't bring cattle deeper into Africa due to the annoying tsetse fly.
And whose fault is it that they didn't have those? You're acting as if the rest of the world just stumbled into agriculture and technology.
Rofl... you need to go to 8ch tenda
Gunpowder was invented independently in europe
Wrong. Twin studies show that Black children raised in affluent white families still under perform in school compared to white children raised near the poverty line. Nurture matters as well, but its nowhere near 50%. More like Nature 80%, nurture 20%
>fake tits