Shenmue 3


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Other urls found in this thread:

Wait, that's illegal in the EU/Australia
Lawsuit incoming

>inb4 the legal discussion and mass lawsuits

time to lawyer up

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No refunds? You shittin' me!?

>caring about shenmue in the first place

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That's illegal.

steam trannies on suicide watch

It's unethical to ask for a refund simply, because you don't want to download a new launcher.

Welp, thats not gonna hold up in the first world. Shit like this is an American Lawyers wet dream.

Kickstarters, never once.

go play sleeping dogs

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Rev up those lawsuits!

>boohoo only hollywood video lets me rent this game, I wanna rent it from blockbuster! It's not FAIR mom!

AHAHAHAHAH holy fuck the japanese are so fucking retarded

Its false advertisement. You did not receive what you paid for and that is against the law. Its as simple as that.


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Shit, time to actually do my Lawyer job
Worse has been done and happened. People can sue and win over this

>Funding kickstarters

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Why the fuck are people still backing shitty games on Kickstarter anyways? You think they would've learned by MN9?

The state of of fucking Kickstarter shills in 2019

And with this they are in lawsuit territory

Can we start a class action lawsuit? Could this possibly be RICO?

It's time to rise up, in the courtrooms.

It's unethical to ask to download a new launcher

yeah, why do you care?

You can ask for a refund for any damn reason you please.

they collected interest free money from fans and false advertised a steam release. they deserve to get sued to the ground.

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Is kickstarter finally going to die, at least as far as funding games go?

Remember to pirate Shenmue 3
Time to teach them a bitter lesson

imagine paying in advance for a product that doesnt even exist

>food analogy


It died a long time ago, this kickstarter happened in 2015

They are fucked. lawsuit coming.

>post yfw you've never donated to any kikestarter

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tell that to the bank friendo

this means nothing to americans, who don't have even basic consumer protection

on the other hand, EU citizens will be completely fucking safe, and are guaranteed a refund. you don't need to provide a reason.

Maybe you can Kickstart a lawsuit.

lmao what?

The kick starter was back 2015. It pretty much has died now because of the all the fuck ups.

>I'd like 1 class-action lawsuit please!

why don't yall just issue a charge back?

The US has false advertising laws, you faggot

What's stopping backers from just having their bank do a chargeback?

>imagine paying in advance for a product that doesnt even exist
And then threatening to sue.

Who would have thought people would be upset if the game they paid for wasn't distributed the way they promised?

Caring enough.

contract your bank, jesus are you people retarded?

So deep silver committing literally fraud now. Someone please cull the fuckers

no it doesnt mutt

False advert doesn't have a remedy for consumers. It's to protect distributors. They are offering something of equal value that has no barrier to obtain. It wouldn't be a slam dunk in court.

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Some backers might not even be aware of this

>get money from sony
>get money from kickstarter
>now they get money from epic
>multiple delays
>game still looks like shit
i could care less about epic but christ

epic shills are retards

>imagine paying in advance for a product that doesnt even exist


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Can you do chargebacks on payments from 2 years ago? Legit question, I've never done one.

I had this game on my Steam wishlist for over a year, I noticed recently that the release date was moved from August to November, so I went on the Steam discussion forums and saw someone suggest that it was because they were releasing the game on Epic instead, and all the responses just called him a troll.

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>no barrier to obtain
other than giving all your data to a chinese spyware exe, sure.

"Hello, bank? Epic bad, chargeback please!"

lmfao have any of you actually gone through a chargeback process for any product or service before?

their anuses are about to be obliterated

Unironically calling my lawyer right now and he said it can be done. It's 100% illegal here in shitpostland (AUS).

Wish me luck

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Top kek, would be a great idea actually.

you'd think after the shit with metro deep silver would've had the presence of mind to not piss people off again, amazing how tone-deaf a single company can be


>another wojak
what the fuck is that
no i didnt read your post

I don't know why they keep doing it

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God speed you righteous motherfucker

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>literally a donation
good luck with the lawsuits fags

>Corporations should have more rights than people

No lol. Stop donating to Kickstarter meme projects you fucking mong.

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That kickstarter was an obvious scam from the day it went live

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wasn't one of the stipulations with all these epic exclusivity deals that any lost sales would be paid for by epic? why wouldn't they give people refunds then?

Nice english you dumb gook

i want you to do it just because i'm interested in what they'll say to your stupid ass

Star Citizen next?

I've never donated to vidya ones if that counts

Gr8 b8 m8 got some nice (You)s

This unironically

>car analogy

How is that legal?


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>calling my lawyer right now
Your video game lawyer?

>it was decided together with Deep Silver
>We apologize
>We thank you
>The Shenmue III Team

b-b-but I thought I it was only Deep Silver's fault and the devs aren't responsible???

Fuck Yu Sazuki.


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I wish you the best

Based I hope people follow through

fuck off esl

Because they want to keep all of the money.

it's not. whoever wrote that statement was only thinking of murrica where you could get away with this.

