Post some video game experiences that are exclusive to Germany and germans. I'll start.
German feels
Other urls found in this thread:
>germany censored in germany
>mysterious challenger
Wow they Cavill'd Hitler.
Cool robots are preferable to sexy buff guys.
I think.
who's this fellow on the right?
China recently had that in some big game, can't remember which one. Or was it them being picked up by parachutes when they die?
Honestly, ti's actually an improvement, IMO.
Look I'm not going to say that is an improvement, but look at those cool ass robots. Even became unlockable characters in 4
They're no longer doing this, though. They've realized how stupid it is and that literally no one cares.
Robots>Buff dudes any day
you're thinking of the recent pubg reskin in china
>turn Adolf Hitler into Walter Matthau
>a Jewish man
>that one scene from Inglorious Basterds where they explain the different ways to show a number with your hand
Clark Kent.
found the shitskin terrorist
Der Kriegsherr Umbrak in SIlden will deinen Tod
They should have just used Von Papen if they are so much of a sissy to include Hitler
is that scene legit? can any krauts confirm?
I always assumed that was a satirical thing that got passed around as a joke. Same with the CS video where whoever was supposed to die would drop their weapon on the ground and lie down with their hands behind their head. Was that one real too?
ahh mein arsch!
oh das ist sehr gut jamal, ach ja! fich mein kleine arsch!
Good for you, german bro.
Is it because video games are now art, and are allowed access to risque things, or was the whole law about forbidding it removed?
Fick not Fich.
danke mein freund.
It’s real
I don't the think laws changed, and I doubt there ever was one to explicitly support the removal of visuals depicting violence. With nazi stuff, you can argue that artistic freedom should allow developers to show history as it is.
IIRC the law was that ART is allowed to do that, but games aren't art, they are toys. Thats why there was a movement to make games art at one point, so that they are allowed access to nazis, sex, rape, torture, and other such themes that art can use and sell on the mass market, but toys can't.
That only applies to art though. Videogames are not considered art by our government
I literally don't know a single German person that didn't just get the uncensored versions of the games.
>I literally don't know a single German person that didn't just get the uncensored versions of the games.
Literally every single person who had their wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/father buy them the game for a gift.
Imagine being a bigger cuck than Hitler. He was a beta orbiter who lost to snow niggers and now his homeland wants to brush him under the rug.
Who could it be?
Robo-Stalin, unlocked when you beat the game with Stalin.
It’s still not considered art. Violence is now more common in games.
I remember how Sony used the excuse of „greek mythology has always been violent“ to get the original God Of War games released without any restrictions in Germany.
WW2 images are a complete different topic however.
The government and society are still very touchy about it. Just look at the „Judensau“.
Some churches in Germany have an engraving in a wall where you see a Rabbi sucking off a hog. Luther was an antisemite and he made sure to let the germans know.
After WW2, the government asked the jewish council if they want those things removed, and they basically replied
>it’s part of history, just set up a sign which acknowledges the antisemitism lol
And just a few months back, there was a court case where a german jew sued the church for racism and other dumb things. With the influx of muslims, the antisemitism grows, jews getting beat up in Berlin when they show any kind of sympathy or being part of that religion.
The news were full of reports how it’s the germans fault.
Some politicians demanded a protest where Germans have to wear that stupid head thing to show solidarity.
So yeah, germany is as cucked as sweden.
>and now his homeland wants to brush him under the rug.
Nothing could be further from the truth though
Videogames give you this weird impression that Germans are trying to pretend this shit never happened
You can not escape nazi stuff here. Denying anything is against the law and its impossible to go through school without having several years probably dedicated to it
You think your history channel is just the hitler channel? Not even close to ours.
All this videogame censorship here comes from the fact that the average German is like 50 years old because we don't want to have children and our government is even older. To them videogames and the internet are scary.
Sad pathetic cucks. You deserve this but it's sad anyway.
