e3 is nearly over and i literally dont have a game i am looking forward to
E3 is nearly over and i literally dont have a game i am looking forward to
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then just kill yourself
Good. Means the propaganda machine failed on you. Go on, live your life. Be free.
My god I want to put my dick in that doll.
That's probably because you don't like video games. I've already seen 12 games that I'm hype as fuark for. Live a little, boyo. Games are better than ever and this E3 is pretty darn-tootin' good.
how i about i kill you instead to let out my frustration
but first i will rape your mom infront of you
There's several games I'm looking forward to but I also don't feel like playing any of them.
Feels like my backlog.
say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
Damn you have shit taste in video games, mister.
Where the fuck is this miku doll from
... he says while posting anime lol
no problem man
where do we met?
name 5 good games to look forward to
how about your home turf of reddit
Mario Maker 2 will save E3.
Too late
I'm already behind you
is there a list with all the games announced at this e3?
nice reddit meme
i will not. maker is utter shit and retarded
All I wanted is more stuff from Beyond Good and Evil 2 and I didn't even get that
i gotchu, homie
Baldur's gate 3
Bloodlines 2
Ghostwire tokyo
based soiyn blow the fuck out of their cuck fans
stopped reading there
hollys shit kill yourself
All I want is Bannerlord then I can have sex
i wish a creepy miku doll would love me
time to slap
>censuring a toy
Nah it’s just that games today tucking suck ass
I want Doom Eternal, only becouse it's just "kill demons"
. But aside from it, i'm also not interested in anything else
I am glad I've got a backlog of +60 games
The new EO game
that new Atlus IP with the redhead
Purseowner 6
guilty gear
Right as we shitpost, a Miku doll is being hotglued by a big autistic overweight backed-up weebcel somewhere...
Cyberpunk 2077
Metroid Prime 4
The Outer Worlds
Astral Chain
Bayonetta 3
Death Stranding
and a variety of smaller titles plus my backlog
>tfw I've been on Yea Forums more than a decade and have managed to remain uncynical
Don't let the hivemind dissuade you, Yea Forums.
hope he posts video
This miku is cute af. Can ya post more, mister? Thanks.
Evil Genius 2. Although I agree 95% of everything was shit.
Adorable. Thanksssss
meant for
Go back
I'll give you my list:
Harry's Burgers
In the Valley of Gods
Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem
Cyberpunk 2077
Bloodlines 2
The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan
Darkest Dungeon 2
Baldur's Gate 3
>inb4 "how we fix the horror genre?"