>Epic is ushering in a new era of piracy among regular consumers

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>never donated to kickstarter
>did buy early some access games
DO NOT BUY ANYTHING THAT ISN'T FINISHED ALREADY, unless you can deal with the guy face to face

There are lawyers that specialize in video game lawsuits

>people already hate Epic
>they do this

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The duality of man

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Epic has a guaranteed sales agreement, so for example if you sign on to be exclusive to them, they'll guarantee your game sells say, 100k copies if it doesn't naturally sell that many.

get fucked nerd

>Be me
>Buy Shenmue 2 on Xbox at launch
>Never played it more than 25 minutes since
>Boring as fuck and awkward controls
I hate overhyped games like this one

The fact they are going for the epic deal after all of them having negative reception should give you an idea.
Greed, pure short term greed

They need to be sued.

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t. epic chink

its not piracy. epic is prepaying for everyone.

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same in NZ

I've still got the first and second game sitting on steam unplayed, how are they?

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>preorder product, go to local store
>"oh sorry customer, we moved that product to our new partnered branch, its about a 12 hour drive!"

>t. mutt

Tim Sweeney just wants to burn away rather than fading out

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ganbatte, user

>mfw i only buy games after I beat them and determine if it's worth it

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Kickstarter always reminds me of that "JUST TRUST ME YOU FUCKS" picture with mark zuckerberg.

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Im European and Ive never donated to a kikestarter
But this is complete BS and they need to be sued for all their money
I hope shenmue 3 gets cancelled as a result

the best video game lawyer

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Based nips dabbing on steamcucks

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Except in this case it's a three minute drive and you never have to get off your ass.

Shenmue isn't a good game.

It's just a game that had mechanics way ahead of its time. That's the only reason it's even looked at. The reality is, it's a boring walk around simulator.

Never in my life

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>It's unethical

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Get fucked fags whoever donates to a project like this

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Don't even have to click this to hear it

But he's turned in his badge.

Please do it
Fuck them up

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Good luck you madman. Post results when you win the lawsuit.

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I don't have a choice man, I'm exclusively a VR gamer now and every game is in early access.

Just another reason for me to sue Epic though, as they don't support VR.

How the fuck they are entitled to force people?

this is just the case he needs to come back

ITT: Fags that don't understand anti-trust lawsuits. This shit is definitely illegal

I've made some mistakes but backing a Kickstarter isn't one of them.

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Finally a decent response



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>ask for a double cheeseburger at mc donalds
>get a chicken zinger burger from kfc

>want epic cumguzzlers to get fucked in court
>want gullible kickstarter funders to get fucked for being morons
I'm torn guys.

>im european
keep dreaming mutt

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don't worry burgers, countries with actual consumer protection laws will fix this one for you like usual

"Ah your the customer here to pick up your product, sorry for the inconvience but you'll need to sign up for a loyalty card, we'll also need to you get our instore app on your phone!"

Robbing the rich is more noble than kicking the proles.

>I pre-oredered.
Welp. If the last five years haven't taught you....


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Shitstorm incoming.

It took me 12 hours to double-click on an executable.

remember devs, if you SELL OUT and go for the EPIC DEAL then you get FUCKING SUED!!!!! AHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHH!!!!

Ironic post. I guess every exclusivity deal is illegal?

>decided together with Deep Silver
Well no wonder

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Lol niggas just put your games in your AMD/Nvidia launcher. Then they're just stores and it doesn't matter. Literally who cares what platform it's on if it costs and performs the same?

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Here’s to your conquest, dingoman.

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No it isnt. Proles are actual fucking retards

I bought Godus, I said this once and I'll say it again
If I ever happen upon Peter Monyfag I'll beat him down and shit on his face

It's unethical to demand people to use your store too and use money to force people to use your store.

Oh dude false advertisement gets your ass raped in the EU. Their consumer protection laws and courts don't give a shit if you're Microsoft, google, or Valve, and sure as fuck not if you're Yu Suzuki and Epic.


It is. They are required to give refunds in Aus.

It's actually illegal in US. I know corporations are allowed to fuck us in the ass mercilessly here with no protection typically, but backers literally chose "Steam version" when pledging, it's up for false advertisement and a lawsuit considering that Steam still exists.

i beg to differ

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Nice. Now I'll get a free, guiltless download of this game. Thanks Epic store, for paying for my copy!

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>This game will be available on X and is available now for preorder
>preorder game
>Sorry, this game is moving to Y only and you don't get a refund!

I'm shocked this has to be broken down for you.

But kicking people is more fun
There are deep moral conflicts at work here, man

Nope, you can have an exclusivity deal if you immediately stated the stipulations behind it. I cannot raise money on an idea and then at the last minute say, "by the way, that product you bought has one more loop for you to jump through, if you don't like it your money is still mine."


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>aussies takes down muslims AND chinks
most powerful race

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>acting ethically toward corporations
It's a dog eat dog world out there. These assholes sure as fuck aren't going to show any mercy.

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Yes, the service was not provided. Are you autistic? You dont say "HELP MUH GAEM WENT TO EPIC GAMES!!!"

>How to completely fuck up your reputation forever in one single step


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reminder that legislation and regulation is how we show developers and publishers that they are not allowed to mercilessly fuck us over at every opportunity. people who are against regulation are all objectively anti-consumer shills.

