What were your favorite things from e3 this year?

What were your favorite things from e3 this year?

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Other urls found in this thread:


get lost

Not this shit.

>asian woman playing off the kawaii uguu innocent charm
Maybe its the cynical person in me speaking but I'm not buying it. Seems she likes it anyway, according to her twitter.

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What game is this bitch making? I only tune in for Sony/Nintendo E3 so that means I haven't watched at all so far.


Ugly cunt stop posting her

Ikumi and Keanu

That a bunch of mindless consumer drones got redpilled on the horrendous state of the video games industry by this shitshow.

Dreams and expectations crushing and burning. Also old franchises turning into mobile shit.

Not a lot, but there are a few okay moments at least. The Devolver Pre-Pre show reading of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is probably the most self-aware joke on this medium I've seen in my entire life, and it was a full 40minute long stretch of improv gags taking the piss out its source material

My rig just died the other day, but there's no honest reason to rebuild it till Spring 2020 from these announcements

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>I only play AAA games that just released
Cringe as fuck, please just switch to a console you'll be better suited there.

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Please enlighten me then to the wonderful titles coming up later this year! Bannerlord is the only possible 2019 release I'm looking forward to and it's fucking vaporware

There's literally nothing worthwhile for anyone with an actually developed sense of taste.

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Case in point

Cope then you retarded underage

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Which joke?

very cute

Why would I need to cope? You're the retard missing out on a bunch of games because you're a child who needs to see a "NEW!" sticker before he can be interested in something.

so.. no one has noticed? nice

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>Maybe its the cynical person in me speaking but I'm not buying it.

Every Japanese woman is trained to be kawaii uguu from birth, it's entirely natural to them.

The entire performance. If you're familiar at all with the source material, it's a great deadpan delivery of UMK3, Sonya's carpal tunnel dilemma and Scorpions tax policies are just bonuses


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No, this is gain, the opposite of loss.

All of the thirsty dudes fawning over this ugly woman.

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is this LOSS

she looks much better in this picture desu

this looks so much like a cheap Death Stranding rip off

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high grade loss man

In what way? Being high cost production project?

How do you even manage to type with what must be like 10 IQ?

Death Stranding looks like shit.

Yeah, she carries herself like a career woman. I have a lot of women in my family that are just like that. She's an office cutthroat and she fully understands the audience she's facing.
Now anyone in her situation would be shy/anxious, she doesn't speak English very well and she has to address a room with thousands of people. So either she's acting like that because of nerves or they decided to put a non English speaking person to pitch their games to gullible nerds. Gee, I wonder.

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Most women without makeup look bad and she clearly isn't wearing much if any here. Still a cutie.

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I want to kiss her

I dunno

If it takes you 30min to type a once sentence line, my drunk ass should probably be typing out something substantial. Instead I'll encourage you to off yourself to make the planet a better place. Just do it and save everyone the trouble

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I didn't even watch it this year. That's how little I care about everything in life now...

I have (unfortunately) come to the glaring realization that caring about videogames, movies, music, books or even other people and their interests is completely pointless. Videogames are meaningless, just like everything else on this god-forsaken planet.

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>delusional weeb that thinks superior japanese woman won't cuck him

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>You'll never sit on a couch and watch Hellraiser with Ikumi for the hundredth time

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at least its not a open world walking simulator meme

Reality check:
She will reject you just like any other woman.

Why does Yea Forums hate her so much?

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have sex

she looks good. you are either a tranny or a seething roastie

You expect too much from the same board that will have 100+ threads over cyberpunks sun, tifas tits, and smash rosters.

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>you are either a tranny or a seething roastie
nah. just a dude that doesn't find ugly asian women attractive

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looks ten times better than the average wh*te roastie does without a kilogram of makeup

Based, weebs are just as delusional as trannies if not more.

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deep down Yea Forums heart, Yea Forums actually like her. but since she got famous on other platform too, especially twitter. now Yea Forums-kun got damage control and goes full on contrarian tsundere mode.