Actually he was an Australian and went to college in London he went to Germany and joined a racist riot and was arrested for racism where he would write his book full of incel ramblings about being in prison which he sold so many of he was rich enough to become leader. He also made his niece sit on his face. Google it. Everything I've said is true.
This kind of stuff makes me uncomfortable as hell.
They're just abiding the law, they're not doing it because they want show everyone how cucked they are. Germans weren't the only ones who decided upon this back then either.
Looks like chabelo
>Censor Hitler
>Don't censor Stalin
What the hell is wrong with g*rms? Suprised they didn't censor Mussolini and Hirohito as well.
He's not german, he's australian
The entirety of this. Not for censorship, but for the absolute trash-tier quality of the dub.
I also remember when playing GTA VC they removed the rampage and gore. You could set your console language to english to fix it though, on the earlier disks.
Nah they literally removed the law. You can show swastikas now and everything.
They do get mad when Italy worships Maslini, and Russia worships Satanin. Basically their stance is "we censor our guy, and you censor yours", but nobody is buying it.
Chinese pubg
Ok, maybe now australia could start being less autistic
although they cared about different thing to germany, most of what triggers them is drugs and decapitation.
I would unironically love a planetwide law that forbids people to ever mention stalin again.
Mussolini is okay he's funny.
>Fallout still uses Med-X because Ausfalia got mad over the term 'morphine'
you make it sound like they just got pranked into it desu
If you are talking about the movie, yes it is legit.
>cant play saints row iv with aussie friend because they have a censored version that removes a tongue in cheek drug use mission and it makes their version incompatible with the globe
Are we also responsible for Stalin now?
>can't stomp on people in San Andreas and they don't drop money
>can't decapitate anyone
>rampages also removed
I had a pirated copy from Russia, and when I played it at a friend's house, I literally thought his game was bugged. Weird times.
They have Hitler on TV now tho so times have changed.
IHNMAIMS removes the Nazi doctor as a playable character and all references to him.
Of course, since you have to do ALL the characters stories to advance, you can't actually beat the game.
Honestly I'm surprised far cry 5 got through uncensored, did they let it through with the drugs because it was a big enough game that there would actually be enough backlash to possibly cause a change in the system.
>release lenin from jail
>get him on a train to russia
>give him a few bags of money to get guns for the revolution
the eternal german
I'm pretty sure Hitler was allowed on TV long before he was in vidya, censorship boards worldwide have always been way harsher on vidya than they are on other media.
Wow, talk about sending a message.
Censorship as an art form.
Could you change the suicide bomber to something funny like a man with flowers with a German dude holding refuges/imagrant welcome
Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it.
I dont get the second one.
>be Finland
>side with the baddies in WW2
>still able to have swastikas in army emblems and some state symbols
Maidens are traditionalism and that's toxic male imprisonment and opressun
>shooting a guy puts him in an endless state of despair and self-pity, a circle that cannot be broken, rather than simply killing him
Dude German games are hardcore as fuck
When you are so small and irrelevant, nobody cares.
Thank goodness germany didn't have access to GER during WW2.
Their science is still the best in the world though.
What I don't get is why Brook was allowed to say "when rice gives you rice you make rice balls" in the episode where they met the pokemon snap protag.
Don't fucking diss the dub you cunt
its legit.
t. euro
Now for another episode of Everybody Loves Mussolini
Australians are dangerous, trust me
Based ger/m/any
Fun fact. The Rammstein album, Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da, was banned from release in Germany.
>Some politicians demanded a protest where Germans have to wear that stupid head thing to show solidarity.
they can suck my dick I ain't wearing a fucking kippah
>love for everyone there
Dont listen to rammstein but what's the reason for the ban?
Draw who you think this mystery character is.
The apron makes her look like a certain nigger stereotype. It's an American thing.
one man was so powerful they ban his stash
whomever made this image is retarded as fuck
when adjusted the reparations, land and population loss was the most severe for bulgaria in WW1
whole europe was like that
an improvement that suited the experience a lot more, IMO
And let's not forget this one
Kraut here, listening to the album right now. What the fuck are you on about.
