why do you guys get so triggered over boobs in video games?
you're on the internet, just go watch porn
why do you guys get so triggered over boobs in video games?
you're on the internet, just go watch porn
have sex
they are autistic retards, being upset over nothing is part of their condition
i have to believe most of it is just shitposting right?
>le i dont play games to jack off!! argument
MK11 resetera shills back at it again
Nobody plays games to wank retard, they just like big boobies
Unironically have sex
I remember when XC2 came out and some of the blades were titty monsters, they were originally complaining about that on Yea Forums too. It's just half autism and half shitposting.
Why is it such a big deal to you though? I understand being a little upset, but you guys are literally screaming and crying right now
>when the permavirgin tell you to have sex again
Easy bait.
Lurk moar
I'm engaged to a woman (female) you faggot