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this shit is going to be reposted for months

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Sony not showing up this E3.

I want to cum inside her so bad please let me have sex

Peak cringe. Based mayo woman would never subject themselves to this level of embarrassment.

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what's up with people sperging out over this tomboy gook

she looks like shit

spotted the eurocuck

She cute
I'm a sucker for engrish and little showy dances

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Looks like Izuka

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thanks doc

why has no one captured her "it's spooooooky~" part?

unironically this smug motherfuckers face

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She was nervous and didn't know English very well, she was most likely playing off her stage fright.

you know who's weird?

we must protect her!

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if that was all practiced in advance she should have gone into acting rather than game development. there's people earning millions per movie who can't make it seem that natural

>heh..caring about things is pointless, don't you get it
That's not what nihilism is you child.
Absolutely nothing matters in the grand perspective of the universe, nothing will last longer than a whimper, no legacy, no family, no memory, so you go and have a good time and enjoy your life. That's the only metric you can apply to your existence. Just have fun. And that includes video games.

thats youre describing optimistic nihilism, which also isnt nihilism

how about fuck you

Carpe diem, motherfucker, that's that OG shit from the Baroque era.

You're clueless, go away.

>neverending dimples
finna hnnnnnngggg

Tifa why are you hitting yourself

she and her game. only thing i was interested to see after mikamis tweet the day before

You're both fucking plebs.

nigger what you are advocating is thus
>life has no inherent meaning
>a pleasant life is then a priori "the good"
that is hedonism with a new coat of paint cockmongler

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Not this cringiness for sure.

Elden Ring announce in the end of MS conf.

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Wasn't she happy about fan art?

yes thats the point of the article, people got mad that she was happy

is this loss


people are retarded is the takeaway from this situation

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Oh shes super happy about it. Its the fucking PC crowd that are outraged by people finding her cute and giving her cute drawings and wanting to protect her existence.

how did the japs react to this

Trannies will be mad over anything woman related since woman always look down on them irl - on streets, workplace. They can only SEETHE while crying on the internet.

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Can't we just throw these literal, sad and fucking pathetic drones into a gas chamber?

Why do y'all always got to bring that nonesense here while we're trying to have a good time
I avoid forums for exactly this kind of bullshit, no one needs it here

>Hideo Koshema

>the fucking PC crowd
I'm pretty sure you meant trannies

we only need to do it for 60% of them

Aren't they all part of the issue? SJWs, PC faggots and trannies belong in the bundle of cancer. Even this place is better than that shit and that speaks volumes.

Jesus fucking christ, are these people just so devoid of any sort of joy or happiness?

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I hope Trump wins again in 2020 so they finally kill themselves.

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>The stick figure one

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I think he meant PC as in political correctness instead of PC master race

she cute

This is an anomaly. 30-40 year old women shouldn't be allowed to be this cute.

what a wholesome human being, we need more people like her and kino reeves

Pic related is cuter

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>Japan do fun thing
>White buttmad

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I want her to sit on my face

That bitch you posted is the ONLY good thing at this cursed E3. Everything else is just shit from Devil's anus.

God, I'm so mad about Tifa.


Looks better than 90% of white women

Nice headcanon, nigger.

>mutt metrics

I didn't watch E3, I was out hiking with a friend. Came back and saw this place was a total shithole and I'm glad I missed it.

Here's hoping E3 and Yea Forums dies in the next 10 years or so, because they're both trash.

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Cope is probably the dumbest buzzword on Yea Forums because the people who say it are almost always the ones who are upset about some shit. Case in point:


then reprogrammed with their mental illness


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unironically: have sex


You guys are really fucking easy to trick via pandering. Because that is a person who is trained (as in, went to school for and works in the field of) marketing.


I'm married to a loli wife that gets confused for a child everywhere we go so nothing really excited me this year.

Have sex.

The confirmation that the new SaGa games were coming here made me happy, so there's that.