The video for one song was banned because it was very, very explicit, so they just uploaded it to pornhub. That's it.
"Becomes a communist-dominated shithole" kind of balances out the land from Romania, tho'.
Ok, what's the story with the middle one?
What has Stalin or Mussolini to do with Germany?
It is about censoring unconstitutional content. Japanese or Italian Fascism is not that lol!
>They do get mad when Italy worships Maslini, and Russia worships Satanin.
No we do not. You're making things up online.
>Basically their stance is "we censor our guy, and you censor yours", but nobody is buying it.
That is not our stance at all. Read above, game developers are just complying with German laws on unconstitutional material. That is all it is :D
>only robots allowed
>no terrorists blowing themselves up to kill a few dozen people
>still keeps nuclear explosions which kill hundreds of thousands of people
showing left one sign in UK is the same as saying Fuck you.
Backwards peace sign in the British isles means the same as flipping the bird.
>reddit zeilenumbruch
Verpiss dich, Jürgen.
"After Valve's initial fiasco with Left 4 Dead 2's box art in North America, it seems another has popped up in the UK -- apparently the "reverse V" gesture with the palm facing inward shown on the NA cover symbolizes victory, and essentially means "F U" in the UK."
Why would the zombie insulting them be a problem? Not only is it an unintelligent corpse, but it's literally the antagonist of the game. Do they not show soldiers shooting your soldiers in cod games?
Why do Americans hate the boobies?
American here
No the fuck it doesn't
Dude, he's from Australia. You just walk out of stupid school?
grunts were replaced with robots in first Half-Life
it makes trannies seethe
Cos in the UK the gesture on the left is equivalent to the middle finger.
Why are Americans so obsessed with trannies?
I loved that movie, I was rooting for him
It makes righties seethe.
Yes it is. Just google 'mammy'.
Why are Americans so obsessed with seething?
I can't imagine US stores would display a cover with a hand flipping the bird either desu.
it's considered rude really, most stores dont wanna sell a product that insult their customers.
Because America goes through another circe of insanity and keeps pushing it as a whole world's thing.
that looks cool desu
I don't get it, who is the mystery man?
French used to chop those fingers off of Englishman that were captured because we predominantly used longbows.
So Enlish bowman started using 1/3 as a swear/threat and its still a swear here in bongville.
Its fucking hilarious seeing asain toursists here constantly swearing at everyone and everything.
why are they so cucked
>French used to chop those fingers off of Englishman that were captured because we predominantly used longbows.
Urban myth, stop spreading it.
Its better to change it and not have the occasional retard complain
They didn't want a hand flipping people off on store shelves
The audio makes it funnier
Who could this mysterious shadow man be?
Most store sales here are predominantly from mums buying there kids games. And yes, quaint boomer english mums would rather not buy their child a game with swearing on the cover.
The origins of the gesture are entirely unknown so the only basis we have of its existence is the legend behind it. Legend being Frogs cutting fingers off.
The german dub was better than the eng one. Fight me, faggots.
remember that time germany gave hitler these rad shades?
Germany's obsession with dubbing everything is so stupid
But why?
i agree but it started because germany back then used to be influential enough that no one had to learn english. and those people that didn't learn any english or just the bare necessities are the largest demographic for media consumption. and even people
having only 4 fingers is considered gang related imagery since Yakuza cut off one finger when they fuck up. For the same reason the Simpsons have 5 fingers in Japan
It's a big market, just like France
You literally lose sales by not dubbing stuff
Understandable, but that's what subtitles are for. Here in the Netherlands the only things that tend to get dubbed are cartoons/animated movies, but not live action stuff
>Implying you don't want to play as Shadow Hitler.
