Final Fantasy VIII Remaster

Are you going to pick this up on top of FFVII? Haven't played this in a very long time.

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Yes. I love FFVIII. Also, is the FFVII Remake still in parts? There was no 'part 1' at the end of the trailer. Have I missed something?

Did you guys appreciate the level scaling the first time? Did not realise it was there until much later.

No idea. Bloody well hope not. That'd be real Jewish of them.

I never finished VIII, and this looks way better than their previous remasters so I'll finally finish every FF game with this.

I'm already playing it on my phone so probably not.

first time i played the game i walked around most of galbadia until i figured out i had to go to that tiny forest so i was massively overlevelled and under magic'd and died to basically every boss in disc 2

>looks way better than their previous remasters
This for sure. I was unreasonably happy when I saw that the font looked the same. FF9 HD was so soulless.

I'm going to pick this up INSTEAD of the FFVIIR.

I'm not picking anything up unless it is a turn-based JRPG with weeb shit and cute girls wearing little clothing

i'll only touch ff7R if it is on pc and moddable.

Did the you like the girls in VII or VIII better?

Yeah. They mentioned during the conference that the first part only takes place in Midgar, and said the same thing in a press release.

Depends on if it's a lazy port or not. I don't really care about the updated models, but if I can get it on Steam and switch the language to Japanese, that'll help convince me. I can just emulate the Japanese PSX version, but it doesn't have the Swap option the English version has, and it really irritated me when I did emulate the Nip PSX version.


Relm and Eiko

If these three girls are analogous to the three witches,
Which is which, witch?

VIII overall, but Tifa on her own is better than the girls in VIII.

looks like shit, what did they remastered lol ? Increase the resolution on the textures

It will make modding easier too

What looks so good about it? Is it just the character models? That's all I noticed.

>FF9 HD was so soulless.

use mods

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if they do this right it could be exactly what a final fantasy remaster should be.
just make everything work properly, make the graphics sharp and clear but otherwise the same. maybe some basic qol but that's it.
not fuckin' ruin the UI or art style like most of the final fantasy rereleases.

but they'll probably fuck something up.

Well Rinoa is Ultimecia


I'm a console pleb, user.

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I'm so sorry

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that looks fuckin disgusting

This looks fine

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Rinoa is a whore but Quistis and Selphie more than make up for that, so VIII.

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looks like that shitty photoshop filter

Do people think Jk Rowling copied this game for her Harry Potter series?

I like trains too...

Oh sorry Quistis is Ultimecia

>looks like any other HD texture mod
>same animations with PS1 jitter

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At least DarkSydePhil might finally play this game

>mash square to win
That's a nah from me.

He's in.

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better than a remake that butchers the game

Top tier taste

Why do they never incorporate cut content in these remasters? Like sidequests they originally cut from the ps1 version or add more hidden summons?

I get a boner everytime i see selphie because I once read a trashy porn fiction about squall fucking selphie while they were on a train when i was young

At least VIII Remaster will be a full game and not cut into pieces like VII Remake.

The first 2 disc of viii is still the kinoest FF, too bad it shat the bed later.

Shit, should've seen the fucking 8, I thought it was 7 remake.
My fucking bad.

I-VI remaster, when?

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I take it that they had to reverse engineer the PC version again since they admitted to losing the original assets.

What implication will this have?

Because these are basically mods. They have as much of the assets and code as you and modders do.

>What implication will this have?

Well, all we've seen are asset swaps which don't require access to the code. They most likely don't have much in the way of being able to access the innate code and simply work the game on other platforms through a compatibility layer of sorts.


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Thank God its not that though.
They actually changed his hair and the fur collar in the model itself. He looks closer to his Dissidia model

Absolutely horrifying. Squall actually looks like a human being in the remaster.

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shame they dulled his hair color so much

did they cut zell out of the remaster

He looks really cool here. Square actually put some effort in.

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Actual FF8 remake when?