Get fucked Cheng.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-11 False Advertising Law Suing for False Advertising Lawsuits Penalties.png (1000x1142, 644K)

That's why Robin Hood is a timeless literary hero and we don't laud evil kleptokrats in children's books.

Shenmue 3 truly is the end to the trilogy

Eat shit resetera

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>That's why Robin Hood is a timeless literary hero

Maybe for children?

>False advert doesn't have a remedy for consumers
kek, can't wait until the EU opens little timmy a new hole.

>It's unethical
Have fun with the lawsuit, chink!

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Godspeed upsidedown man.

This is illegal in the US, too, you're forgetting how Bethesda almost got reamed up the anus for falsely advertising the material of its bags.

god damn every kickstarter game turns into a fucking nightmare lol

If they are refusing to refund does that make me eligible to issue a chargeback?

>Get millions selling your soul to the chinks ans betraying your audience
>Lose them on a class action lawshit
Bold move lmao

Haha you've never started a payment dispute and it shows.

Good luck talking to a mediator over the phone or over email and explaining why Epic bad without him laughing at you like I am now.

Why are Deep Silver such cunts?

Lol all y'all niggas are so stupid. Get a refund if you want they ain't stopping you, but don't like this game being on Steam was absolutely material to why you pledged for this game. If supporting capitalism and buying from a different store upsets you that much then go to McDonalds and enjoy a burger then come back and cancel your order. Because sucking Steam cock was somehow more important to you than the game itself.

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I hope none of you faggot actually gave money to a kickstarter game, do not dissapoint me Yea Forums!

>Good luck talking to a mediator over the phone or over email and explaining why Epic bad without him laughing at you like I am now.
Like I said, you dont say "EPIC BAD!!!"
Are you autistic?

Doesn’t matter in AUS mate, easy win for AUS consumers

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Very likely that you're wrong since there is no additional cost for downloading Epic Game Store

>Good luck talking to a mediator
I dunno what retard organization you deal with. Probably a bank that doesn't give a shit what happens with your money. With my Citi credit card all I have to do is select a purchase on my statement, hit "dispute" and fill out a box about the issue. I have never even had to speak to a person to have my money returned.

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stocking is best girl

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>only kikestarted La Mulana 2
>luckily it came out last year before all this garbage
wew dodged a bullet

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Probably some Chinese banker

Just contact your bank and open a claim against them. You will instantly be reimbursed within 24 hours. This will work anywhere that isn't a 3rd world shit

>not apology
one job

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>everyone with access to X has access to Y FOR FREE

Yeah, for companies that have powerful resources to battle with other companies that have powerful resources. Do you think the US actually cares about the consumers?

We're actively deregulating right now, just look at what telecom services can get away with.

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>Refunds will not be granted
Here's hoping they get sued the fuck out.

Good luck, madlad.

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>Get a refund if you want they ain't stopping you
Yes they are you dumb shill.

It's unethical to force spyware into people's transaction four years afterward.

top tier bait

>wahhhhhhh! how will my steam overlords hold their monopoly now!!!!! wahhhhh praise gaben!! heil gaben!

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imagine paying money for a product thats most likely not going to exist

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Well let me shamelessly move the goalpost a little. This is an issue that could make it to court at least in a class action lawsuit.

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and now we're getting a nylon helmet
fucking hell they never learn

The epic game store has a better publishing model. Steam shouldn’t be taking such a huge cut.

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>>luckily it came out last year before all this garbage
>as if kikestarted games didnt have problems before Epicuck Store showed up

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>Like I said, you dont say "EPIC BAD!!!"
Ok then galaxy brain, what do you say then? Bear in mind that whoever you talk you won't be a PC gaymer or a channer and they won't know what a Steam is.

Now explain in detail how you would achieve this chargeback.

how much longer before companies avoid epic like the plague because everyone hates epic and hates chinks?

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>china talking about ethics
I'm gonna say the T word

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>Hey, I would like a refund for [INSERT LITERALLY ANYTHING OTHER THAN DURR NO STEAM] reason.

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What? Fuck this company.

I don't even understand the point of Steam desu, why can't you just directly download games from the publisher or use GOG or buy physical copies?
I'm not really much of a PC gamer but when I do I just pirate them or use GOG. yall babies whining about Steam are just brainwashed by valve and sucking Gaben's dick.


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name one thing wrong with EGS

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Except you're changing the purchase nigger. It doesn't matter if the alternative doesn't cost money, if you put money towards that thing in that promised way and that thing changes in a way that you don't like, you get your money back. It's false advertising otherwise.

brightened my day, let this be a lesson to you all

would be hard to prove "material" damage when you can download a launcher for free. That's how US laws work. Corporations win

i will tiananmen square your bloodline back to genghis khan you fucking nip

>refunds not allowed
Jesus Christ, these people are clueless, this will be another PR and legal nightmare.

It's not a monopoly, like by definition. You do know the definition of a monopoly right? Surely you wouldn't just use it as a buzzword for "successful company".

>mfw they have no idea the shitstorm they've caused

Someone's lawyer is about to get a fat wallet.

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Oh shit, is there a dropdown menu for "Epic bad!"

On my bank app, I literally just press a button to open a dispute.