That's not the reason though, many other countries even from that era used subs with similar numbers
It was unironically propaganda and you can see many post war movies changed drastically in germany.
found the frog
I like the right one more.
as i said, i totally agree. but the money they spend on dubbing is apparently worth the increase in sales they get by doing it, compared to the loss in sales of they would only sub it.
But the Netherlands have like 17m people while the entire germanosphere is almost 100m people
Remember when Fable was rated for 12 and above in Germany but you had ripped up corpses, a whorehouse, execution moves, blood, gambling, alcohol abuse, closeup of your mom getting her throat slit, beheadings and a stat that showed the longest distance you have kicked the chopped off head?
Do not forget that you could slaughter entire villages and buy the houses of the deceased to rent them to new inhabitants.
But C&C generals, we needed those robots, think of the children!
You guys are all looking at the locked character but I'm pretty sure he's just a flipped palette swap of Other countries.
What are you going to do you damp little man, cut my typing fingers off?
>my chancellor
Fair enough. Is the option to play with original audio at least available for video games, or is that always restricted?
it's always available. luckily most of my friends aren't complete retards and have their windows OS, phone OS etc. in english and play vidya in english as well. tho i know people that unironically won't play GTA because it doesn't have a german dub lmao
Most Valve games got fucked really hard. Most of the Zombie mass spectacle of Left 4 Dead was non-existent because bodies despawned instantly.
In TF2 instead of body parts you get random ass gears and other mechanical parts
I played Super Aliens Probotector on my SNES back then and when looking for some run n gun games I finally played Contra 3 years later only to find out I already played it in a cooler version
Feels good man
Collecting games in german is easier btw. You get catridges for way less like Earthbound, Terranigma and Goemon
>my friends aren't complete retards and have their windows OS, phone OS etc. in english
Lol imagine being a nation this cucked
Thankfully L4D is easily decensored.
Gore not allowed
if you saw how bad german translations usually are, you'd do the same. everytime i see a translation i have to cringe very hard
Germany probably thinks he was Polish
At least its not as bad as slavic translations, where they just transliterate a lot of stuff.
>Mount Doom - Mayнт Дooм
It sounds so fucking retarded.
The new Wolfenstein games are the worst offenders. They literally have a geolock, so that you can't just buy the uncensored version in another country. Also you only have the german dub and it's complete garbage.
I couldn't careless. There are much more game with religious item censored compare to nazi's imagery censored.
Add USA at the bottom, with the text "it happened, and thats a good thing".
And maybe the Russian flag with the text "proofs????" somewhere in there.
It’s rude here, but I swear to God I saw some covers the other way around. Might have to check again.
>changed all the Rockets' poses except Meowth and James
Meowth and James are nazis confirmed.
yeah i lol'd pretty hard when i visited moscow and went into a burger king and chicken nuggets were literally called TЩИКEH HAГГETC lmao
>EA refused to sell Dragon Age Inquisition in India because gay sex was made illegal again (or rather, it was ruled that the court didn't have the judicial power to overturn a British era law that made homosexuality illegal and theat the government needed to do it instead).
>Fallout 3 never released in India because the mutated cows are called Brahmin, the highest tier of the caste system and real life brahmins are the entitled little shits.
meowth is making a fist and james has his palm towards the ceiling, not towards the ground
They did the same to Registeel.
>Censorship as an art form.
I love that the censored for smash bros outfits for the xenoblade 2 characters were included as costumes in the game
It might just be general cero aversion to gore but its probably more because missing fingers are associated with organised crime in japan
>missing fingers are associated with organised crime in japan
Man, I remember that one yakuza 3 review where the guy actually interviewed 3 yakuza and made them play the game
2 had a hard time playing because lolmissingfingers
>israel not greedily rubbing its hand at the chances of exploitation
That was even worse in the HoI3 basegame, because they also changed the names of everybody associated with warcrimes got changed, so Germany was lead by Armand Hiller and you had tons of generals and leaders with weird names. Paradox then made the real names and portraits a paid DLC feature.
