Anybody feels like Doom Eternal looks worse than doom? They actually listened to the fan base's critique and it doesn't look like an improvement.
Doom was criticized for looking like 50 shades of brown, which actually made sense considering the lighting condiotions. Eternal looks like a rainbowy gay pride on LSD, it's fucking overloaded with vivid colors to the point it looks like a LED factory blew up, nothing looks so vivid irl .
Doom was also criticized for the pinata sections breaking the pace. I loved that the Doomguy was ripping the imp's heads apart like a ripe juicy pomegranate giving me two seconds to wipe the sweat of my hands or make a sip of coke. The new glory kills are much quicker but they just lack the weight and impact, they look awkward compared to previous heavy weighted hits.
The new mobility, i dunno, maybe it plays and feels great but on the footage it looks like doomguy is done walking, he's flying now as if you were noclipping in half life.
I had and it was awful. You all fucking lied to me to steal wizardhood!
Leo Morgan
DooM peaked in DooM 3
Evan Allen
No. Kill yourself. Visual design-wise Eternal is a 1000% improvement, but it still looks and plays like console shit it is.
Austin Jackson
I'm probably not going to do the parkour shit during combat because it sets you in a predicable path, and the enemies have perfect projectile aim in nightmare difficulty. Same thing with the super shotgun grapple. Going straight toward an enemy is asking to get yourself killed when damage actually hurts. The boost looks really fun though.
The only thing they need to fix with the glory kills is involve less slashing and more ripping and tearing. And I don't know why people complained about them being forced in the first game when enemies give you health when you're low anyway. On nightmare it's almost discouraged too.
Levi Reed
It looks like a cutscene for a mobile game
James Torres
I just hope glory kills aren't a requirement like the last game.
Anthony Reyes
Everything in eternal looks great except for the HUD, I hope there are scaling and minimalist options, ideally bound to + and -.