Easily the worst girl of the game. How and why the fuck do people like her? How is she even remotely attractive?

Easily the worst girl of the game. How and why the fuck do people like her? How is she even remotely attractive?

Attached: Yuffie-FFVIIArt.png (337x566, 165K)


i would gladly fuck yuffie

Yuffie a good girl

Attached: yuf.jpg (1200x1200, 378K)

Does she have elephantitis on one arm?

I want to kiss Yuffie's tummy

i just wanted my materia back

Nah, it's just part of the shoulderpad.

umm, you probably didn't know, but she's underage

People didn't like the characters "for being attractive", they were polygons you fucking retarded zoomer chronically depressed sexually repressed mongoloid cunt. I wish we could just point blank you faggots in the chest with sawn-offs and go back to the good old days of vidya.