>I didn't watch E3, I was out hiking with a friend. Came back and saw this place was a total shithole and I'm glad I missed it.

Don't you want to witness the worst E3 in history? Before the whole shitty event is canceled for good?

Well sounds like more companies should pander to us because it's fucking working.


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>Inside the head of schizo-user: "I'm married to a loli!" - A book on the dangers of Internet & Rage Addiction

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Those fucking nice hips, an even a little bit of thigh gap. I've blown 4 loads to her already.

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>when you can tell the ass is great from the front

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Have se.. oh wait, you can't. You're 14 y.o. ugly zoomer who will never get laid.

Have you ever felt so alone so depressed that you throw your controller at the wall and don't care anymore about this cool game you were playing.
You just go to your fridge and stuff you head inside. Waiting for the cold to consume you.

Not headcannon, but official lore. See:

20, fit with a 6-pack.

You are right on the "never getting laid" part, though.

>all these dumb gamers who don't get it
Microaggressions is the final boss of wokeness. Your typical gamer couldn't understand because they're not ready for it. I mean, imagine trying to kill the final boss as level 1 without gear, because that's what you're doing when you're trying to ridicule this.

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Don't be upset though. Sexdroids are coming.

When you say "us" do you think this was done for virgins on Yea Forums specifically? Because companies already pander to horny men.

I've never seen a picture of Shinji without a baseball cap on.

That woman and Keanus Reevers appearance, and I'm not even interested in the Cyberpunk game.

I feel like I should've understood this earlier, but I feel like this year's E3 has really taught me "if you're gonna announce a game, show me some fucking gameplay, or fuck off"

You ignorant nigger. The vast majority of advertising is aimed at women in general. Ads targeting men are for niche markets like gaming.

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Not gunna lie though, this ladies game is the only no-gameplay trailer of the whole thing that left me wanting to see more

She's an art designer you fucking idiot

Were you impressed by a gameplay showing? Because every fucking E3 people on Yea Forums were rightfully shitmouthing about no gameplay in trailers

Why are you trying so hard to derail every single thread about this girl?

The absolute state of anime fags

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Why are you millennials so obsessed with race when you all look ugly as fuck anyway?

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I bet top right fucks like a tiger

Holy shit shut the fuck up. Yeah they had rehearsals, so it's scripted to some extend, but just stop fuccking overthinking everything. That's why you are a social outcast.

E3 2010 was a complete joke, so ever since then these conferences are safe as fuck and completely scripted, it's boring as hell, there's no more fun shit happening anymore.

Sorry, but i'm immune to this cringe anime shit, I don't even know what her game is.
Now this on the other hand, is how you sell something.

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For me it's frankie.

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I don't think I like video games anymore.

This E3 was shit, since all the companies are focusing on the next generation of consoles but don't really have anything to show yet

Death Stranding looks like hipster bullshit. At least GhostWire looks like an actual game and not some cheap movie """"cinematic adventure""".

>""""cinematic adventure"""
I'm sure you mean strand game

>looks like an actual game
>no gameplay
Cmon lad, I thought the GhostWire aesthetic was pretty neat but there was no gameplay.

Wait, is this Loss?


I pray for an asteroid collision every day

Nothing of what Kojima makes is original and hasn't been done better before.
There will be soon, not like Death Stranding has any gameplay anyway. It's just Kojima jerking off over making actors do weird shit. You think playing courier in empty ass worlds is that groundbreaking and innovative? Were you born lobotomized? It was shit in MGSV and sure as hell won't be any better with Kojima's new movie.

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Not watching e3

Dude, literally no gameplay was shown.

>not like Death Stranding has any gameplay anyway.
No, right now your emotions are speaking, there's clearly gameplay which consists of delivering packages while avoiding confrontations, which can be either with regular soldiers or the BTs which, if you get caught, you'll be sent to Hades and need to find your way back.

