2019....I am forgotten

2019....I am forgotten

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Hey they have to make room for more Persona rehashes.

W-wait till TGS bros.

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atlus is a piece of garbage, what did you expect?
it's going to come out in 5 years

SMTV: cancelled
Bayonetta 3: cancelled
Next Monlith Software Project: cancelled

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No one cares about Persona without the virtual friends and girlfriend.

Nintendo is holding them back now. Expect a PC announcement soon

Every single time someone said something about SMTV being at E3 someone who has any familiarity with ATLUS at all would say that it wouldn't be there because ATLUS never reveal stuff at Western events, why would you still believe it had any chance of being shown there when it didn't fit ATLUS' track record at all, as people would mention anytime the idea was brought up?

you're hurting yourself by not just abandoning hope

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