

Personally, I think Banjo looks a little weird. Something about his eyes is just.... off.

Attached: Banjo Smash.jpg (1920x1080, 828K)

Surprisingly, I'm one of the very few that feels almost as if Nintendo gave to pandering now and there's hardly anything that isn't rehashing.

Even the Banjo trailer was rehashing.

Maybe I'm dead on the inside, but I guess I just wanted something I absolutely didn't get which is something other than anime, rehashes and already leaked to oblivion fighters.

thanks, I guess. And thanks over details of games that come out every year on a new system.

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yes but I don't care
he's in

>Maybe I'm dead on the inside
not maybe definitely

that's what banjo looks like zoomerfag

yeah just kys at this point if you're letting a party game kill you on the inside

>not the Nuts and Bolts design

Attached: Banjo Smash 2.jpg (1920x1080, 916K)

it's the best way he has looked since N64.

It's obviously unfinished because Hero is taking priority and they aren't coming out at the same time. They announced it now because E3 was the only good time to announce Banjo in Smash.

He'll look better when he's done, calm down.

A part of me wanted the fakeout to be true but that would be too cruel. I’m happy for banjies.

they stayed really close to the original n64 renders, where banjo sometimes had kinda weird looking bulging eyes. this is the occasional danger of going for the "soulful" 1-to-1 character model remake.

It's a cute design, way better than if they'd used that dogshit nuts and bolts style or something. I'm not going to whine when this is about as close to perfect as it could be.

yeah his eyes just look weird. Like they're about to pop out or some shit

they are clearly making a new banjo game
Smash doesnt just change a characters design on a whim, its always a characters most iconic form or their most recent to promote a new game

+ that lucky the fox game (a XBOX ONE EXCLUSIVE) is coming to the switch
Mircosoft has bent the Knee

The Spiral Mountain stage does look pretty shit and soulless. Shouldn't have used the Nuts and Bolts designed for it.

All the characters look weird in the reveal videos, but then look fine during gameplay. It's because it's so close up or something.

why is he doing the onions face

eyes are too big, other than that everything is perfect

Do you go on /biz/.? Just asking.

I liked seeing the DK gang there to reunite with Banjo and Kazooie. Fine scene of 90's Rareware.

He looks so.... soulless

Like, it feeels such a cashgrab with no real effort behind it

Its also painfully obvious that nintendo is using the nuts & bolts model rather than making their own

Its really lazy and sad

I hope nintendo pulls banjo out before its too late

Is this the steveposter's last stand?

>Putting K.boy into a grave like in Banjo-Tooie
Honestly, it feels proper they've rehashed it. To me, his best features is how round he is for a Nintendo 64 game, so they nailed that part instead of making him square like the fucking nuts and bolts design

the trailer was really fucking comfy
>KRool is chilling with DK and Diddy at their house
>They start fucking applauding when Banjo shows up
We need a webm of both of those

Attached: cute posting.png (292x346, 2K)

>People get exactly what they want
Not really seeing a problem here at all.
Yes, Nintendo does have a problem with rehashing things, but adding a character to a fighting game is not a part of that problem.

It's not like they've made Banjo-Kazooie a playable character in one of their Smash games before, so this isn't a rehash. Because by that logic you might as well have called the first Smash Bros. a rehash because it had characters from all their existing series in it.

Likely the abuse he had to deal with at Microsoft.
His eyes tell a tale.
If only Conker could have been saved as well.

Attached: Look how they massacred my boy.jpg (633x423, 47K)

this isnt the nuts n bolts model are you retarded? N+B model is square

They should work more on the model before realese, especially those huge eyes need to get smaller.


I was more hyped about K.Rool in that trailer
He was fun

His eyes look weird during gameplay as well. I'm not sure if Banjo emotes at all in-game.

Japanese kawii pandering nonsense is the reason for the eyes

>Faggots itt unironically complaining about Banjo’s eyes
It’s so easy to tell who hasn’t played Banjo

I think its fucking fanastic, eat shit you cynical fucks.

