What a cringefest this segment was
What a cringefest this segment was
Oi fuck you
I think you posted the wrong pic bro
You should have posted
>literally every other part of every presentation in the entire E3 including future ones
This woman singlehandedly made me realize that waifus are the only way to live.
Most reddit post of the week.
Bad thread
Roastie getting toastie.
>lusting over some roostie 40 year old
thats just sad. and gross.
This stupid bitch was awful. She ruined the whole thing and she's fucking uggo to boot. Fucking Japanese people fucking suck.
have sex
Fucking kill yourself now. No one will fucking miss you.
Most reddit post of the week.
>Woman comes on stages
It must be awful being a woman
I already fucked your mom, faggot.
will you buy his game?
Die mad about it.
Don't be silly, we only ridicule western white roasties.
>I don't like it so its cringe
>It must be awful being a woman
It is. I have no idea why modern "men" want to become "women" so badly.
The Ice-t bit before the Ubisoft conference was worse.
literally what the life of trannies resolves around
Honestly, Deathloop didn't look good
Go back to the normie websites you crawled out of you stupid fucking fag.
It's mental illness. That's why it doesn't make sense.
dont bully mummy
AHEM may I have your attention please
see this trannies?
you will never be as cute and genuinely wholesome as her
you will inject or ingest your hormones
you will systematically pluck every hair of your body
you will carve up your face the bones of your body and your own dick
but no matter how much you try no matter how much you long for it you will never be as woman as her
the freaks among you that are into women you will never have a gf as sweet as her and you will never be her
and those of you that are into men you will never have a single guy that idolizes your dorky and feminine nature as her
because you are fucked in the head freaks
what I am trying to say dear trannies is
>not the drunk Keanu tumbling around the stage. Tifa's reveal and the Avengers game being made by someone called Scott Anus
Reminder that this woman did character design for both Bayonetta and Okami
This game is going to look great, and furthermore, this woman is very good at her job
It's Arkane, they have never made a bad game, but we don't know shit because every fucking announcement in this E3 was just shitty cinematic trailers
The guy presenting Wolfenstein was way more cringe.
She was the best thing to happen in E3.
Please don't criticize my wife she tried very hard for weeks to perfect her pronunciation
>Dinga Bakaba
Gods, what a stupid name
Nope, looks too much Bethesda for me