I remember when Assassins Creed (was it?) introduced the myth that thieves used to cut their fingers to more easily reach into pockets, and how this urban myth spread so fast and wide, that I was mad for years telling them thieves were missing fingers because the police would cut them as punishment. They didn't even have pockets back then, their money was kept in sacks, in their belt or hanging from it. Fuck. Worse than the english "up yours" gesture and the archery meme.
I filmed people without asking and got kicked in the a woman
>Paradox then made the real names and portraits a paid DLC feature.
Jews selling the Holocaust to Germans for a premium price is so filthy I'm getting an erection thinking about it.
Who could that be?
>giving money to the jews to play as hitler
That's so next level. Bravo, Johan.
Who is Hitler? We were never taught about him in German history class.
I hate fucking Jews.
t. larping amerifat
You are thought more Hitler in german schools than you are thought math.
Hitler = cool
The only letters I need are
Those made me chuckle
Or censor the USA for raping their buddy Japan in the ass.
The Medic from TF2.
I love how chancellor sounds like such an English word. Mein Führer sounds so much better.
why wasn't stalin censored. east germany was a POS.
>Benito a cute!!!
Based German government not wanting their citizens to murder their most beloved leader. I'm supposed to hate them, how?
If you win the war in Africa his portrait changes to this, iirc.
Nice maymay
I was living under a rock for nearly a decade and only began giving a shit about modern vidya few years ago, being a pirate nonetheless. Can I even buy and play FO3/NV uncensored off Steam without proxies nowadays? Pirated Bethesda games aren't great for modding.
God Emperor Mussolini
How we got our start. Made Indians seethe, made French seethe, made bongs seethe. It’s basically a national pastime.
It’s a shame he went broke. He did pretty good work in making Italy a country.
He did what Caesar couldn't!
Ripperonni in Pepperoni Mario.
I've never had an issue modding pirated Bethesda games. Skyrim and, FO3, and NV are modded to hell and back without issue on my PC, and I just followed the standard Nexus instructions.
I got new vegas on sale and pirated all the DLC and exclusive shit without the achievements breaking.
If only he didn't greedily jump in to carve a piece of dying France, he could've been rehabilitated by the rest of the world for his crimes in Africa, because they could use him against madman Hitler.
if you pirate make sure to get the right version of the games, not sure what patches have been pushed since release but most mods will probably shit the bed if you don't use the most recent versions of the games
>kept the tummy
no big deal
The shades honestly look better.
Media shoves them down own throats you're actually a transphobic bigot for not being fixated on them.
>Censor Hitler
>Don't censor Stalin
Nazi imagery is illegal so they have to or they can't sell the game there. It's not some personal bias against Hitler.
Didn't Italy lose a battle because they were busy making pasta?
your kind has been trying to destroy europe in their suicidal rampages since the evil spawn barbarian hordes from whom you descend were created so believe me fritz, it's for your own sake
Here's the theme tune.
>barbarian hordes from whom you descend
What does the rest of the world descend from, then? Did your brain take a shit?
germanic tribemonkeys =/= all migrating hordes
Earthbound was never released in Europe, if you bought a PAL cart it's a bootleg.
Right, what did I even expect. Well, this is a decent thread, even if some retarded monkey gets political for no reason. Just fuck off to wherever you crawled out from.
Did huns randomly shit on a map and decide to move depending on how it landed?what the fuck is wrong with their paths
Movies and the likes are art, though. Art and educational material are protected from being censored.
shit like this really makes it feel like they're hiding something
>not needing F, M, E, E, R and D
get out commie
Early NPC pathing was really buggy.
What are the cultural differences between North Germany and South Germany?
One used to be the poorfag side, now they just talk differently.
>east germany was a POS.
Give me the run down on East Germany
>side with the baddies
Finland sided with the one who helped defend their country against the other that was known for genocides and starving their people.
