Fucking NINTENDO allows big breasts in their games, but Sony demands censorship. How the fuck did it come to this?

Fucking NINTENDO allows big breasts in their games, but Sony demands censorship. How the fuck did it come to this?

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now learn who's the based company

Please don't credit Nintendo for Monolith Soft's basedness.

>posts a fucking nintendo game as proof in the original post
are you retarded?

>caring about anime tits
Stay virgin, nincels

Nintendo is the publisher you idiot

But Nia is the best girl and she's a flattie

Nintendo owns Monolith Soft retard.

Proof that sony made square enix change Tifa's boob size?

Xenoblade 2 is fucking garbage, the pandering is all that saves it.

A publisher who doesn't touch their dev's games. Crediting them for not making MonoSoft nerf her breasts is like crediting a the sun for giving us energy, or crediting trees for producing oxygen.

She’s got decent butt and god-tier hips. Wouldn’t exactly call her flat.

This is a Nintendo character in 2019

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Clearly you don't get the point. Who's the "retard" now. See

Tifa has core values that Pyra could never have.
It's sad that you don't know the difference.

Sony would have stopped them.

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>tfw I hate both Final Fantasy 7 and Xenoblade for being movies

You can shove all the titties in there that you want, I will not consider the games good as long as every other moment is a cutscene.

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Nintendo has progressively pivoted to Japan as their “base” market since the GameCube era while Sony has gone in the opposite direction.

The topic is about tits not the rest of the body

something something core values
btw I just checked on Tifa's measurements, it says that they are "According to an official artwork, Tifa's bust-waist-hip measures are 92-60-88 cm (37-24-35 inches)."
Im not a boob expert, how does that reflect on the Remake's Tifa?

I see the cabal found their new excuse to spam XC2 threads for the rest of the year.

Xenoblades 2 is shit tho

there is none, just a bunch of man baby retards.

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The absolute STATE OF PLAYstation

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Literally everyone loves breasts, men, women, children, even gays appreciate a nice pair of milkers it's something we're hard wired to do so as mammals

Nintendo apparently doesn't mind megamilkers as long as they characters they belong to aren't showing cleavage since CERO are fucking ridiculous censors compared to the ESRB

>Literally everyone loves breasts
Only normalfags, Chads are exclusively ass men

90 60 90 is a very commonly cited "perfect" set of measurements for an hourglass figure and has been for decades

Completely ignore gook measurements regardless, unless you're fine with 5'10 and ripped characters being like 110 pounds

>this game has zero gameplay and is just hallways connected to cutscenes
>but if it has tits, I'm glad to pay 60 bucks

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Ass is normie shit.
Breasts are based.
Legs are patrician.
Eyebrows are sacred.

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Preferring one doesn't mean you hate the other

A girl with a great ass and beesting titties is infinitely preferable to hank hill with bolted on megamilkers. True connoisseurs appreciate quality regardless of quantity anyways

>>this game has zero gameplay and is just hallways connected to cutscenes
It have a lot more gameplay then cutscenes.

I can only imagine how much Sony makes fags here seeth that they need to constantly make threads whining about them even when they have nothing to do with the thing they're whining about

>but SNOY
>from the same company that already nerfed Lara and did this

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That's like saying DVD menus have gameplay.

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Pyra is disgusting
Gross Gross
This looks disgusting
You people have bad brains

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what a retard
I hope you don't think that was an actual apt analogy

Retard? Well, excuse me if I think having a cutscene forced on me every 5 minutes is unacceptable for something of an interactive medium.

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We're living in a clown world bro... Shit is falling apart.

Liking large breasts is THE most normalfag fetish though.

oh so you are a retard

>13 hours of cutscenes in a 150 hour game
>cutscene every 5th minute
You have to work on your math.

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Nintendo fans have autism, it's a known fact.

>150 hours of walking cutscenes and 13 hours of cutscenes where you don't press anything

That's like saying TLOU is a game because walk and talk exposition is now original and fun gameplay.

