
>a leak posts before the joker DLC reveal included both joker AND banjo

why are people against some leaks in the first place, is it because they dont want to get their hopes up? i honestly dont get it

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>didn't get Crono or Neku
it's fake dude

I'm extremely happy that he/she/it is going to be in Smash.

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Because "leaks" are either 100% bullshit or at the very least half true
That one didn't even get DQ at all

>Chrono or neku not DQ
This one is fake too, Fe 3 houses is releasing in the summer. Edleguard would've been announced today to shill the game.


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>why are people against attention seeking bait merchants?
I dunno, I'm surprised Yea Forums has any standards at all anymore tbqh

>The shilling argument
>When Banjo was added
You smell, Stevey!

>all those retarded fake leakers that said sylux before the MP4 delay

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Because it's fake, you want it to be real so bad so you post about it everywhere

>More FE garbage
I hope the leaker got lucky with Banjo, Joker and the Square rep by technicality, if it even counts at that point.

can you read? user said a SE rep, not sure which one , nothing confirmed in that department
i know you have to be careful believing leaks but being this pessimistic is just as retarded

Sylux and Doom Guy are now my #1 and #2 most wanted characters (in no particular order).

Ridley, K. Rool, and Banjo were my top 3 and I got all of them.

>nothing confirmed in that department
>despite the DLC already being locked almost a month before the leak was posted

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what does metroid prime 4 have to do with sylux in smash


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Vergeben, Sabi and the others confirmed that theyknew a Square character was coming, but couldn't tell who.
Get fucked, falseflaggin refusteve.

i actually forgot about that fact ups

Sabi actually said they aren't aware of the smash dlc and just blindly agrees with whoever sounds credible.

Someone tell Papagenos about that leak so he can get first rights to talking about it before anyone else.

oh nvmd the i thought you meant the datamine and that was after joker was revealed

maybe the leaker was dumb and meant he didnt have concrete info with "nothing confirmed"

Banjo confirms that you don't need a new game to get in.

he himself explained why he didnt believe the leak. he also gave pretty good reasons why