Doom Eternal

I don't mind the bold and colourful UI and pickups, the extra lives nor the Slayer's grunting but I have to say the platforming looks like it could get old real quick

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I filmed people without asking and got kicked in the a feral girl

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As long as there are no weapons with infinite ammo and no recharging gernades I will be happy sure it only helped on normal but it still made normal easy as fuck

How do you not cringe your ass off doing this shit in public? This is legit turno autism

I agree. It looks really cool but my least favorite section in Doom 2016 was jumping up that tower up to the hellgate. Hopefully it's more fun with the new aerial moves, but also not relied on in place of good level design. I've been playing doom 1 and 2 and platforming is not what made those old levels fun.

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I love Doom but hate platforming, it's hell

Cringe fest.

Subbed. Please make more turbo autisr

They are still going with the upgrade nonsense? Why couldn't they just do gun loadouts instead or some shit? Upgrading shit like every other shitty AAA game doesn't feel Doom at all. Doom should be exclusively about killing monsters and going through levels. Not pseudo RPG crap.

Maybe the blind man needs to be told where to stop and it’s why he’s holding his phone like he does

My largest worry from the trailer is the game is going to be full of those little cutscenes (the escape pod, the stationary gun).

I agree but in the other hand it really isn't necessary at all. You can go through the game just fine without using any upgrades.

the upgrades this time seem to be more like stuff you just pickup and gives you an effect rather than having to go into your menu and choose where to allocate energy/points

They will probably add the option to disable the grunting. It's my only problem with the game so far, it will get old quick.

Yeah but would be way better without upgrading.
>this time seem to be more like stuff you just pickup and gives you an effect rather than having to go into your menu and choose where to allocate energy/points
Well that sounds way better.

Upgrades would be fine if they're strictly pickups, and not just menuing.

Hot little sluts

The grunting can fuck off, I know it was in the original but it sounded cool then

>Yeah but would be way better without upgrading.
Fuck no, sense of progression and discovery is fun.
You can always replay the game with maxed character.

That is actually the logical way you would have expected classic Doom to innovate or change a bit without changing too much. So if they went this route it is way better. Its nitpicking but I just dislike how generic upgrade crap is in gaming. Seriously most games are pseudo RPG like this and its lame already long ago.

its so odd when you think about, even more so when you remember that the first 2 games, didn't even let you jump

>hey what does this series about shooting demons with big guns need?
>i know, platforming with dash orbs and swinging from bars

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>people are legitimately complaining about the platforming

What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? It's awesome and you can kill demons at speeds previously not thought possible

Doom 2 had some platforming sections.

Marry them. Take pics. Post pics of feet here.

Okay then fair enough. But how about give an option for guys like me who would rather just get all the good stuff right away to play with? Progression shit is fucking cancer skinnerbox dopamine hit bullshit.

your mum had platforming sections

DESU I would have liked to have seen them attempt to make a FPS in the modern times where you cannot even fucking jump. Just the thought of it alone is very intriguing. You'd need to have seriously good level designers though.

The demonic corruption bar and compass are pointless.

>What is Doom 2 Map 24; The Chasm?