Are you trying to spook anons in an attempt to dissuade them from chargebacks? because it won't work. They're incredibly easy.

pɐlpɐɯ ǝʇnlosqɐ noʎ pǝǝdspoƃ

>caring about shenmue still when Yakuza surpassed it and replaced this type of game a long time ago.

Hate nostalgia fags

You think I should have to lie to get a refund I'm legally entitled to? And you think your company is going to give any refund for any reason after this?

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Lucky for me, La Mulana 2 was my favorite game last year

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Good luck aussie

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>Bear in mind that whoever you talk you won't be a PC gaymer or a channer and they won't know what a Steam is.
Jesus, it doesnt matter if the person on the other end doesn't know what steam is haha what the fuck.
You tell them you are unable to receive the product you purchased and the supplier is being unhelpful and not giving you a refund.

Aw lawd lawsuit incomin'

Get ready boys Ys Net gonna get fucked and you're not gonna see Shenmue 4 in your lifetimes

>Pre-ordering games

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1. nothing wrong with me

That's a bait and switch substituting an expensive item with a cheap one. No parallel to that here

>post your yfw face when you HAVE donated to kikestarter
How did it go?
Boring level design that's far too open, dreadful unfun boss on the first level. Quit after two hours.
>La-Mulana 2
It was alright, but not different enough from the first to hold my attention. Felt like I was playing Groundhog Day.

Would have been much more proud to have my name in the credits of Shovel Knight or Hollow Knight, or some other good indie game.

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oh no no
Shouldn't have written ''Steam'' all over my order confirmation fucking chinks. Paid 60 dollars and going to get thousands in court, feelsgoodman

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Keiji Inafune 2.0

I remember people refusing to give refunds for crowdfunding before, have any of them actually successfully lawyer'd the jews?

Damn, and I lost any and all interest. It was a belated Monkey's Paw.

Shenmue should have stayed dead.

lmfao this is not true at all. Do I even have to explain why lol?
>"Here, lemme just go buy a 2080ti dispute and it's mine for free!" So easy!

>t. seething tranny

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get fucked nostalgiafags

I hope they get raped into bankruptcy through a class-action lawsuit

no regional pricing

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It only takes one piece of shit dodged to make up for the """"savings""""" of around 5 Kikestarter preorders.

Dogs eat dog food

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I love only ever donated to the gunsmith cats remaster kickstarter because I knew one of the dudes working on it. 99% of all kikestarters are scams though

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And it's of course more ethical to harvest data from users because the chink government forces you to!

2. nothing wrong with me

>*blocks your path*

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I didn't but I'm gonna use OP's image to rile up shit on the Internet anyway

It might very well, but I think it would have trouble winning in the US

>Get a refund if you want they ain't stopping you
Actually if you read the OP, it's pretty clear that they are stopping you from getting a refund.

The premise was false advertising, you dipshit. It didn't even have to do with the quality of the new material, it was the blatant fact that they explicitly said "canvas" on the advertisement and then switched it with another material. Yes the new material was shittier, but that wasn't even the qualification for the complaint that was filed to the FTC.

>Mr. Goldstein please you don't understand, I need to sue them, they gave me the game on a DRM client that I don't have stockholm syndrome for, please please please I'll sell all of my CSGO skins to pay you

Absolute fucking scumbags to do this to shenmue fans, fans that have been there for so many years.
This is fucking infuriating and I didnt pledge nor have I ever played a shenmue game.
Im filled with rage, I hope they get fucked up in court

Unless they updated the page, the word Steam never appears on the page (or Epic for that matter.)

Pledge $29 or more

A digital copy of Shenmue 3 for PC or PS4.

Includes the $5 Reward.

Dec 2017
26,238 backers

The Epic Store resembles nothing so much as a plague spreading everywhere

Why is being on the epic store bad again? I dont play anything thats not on steam but if my favorite game moved there i'd consider it.

Do the epic devs stick a clause in their user agreement that lets you get fucked in the ass or something?

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Very funny Chang

>would be hard to prove "material" damage when you can download a launcher for free.
It's hard because it's fucking impossible. It's like telling you that you need to have it delivered by FedEx instead of UPS. You can have whatever insane autistic squabbles you have with those companies that you want but nothing about your agreement has been altered in a meaningful way. You didn't buy Shenmue because it was on Steam, you bought it because it was getting made and you wanted it on PC. Steam offers an interface and a bunch of other dumb shit Epic offers equivalents for. You're not getting an sub optimal experience since it affects everyone and it's hard to argue about this being meaningful without sounding like a pissed off childish lunatic.

The Epic Game Store saga is always going to confuse the fuck out of me. Aren't you guys mostly conservative? Do you like super corporations and a single group of Jews running everything? What the fuck?

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>not getting Shenmue 3 on console
It's like you don't even care about its legacy.

We'll see. I was impressed that I actually got a check from that GTX 970 thing.


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go shill somewhere else you ching chong fuck

Sure you did.

No, because these are voluntary donations and Kickstarter's terms of service, which you agree to by donating, lay this out. The only time refunds occur are when Kickstarter themselves declare fraud took place.

Having to click outside of Steam does not equal fraud and Yea Forums esq. is totally confused as always.

Depends on the back. Typically, they'll make you request a refund first.