>thought it was a remake until I actually watched the trailer
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined

Probably never.
They're only doing FF7 remake due to rapid fan demand. Im pretty sure after they're done with that they will continue on with FF16

If FF7R sells well

First FF6 Remake, fhen 9, then 8.

Realistically, what are the odds of darksydephil playing this game once its remastered?

doesn't make sense

Is this the Moguri Mod?

Can someone explain to me why people like this game so much? Ever since my youth it always looked like a textbook example of bad Final Fantasy ideas. Fucking junction system, Titanit-tier romance, and the start of "Nomura at his finest."
I feel like I may have missed the boat on this one because I'm not 14 anymore. I feel like it's one of those games that's most influential in your adolescent formative years, which is the case for not just most FF games, but quite a lot of JRPG's.
When people try to extrapolate depth from "Whatever," I'm getting flashbacks from when people would try to deconstruct the "I don't like sand" monologue from Attack of the Clones. The low lighting is a metaphor for darkness!

The first disc was stellar, great atmosphere, the mystery about the visions was interesting, great OST of Uematsu in his prime.

Then it all starts to go to shit and they abviously rushed/cut a shitload out of the final discs. The plot and vaillain motivations make no fucking sense.

Don't use 2nd best girl to shitpost
Rinoa is precious and best girl

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>*brainwashes you into loving her*

it was really unique at the time. It also graphically was more similar to resident evil, "realistic" compared to FF7s chibi.

>upping the resolution and aspect ration with no source
how is this supposed to work?

I really like the segment where you have to catch Rinoa drifting in space, the card game, overall designs, and of course the OST.

Replaying this is out of question though, will probably feel like complete rubbish now.


change my mind

Alright, but it's not 1999 anymore. It's present day 2019, 20 years later, on a Yea Forums thread hyping the remaster, with people hoping for a FF8 remake like FFVII. How do you look at the game outside of being a product of its time? Is there a way to look at this with new eyes, or was that never part of the intention?
I get wanting to replay FFVII or IX or VI, but what on God's green earth is supposed to be redemptive about VIII? In any time period? I feel like I'm being harsh but I seriously don't get it, it was not an enjoyable experience for me for several reasons.

no need to she's lovable as is

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FF8 is my favorite FF game. Of course I'm going to pick it up. They did well with the character models, too. Though I'm more than a little disappointed that half of the trailer was just the opening cutscene/scenes from the game completely unaltered. Showing more of the remastered stuff would have been better.

I hope the remaster is moddable on PC, KH2 Squall head would look good on that torso

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Maybe there's nothing more to show?
Modding scene will make better backgrounds happen anyway

>I get wanting to replay FFVII or IX or VI

And I don't.

Look you silly shit you can't go around asking people to sell you on a game you are saying you don't like. What a stupid fart you are.

This is why I say probably missed my adolescent window. Even if you have the rose tinted goggles, it seems like it would still be hard to go back to, a lot of sections that I would flat-out not want to replay.
But all the best stories in FF were from when the game looked like a puppet show.

I already have it plus some mods on the PC, it looks fine i don't get what this will improve

That's because the puppet master was around

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Better chara models and better modding basis(probably) since it's most likely in Unity

actualyl nevermind i forgot how shit the original models looked

I'm at least curious why the general ranking and reception of VIII has changed, as I still remember a time where nobody respected this game and considered it the start of a downward trajectory and a pioneer of bad trends. I figured maybe folks like you knew something that I didn't, but now I regret to report that's clearly not the case.

Too bad this new haircut is completely off

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The fuck are you on. VIII has always been divisive and still is. You either love it or hate it. Personally i love it, have played it dozen times. Played it again last year and still love it. Sure the flaws are more noticeable these days however so does the good part.

Quisitis is PURE

You think the opinion of Spoony fanboys shitting up every FF8 thread actually matters?

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Your memory implant is acting up after the quantum jump.