>It was shit in MGSV and sure as hell won't be any better with Kojima's new movie.
Funny, because MGSV was a game that put the story in the background and focused on the gameplay.
You can call his games movies as much as you want, but I bet this Ghostwire whatever won't even have bosses, which even the most movie game Kojima has ever made already had.

Not like I know anything about Ghostwire since literally nothing was shown.

No, it looks like more derivative crap like The Evil Within was.
Basically more not-Resident Evil.
Maybe that team should have stayed in RE.

might wanna tone that seethe down before you give yourself a heart problem
ikumi is genuine and cute

>videogame developer
>woman on top of that
This is what waifu-ism does to people.
This is why "falling in love" should be considered a mental illness.

Cool buzzwords zoomer, pick 'em up on your way here from summer camp?

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she said this time its more action adventure instead of survival horror so i doubt its all that similar

Those hips

>being this jaded
seriously this amount of butthurt about nothing isnt good for you, seek help

>jaded = being ignorant about human nature
Are you one of those millennials who thinks the world is sunshine and rainbows or something, but then gets extremely asshurt when they are shown that that's just a childish fantasy?
Love doesn't exist, and relationships are more of a compromise to deliver kids, that's all.

have sex with her

Who's butthurt? We're having fun at your expense zoomie boy, aww, little zoomer got his spastic liddle feelings hurt because yellow woman gets criticism. Boohoo hoo. Yellow fever got our little Gen Z boy hard huh? Must be soooo hard to be 14 years old right? Widdle baby zoomie boy gonna cwy fow mama.

You sound euphoric

you just blow in from middle school emoism pal?

youre clearly upset that people like a woman which is alot less than i can say ive ever been mad about

And you sound millennialistic.

Funny, because it's millennials the ones going through a second emo phase.
>hurrr civil war incoming
and shit like that.

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Do you think other company will copy her next year?

>>And you sound millennialistic.
I'm 32, you dildo

youre projecting quite a bit yet claiming youre not absolutely bootyblasted, these mixed signals dont typically come from the emotionally stable

Aww, am I upset because some ADD teenager is trying to whiteknight his glorious ricecooker waifu? I'm sorry, I didn't realize how upset I was when I made funny images of your disgusting waifu bro, sorry man. Oh, how will you ever stop me from making fun out of her smelly face? Don't think too hard now zoomie boy, your parents might find you dead from a brain aneurysm.

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Hey does anyone have that one pic with all the E3 mommies I need it for reasons.

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>I'm 32, you dildo

Millennials are people aged 23-38

>you dildo


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whiteknighting? youre the one saving and posting her pics like an obsessed fanboy, drawing caricatures of her as well. clearly youre not ppposed to spending time on a woman you supposedly hate. maybe check yourself before you go around accusing people of mental crimes

I filmed people without asking and got kicked in the shin..by a feral female


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So, a millennial?

Shut the fuck up sad cunt. Falling in love helps you get motivated. No wonder you are a loser.

It makes you act irrationally over shit you make up in your mind.
It's closer to schizophrenia, if anything.

Oh yes zoomie boy you are so smart! Heckling and disparaging the yellow woman on the screen is the same as being an obsessed fanboy and whiteknighting is a mental crime of course zoomie boy, aww sweetie you're such a good little zoomer. Looking forward to your 15th birthday in 365 days? I will totally refrain from doing less-than.60-seconds edits with pictures of the disgusting primate looking yellow woman because that is sooo hard and shows how devoted I am to glorious vietkong waifu.