In this case, refunds are being denied right out the gate and user has not received a product. They just finished explaining that the product he will receive will not be the one he originally backed. They'll approve the chargeback.

Worst case scenario, Kickstarter kills his account in retaliation, but it's no loss.

>No reply
Yeah get fucked, anime retard.

If the game isn't even out yet I don't understand why they don't refund, it's not like you played the whole game and now want your money back. then again, since this is a kickstarter situation, I'm not sure if you can get a refund for a donation

>implying alpha as fuck video game corporations give a single fuck about the law
They are above the law, as they have proven over and over again

very based indeed

Don't make me say the T-S words, chink.

This is worse than a class-action. This is RICO hands down. Good chance the FBI will be getting involved.

lack basic features such as fucking shopping cart

Organizational neatfreaks who want every game they have on one launcher

Oh and Tencent is evil

Yes this is 100% illegal in countries and states with consumer protection laws, as you do not have the digital product yet and baited and switched.

>Epic Store
Time to pirate lol

>Do you like super corporations and a single group of Jews running everything?
>using the boomer definition of conservative

Nah. We're nationalists with socialist tendencies

Attached: 1367504273586.jpg (900x675, 84K)

God bless you user, fuck them up good


They did update the page yes, as of I think maybe a week or two ago.

Oh boy, are the entitled whiny gamers going to ruin a game wanted by millions who've waited years because they might have to download a second launcher?

Honestly I wish you all aids and cancer at once.
You are so stupid it fucking hurts me as an observer.

If you are so generous I can give you my bank data so you can help me to pay for my education.

Attached: poorfag.jpg (680x602, 82K)

just pirate the game

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Do it faggot and show them who we are!

>tfw you have donated to kickstarter
>tfw every single one has given a good product in return

It's all in knowing what to invest in, lads. The only thing that approaches a dud was Shadowrun Returns, and since that led to Dragonfall and Hong Kong I still won in the end.

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That literally doesn't matter. There was a contract between buyer and seller. By changing anything about this contract it is void and the buyer is entitled to a refund without providing further reasoning.

t. german lawyer this would be an easy slam dunk in most euro courts I imagine

Bait them with nostalgia, take the money and run

>just let china spy on you bro

Taiwan is an independent country

Don't be so sure. Bethesda pretty much decided to make the cloth bags they lied about just because of the lawsuit threat. That said, the bag fiasco was more clear with the advertising stamped everywhere

I dont want to open another exe!

Deep Silver's really making a run for being the most hated this year.

Is that why Yea Forums is mad? Because they lack reading comprehension? It says "..for this change". Meaning they don't want to deal with knee-jerk refund requests by autists. Maybe that's debatable, but they're not turning off refunds all together. If nobody could get a refund for other reasons then yeah that'd be a big problem.

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Adding to this

Even if the term "digital version" was used explicitly, user STILL hasn't received it yet, so he is entitled to a refund.

>AUS consumers
implying they ever win shit

And yet you still get exactly what you paid for, no court in the world is going to give a shit about the minor distinctions between online storefronts because the game is the product in question and the product is the same no matter what. It doesn't count as false advertisement and it sure as fuck doesn't count as fraud, nothing illegal took place at all, on any level. The product is what was promised, and the product is still going to be delivered, how it's delivered doesn't matter at all, ultimately, and that's how the law would see it, too.

autism speaks, but it's about time we stopped listening

Attached: autism patch.jpg (669x667, 166K)

>Advertise Steam keys
>Have people choose Steam keys as their distribution method of choice
>Take away Steam keys and yell 'no refunds'

This feels very much not legal

>people unironically defending no refunds
Fucking why? You fucks are consumers.

The issue is that you don't just "click outside of Steam." If you're a Steam user, you now have to give your personal information and sign a contract with a third-party which you were not previously obligated to do so to receive your backer rewards

I wonder if they will use the backers Epic keys to say that the game is a success on Epic...

Literally all you need to do is a charge back. Banks don't question it, they just do it.

You know I don't give too much of a shit because I'm not so dumb that I would fund something on kikestarter when I know that it's going to be well nourished by big corporations, and I also pirate shit

But it'd be funny if they got severely fucked by this decision

I'll post them for you

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

You're still a retarded steamdrone wanting to sue someone because they're making you download some shitty chink client instead of your precious Gabebook

Attached: ararararara.gif (448x252, 930K)

>We know you asked for a PS4 digital code but we at deep silver had a talk and decided that an Xbone release would be best instead
>We know that's not what you paid money for but they're both consoles so what's the difference right?
>Oh and no refunds



Unfortunately my guess is this is perfectly legal due to KS being donations and not being explicitly paying for a good


Sorry, the old specs literally said a Steam account was required for activation, which changed to Epic Games Store account after this fucking announcement.

Best part is it's not since Timmy Tencent paid for all and covered any potential loss with his Fortnite money. Thank you based Timmy Tencent.

Attached: 1560191643292.png (696x493, 335K)

>Literally all you need to do is a charge back.

It's way too late to chargeback at this point

Their page advertised a Steam key lol.

It's Phoenix Point all over again

They were collecting PC and Steam information no one gave them permission to do when you installed their client. They have leaked customer data twice already.

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>Deep Silver
Theres your problem.

