Is he right, Yea Forums?

Is he right, Yea Forums?

Attached: AshamedGamesIndustry.jpg (935x2382, 863K)

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Sadly, yes.

video games is a business just like any other business
is this guy 10 years old?

Not until he clarified just the ones at E3. Anything being shown off there is extremely tailored for profit or sanitized enough to appeal to the masses watching it. Actual art games aren't going to be carefully developed by teams strangled by publishers and stockholders-- they're the games made with soul and passion and no boundaries. Or niggers.

Hahahaha fucking SEETHING cuck
I am so happy Shitdom Come flopped

He's right about everything but the discord trannies hate him.

>waaaah the games INDUSTRY is behaving like an industry instead of being "art"

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You realize E3 is a presentation for shareholders, not gamers, right?
Of course they're gonna be fake as fuck, corporate suits love their jargon.


Yeah haha who would ever intentionally deceive their customers?

miluju vavra

Rent free

Attached: Red_Saber_Phone_Call_Sissy_Censor.png (850x1204, 1.38M)

Like fucking clockwork

hes jewish. only because hes european he flies under jdar

He's right, but it's the consumer who is mainly at fault. They're buying this shit.

EA is the most hated publisher, but they still continue to sell well because they have a hell of a marketing team.

wow big business entertainment is shit, like it is in any other medium
what a modern intellectual

Má pravdu, they can go fuck themselves

Attached: 1546753016708.jpg (360x360, 16K)

based retard

Holy fuck this isn't even remotely close to how that character speaks this image is an abomination

he is based and redpilled whether you soiboys like it or not

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Looks like you broke free of your """wife's""" conditioning.

Hopefully he drops Kingdom come and develops some more mafia kino next.

>Take canvas
>Put a stripe in the middle
>Gets sold for millions because it's "art"
I have never seen anyone as delusional as someone who is in to "art"

he's right but his boomer take on it is pretty old and outdated

all other media can be easly piratable and don't cost 70$ upfront plus mtx

the problem is capitalism

Isn't this the retard that supported gamergate?

Yes. He's the only one with balls to finally come out and say it.

>videogames aren't art
If more people understood this maybe we could go back to havng good games which are actually games

Fucking based. However not much to do about it, this is what happens when a niche hobby becomes mainstream and big corps take over. Guess this is what old cinema lovers felt when Hollywood took over and started producing all these generic summer movies.

We'll just have to find the hidden gems by small studios, and we still find them here and there. Bad news is we'll have to settle on graphics and voice acting quality because no one fund these projects.

What are you dumb? No shit he is right.

It might be obvious, but we had stickies to keep (((them))) announced on Yea Forums

Video games are a better industry than movies simply because small indie studios are much more visible. Hollywood pretty muchs owns the western movie market and the advertising.