FF8 is literally proto-Persona 3.

pretty based

Those are two of my favorite games of all time. Favorable comparison.


Persona series is a good example of how much intellectual property you can steal and get away with it, considering it's all just a retelling of JoJo parts for each game

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I know this won't happen, but I really wish that they'd touch upon the mechanics as well. I love the junction system, but it's just too easy to break the game and go around avoiding fights. That was fun enough for a few playthroughs, but enough's enough.

Fuck just realized this. There is something about introverted MC that i really like.


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can't wait to triple triad my way through the game again

>the random rule has spread throughout your region

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>Still don't have CRT blacks + artifacts ruin the art
Keep gobbling cock, pleb

FFVIII the optimum way 101
1. Don't level up
2. Use Seifer to level everything to 100 in the dollet section so you can unlock all the -ga spells
3. Learn card and starts powerlevelling AP by carding enemies (0 exp gained)
4. Get all the GF with stat boosts
5. Equip them and level everyone to max level in Island of Hell/Heaven
6. Beat all superboss with Zell

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Who is that? Because it sure as hell doesn't look like Squall.
If you want to play the golden era of gaming you need a CRT

Or just play at your own pace and enjoy the story
Fuck min maxing

Are they going to fix the translation? I heard it had a bunch of errors that obscure the story originally.

I mean sure that's the "Optimum" way, but also sounds like the absolute dumbest, least fun way of doing it. The game's easy enough as it is, why bother going to all that effort to make it even easier?

Nice mistranslations there

Reminder that these are because of lazy translator work and translator wanting to change Squall into a different character

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>bothering with the Seifer grind when you can just Card Mod and Refine your way to victory in much less time
Pleb. Don't make breaking FF8 more complicated than it has to be. The game is more fragile than a glass hemophiliac baby.

Hell yeah. Been wanting to replay FF8 for a long time. Faces look a lot better than that godawful fan mod. Just improve the backgrounds and I'll take it.

>here's how to break the game
>grind like a motherfucker

No thanks

Background improvements are guaranteed at this point, if whoever they outsourced it to won't do it - the fans will

Put Aigis in FFVIII Remaster

This actually made me so unreasonably happy. I've probably played through FFVIII 15+ times, easily my favorite game of the series.

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imagine buying the censored FF7 remake instead of the truthful FF8 remaster

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shame 8 won't have a better translation then

Yellow dress
Cute smile
I want to
Fuck you so hard

This was a haiku btw.

I actually like the idea of enemies scaling up with you and wish more games does it. Sometimes i just want to see bigger numbers, unlocking more skills/moves without actually trivialize everything the main story has to offer.

I'm gonna guess no. All the skills were still named as they were in the original, and a passover on the script would probably take more time than porting the Dissidia models they're using here.

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Explain because I can only see P4
Persona 3 is just Evangelion and Persona 5 I don't know

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FFX remake when?

its still in 2 parts and dont be fucking retarded, FF7 is huge and them putting a lot more detail into everything makes it way too big for a single game, at least from a production standpoint.

just compare the bossfight they showed to the original

VII had better girls. Rinoa is too bubbly, Selphie is just dumb. Quistis is okay but she’s milf tier

>okay but she’s milf tier
You're saying it like it's a bad thing.

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>one or two years older than the protag at most

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The grind to 100 in 8 is actually not bad at all. The end game does get really hard if you’re low level. I haven’t played in years but I think it only took me a couple hours to get 3 characters up to 100

>on top of FFVII

It definitely wasn't.

this. Fuck if that first disk isn't one of the best self-contained stories they've ever made. Really lends credence to the whole Squall is dead theory too

Wtf you’re right.

This is actually my very first exposure to JRPG and turn based system, So i kinda have a weird nostalgic boner but i won't buy it, waiting for a true remake.

>Persona 3 is just Evangelion
I wrote an entire autistic rant on this once. I love P3 and NGE, so it wasn't insulting or anything. But man, P3 stole almost EVERYTHING about it from Eva.