North is generally more friendly to outsiders and liberal. South is more conservative and people are brooders/keep their friends close.
People from Bayern and most of the south are essentially the rednecks of germany
All illiterate retards who think they are hot shit and end up passing out every night from the sheer amount of alcohol and drugs they take
>censor rad hitler by making him even cooler
I think the funniest part of this is that the terrorist can hijack a car and turn it into a car bomb. Which means the barrel is also capable of hijacking a car.
>People from Bayern and most of the south are essentially the rednecks of germany
What about Munich?
Based Cuate de provincia
Mostly similar with the exeption of some dialects and local cuisine. There is the protestant/catholic divide, but that is barely noticeable. Bavaria, the city states and some of the poorer regions in the east are somewhat different from the rest of Germany.
>people from bayern are the rednecks
Gee, I wonder what they would be
To be fair, they are the rich rednecks
I dunno how that works out, but they are just loaded but still retarded
God damn I hate their accents
Bavaria = Texas. Rednecks all over, and some rich rednecks in one big city.
Bremen > Bayern
What are German red necks like?
Made for liberator cock.
who is this mysterious stranger?
Bremen is a beautiful little city, agreed.Would honestly live there.
Imagine all the merry german types you saw on tv with retarded green and beige clothes
Now add %50 brit hooligan brain in
Dont forget a pinch of an accent gayer than austria + honest to god furries
>Texas = rednecks
More like wetbacks
Like american rednecks, minus the guns, plus an education.
You don't have to be German for that, most of Europe has it that way.
>i visited moscow and went into a burger king and chicken nuggets were literally called TЩИКEH HAГГETC lmao
explain this?
They were nomads with horses as their main transportation and way to fight. Rough terrain, natural barriers and fortified walls stopped them. Then they went somewhere else.
The sounds "chicken nuggets" written down in cyrillic letters. Presumably people who don't know what "chicken" or "nugget" mean will order a "chicken nugget". Its just the name of this american dish, and the name has no meaning, its only sounds.
I have to defend this one. It's probably not right to have realistic depiction of gore on store shelves where anyone can see.
America rightfully believes that chibi art styles are infantile, and appeal to young minds. Instead of pretending that only adults play these games.
Those are words I said, yes.
He's not wrong, you can see the amount of people that call FFXIV lalafells and GNF harvin as children despite them just being chibis.
>discuting something that happen about 2000 years ago
>someone still gets triggered
too soon, pathetic neurotic faggot?
daily reminder that italians are unironically extremely based and the future of all of europe
>fascist riot
>italian army singing fascist\mussolini songs
>citizens remembering the fallen fascist soldiers
>meanwhie if you dare to raise your hand in germany or praise grorious nippon in japan, you get jailed fined and raped to death by sandniggers
dont forget they got a grandchild of mussolini (also called mussolini) in politics.
too bad italy is too divided and they cannot seem to get the north and south work in tandem
Right wing politics are generally on the rise again in Europe. Stronger yet on the eastern part than in the western part. Probably because they take the full force of immigration but also because they are the states that suffered the most from communism/socialism and don't fucking want that again.
>third link at 0:25
holy shit i got chill
based italians
I mean the left looks nothing like hitler to begin with.
he's supposed to be like a senile 70 year old in the story at that point
The right is way better. The name fucking sucks though what were they thinking?
>quite literally has the highest concentration of africans in all of europe
>you can't even walk through the capital without being robbed
Meanwhile just raising your hand by itself isnt a crime in germany and nationalism is in no way shat on in japan, nor does it have any sandniggers in it
Italy is cool but you sound like a retard
The release was delayed until the cover art and songs were removed.
They're Protectors. And Robots.
>quite literally has the highest concentration of africans in all of europe
That's not how you spell Sweden, user.
>you can't even walk through the capital without being robbed
Naples isn't the capital, you're thinking of Rome.
