Battle system analysis

how about we start discussing the battle system? did you like it? did you hate it?

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Way better than I thought it was going to be. Lots of options and the switching between characters during the boss fight gave me hope.

Probably the best implementation of a action combat system possible

I haven't played the original because I have adhd and can't focus on turn based rpgs. I feel it's a good compromise between action rpgs, which are what's popular now, and the Active Time Battle system.

It's a lot better than what I thought it would be. Will have to actually play it to see if it works well

Looks like Kingdom Hearts. Don't think it fits the setting or the characters.

If you're going to remake a PS1 game do it faithfully or just leave it be.

Looks solid. The only thing I was worried about was the slow motion because that could get annoying after a while but being able to quick select to skip it answers that issue. Now I just want to see how all the other party members play.

I don't really expect much from SE's action games. Looks serviceable, not great.

looks nothing like KH you fag

has an e3 crowd ever been this excited in the last like 10 years?
I mean i know they're all paid shills but STILL.

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Mash square is better than hold square I guess

It does look very fluid and polished.

>I mean i know they're all paid shills but STILL.
please neck yourself

part 1= only Midgar confirmed.


I'd rather have something different honestly. Making a pretty but otherwise totally identical remake of something is boring. The original still exists, just play that.

you are why games suck now

expected FFXV spam but this is ok. Will have to see more gameplay videos to think about it more. I liked how you could switch between characters immediately.

That boss seemed to take a long time to kill. I hope that was just to show off how different it is from the original game and not a sign that boss will be damage sponges. Otherwise, the combat looks very good.

are you actually implying they AREN'T?

Dont like it. It seems very button mashy, too many scripted events, between combat. Action oriented games works if it implements vertical aspect like jumps, platforms, and level designs.

If it's going to be an Action-RPG I'd rather have a 1:1 button press for swings than just hold it down and let an AI execute my actions for me. The "wait" mode for menu selections seems cool, and I like how it technically retains an ATB charge system for executing skills. All in all I was pleasantly surprised, even if I'm not the biggest FF7 fan in the world.

Not sure I like Limits and Materia casting being tied together. Staggered will probably end up being broken and easily abused.

Hoping it has actually fun aerial combat like kh2 with launchers and shit.

Yeah, soulsborne and sekiro has so much jumping

well they are bosses after all, whatdid you expect
thats so you just don't square to win

Also, maybe its just for the teaser i think. See how cloud is explaining everything to barret and how the battle ended with cross slash to look cool and stuff
mayb guard scorpion will be different in the final product

>did you hate it?
I abhor it. It's going to become incredibly tedious once the game throws trash mobs at you every 40 feet and you gotta go just mash attack through them and it will take longer than turn based. On top of that it will be painfully scripted and I'd bet bottom dollar they reuse the "hide behind something" gimmick every boss

Bruh most the crowd had drinks in their hand and its a relatively small venue

The thing that worries me the most is how much of the first boss seemed scripted. Hopefully rather than being an indicator of the game it was just because it was the first/trailer/tutorial boss. Either way, I expect the actual combat/gameplay to open up later and imagine the combat will be kinda shitty and limited at first. They probably had to try to make things more interesting or the first fights or it might have seemed boring otherwise.
As for the system, it looks like they're trying to make the gameplay as strategic as possible, and I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt here. Even though FF13 was trash the combat system was quite good in the later part of the game and it looks like they're trying to take the best of what they know to make something fun.

remain seething turncuck

>Action RPG with elements of Vagrant Story and the good aspects of FF13:LR
This is my dream come true.

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dude its way to obvious that the teaser was to show the gameplay at its fullest

Yes? Souls and Sekiro have shit combat.

It really plays nothing like KH.

It's parasite Eve+kingdom hearts+XIII+type-0
and only small parts from each. good stuff

I dunno, I don't really like the idea of having to "charge" magic, I would rather see it just be super expensive instead, if they're worried about abuse. It also leads, I'm guessing from playing other games, to a repeat of the problem the original had, where you would just mash attack later on in the game, because by the time you charge the atb to open up options you've already cleared out the battle field. I still think positional value assignment is the way to help this, physical attacks may not necessarily be far reaching enough for you to be able to get close enough to far away enemies to hit them initially despite closing the gap and such, so magic or using a distance attacker like barret is required or a special skill, this creates a need for different characters/abilities, rather than "artificially" forcing it through a charge gauge.

It's literally just as woefully tedious as turn based, the JRPG genre is a fucking mess

>I'd bet bottom dollar they reuse the "hide behind something" gimmick every boss
Maybe not hide behind something, but more terrain gimmicks, how's not that a good thing?

probably during apps battle you might have to go high ground due to sewer water running around
probably press some buttons on some place to activate something

It's the best it can be. I'm excited

The moment they revealed the action combat system I gave up on it, Tifa was just icing on the cake to justify my pigheadedness.

Seems like it drags battle too much, but thats assuming encounters are are common as the original.
dont know having to spam the button the doing the same attack over and over again defeats the purpose of action games.
Chargin for magic is worrying as limiting magic is kind what mnakes FFXV so awful.

inferior to the original as with everything else in this demake

They didn't show in-depth battles at the later parts of Midgar, though.

>Chargin for magic is worrying as limiting magic is kind what mnakes FFXV so awful.
At least it isn't a consumable

did you even play sekiro

>see trailer
>expect threads about the good combat they showed to be everywhere on Yea Forums
>it's nothing but spam and shitposting about breast size
>this is probably the first gameplay thread about it
this board was a mistake

>sekiro has so much jumping
Sekiro has a dedicated jump button because certain attacks need to be jumped to be dodged you inbred

>can pause time and use all 3 characters ATB for specials moves at the same time
>instant character swap

Looks cool

Fuck off faggot who cares about gameplay when I can just play the original which has better gameplay than anything this zoomer-aimed generation can come up with

they actually did a good job with the combat

But you can jump, did you miss the trailer?

looks fine but it's not turn-based/atb so fuck square.

Looks like 15 with a charge mechanic not interested at all

Soul game is not really good comparison. More like God of War or DMC5, or close to Bloodborne style.

FF15 combat with a FF7 skin and you faggots pretend it's the best thing ever.

yeah but will make grinding or mobs just a hassel to go trough
thats why i think that they encounters might be less. becasue otherwise is gonna drag forever, whcih might do since is only migdar.

its at least a bit better than 15 combat

It's essentially FF12 with positioning

Stop talking about games you didn't play, faggot. XV had a wait mechanic that did almost the same thing and this looks much closer to KH than XV

>Chargin for magic is worrying as limiting magic is kind what mnakes FFXV so awful.
There is a lot that makes FFXV's magic bad but its cooldown for spells is not the problem. FFXV would be a better game if items had a cooldown and the game was better balanced around this.

FFXV's magic sucks because
>It's always consumable
>All the spells work the same (All grenades)
>No variety of spells (No protect, haste, stone, ect.) You can add some effects onto spells but it always feels uneventful.

So... this combat system is upgraded Lightning Returns combat system? Not that I complain.

na that was genuine enthusiasm, obviously the paid people were there too but you can tell the difference when actual crowd joins in too