Kickstarters TOS literally don't matter in a european court.

The Nine-Dash Line has been invalidated by the International Court of Arbitration and China's claim on the South China Sea has been declared illegal.

imagine being so fucking braindead you actually ruin your entire game and its whole sales potential just to pocket a few extra bucks

>preordering literally anything

>Fucking why? You fucks are consumers.
Paid ten cents per post

So just to be clear, if you backed it you had a specific choice to choose a Steam key?

Bullshit, they wont give you a refund in any situation right now or the people upset would have gotten one by using one of those other reasons

Set the dingos and abbos upon them all

Yes that's the argument I was making although I didn't bother to explain why like you did so it's funny that you responded to me, the one person in the thread who agrees.

Just complain to kickstarter and they'll refund you.

>It's unethical to ask for a refund

Probably hurts your credit score.

You bet I am faggot. Already did the chargeback on my credit card.

Yes, hello bank person. I need to dispute a charge from four years ago for $29 on my account. Yes I'll hold.

Attached: D3Q-RlsUcAAdORD.png (780x623, 265K)

And what makes you so confident your data is safe with Steam? If you're online at all chances are your data is already in the hands of every government and corporation in existence.

so, when the epic store inevitably fails and goes under in the next year, everyone who has ever paid anything for any product on the store is losing everything, right?

>Epic store has a nice interface
>I click download and it downloads games
>I click play and it plays game
>It has a working friends list
>Its missing achivements, a feature only faggots care about
>Free game every week
Why is epic bad? Seriously, please. Make a real case here as to why this is bad without resorting to stale tenement square massacre memes.

>That's a bait and switch substituting an expensive item with a cheap one. No parallel to that here
Consider that EGS is an inferior service.


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Can we sue them for being 2 years late?

um yes we did sweaty we won the biggest case against Valve you retard

they have to list Australian consumer protection rights and refunds in a big disclaimer on their store forever.

by using a lawyer you will only kill the devs, epic games doesnt care

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Shenmue is just inferior Yakuza anyway
Who cares?

take these niggers out user!

Gabe cocksuckers don't care about anything but giving that fat fuck more pleasure.

Some devs deserve to die.

No due to "estimated"

Bait-and-switch is literally illegal in large parts of the world. Ethics doesn't enter into it.

Kill enough devs and the other devs will learn.

>Epic poaching kickstarter gamers
glad I never fell for this meme

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>This product requires the use of service X.
>"Okay, I can agree to that. I like service X, so I'll buy it."
>We're changing that to service Y now.
>"Oh, well I don't want to use service Y, so I would like a refund. You changed the parameters of this purchase after I already paid for it but before I received my product."
>No refunds.

Where's the problem, here? What is the argument against giving a refund?

>pay 29$ 4 years ago
>for that 29$ you're promised a product in 4 years
>4 years later you receive the wrong product

How hard is it to understand?

So do you guys think this is due to Deep Silver or because Ys wanted it? Like who brought the idea to the table? Cause isn't this the first Japanese game Epic nabbed? Is Bloodstained next?

>Pay money for the possibility of a product
>Get screwed over because you don't have the same protection that actual investors have

Attached: 1557775163015.png (1024x1024, 169K)


I don't use Epic because I don't trust Chinese

>has a shit interface
>click download and nothing happens
>click play and it sits there and fucking does nothing
>none of the community features work
>missing achievements
>free pixelshit indie every week to buy goodwill

maybe they deserve it

When is Kickstarter itself going to start suing Kickstarter projects for giving them a bad name?

>you will only kill the devs,

You'll hurt Deep Silver, and that's a worthwhile endeavor

Do you really need a better reason than not supporting a company with direct ties to the Chinese government?
I tend to use GoG over Steam, they don't force you to download some shitty client.

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It's absolute bullshit to have a Steam store page for your unreleased game for months or even years and then go "Lol it's not coming out here"

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Never considering people are still stupid enough to give money to them

Of course Epic doesn't care, but they're not at fault here anyways, even if their practices are anti-consumer. The developer/publisher are the ones who accepted the money from Epic. Burning them to the ground would serve as a lesson to others.

C'mon give them another chance. Its not like they would sell you out a THIRD time :^)

game developers should lose their jobs

Holy fuck i cant wait to pirate this shit now

Didn't Phoenix Point get such a fat paycheck from Epic that they gave people refunds?

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The money is long gone. They would have to tap into their buyout yuans in order to refund, and deep silver sounds like the kind of jews that would resist that.

why did you give them money then


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>Gamergate is at it again

Deep Silver based on the Metro fiasco. Which you'd think they would have learnt from, but clearly they have more idiots on staff than Yea Forums

Take note guys. If any of yall want a bunch of free (You)'s, pretend being an Epic Games shill. Guaranteed baits.

Attached: bait.gif (400x254, 1.43M)

All in cahoots, on social media deep silver told people to voice their complaints to ys. Now here, with OPs image, ys is pushing it back to its backers

>Do you really need a better reason than not supporting a company with direct ties to the Chinese government?
Why do I give a shit about supporting or not supporting chinks?

So Valve has completely given up, right? They just want to die at this point it seems.

