What game(s) are you playing?
Let's be happy Yea Forums
DQXI and builders on my vita. cant belive those nintendo jews are charging 50 bucks for builders when the vita versionwas 23
god the pre pre show was good
I can't play my video games anymore.
I am happy, Now that videogames are definitely and irrefutable dead I can finally move on.
I'm enjoying Odin Sphere on the vita but now that I've learnt it gets really repetitive I might drop it while I'm still early and play persona 2, danganronpa or something else
>Mortal Kompanionship, nude beaches and carpal tunnel
I've been playing touhou luna nights, it's fucking awesome.
I'm just turning to the bros over in Japanese gaming
My only regret was not saying until the very end.
Square sets the price. Nintendo isn’t publishing it.
I’m guessing the cartridges cost a lot more. Either that or they know since Switch is more popular than Vita they can get away with it cause people will pay it.
Sonya is cute.
Odin Sphere has five different campaigns if you’re just starting. All the characters play really differently, but yeah it is essentially just a beat ‘em up.
Took a break from kingdom hearts 3 kicking my ass on critical mode. Been feeling the itch to replay borderlands so I'm doing that at the moment. Then I'm gonna make attempt number 456,987 to clear some of my backlog
I’m playing Lobotomy Corporation. Heard about it, Yea Forums shipped it, gave it a try and turns out it’s really good.
Also FUCK the singing machine and FUCK birds
Is it worth playing through for the story? Interconnecting campaigns could be interesting or they could just focus on the beam 'em up and it'll get stale.
Been playing Dead Cells and I'm on the 4th highest difficulty level trying to get to the 5th. After several tries, I went and started using CE to give me money to help lower the chances of me dying. Still dying
stopped playing berseria and ffx on ps4 a few months ago, need to get back to that
Bloodborne. I started a new game and I'll finally attempt to beat the DLC.
The story does interconnect and it’s really good. What I like is that even though you fight other playable characters as bosses it isn’t like Sonic Adventure 2 where you replay the same boss fights as light or dark and the outcome is the same no matter what.
If you beat Velvet as Gwendolyn, Velvet canonically loses that fight. Period. They don’t force you to play it on Velvet’s playthrough.
Gonna beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma the next time I sit down to play it. Great game, I'll go for a ways on Hard after trying Missions to see if I can reach a Fiend Ryu. Alongside that, Mega Man 10 as Bass, which is pretty difficult since he doesn't have a double jump and his dash is really only good for getting out a room ASAP.
Also playing a bit of Eat The Dungeon here and there, and I'm going to check out this demo of Dark Messiah to see if it's something I want to buy.