Only 10 and a half more weeks of summer camp til school starts for you again again


youre more invested than that my friend, maybe im an outlier but i dont take the time to make a caricature of a person i dont like, i dont make shitty memes about them, and i dont search for threads with their faces in the op so i have an excuse to post it. that sounds like something an obsessed whiteknight, or in your case a niggerknight, would do. i know its hard to believe people like thinks you hate but you shouldnt be so hung up on it, at least not if youre sane

Please bully me too.

lurk more

Aww zoomie boy is trying to exercise his brain here.
Let me share some secrets with you my friend before you need to attend your fortnite dance classes. I didn't search for threads with this ugly mongol woman, I happened upon it in the catalogue (one of channel4 super secret features teehee), I was so utterly repulsed by this revolting woman that I couldn't help but check it out, then I saw all of you poor yellow fever smitten lads with your panties in a bunch and decided to liven up the party. I wasted approximately 50 seconds of my life drawing that caricature (AFTER happening upon her ugly face in the thread) and then I posted her hoping to upset some zoomie boys like you. I even got you to say the big bad n-word, which is a severe nono. And constantly regurgitating phrases retaining to the mental health of those who are making fun of you speaks a lot more about you than it does us, sweetie.

>happycow sticker

I want to eat a slim Jim through her thigh gap

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shit, i got (You) farmed. well played user

i am now shipping tango gamegirl and keanu

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fucking Seethaga


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The best thing about her and the antiwhitemales brigade? She is with Tango and by extension Plat Games who are known for doing whatever the fuck they want. She is going to deliver a triple A game and if not, will be interesting at least. Her public image is already 100x better than the other FEMALE GAME DEV WITH FEMENIST MESSAGE ABOUT EQUALITY AND FUCK YOU WHITE MALES and this makes me a tad happy.


It's a game about Japanese people user. There aren't going to be any white males in the game.

>responsible for okami and bayonetta's art
she's already based

God what the fuck happened to this board
I remember 10 years ago everyone was jacking off to Japs non stop wishing they could have an Otaku Jap gf

I knew i saw her before. She was the bayo art girl. What a champ.

>but I'm not buying it.
Yes user, you're the special kid who gets that wrestling is fake. Wow.

>le cinematic trailer with zero gameplay
>le cinematic trailer with zero gameplay

Kill yourself all of you fucking idiots
you are the same as reddit and resetera

yes, trannies.

Ugh, can you like... stop objectifying her? Thanks.

It's called growing up and growing out of delusions.
Even Yea Forums can achieve that

imagine the lard hambeast behind that reply

This unironically.

nobody mentioned the trailers just the people, if you wanted gameplay from an e3 presentation then you fundamentally misunderstand the point of the event. but hey nintendo direct is in just a couple hours so maybe youll get your wish yet

>You guys are really fucking easy to trick via pandering
so, when does that start?

Im a fan of mikami/tango and yes that includes evil within 1. Im willing to give them some leeway. Keanu tho, im just enjoying for the memes

nothing cause i don't care what and how corporate jews are trying to milk my money with stupid things. so i don't watch that garbage.

Woah, what a badass!

>"actually developed sense of taste"
>t. pedo animeposter

This good boy

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and? Its a game made by japs set in japan. I would be worried if they included white people and forced diversity there.

Shut up, I was only pretending to be retarded-

She clearly had her teeth fixed dude

this, i swear this board is full of retarded mouth breathers.

Looks better here than at the presentation.

you swear by it huh? you found the subtle hints? followed the scat trails? youre a real fucking sherlockalike

When John Fortnite walked on stage

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That's it.

Ugly nigger dog


delete these demeaning screen captures, OP.

Noobs not big enough

Keanu should marry Ikumi.

That's the point, she was too happy and the troons on resetera can't allow this.
They've called for her to be "deprogrammed", whatever that means.

>"ripoff" of something is not even out
Pffwahahahahahaha. Drones, never change.

Seeing neo-bolcheviques talk about deprogramming always cracks me up.

b-but kojima da bes.......

I love him. But I couldn't understand what the hell the human on stage was saying because I was looking at the cute dog. Everything Shane said just went in one ear and out the other. Don't bring dogs on stage at E3 if you want me to pay attention to you. Rookie mistake from Ubisoft.

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Wait a minute... Is this...