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I personally think Gaben's being a 'tard not making it a rule that once a dev commits to releasing a product on Steam they either have to release it or pay a huge penalty and be perma-blacklisted from ever trying to release on Steam again

I thought they were going to support Valve like a good person would do.

How long til Bloodstained becomes Epic only now? That game is out soon and the PR people are being closed lips about it.

Sure, make an example out of them.
I'll take my game, too, for free.

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This man gets it

That was me with Shenmue when it came out. That was a common criticism that this internet cult of Shenmue pretends never happened and blames criticism on how the game is now compared to modern games but that’s not true at all. It was fucking boring. It wasn’t revolutionary because it didn’t influence anything. It didn’t influence anything except some claim Yakuza. It didn’t contribute shit to open world autism simulators. GTA3 was a 3D third person version of GTA1&2. You didn’t have to work at a job or tediously collect things.

It has soul, though.

Attached: MoonmanPointing.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Yes they did, basically said that they got so much money that if all backers refunded they still would’ve made bank. Also, it was Phoenix point devs that reached out to epic. Important note.

Epic is pretty much doing Steam's PR for them.

>people actually expected a refund
This happens every time with kickstarter why do people falling for this?
>Don't give your money unless you're getting steam key for a place holder
>Demo or beta build is out
Sadly no one is getting refunded, this has happen so many times and Kickstarter has a way explaining why you can't get a refund ever.

The most you can do is a charge back with your bank or credit card

fake and gay
your jew lawyer would cost more than anything you get back

wish they would decouple unreal engine from EGS, Chinese spyware aside it's clearly bloated

>Aussies will now shitpost the justice system
Good job my lad, your faggottry is appreciated.

Goddamn it feels good to have never backed a single game on Kickstarter

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>Deep Silver

Epic shills would say that they’re trying to make exclusivity out of games though, gotta think farther

The devs agreed to gag on the Deep Silver dick and all the repercussions for doing so.

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I mean the game is going to sell on Steam in the end anyway, but yeah I'm wondering too why they haven't done anything about this, since even though all things considered, most of the revenue will be on Steam anyway, it's still blatant bait and switch that's costing revenue anyway.

care about, did you bother watching the pc show?
more games revealed to be released on steam rather than epic
despite being "powered" by epic

I imagine some sort of plan will be made for the future.
It just wasn't a thing to even concern themselves over up until now.


Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-10 19-45-13.png (1203x178, 27K)

It was decided "with" Deep Silver in the same way an ISIS captive reading jihadist propaganda is decided "with" ISIS.

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you have people taking about suing because they're not getting their game on Steam anymore

Steam doesn't need to do anything as long as Epic is seen as evil incarnate

Time for democracy to shove its giant dick up corporations again

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Even if Epic was the best store in the world (it isn't, it's an unfinished piece of shit who doesn't even have a shopping basket and won't add anything that hurts a publisher feelings), it would still be scummy to promise the game on a platform through the entire development and change it on the last lap.

it'll ban you if you buy too many games.

>the fallen

>tfw this will never be me
fucking end me already

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>wasting money on a lawyer when you can just report the case to acccc

Reminder that Metro Exodus is now available on the Microsoft Store 4 months into Epic's year-long exclusivity deal. Epic is where games go to fail.

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How about you choke on my dick you meganigger? Maybe I don't give a fuck about what you or anyone else says and just want to hear myself type. God my cock is huge.

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By getting cucked constantly? Steam is a weakening platform.

Yea Forums you told me Epic didn't care about Nippon games! Does that mean they'll that our Iga game too?

People grow and change. Doesn't give you the right to a refund. It's still coming for PC and that's what matters.

enough developers have succeeded without selling on steam for that to be silly, steam still thrives on later released shit going for "sales" prices

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account sec is fucking garbo and some fortnite flosser can steal your account super ez.

>presented in Sony's E3
>already funded by Sony but wanted kickstarter money as well
I've never trusted this shit, I'm not surprised they did this shit as well

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But Steam looks so much better now without all these new games to clutter it up!

Yeah.... no one cares what autists on Yea Forums scream about. Valve has been losing the war for a long time now.

It did influence Yakuza, but Yakuza has become so much more playable it's dumb. It's truly not that good. I played through all of Shenmue I and I felt like the concept was good, but that was literally it. The controls were bad, the padding with forklifting was dumb, I was really fucking surprised that everyone around was praising the fucking game while complaining about QTEs in modern games and the story and dialogue is obnoxiously simplistic and slow. Yakuza achieved much more, just got rid of the time system that people somehow miss because waiting around doing nothing for a long time is fun, I guess.

>My PC is a potato (my fault) and can't even open the Epic Launcher, never had problems with Steam.
>Steam has better regional prices and payment methods, my country is a third world shit but most times Steam games are way cheaper than in other countries.
>Exclusivity on PC is a dick move, just use that money to improve your shitty store!!!

Kill 1 dev to educate 100

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>Yu Suzuki is sentenced to a booting

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It's not Steam

A man needs his sauce

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I feel bad for Yu Suzuki. The deep shit Deep Silver had probably talked him into is gonna sting.

I couldn't log into my own account for some time because some fucker decided to try to log in too many times just using my email address. Amazing system there.

What a fucking legend.

