Can recruit and play as any NPC

>can recruit and play as any NPC
Can I recruit WHITE MEN only? Or is there a hidden mechanic in the game where my resistance MUST have 13% black people who will be responsible for 50% of violent crimes?

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>Complaining about crime in a game where you commit crime
>Somehow finding a way to bitch about blacks for no reason other than being on Yea Forums

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The mechanic of becoming any npc sounds interesting until you remember that only a handful of characters will actually have a decent backstory and voice over, and there will be dozens of throw away characters for you to use on harder missions or when you feel like going on a rampage

Yes. I will only recruit white people and kill every nigger and faggot I see.

Fuck off Ubisoft. You already shilled enough today.

Fuck off SJW

I posted this in another thread. Did you steal my idea? Or hivemind. Whatever, Im ok with it. Make Britain Great Again.

>INB4 you're forced to recruit blacks and women for specific skill sets.
/pol/ plot ruined

Anyone notice that with every fucking Ubisoft game announcement we have threads like this bitching about blacks and then when the game is out it litterally stops completely and it turns out the game wasn't sjw or anything at all?

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when the game starts out it is going to force a few characters upon you that you have to have in your legion, at least 2 being of a different race. sorry retard

Yeah, it turns out it's just bland and boring.


Just get them killed

>Can I recruit WHITE MEN only?
When watching the conference I knew someone on Yea Forums was going to do this sooner or later kek

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It's set in London so good luck finding a white male

Does anyone have the ethnic cleasing webm from the first Watch Dogs?

this takes place in the uk. the stats are not the same
go to school

>Retry? Yes/No

I can't wait to pla...oh yeah, pay money every month to download their mega-fuck-huge games over my low latency connection. Games which I already own.

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>go back to [torrent website] for your next AAA game

You dont have to stream

But you can make a golden girls team up

I'm not complaining. I will use blacks for actual chimp-outs.
Totally original and individual thought process. My thinking is will press freak out if people will stream games where they recruit white men only? I'm guessing they will.

>everyone complained about the nigger and other cringy diversity characters in 2
>now you can have a group of white people only and kill all subhumans

>I'm not complaining
But the OP litterally is complaining about blacks, he wouldn't put the part about how he MUST have blacks due to a hidden mechanic in the game. Just imagine if some tranny started complaining about how they MUST have a straight white male on their team.

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All shit colored should be killed

Including you ESL-kun?

>literally imagining things to be angry over

It was a joke, user

>some tranny started complaining about how they MUST have a straight white male on their team.
Must trannies always complain about that, thank god their opinions are worthless.
Only thing that matters are straight white people.