Realistically how much influence will he have on the writing and worldbuilding for the game?

Realistically how much influence will he have on the writing and worldbuilding for the game?

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So is it connected to GoT?

all of it, he'll do anything to avoid finishing TWoW before he dies

A lot. George has been writing stories his entire life almost, since he was a lil boy. I'm sure he's having a great time writing with some japs on a big game. I fully expect kino. Real excited.

Nope. New IP.

i hope barely any considering its taken him almost three decades to finish one shitty storyline

Not much, the plot is probably almost entirely From's work going by the interview
Probably mostly Martin, he designed the world and lore, major figures etc, but the details and implementation will be From.

How can we say since we don't know shit about the plot?

post it

Attached: gdzo5zl8w8mz.jpg (1021x592, 128K)


I thought the interview said that the basic mythos and worldbuilding was done by Martin, and the actual plot of the game and a lot of the "creation myth" and high-concept stuff was done by FromSoftware - which is good, because that's what they're good at

It's taken FromSoft decades, and they still haven't made an actual JRPG (pseudo-retro Zelda games do not count), even though every bossfight simulator they shit out is considered one.

yes because games can only be fun if they're strictly jrpgs bro

the game is gonna be shit and people will finally realise how much of a hack this big fat blob of fucking fat really is

Probably, "sent an email or two" tier like how Kojima was being sold as making that shitty western castlevania game


This is fine, fat pink mast is the real embarrassing once especially since Sam is Gurm's self-insert

As long as he doesn't influence the gameplay I couldn't care less. Lore has always been fuckery in Souls games, but the gameplay is what keeps people coming back.


the interview with myazaki said Martin just wrote the games lore and mythos , characters story and dialogue are fromsoft s writing

Was she drinking dirty water?

God I can't wait to fight this boss.

Looking forward to it. We didn't see a lot but it was way more than we got the first time Sekiro was revealed.

What was Gwynn's tax policy, Yea Forums?