>imagine being butthurt enough to draw that
tick tock it's time to dilate again faggot

What does dilate even mean? I've only heard it ever in reference to eyes and everyone has eyes. I don't get why people tell me to do it when I don't like a game.

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it's just a gross tranny thing

the surgery that men undergo to create an artificial "vagina" essentially just leaves a gaping wound where their dick used to be. the wound tries to heal, because thats what wounds do, and thus gets smaller over time. so to keep it at the "correct" size trannies must dilate it every so often by manually stretching it open and undoing the healing that has taken place in the meantime

I didn't watch stupid video game show

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Microsoft's conference was pretty good, Square-Enix's was decent outside of the messy Avengers reveal. Ubisoft's was utter dogshit.


People actually find this girl cute?
What the fuck.

Oh that's dumb. They should just keep their dicks they're cuter that way.

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i agree they should keep their dicks but idk if that would make them cuter

based and femininepenispilled

>My rig just died the other day
Fucking how?

let us have fun

>the stickman
what a legend

Have sex then

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What a lobotomized drooling retard, I fucking hate summerfags, fanbois and their logical fallacies and baseless conjecture fucking braindead ass posts.
>Not like I know anything about Ghostwire since literally nothing was shown.
The parroting retard can't rub his two neurons together to even begin to interpret one trailer, you had to rely on other's interpretation of 4 trailers to make a half assed description of Death Stranding in the first place. Between the Torrii gates, red lillies, tibetan monks and the paranormal entities and everything inbetween, GhostWire looks like a game with some actual plot and cohesion, not some hipster who watched 2001 Space Odyssey and read Time Travelers and mash in random washed up celebrities for his (((cinematic adventure))) "game".

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Me not watching it

Kill yourself redditor.


>muh reddit boogeyman
Take your own advice, mentally ill faggot.

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wow why do we need women anymore?

>isn't wearing much makeup
Spotted the incel. Look at her cheeks. She's definitely wearing makeup

>actual plot and cohesion
I couldn't care less about that, plot in videogames is a massive waste of time.
The plot of a videogame should be there in order to set the context of the game, nothing more.
That's why MGSV is, by far, the best game Kojima has ever made, even if it's unfinished.
And it's why I have faith in Death Stranding.

western women can't compete

>Spotted the incel
Holy shit go back
go the fuck back right now and never come to Yea Forums again you goddamn retarded redditor

Why are you millennial creatures so obsessed with race?
Is it because you are a generation of ugly, ambiguously brown racemixed mongrels and want to conserve some sort of identity or some shit?

Attached: average millennial.jpg (1920x1910, 917K)


Nobody gives a shit what you think, blogposting faggot.

>"why are you so obsessed with race"
>calls other people mongrels
is this a clever commentary? i ask because its certainly not clever

No, I know about race, but I don't care about it.
You do though, you spent the last 10 years in some autistic political shitflinging over race, even though you all look like the same kind of disgusting amerimutts.

Look into a mirror ya mutt

He replied to me, so he obviously cared.

i dont get the angle man, you act like you dont like bringing race into things and then call a stranger "amerimutt". its counterintuitive

She look like poorman's Michelle Chen

Attached: Michelle-Chen.jpg (800x1200, 170K)

You should write a book.

I don't, not randomly.
Millennials do, because a millennial is a rabid creature who has no purpose other than their stupid "culture war".
Everything is seen of their stupid internet conflict, which is ironic because they are all a generation that are the bottom of the barrel of each race, if they belong to any and aren't some racemixed mutts, that is.

are you faceblind? they look nothing alike

I mean, they are both asians.

>being trained

predictable, they still dont look alike and i get the feeling you only namedropped the michel chick because you are a fan and wanted to subtly expose people to her

I'm not the first guy, but I can see how they are similar.
Then again, I can't differentiate between asians.