XC2 doesn't have walk and talk sequences.

why are you arguing with someone who's blatantly never played the game and is just making shit up

Great, so that's still, like, less than RDR2's.
Except that you can get hundreds of hours of gameplay out of a JRPG if you like it enough. Even normal folks usually play them for 70-90 hours.

Not him but sometimes when I'm tired at work I try to shitpost at dumb people too. It's pretty fun actually.

I wouldn't be on Yea Forums if i had anything better to do.

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>b-but that doesn't count!
Fucking snoys

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seeWhere is the gameplay in these webms? Go ahead. What part of watching a cutscene counts as gameplay? For a game that supposedly has lots of gameplay, I don't see any being posted or discussed ITT.

Furthermore, I still haven't heard a justification for the retarded amount of cutscenes. No amount of gamerplay in the world can justify them. They are objectively a tumor and should not exist.

Cutscene are the reward for progressing in the game. If the game is 150 hours long then it makes sense that there would also be many hours of cutscenes.

>gameplay is so unrewarding that you need a carrot on a stick (aka cutscenes) just to keep you playing

You can see why I discarded that earlier argument about "muh 150+ hours of gameplay"

>150 of waiting for cool downs.
no thanks, fag.

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You better be at the start of the game if you are still waiting for cooldowns.

Not only is monolith owned by Nintendo, their leadership is largely former Nintendo people and they are Nintendo loyalists. Monolith won't do anything Nintendo doesn't want them to.

>Nia is the best girl and she's a flattie
And this is a good thing.

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>it gets good 100 in
no gracias, maricon.

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Nia, when did you get out of the shed? I let you hang around the house but only during appropriate hours. That was the deal!

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How much did you play?

>zero gameplay and is just hallways connected to cutscenes
Ah, cool, you never touched the game


Because big breasts come at the price of cringe.

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What game?! We've been over this a billion times in Persona 5 threads. JRPGS do not have gameplay. They are walking simulators where occasionally you press forward to advance to a cutscene.

Unless you're implying that it's okay NOW, due to a console bias. Now it's okay for JRPGs to have cutscenes, but when it's on a console you hate, it's "movie shit" in your words. Do explain the reasoning there.

That explains why you are still waiting for cooldowns.

That's not proof. You need to provide direct evidence that Sony made Square Enix change anything

>JRPGS do not have gameplay.
They do.

Then why don't they count when it's on the Ps4 or Xbox? During the entirety of E3, when Final Fantasy 7 was being shown, everyone was on Yea Forums was like "haha look at this movieshit how could people like this?"

So I'm asking you to explain the difference.

>They do.

but sometimes it's shit

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They do count when they are on Ps4 or Xbox.

Looking at my timeline right now. Nips are not happy.

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Can you hear it for tomorrow?
I'm thinking its back

Their combat is based in using your brain to create strategies to win the game, just like chess, retard

The past several years would say otherwise.

>Their combat is based in using your brain to create strategies to win the game
I need a strategy to watch a cutscene? Yikes.

>They are walking simulators where occasionally you press forward to advance to a cutscene.
A lot of combat for a walking simulator

>censors mythra by covering up her tits and gives her leggings
>fucking based looks better
>censors tifa by covering up her tits and gives her leggings
>snoy censorship snoy censorship!!!

Exactly my nigger, have you seen Harry Potter? Do you remember the magic chess? That's exactly what happens, you make a move and then you watch your character move by itself.


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>he already forgot about the dark ages of wii u
Sony and Nintendo take turns being on top.

Just like how TLOU and God of War have """"combat""""". I wouldn't exactly use that as a selling point.

>you make a move
Yeah, something Xenoblade cuts out entirely, considering how the game plays itself for hours on end without user input. Not exactly a good example of a video GAME. For the sake of truthful advertising, I would file it under "video movie".

The combat in the new GoW is decent.