Another night with my wife, kassandra

Another night with my wife, kassandra

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God I wish that was me.

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Where did you get these picture of my wife?

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hyped for the quest creator thing

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Just looked it up. Never would've expected them to add a mission editor. While they're at it, they should add facial expressions for photo mode. Constant poker face gets old after a while. i want to see my wife smile more.

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what a slut

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haha imagine kassandra gripping your dick like she does her bow

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she'd probably yank it off with those manly arms

>kassandra's real

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Reminder that Greeks are NOT white. They are sandniggers posing as Europeans.

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What do you think kassandra did for thousands of years?

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i wanna fuck that bird.

Are the new AC's focused more on assasinations or is it more of just running around, doing errands and watching cutscenes?

Mite pirate it cause cassandra looks cute for a 2019 woman.

I only played as Alexios. Does he become the cultist if you pick Kassandra?

Whichever sibling you don't pick to play as is Deimos.

Fly fishing.

The last two ACs feel more like variety games than anything else. There's good combat, exploration, infiltration, sailing, hunting and watching a boring plot unfold if you're into that.

Personally I love it.

Unity was focused on assassinations.

Origins is focused on character development and exploration.

Odyssey is focused on grinding and side quests (and uncoincedentally is the worst one. You can probably guess that only autists enjoy it by looking at this thread. What a mess.)

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its a map with a checklist of things to do, just like every other ubisoft game. its fun but i miss the old games

That's my wife's bird.
New ass creeds are so far removed from the original formula, they might as well not even be ass creed games. Odyssey being the biggest departure. It's basically them testing the waters of turning the games into full blown rpgs. I don't mind it, but the thing I wish they hadn't ditched was the old way of parkour. Had more room for nuance than the new way.

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Kassandra is VERY sweet and cute. Play her game.

>Unity was focused on a FUCKTON of sidequests and collectibles.
i gave up before clearing half the map of collectibles and sidequests.

I'd rather test my skill by hunting down genuine monsters than effortlessly oneshot 1000 generic dudes in the marketplace but then again I'm not a filthy casual like you


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Have you made any Story mode quests for your wife yet user?

Do you realize just how autistic posts like this are? As long as you're aware of it then have fun

any way to make her body less blocky and more curvy while mantaining the muscular tone?

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Unity's combat was the hardest in the series. And Origins also had monsters. It had Apep, Sekhemet, Sobek, Anubis, and plenty of undead Pharaohs.

Same, lots of potential for memes.

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Which is why it's better than classic AC.

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thanks doc

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>that man face

jesus christ the state of western games

Well now that they have level progression, you can't just kill everything easily since higher level dudes and captains are fairly tough.
I haven't even finished the game yet.
To be fair, kassandra is very cute.

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Your wife is a handsome young man OP, tell it I said hello.

I hope we'll get to fuck one of these Isu's by the end of this DLC

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OK there's NO fucking way this statue was this fucking big

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I enjoy the RPG format but not Odyssey's version of it. It took me damn near 150 hours of grinding to finish that game. And I mean GRINDING. the whole time I was starved for EXP and materials and was constantly doing every quest and chore I could find. Clearing every map marker. Etc. Fuck I got so effecient I could clear forts in like 2 minutes flat.

Origins was a (comparatively) refreshing 80 hours, with some grinding but not too much, and no pressure to clear every marker or side quest. I also prefer the more grounded combat & world instead of wacky powers and Fantasy elements like Odyssey.

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be white

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It was only 15 feet tall IRL, for some braindead reason they decided to make it 60 feet tall in the game, absolutely dwarfing the Parthenon. Really skews the sense of granduer when the real structure is so faithfully recreated but they just throw in giant statues to look cool.

God I wish that was me.

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Same tbqh.

It's probably based on that giant horror show the americans made. Or an allusion to the statue of liberty. At least it has more soul than the former.

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>Unity's combat was the hardest in the series.
>throw smoke bomb
sure buddy.

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I think I watched some development commentary and they straight up said they made most statues way bigger just to look cool

I suppose it does look cool for the first 20 seconds but after that I just feel like I'm being treated like a brainlet. Might as well throw in EXPLOSIONS everywhere too, those are also cool, right?

So who stole the Nemesis and Conquest system from who? I only played this and Shadow of War.

>Ladies and Gentlemen; Lysistrata.

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Diaper wearing Fridge man

I want to put penis in vagina.

I enjoyed Odyssey more than The Witcher 3

That's what a REAL muscle girl looks like and it's beautiful.

why is she so perfect

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My heart belongs to another

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Her actress is very cute

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>Those chests locked out to level 2 and 3 lockpicking.
>You don't even get level 3 until you're pretty much done with the game.
Holy crap did that drive me nuts because if you actually do go and clear the areas out you'll randomly run into chests you can't open.

the man jaw chick from horizon zero dawn is cuter but id still go at it

you are fucking retarded, greeks only became non-white after the steppe niggers stole Anatolia.

I unironically like her for her personality. If you play Kassandra as a good girl shes just a very nice lady. Definitely wife material
also her accent

based PS_Messages user

>the madtv mascot is cuter than my wife
That's gonna be a yikes from me.

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>if you play as alexios the game constantly has you look up his kilt/skirt/whatever and look at his ass
>if you play as kassandra you have to go out of your way to get the camera just right to look up her skirt and look at her flat wooden plank hank hill ass

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What are turks supposed to be? They don't really look asian like the other steppe hordes so they must be caucasian.

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Imagine being such a colossal pervert that you'd play as a fucking women just to get a 150 hour erection.

Alexios has the better voice acting and he's a better character overall. Also being a woman in ancient greece makes you liable to get the raep

Well it's the way I get my Screenshots to my phone quickly

well yes that's why i decided to play as him first. i just got curious and wondered if they were so up-skirt happy with kassandra as they were with alexios

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I was being sincere. I like all these based images of Kass.

>Also being a woman in ancient greece makes you liable to get the raep
if only ubi made the game more realistic she should had get a minotaur cock shoved inside her.

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The only reason this game is good is because it embraced the fact that it's a fucking game and realism is meaningless. Also better the minotaur than Zeus or Hera will have your ass.

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>>Also better the minotaur than Zeus or Hera will have your ass.
>>It's a Hera coming for you cause you're the child of Zeus and yet ANOTHER female he laid eyes upon episode.

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i think she looks nice desu

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I have played Origins and enjoyed it. Should I try Odyssey?

The definition of a butter face.

If you liked Origins you'll most likely enjoy Odyssey too.

If real, 99% of Yea Forums would suckle. The rest are fags.

Which girl has more pubes?

Here, my Kassandra.

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>which girl is more hairy, the one from the future, or the one from the past
user pls.

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Kassandra has a very lickable tummy

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I like having her tummy exposed at all times.

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how often do you think she gets misgendered?

Not nearly as much as you.

And you're probably an amerimut larping as an aryan anyway

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Kassandra is just a knock-off Korra

You better have a good reason to bring my wife into this conversation

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Kassandra is the most beautiful 3D model being in the all videogame universe
Who is the genius behind her ?

Also is there any rule 34 of her with 3D animated rendering pls ?

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All the r34 of her is total dogshit.

Is that a fucking hologram

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post her feet



Those tiny "boat" sails are transparent even when you enter into photo mode it doesn't change that, yea it's dumb.

>those manlets on the background

Sails get transparent when you get too close to them.

I dont get how nibbas say they had to grind in odyssey I beat the game in like 80 hours and never felt the need to grind once