I'm half white half black and it's based. I always have to laugh when white guys on here are super proud of their race

Stop fucking rambling, you mentally ill subhuman. When someone tells you to shut the fuck up and stop screeching, you autistic fucking eyesore, it's not because they care, it's because you're being a fucking autistic faggot. All your dementia blogposts aren't helping anyone, you fucking two neurons manchild. Holy fuck, my dead dog has a higher IQ than you.

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Anyone got subtitles for this shit?

one has massive dimples the other doesnt their chins are different their noses are very different, honestly you might just be faceblind

Bowie always makes me laugh.

still sounds like youre the one into race, also generation for some reason

Oh no no no.

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Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself.

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>wearing a choker
She likes to be fucked raw and rough. That's the universal sign.


Yea Forumsrigins fawning over this 3DPD is the best example how normalfaggy this board is

kys incels

Because millennials are clearly a stand out, they are a generation of autistic manchildren and womanchildren.
They are in their 30s, but instead of having families, with a stable job and a home, they are too busy playing Mario in their Switch and watching shitty superhero movies for 5 year olds.

They also turned politics and political activism into a massive joke that nobody takes seriously, and push to turn all media into propaganda.
They are cultural terrorists and i'm very glad to hear all that stuff about how millennials won't be able to retire, they deserve to suffer.

They have similar facial features minus the cheek and the dumb shaved eyebrows of course.

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>drooling retard needs subtitles
How do you people even function in daily life?

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Not an argument.

pick one

incels are normalfags, they just never scored because they're fucking ugly

Do you want to get married and have children? Where do you live?

>asian girl appears on stage
>everyone drooling over her

>asian man appears on stage
>pic related

Why is society so sexist?

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he just said it to subtly imply he doesnt like the asian chick, he knows perfectly well what was said

I can assure you I don't look like your caricature of a mutt

thirsty redditors aren't the whole society.

>arrrigatoo uguru make game goo. Spooky baranormal i ask dis queson evry tyme i go to donkeys.

>go to sleep
>wake up the next day
>get ready for the day
>hop on Yea Forums for the upcoming Nintendo direct
>white roasties and trannies are still seething over a single cute asian woman being cuter than they will ever be

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It's probably because he's specifically chinese

Man, like 80% of the people watching were spamming the Tiananmen copypasta by the time the chink appeared, it was hilarious.

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What argument? You can't even communicate with another human being, let alone carry an argument with all your logical fallacies, conjectures and blogposting ramblings. You fucking waste of life.

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This, Keanu, and Ikumi

hellow fellow ironic weeb, your asian 3D slut is roastie too

lmao this is the most pathetic cope shit ive seen in a while

>saved in a folder called my treasures

fucking CUTE

It's okay, you can admit you don't know english amerimutt.
>drooling lobotomised abortion of a human can only make strawman logical fallacies and is also racist
Sorry, I don't speak retard, maybe learn english.

Japan saving e3

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i know english which is why i have no trouble understanding english spoken through a heavy accent. it takes a retard to be unable to decipher basic sentences. liek hwo yu cn rd dis as im sure youre not braindead and can recognize lingual patterns

doesnt change the fact that japan is saving e3


Just a CGI trailer and confimation that we ain't getting an Evil Within 3 sucks though.

Besides inflating your ego and showing your pathetic grammar, yeah, sure.

>He doesn't recall that CDPR released a +40 minute long game play trailer at last years's E3.
You're stupid.

Attached: Cyberpunk_Gamescom_2.jpg (1200x675, 111K)

>le quirky gook woman

knowing english isnt an ego inflater unless youre saying english is difficult for you

Klausposter go home

I'm waiting for someone to reply to this post with
>but it was scripted gameplay so it doesn't count

It's more a sign of how memorable Cyberpunk 2077 is

Not very, to say the least

meant to reply to

It was scripted fucking bullshit which doesn't reflect at all how the game is gonna be.

Am I just out of touch if I don’t talk like this at my age

Because I think I can live with that

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It's okay ESL, nobody gives a shit that you delude yourself into thinking you have any sort of mastery over english. Your piss poor grammar and misinterpretation of my replies is enough. You and your ego can cuddle at night safe and sound, shhh, it's alright.

