This will be announced at E3 2020.
PS4 / PS5 Exclusive
This will be announced at E3 2020.
PS4 / PS5 Exclusive
Source: my dad works at square enix
they went all out on the logo
Fake and nigger
Chrono Trigger doesn't need a remake. So yeah, they'll do one.
well, FFVII Remake is going to sell like hot cakes, Chrono Trigger is probably the only Square Enix game that could have the same impact.
it will be shit though
Not until Live a Live gets one.
>Chrono Trigger is probably the only Square Enix game that could have the same impact.
If FFVII:R does well, they'll quickly remake FFX. The most popular and best selling game after FFVII. They won't bother with Chrono Trigger because it "only" sold 1.5 million (3.5 million if you count ports).
Also, the game that legitamitely needs a remake is Chrono Cross. Because it had huge parts of the story and gameplay left on the cutting room floor. Chrono Trigger doesn't need a remake. It's complete as is. And 3D graphics would only ruin it.
I just want a Seiken Densetsu 3 remaster for PC
Isn't this game kind of a laughing stock these days? Pretty sure it only sold that much because it was the first PS2 FF.
Live a Live will return on mobile
Fuck you.
Fuck you all. SaGa Frontier 1 and 2 ports when??
I thinl you mean epic store exclusive
>This year's E3 was such shit that we have to come up with rumors for next year's already just to have something to talk about
>Isn't this game kind of a laughing stock these days?
No? Some people laugh at the cheesy dub. But just as many or more people defend it as good. And in Japan, they had good voices.
Outside of this, it is loved for everything else it did. Setting, characters, gameplay, music, etc. Though I think Yuna and the story is horrible, most people love those too.
Them announcing a FFX remake would be the only thing that comes close to the hype you're seeing for a FFVII remake. In both the west and Japan. In some ways, it might even be bigger. Because FFX doesn't have people demanding everything be exactly the same as the original game like FFVII does.
They actually marketed Dragon Quest games. And they announced a bunch of FF things the fans have been asking for for decades instead of more FFXIII/XV shit. SquareEnix had a better year this year than any previous E3.
Everyone wants a third Chrono game. Except the management at Squenix.
You really think Squre could pull off a Chrono Trigger remake? the game had 13 fucking endings, no way, its literally Untouchable
Anyone watching Chugga's CT LP? How you enjoying it?
Are you counting the DS version as its own game?
only retards that havent played it dislike it.
spoony didn't like it
Yes it does.
That battle system didn't age well.
So that's where Tifa's bust went.
Give me Chrono Cross instead senapai
I actually wouldn't mind a remake if they added 1999 as a playable time period. Also, doesn't Square still have the rights to Xenogears. Couldn't they possibly get Takahashi back to remake it and maybe create the 6 part saga he originally wanted with how well Xenoblade has been selling?
Now that game REALLY need a remake (and a second chance).
>retard cant count
The only game that would truly benefit from a combat system revamp and a retelling of the story would be Final Fantasy 8
>battle system is better than any FF game
>didn't age well
FF never had a good battle system either. Saying something is not shit because the shit next to it smell harder isn't really saying much.
>implying Xenogears isn't a 11/10 game
Also, I didn't even mean to post that image. Have too much shit in my image folder.
Still, if there's one Square game that needs a remake, it's Xenogears, to fix the rushed disk 2.
Another way to look at it is, it's stupid for you to bring up the combat system if you think the company never made a good one. Clearly they just focus on story and graphics.
CTs combat isnt better than FF.
Very little spell variety and almost no buffs/debuffs.
All you got is team attacks which are just bigger attacks most of the time.
FF games like 5,7 and 10 offer way more complexity.
Ah yes, you're one of those guy who think Square only did Final Fantasy. I see.
>you're one of those guy who think Square only did Final Fantasy.
>we're talking about Chrono