Who is comfy here?

Who is comfy here?

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My cat wont lay on me but he likes to sleep on shoes

I am comfy.

cute cat :)

cat is fine too

I would take a screenshot of my cat sleeping on my legs, but my phone is too far away and the cat doesn't let me move.

Meh game, it gets really repetitive.

Cute kotter

I have always loved that Yea Forums is a pro cat board

Yeah, looks like.what simular game do you recommend?

My legs hurt

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Why, recettear of course.

God, the cat is so cute.

Gently flip them over onto your stomach.

Your cat is cute OP

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Dude your can is blurry!
Get him to the doctor!

You mean a picture?

I just got this game yesterday OP. Seems comfy but I read that the endgame stuff is non existant.
I really need a controller for it.


you look so cool right now, I wish I could suck your dick and bear your children even though I'm a man.

What did user mean by this

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No, I don't wanna my children to be raised by an animetard

Do you have bugs?

No speakers op?

Not comfy now but will be in an hour. Just finished at the hospital. Going home to cook a nice breakfast and play stick of truth.

Gamer fuel?

based gamesir 3w

deal with it
your cat will never let you move them
and if you try u gonna get scratched because u would make the cat not comfy

Thus thrash

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Enjoy yourself, user. Make sure you have a rousing breakfast.

Not anymore

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This is a good thread.

how did u manage to relocate the cat without getting scratched?
mine literally goes nuts if I even think about removing her from my legs

Mind control, user

i think its time to beat the shit out of him when he does that

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Thanks, broski. Gonna use my left over chicken from my tostadas yesterday, cook a sunny side egg, roast some tomatoes, bacon and a toast. Make a nice little breakfast

>chips ahoy

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Pls dont delete the thread mods
Its a gamer fuel thread too

Mien negro

Try blowing air on her
Mine always runs away when I do that

can't be comfy when its 31°C outside

>tfw 16°C and rain outside
peak comfy

Finally home

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I was already hungry and know you post this?