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Do you think you would be able to see anything different if thay went for gameplay video for e3 instead of cinematic one?
Or are you actually retarded enough that you believe that once someone walks on stage with a controller in hand then it suddenly is a live gameplay instead of a script?

>Im a fan of mikami/tango and yes that includes evil within 1

Evil Within 1 is the single best designed game Mikami ever made. Barring the shitty stealth, it has the best resource management system of the horror genre.

Fuck every single casual pussy that made the sequel be so fucking neutered. Sebastian couldn't run that much in the first game because you needed to make every movement count.

I know Mikami wants to groom a bunch of directors in his company but so far they've haven't been doing that much of a good job. Hopefully this chick can do better.

never thought id be the one to say this but youre coping pretty hard there

based frankie-bro

I'm most looking forward to seeing Nintendo Treehouse's Sam! I want to protect her smile!

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>c-cope backpedaling
Cope with what? I don't care how retarded you are but hey, at least your grammar is consistently
fucking abysmal. Congrats! You can feel very proud of that, phoneposting illiterate faggot.

well generally esl wouldve been your first ad hominem but you waited until i made my point. it struck a nerve and you lashed out to cope. simple as that. its okay to act retarded but when someone explains why acting retarded makes you no better than a retard try not to get mad. also nice job deleting the post with the weebshit attached and adding that bit about phoneposting, really reveals the level of effort youre putting into this cope

oh shit you deleted it again, this time for no real reason. im gonna leave you alone now, i feel bad causing you this much distress

>it's based
LMAO keep telling yourself that

>women does extremely fake behaviour indicating she's a manipulative psycho
>Brainlets on Yea Forums don't understand this and fall for the manipulation
I'm surrounded by zoomers.

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A wild incel appears.

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no no, the incels are the ones that like her

the only one insecure about my racial makeup is you and other white guys on this site

>abysmal grammar
>can't interpret basic sentences
>buzzwords which he can't even use properly, not that the majority of this board can
>still claims he's not ESL
Now that's a cope.



>i hate asian women
wow very racist of you to hold such vile stereotypes

western 'women' when will they learn

>sincere human emotion is expressed by genuinely feminine female within a context of stale rehearsed lies and bullshit in an industry completely devoid of any creativity or dignity
nah go fuck yourself she was refreshing

>esl wouldve been your first ad hominem
With how bad your english is from grammar to basic interpretation, you're below an ESL, especially since you don't even know what a logical fallacy is.
>made my point
That you're retarded and want to stroke your ego? Yeah, everyone can read it.
>it struck a nerve and you lashed out to cope
Being called out for being a retard isn't lashing out, I don't give a shit how autistic you are and how delusional you think you are.
Why do people like you even come here? Maybe go back, reddit seems more your speed.
>adding that bit about phoneposting
Not that your invalid ass could use a keyboard anyway.
>really reveals the level of effort youre putting into this cope
What flattery from a delusional lobotomised faggot.
And I didn't delete shit but you can keep having your hallucinations.

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>even though the suspect wore a mask, we still know he's a dindu

the projecting tards on here think everything is ingenuine because they have no real convictions in life, also they lack social expertise so they cant read body language. its not their fault they turned out this way, its this society

Cyberpunk 2077 everything else is lies and bullshit

She looks nice to me. Have you ever been with a woman user?

solid 7/10 nipnip

Would make sweet, sweet love to this nip


Its not natural, they are faking it.

>we live in a society
Maybe if you'd go out more and not let all the bullshit online fry your neurons slowly, you'd realise there are nice people out there who still have a passion for the arts and want to do something genuine, it's more commonplace with AA titles and indies, AAA titles are just products, husks who have to please suits who only care about profit. You can't see the forest for the trees.

i was mostly being sarcastic but cmon, current gen tech and the culture that has risen around it is not good for social health and you know it