No wonder. Its not actually Banjo. Its Steve in a Banjo cosplay.

>K. Rool just chilling with DK and Diddy
>Having fun with them celebrating Banjo
>Dies for no reason

Its because its legit the first time he has been given a proper redesign, Nuts and Bolts was garbage in its design. You're so used to seeing it in 64 , it's a little jarring at first, but it doesn't matter, I couldn't be happier and I legit can't believe I've lived long enough to see my all time favorite N64 game make it into smash bros.

This really is the end of an era, because no smash game will ever top this roster , ever. Unless all the companies say they can use them, which lets be real, it won't.

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>hurr durr le soulless
New material pls

Is this how desperate stevefags have become? Sad

I've played Banjo Kazooie and Tooie like 10 times each.

Yes the eyes were indeed big but not THAT big, also the pupils were smaller.

The eyes in the Smash bros trailer just look big and frozen with no soul in them, I am sure they will work more on them.

>banjo looks like banjo
zoomer confirmed

He looks fucking perfect. Anyone that is upset about this reveal or his design is delusional or shitposting.

from the sticky thread.

Attached: 1560272972821.webm (615x335, 508K)

Looks fine. It's based off of the original N64 look and you're just used to the modern version.

Never played a Banjo game, so I'm not particularly interested. Glad people are happy to see him, I guess. At least it's not Steve.

OP here, I've 100% both Banjo games on original N64 hardware.

Attached: banjo-kazooie-smash-1.jpg (780x440, 39K)

Post discarded.
Soulposting should be accompanied with a soiboy face screaming soul so it can be easier for me to not bother with garbage posts like this.

You forgot your wojak

He looks perfect.
You guys are just a bunch of zoomers that probably googled banjo and are bitching
He looks like the 3D renders, just finally came to form.

The biggest difference is the new angles and motions we're seeing.

Attached: banjo_kazooie___bk___point_by_paperbandicoot_dbyneso-fullview.png (1024x777, 558K)

I'm a doctor and I diagnose you with sad self absorbed faggot

He's right though. Banjo's fixed, unblinking wide eyed gaze, makes him look devoid of emotion.

His iris are too large

Ok sorry, let me word it differently.

Here we have the old render and in game moderl of Banzo, as you can see the eyes looked more "focused" on something, like Banzoo was using his eyebrowns and facial muscles more in order to look around.

The Smash Bros. eyes look doll-like, as if they are phazed out.

Attached: Banjoplz.jpg (1200x630, 136K)

Astral Chains is so rehashed. Fuck I hated the other Astral Chains.

And Daemon X Machina. Fucking hell what a tired old series!!

>childhood dreams coming to life
>zoomers still find ways to complain
This is pathetic.


In that picture, they're both looking at something in amazement. So it stands to reason that Banjo's eyes would look wide open.
But in literally any other N64 render, Banjo doesn't look like that.

Attached: Banjobear.jpg (659x768, 63K)

>When the Jiggy bounced across the room

Attached: 1381900780923.jpg (522x399, 27K)

I love you too.

Post an official N64 render to back up your point, not fan art.

Where the fuck are the transformations?

Moves we seen so far
>Feathery Flap
>Beak Barge
>Talon Trot
>Rat-a-tap Rap
>Shock Spring Jump that goes into Feathery Flap
>Egg Firing (and backside)
>Wonderwing (apparently you need to spend gold feathers)
>Grenade Eggs
>Breegull Blaster
>Breegull Bash
>Mighty Jinjonator

Attached: eV06wiN.jpg (1203x787, 89K)

That was an official render.

Attached: Banjo Smash 3.jpg (387x475, 131K)

His eyes are a little weird, yeah, but I can get used to it.

That was an original render.

>A trip died for this idiot

>Summertime Saga.jpg

I started crying from happiness when I saw them. Had no idea I'd react so strongly from something so small but Banjo was my favorite N64 game as a kid. It's just a nice thing to have happened.

