If you've played borderlands

if you've played borderlands
name ONE area that was fun to progress through and made you want to return to it after a quest forced you through it
name ONE intentional joke that actually made you laugh

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I liked the whatever ice place before the Sanctuary. I laughed a lot so I can't remember any, but maybe that there actually a secret passage and I just did like a 3 hour quest.

the sanctuary cave hole thing was pretty cool and i was glad to go back to it.
i remember thinking the "kill yourself" quest was the funniest thing ever at one point. guess it was fresh back in 2012

the place with crystals and caves and lots of mining equipment since me and some randos dicked around enough for a fucking invincible to appear and dunk us

>One area
Probably the mine area from Tiny Tina's DLC. The dwarves had some of the best death lines in the game.
BL2. Jack's lines during the mission when you have to cut through the statues in Opportunity get me every time.

the dam and the area after it are my favorite places to run though for fun.
and if you consider the morningstars lines as jokes then those.

I very much enjoyed the return to Fyrestone in BL2, and loved when I had any objectives there. Also the entire map from the pirate chick DLC.

ClapTrap legitimately made me lol many times

What is your point here? BL is great, faggot.

I used to go back to the Crimson Lance base to farm weapons, does that count?

Were you having fun grinding for weapons?

A little.

>Caustic Caverns
>Axton yelling about having turret syndrome

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Have yall beat the new dlc yet?
The new raid boss is tons of fun if you pair the new assault rifle, the toothpick, with the shield that gives you fuck huge movement speed.

caustic caverns is peak comfy in borderlands 2. Not sure why either. Remember just getting it and playing couch co-op with my highschool friends and farming those gold gems to get miss moxxi guns. goddamn I wanna go back

The Fridge

Borderlands, the abbandoned facility that later is overrun by enemy soldiers.

Borderlands 2 had some funny interactions with handsome jack, but don't remember enything in particular.

Caustic caverns seems to be a consistent favorite ITT. It really was a neat ass area

The minecraft easter egg was hilarious, I didn't expect it at all. I loved a lot of the conversations and silly stuff like a robot that you had to help turn into a human.

As for areas, well, most of the bosses from bl1 some from bl2. Also the arena where you fight mobs and mobs of enemie

tfw no borderfriends

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Caustic caverns was also my favourite. I used to always farm the longbow from the creepers.

name ONE dick you wouldn't suck for a free copy of Borderlands 3

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Funnily enough, i'm pretty sure it was the only area in 2 that was completely optional and there might actually be people who never stepped foot in it.

Just join discord and don't be autistic enough to not ask. Go leddit and join the Borderlands discord, then the channel "looking for team" is that easy. I don't have friends but I still play with people, in fact I just made a friend there. I hope we can play other games together

>name ONE area that was fun to progress through and made you want to return to it after a quest forced you through it
the rescue rolland mission that ends in thge BNKR fight.
I really like that fucking mission. especially as Maya or Gaige. the fucking action just doesn't stop

Wildlife exploitation preserve, bloodshot stronghold, pyropetes bar, the happy forest, mines of avarice, dragons keep, digistruct peak, wambam island.
Moral of the story is you’re a total bitch.

I'll never play with faggots from this place again

Lynch wood and the friendship gulag are also completely optional zones

I really liked the Veins of Helios in Pre-Sequel. Loved all the huge jumps back and forth you could do, and it seemed like there was stuff in every corner you looked.

As to comedy, there was a bit in the mission with the sheriff of lynchwood where you have to steal a minecart loaded down with explosives. It being a game, your character just picks up the whole, loaded down cart and magics it into their backpack, with Brick on voice going 'DAMN you strong! Alright, moving on."

man i forgot the gulag even existed

Got any horror stories? I played ffxiv with a couple people here and both were nice and one was very cute on top!

The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC
The TMNT knockoffs in BL2

>Wildlife exploitation preserve
Okay this HAS to be shilling now
This is the most painful tedious shit place

its got good music and it is fun except for the parts with the invisable assholes
its only really really horrible when trying to farm son of mothrakk

BL2: The Dam and Caustic Cavs were probably the most laidback/interesting

BL1: The whole snow area before the destroyer with the Lance/Eridian all fighting each other was goat.

PreSeq: I hated this whole game apart from the Claptastic voyage, that whole DLC was great for the concept alone. Wish the whole game was just that desu.

>The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC
you can't be serious

>good variety in enemies
>decent amount of chests
>loot midgets
>rabid skags for exp
>easy as piss boss at the end of the area
Sounds like you’re just bad.

Arid Badlands in 2, both parts
>joke/funny bit
Wilhelm's dialogue in TPS because he doesn't give a shit about the narrative at all, he's like a boomer dad playing the game.

So has anyone played through the new DLC that dropped? Torn between playing it tonight or waiting for the weekend to play with friends.

They did make it so you can start a character at 30 now, so the starting slog isn't as terrible.

Skag Valley or whatever in BL1 because of the combat music and I used to make gauntlet runs using specific weapons and limited ammo.

Hayters Folley in BL2 Scarlet DLC because of the music and again gauntlet runs when I got bored. Also there was a raid boss in there iirc no?

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Caustic caverns, and Jakobs wood
Dr. Ned's dialogue was pretty funny.

>cautic caverns
>If you're here to kill me, you should probably know, YOU"LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE YOU SUMBITCH!"

anywhere this perfect theme was playing

The only part I enjoyed about bonerlands 2 was the christmas and halloween DLC. Everything else was a gray and brown slog.

I tried to like borderlands thinking that there was something wrong with how I was playing or maybe my settings were off but its really just shit. Bullet sponges and fetch quests with reddit-tier jokes. Fuck them for destroying what should have been an easy game to make fun.

hearing this reminds me of the soul that the original game had
shame it all went to trash

>name ONE area that was fun to progress through
Literally none now that I think about it
>name ONE intentional joke that actually made you laugh
Jack imitating Roland using his ECHO device

Can't remember bl1.
>Merc day dlc
>jumping from the tower and brick freaking out that I did it.

after that latest dlc, name one dick I wouldn't suck to NOT get BL3. The writing in that was worse than the already bad series. It was so bad that I almost wish Burch wrote the next one, THAT FUCKING BAD.

Skag Valley my brother.

Beat it in about 4 hours while dealing with my newborn. Including the raid boss there’s maybe six hours of content. It’s only worthwhile for the level boost.

My favorite part of BL2 was pissing off the varkids and forcing them to mutate and then running off and letting my friends fight them. I think I got varimorfous to spawn 3 times doing that shit.

I got a bit tired of it my first playthrough, but it isnt so bad after replaying it
soul, and issues. borderlands 1 had some pretty glaring flaws in it
thought the dlc humor was a bit better than most of bl2. A bit more toned down in some places. Tina was still annoying, but her putting the rocket on a fuckhuge bigger rocket got me a bit. then they made a uranus joke like 3 times

it was fun seeing the numbers go up

The entirety of dr neds zombie island