And black people get mafia'd regularly in Naples. It's the citizen of Naples themselves that are scum.
>Italy is cool but you sound like a retard
You're just afraid of the 2nd Italian Reich.
I understand that Fascism was a good thing but Mussolini was a fucking idiot. He defended jews and had rich jewish bankers friends. When Germany too over collapsing Italy the SS killed them all. Why people love him so much I'll never understand.
How easy/hard it is to import another version into the country?
In the age of the internet it's idiotically easy. Piracy is also an option if you don't wanna spend money.
>Kraut here, listening to the album right now
Its a shame the besy songs on the album arent part of the standard release. Halt is damn good and Donaukinder is one of my favorites from them.
>being afraid of the italian millitary
>fascism was a good thing
fascists states crumbled even faster than commies one.
>hurr I'll just post memes from my containment boards
>duurr u must be american
Actually go outside for once
Italy has been the port for africans to Europe for decades
Actually go visit rome for once
Because he was a true fascist, not that jew-obsessed retard beyond the Alps.
I don't think you understand how much Mussolini is still secretly loved and admired by more than half the population in Italy.
>m-muh kikes
He defended the italian jews, rich or poor, because they supported HIM.
They supported ITALY.
this is absolutely the stupidest case
both censoring it in such a minimal way and complaining about the minimal censoring is utterly retarded. Its a fucking game with stylised chibi characters
that said
good goyim
>Actually go visit rome for once
I live in it, you fucking subhuman.
Vucumprà and Semaforai were always a thing.
Rome is far more livable than Naples or Milan.
Don't forget that the italian gubmint is not yet a fascist ethnostate.
Most of the niggers from Africa end up moving north to (((welfare))) countries like Germany, UK and Sweden.
Seethe harder, commie faggot.
that "censhorship" is the best fucking thing
>Average nationalism vs radical nationalism
One law has changed, it was even talked about on Yea Forums for a while. However, that only had to do with Nazi shit like Swastikas being allowed again. Outside of that, they just stopped because it was dumb and didn't do anything. There is still the occasional censorship, but it's very little and usually just because of stupid localisation teams. For example, in Tales of Xillia one character is named "Jude", which is the german word for jew, so they changed his name to Jyde.
It was neat though because it was a repurposing of unused content
>we must slaughter anyone regardless of their political views and allegiance, even when they're financing us and actively supporting us
This is why the mutts' Alt-Rightism will never win.
You're all fucking larpers with absolutely no understanding of politics.
Who is the man on the right? He seems like a rad dude. He looks better than that Hitler dude on the left.
Nigger my country is literally the ZOG capital of the world. I know more about kike shenanigans than you.
>who's that pokemon?
Shadow Hitler aka Der dunkle Fürst
>So yeah, germany is as cucked as sweden.
Yeah, no, not even close. Literally all of what you said were half truths too, to make it seems worse than it is, just like usual /pol/tard propaganda. Kys retard.
>a website made by a pro-refugee jewish organisation is mostly supported by other jewish organisations
Jokes on them I like spats more.
Blatant fucking lie you dirty greasy aids ridden rat infested Brian of an obese American, my mom bought l4d2 for me on release day for Xmas and it was never censored and exact same as USA, fucking kill yourself, all American are subhuman physical manifestation of aids and ebola in one
Confession time: I never realized that the hands were missing any fingers.
You're being awfully defensive. Almost like you've got something to hide.
Zoomers won't recognize.
yes they are kvetching hard
>the jewish council is made up of jews
italy gained land for switching sides, dumbfuck
we've got one here
>get BTFO
>w-woaw you're being awfully defensive here
deflect more you jew rodent
>they switched side
Nobody switched side, there were revolutions, coups, murdered regents and exiled kings, etc. The country died, and the new one that emerged in the same territory joined the war on the other side with the inherited army.
Thats not "switching side". One political entity ceased to exist, another came into existence.
we love our titties
lets get this thread back on track