That's all.

he does look a little weird
I wish they'd gone with a more updated look (Kazooie's original head feathers are shit) instead of just HD-iffying their tooie model

Old Banjo actually showed aggression, with lidded eyes acting as a browline of sorts.

New banjo is so adderall riddled psychopath.

Attached: Banjo Smash 4.jpg (806x373, 255K)

Attached: Banjo Smash 5.jpg (293x307, 66K)

>I think Banjo looks a little weird.
I was gonna say completely the opposite. I normally don't go for furfag shit, but something about the Smash version of Banjo made my dick feel ways.

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He's gotten addicted to some shit
He's trying to forget Nuts and Bolts same as everyone else

No need for aggression, he's having a good time smashing with his bros

That's probably how he lost all that weight in time for smash.

Banjo literally appeared first alongside Diddy Kong, it was perfect, you faggot

Yeah his eyes are wayyy too big. Kazooie looks great tho

Real talk, why the fuck is he playble? He's an irrelevant character from a dead franchise

Actual iconic characters like Bomberman, who has over 60 games mind you is only an assist trophy, but this furfag who has 5 games, 3 of which weren't even in Japan gets to be playable?

Unfucking acceptable, you can't seriously defend this

Attached: IMG_20190609_223545.png (301x375, 155K)

I actually liked his square design in Nuts & Bolts and wished they used it instead.

Attached: Banjo.jpg (1280x720, 209K)

Cry more lmao

that character concept fits right in with the old rare games though

Oh God oh fuck don't start please

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Hey, man. Don't make Bomber Man fans look bad.

I like Banjo but reusing a trailer like that was awful

>tfw don't care about Banjo, I'm just loving all assmad steve fags

Attached: tenor.gif (300x222, 1.6M)

why are you copypasting this post in multiple threads

Nah. The more realistic style worked for Conker, but looks like shit for Banjo.

he looks too floppy and his eyes are weird

He looks better than he did in Nuts n Bolts. He looks pretty good

Attached: HomeComing.png (1200x1778, 2.61M)

He's right tho, Banjo doesn't deserve it more then Bomberman, bomberman has had a good history with great games, Banjo can't compare to Bomberman, the only reason Banjo got in was Nostalgia and we all know it

he's been dead for 20 years.


the eyes look weird, too big. like what the fuck why do they look like that

He looks so fucking cartoony, I love it

So there's only 2 slots left. Capcom, Konami, and Bamco are still missing a DLC rep. Whose getting it?

Yeah, he looked a bit off

They 100% used his old n64 model as a base, it's perfect. Likely they wanted to get FAR away from nuts and bolts as much as possible

Attached: w2I9EJ.jpg (1280x720, 527K)

>Nintendo gives us not only Erdrick, but ALL DragonQuest heroes
>Yeah, man, I expected more
What, dis you want the entire roster of Tekken? Kratos from God of War? Fuck off. Nobody's at fault if you spent too much time on Yea Forums and basically nothing is a surprise anymore

I think he looks alright.
I'm surprised the reveal music wasn't the intro theme from BK. That would've made the reveal a whole lot better.

They nailed Banjo's characterisation so I can easily forgive the bugged out eyes. I'm fucking happy.

Nah they are bad already

I'm sure they'll make him more expressive. There's still a long ways to go before he comes out. His stage also looked kind of unfinished as well.

Third party characters look better in Smash than in their own games.

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As a guy whose not even a fan of Rare's 64 games but loved their NES/SNES ones, I'm fucking happy. So great to have K Rool, and now Banjo is the icing on the cake. That trailer was amazing, just happy to see those characters all back together again.
Also, the Banjo Kazooie GBA games are pretty great.

Attached: BanjoKazooie_SSBU.jpg (1200x1200, 147K)

You guys just aren't used to Banjo being happy

>falseflagging as bomberbros

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