E3 is nearly over and i literally dont have a game i am looking forward to

e3 is nearly over and i literally dont have a game i am looking forward to

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then just kill yourself

Good. Means the propaganda machine failed on you. Go on, live your life. Be free.
My god I want to put my dick in that doll.

That's probably because you don't like video games. I've already seen 12 games that I'm hype as fuark for. Live a little, boyo. Games are better than ever and this E3 is pretty darn-tootin' good.

how i about i kill you instead to let out my frustration
but first i will rape your mom infront of you

There's several games I'm looking forward to but I also don't feel like playing any of them.

Feels like my backlog.

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

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Damn you have shit taste in video games, mister.

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Where the fuck is this miku doll from

... he says while posting anime lol
no problem man
where do we met?

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name 5 good games to look forward to

how about your home turf of reddit

Mario Maker 2 will save E3.

Too late
I'm already behind you

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is there a list with all the games announced at this e3?

nice reddit meme
i will not. maker is utter shit and retarded

All I wanted is more stuff from Beyond Good and Evil 2 and I didn't even get that

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i gotchu, homie

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Baldur's gate 3
Bloodlines 2
Ghostwire tokyo

based soiyn blow the fuck out of their cuck fans

stopped reading there
hollys shit kill yourself

All I want is Bannerlord then I can have sex

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i wish a creepy miku doll would love me

time to slap

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>censuring a toy

Nah it’s just that games today tucking suck ass

I want Doom Eternal, only becouse it's just "kill demons"
. But aside from it, i'm also not interested in anything else

I am glad I've got a backlog of +60 games

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The new EO game
that new Atlus IP with the redhead
Purseowner 6
guilty gear

Right as we shitpost, a Miku doll is being hotglued by a big autistic overweight backed-up weebcel somewhere...

Cyberpunk 2077
Metroid Prime 4
The Outer Worlds
Astral Chain
Bayonetta 3
Death Stranding
and a variety of smaller titles plus my backlog
>tfw I've been on Yea Forums more than a decade and have managed to remain uncynical
Don't let the hivemind dissuade you, Yea Forums.

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hope he posts video

This miku is cute af. Can ya post more, mister? Thanks.

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Evil Genius 2. Although I agree 95% of everything was shit.

Adorable. Thanksssss

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meant for

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Go back

I'll give you my list:
Harry's Burgers
In the Valley of Gods
Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem
Cyberpunk 2077
Bloodlines 2
The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan
Darkest Dungeon 2
Baldur's Gate 3

>inb4 "how we fix the horror genre?"