E3 in a nutshell

> Tom Clancy Tom Clancy Tom Clancy
> "Just" $15/month for service
> Tom Clancy Tom Clancy Tom Clancy

> story trailer story trailer story trailer
> 0 gameplay
> tHe MoSt pOwErFUL CoNsOLe eVeR

> Unironically talks about fallout 76
> Paid crowd actually claps and screams for the worst game in the decade

Square Enix
> remaster remaster remaster remaster

> EA lmao

Will Nintendo save us?

Attached: E3_2019.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

No nintendo doesn't have conference. They only have ultra safe pre recorded video that's not funny
ubisoft was funniest so it "won". whatever that means. dance was fun and the people with weird accents were fun to listen

>Not Developer Digital
Honestly DD does great every year

Very good OP

[rapturous applause erupts]

>shitty CG trailer after shitty CG trailer and 10 mins of shitty Indies
probably not

Unironically I think Square Enix might take this one, just on the fact that FF14 StormBlood is actually really popular and a good product which is more than what can be said about every other publisher

Who the fuck buys Tom Clancy?

>Sony wins just by having a youtube channel
they fucking knew

>doesnt mention pps

Attached: PREPREPREPRESHOW.png (325x451, 294K)

I'm legit hyped for Watch Dogs knowing I'll most likely be disappointed.

>memeshow that outstayed its welcome
No thanks


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>shitty prerendered trailer
No, thanks. Face scanning is fucking cancer.
>durr let’s just have the same characters as whatever movie is popular now
They couldn’t even be fucked to give him johnny’s actual haircut, nah just make it john wick lmao the kids will love it

You're a faggot

Nintendo doesn't have a press conference and they will only show kiddy garbage like always. The fans will love it like EVERY YEAR and say that they won E3 like EVERY YEAR.

This isn't a mystery. No need to speculate. It literally doesn't matter what they'll show. The fans will love it and all others won't give a shit.

>No, thanks. Face scanning is fucking cancer.
This. I want actual character design rather than the scanned face of an actor.

And if the actor is famous, then it's even worse because it completely breaks the immersion.

They had a gameplay video from a year ago.
Also there's a fucking secret message they left for imbeciles like you
Finally, after months of preparation, we can share with you two big things we have been hard at work on — CP2077's cinematic story trailer and a brand new gameplay demo! Yes, yes, we know — for now, the demo is only available to the lucky ones who managed to get tickets to E3 and the rest of you will have to wait until gamescom or the public dev Q&A unveiling stream at PAX in August. Yeah, we can already feel the bashing you're gonna give us online :(. "Why are you not treating us fair", "why is the gameplay not being released right away?". The reason is we want to make the most out of the months of work we put into the demo and first showcase gameplay live at E3 and gamescom. Releasing gameplay right away would make the gamescom presentations pointless and would significantly limit our chance to build hype. Why do we need to build hype? To get more gamers interested in CP2077 and, hopefully, convince them to give it a go. We are putting our hearts and souls into making CP2077 a great game and we would like as many gamers as possible to find out about it and experience its amazing story. Also, hype can turn into sales (after all, we are not a charity), and good sales allow us to grow, take creative risks and deliver new, great games for you to enjoy.

And let’s not forget about one more super important announcement — the release date. Less than a year from now, on April 16th, 2020, you’ll finally be able to sink your teeth into Cyberpunk 2077.

Only one thing to get hyped for and it's Flight Simulator

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Literally me. I saw the landscape shit and immediately knew it was flight sim and I was just so happy. It better have VR support.

>forgetting about keanu and the tango waifu

100% agree with this nigga

Other than uuh... Cyberpunk shitty pissie is there anything relevant this year on E3?

Of course, it will be a VR system seller. They'd be crazy not to.

I'd sooner invest in a VR sim with yoke & pedals than spend thousands on a multi-monitor setup with a not quite right head tracking addon and retarded instrument gimmicks.

>Nintendo winning anything when the only thing they'll show is a DLC character for their party game to shut Yea Forums up for another year
The only winner was VR for actually getting some games for its barren wasteland. Pretty sad that most of it is zombies and robot garbage, though.

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>has the best waifu in the whole game development business and previews gameplay for the best fps game of the decade.

>being independent will turn us into literally hitler

>Ubisoft announces a tv series and a movie.

This is peak E3.

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