Reminder Seifer is pre-op Ultimecia

>Quistis is okay but she’s milf tier
She's 18

Discs 1 AND 2 were perfect. It didn't start shitting the bed until Disc 3, when Rinoa gets KOd. Maybe the theory should be Rinoa Is Dead. Mix up R=U and S=D.

Buy it and don't play it. They're not going to make a remake of there's no interest aka customers


I can still remember getting my demo copy of FF8 included when I bought Brave Fencer Musashi and sitting there jaw on the floor with the difference in graphics from 7 to 8. The characters literally looked real.

I must've played that Dollet mission at least a few dozen times before I even picked up the full game

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When the game starts off she’s your teacher and she feels way older. Even when you learn she’s not much older the feeling doesn’t really go away

I'm Seething now that I can't shit on FF8 fags anymore. Fucking Square

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What about r/K selection theory?

>The end game does get really hard if you’re low level
no it fucking doesn't. This game rewards you for NOT leveling up

I can't wait to see an updated version of that image with the remaster

Based brainlet. Enemies don't level scale with you in Ultimecia's Castle, and the boss herself has set levels after the first phase. So yes, the end game gets hard if you're low level.

We are going home boys

Is squall the first 'literally me' vidya character?

go back to your FF7R threads and dilate while you're at it

Hopefully never, SE will just butcher it.


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I love how FF8 haters literally never know a single fucking thing about the game and only parrot things they hear. I think my favorite is
>Drawing is a huge grind!
Refinement is not only more efficient in terms of number and time, but gets you better spells earlier, and great spells can be gotten with basic items you can either shop for (Curaga Tent refining), find dropped easily (Water from Fish Fins), or occur in almost mandatory parts of the game (Minotaur card -> 100 Dino Bones -> ONE FUCKING THOUSAND QUAKES)

I don't like they put red lips on Squall

>milf tier
she's fucking 19

even that OG water from fish fins refinement breaks the game. You can dish out ridiculous damage at your point in the story if you junction 100 waters to your character

Why not? Squall has always had DSL

I already bought it on PS3 years ago
still haven't played it

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>but if I can get it on Steam and switch the language to Japanese

You want... Japanese text? You know VIII has no voice acting, right?

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>You know VIII has no voice acting, right?
>he doesn't know they added voice acting

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We could have gotten that if they continued the remakes they did for III and IV, both of those were remakes done right

>2 parts
>part 1 ending in midgar, that's 10% of the game
>2nd part somehow consists of 90% of the rest of the game
Keep dreaming.

The game looks good but it's fucking weird what they did to the models, they clearly upgraded the policount but it now looks like PSP. Why not just port it?

I remember looking at this render way back when thinking this was the most handsome guy ever



yes but I was a kid then so I wanted to be him

still kinda do desu, I don't want to fuck him

I don't blame ya, all boys in this game are handsome. Everybody is, for a reason.


I love FF8. Never understood the hate around it. I mean, Balamb Garden's theme was relaxing as fuck, and playing the card game in Balamb garden was the shit.

considering that this is just a HD port of one of the entries I didn't like, no.

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I remember looking at his character model and thinking the same thing. He looked so realistic back then

wow, you have some balls putting that absolutely shit-tier list out in the open like that

Nah, I don't feel like putting up with drawing magic and playing card games again. I wanna play an actual JRPG.

I wish this got updated instead of 7 desu

>just a HD port
It's kinda touched up a bit more than a regular port.

>It's kinda touched up a bit more than a regular port.

are they making drawing less boring?
are they removing level scaling?

If not, then it's just a HD Port.

FF8 was probably the first game I dropped due to the graphics. while not even good, this is a major improvement.

>III above II
And I was going to support you, user. You did it to yourself.

cmon user, that guys list is absolute shit, but III is miles ahead of II, that's a fact