They turned Barrett into a black stereotype

>They turned Barrett into a black stereotype
Yikes. fucking cringe.

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He always was

well, he already was

Hey instead of your stupid bullshit falseflagging, how about we have a nice conversation OP.

What games have you been playing recently?

>turned into

Here's your (You) dickhead. As a black user I love barret.I think you Anti-SJWs and the SJWs on resetera are actually the same people, you just swap accounts when you want to go Light Side or Dark Side, because either Side yo ass still smell like the same old shit-stirring bitchass lmao

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>it's a "b-but the nipponese version didn't have him as a stereotype" episode

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What's your take on cuck BBC porn

he was already mr t retard

Why do you hate stereo types?

are you stupid?

he used to be a Mr. T knockoff and now they turned him into Wesley Snipes or some shit.

He should be executed or in chains

Now pls make Brahne thinner

First, dubfaggots should kill themselves.
Second, the stereotype exists because niggers generally talk like that. Should media only show white-presenting outlier negros like Thomas Sowell? Why on earth?


You know a boards gone to shit when people unironically prefer dubs to subs

black user here and i agree. i saw no problem with the way barrett was portrayed. hell he broke the racist stereotype of nonexistent black dads by taking care of a girl thats not even his

my only gripe is that he didnt physically show up in kingdom hearts. all he got was teeny reference

>yo ass
Wow, it’s like you’re really black! I wouldn’t have known otherwise!

KH is shit so that's good for him

Watch where you're posting ya foo!

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>Black stereotype
>Cares about his daughter

Yeah, I remember years ago when people said Sazh is a racist character, too. I still don't understand why, nor did they give any logical explanation.

Every time I see this image, I can't get over her mouth looking off somehow.

Another black user here, I agree.

I honestly find it funny that it's mainly white people claiming that he acts stereotypical, as if the fact that he acts black at all makes them uncomfortable. SJWs are the most outwardly bigoted people on earth.



based black men, please fuck my wife

Funnily enough, Sazh was the only decent character in that abortion of a title.

White user here, sorry that so many faggots want to try and diminish and take away a black character that has always been an icon in gaming, an overall positive hero in his story, and just a general bad motherfucker. Barrett has always been my favorite party member and I never want anyone to try and diminish who he is and always has been.

>soiboy here, im a lil fag

Thanks for the (You)