Who cares about consumers?

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How many people bought this game because of the "Le Epic! XD Sony E3" reactions?

Doubt there would be refunds anyways. Its all fucking donation money.

Man I bet she feels fucking tight.

Just do a chargeback, you retards.

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Why am I so fucking smart? Why can't everyone be as smart as me?

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I wish la mulana 2 got more money so it could have been the absolute masterpiece it deserved to be with the additional content

Good luck based bastard

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1 Yuan was added to your account

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I dont care anymore, it looks like they focused all in the wrong areas for shenmue 3.

Theyre extremely vague on how battles are fought, even though they had all this external money to fund this project, they couldnt get the core fun thing that Shenmue 2 got right.

This last thing broke me.

Delusional dog eating chink, what people do for food holy shit.

I didn't but the backers don't deserve this

killing greedy publishers is worth it

Refunds will be issued, however, there is a 60% restocking fee.

He's not wrong though

Honestly, it serves you right for being such a fucking dumbass. Backing Kickstarters is stupid enough, but backing a game backed by Sony and Epic is the stupidest thing you can do.
Did it feel good wagecucking away, collecting your pennies together so you could donate them to millionaires like a good little goy?

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>didn't lose the beer
What a lad

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No it isn't unethical.
Is it petty? Yeah.
But you can get a refund for literally any reason.

Kojimbo ain't ever begged for shitstarter shekels, bucko.

>impulse piracy
>developers will get fucked in court
>epic is making an epic ton of money
>maybe will make steam move their asses
Is he dare I say... /ourguy/?

Well that is his angle, but it's more publishers than developers per se.

>chargeback a 2015 donation


I dunno how anyone can't justify piracy after this

Are you some kind of lawyer?

>it was Phoenix point devs that reached out to epic. Important note.

good for them

>Do you like super corporations and a single group of Jews running everything?
No, which is why I will never pay a single cent to Epic's store.

Attached: yoshihiko.png (413x412, 374K)

>and Epic

Epic was never in the picture until now user


So what Kickstarter that isn't out is left that isn't Epic now?

>Gaming industry in 2019
>People still pre-order games.

Attached: 235362354.png (410x408, 354K)

reminder that deep silver is the one that started this bullshit practice of pulling shit from steam
metro is their fault

Headnotes: For the UK, I'd say there is argument but the key part is that the Epic games client requires you sign a "new" terms agreement post-purchase which acts as a breach of the old supply contract. However, Shenmue can get around this by first attempting to offer a discount and then likely backpedaling and offering a refund. This ignores your obvious statutory rights to a refund in the UK anyway. In short get fucked.

So, for the UK's part (and some shitty Yea Forums solicitor's part which only includes about 20 minutes of research, I'll send Hiromoot my billing rounded up to an hour for mandatory shitposting): The key act of law regarding this is the Consumer Goods act 2015, specifically sections 41-44, and section 16 and 19 for what happens when sections 41 and 42 are violated.

In short, digital purchases of games are essentially a contract. A change or failure in that contract means that the new agreement must be made mutually or standard recompense offered.

This recompense is multifold but comes down to two options: Refund or an offer to lower costs. There are various caveats to this but it doesn't matter because of the following:

However, since you the consumer are using a digital platform that asks you to sign a user agreement, and purchased an item on that platform that had no implication of requiring a different platform, the moment you then "Disagree" with the user agreement Epic Games' platform the game supplier is still required to supply you the game to not be in violation of this act.

Have a fun analogy: You order some coal to your house to be delivered in a small truck that can get down your road and the supplier agrees, then the supplier tells you they only have big trucks: The supplier still needs to get you your coal. You would not be at fault because you know you have a tiny road and stipulated in the contract it'd have to be delivered in a smaller vehicle, the coal supplier's change of vehicles is on them.

Assuming gamers care more about games than download clients, he's right.

Yes he is, retard.

They wont deliver the product they promised. Chargeback, if they give you shit you sue them.

1-Lacks basic features like a shopping cart,whishlist and propper custom support alongside security flaws
2-Brings the exclusivity cancer to the pc community
3-Already proven their launcher and many of its files are spyware that take data from steam notheless.

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How would Steam keep it's popularity if publishers pulled their games and put them on Epic?

>It's kickstarter money

well that was a waste of time.

In short: You threw your money down a hole. Don't do that. This is one of many reasons why.

>steal money from people for 4 years
>bait and switch on the last 4 months
No refunds loyal gamer.

Actually yeah, it could be a class action lawsuit.

There are time limits to a chargeback. And no one's going to sue over such a small amount of money. It would cost a thousand times more to hire a lawyer, assuming you could even find one willing to take that case. Just download the client already.

bloodstained is playable on steam right now, it could do the rocket league thing and move to epic later but koji wouldn't do that, he refused to sell his soul to konami for money.

That depends on what Kikestarter actually is. if the fine print says that your money is an investment, then no one is getting a refund in America. I'm not sure if there is any precedent for this, but I would guess that they'll be forced to grant refunds.

and it's pretty crystal clear from this that they are in financial trouble. They knew exactly what this shit was going to do (explode people's minds) they just did it anyway because they wanted the money. and now no refunds. kek. this thing has been a shitshow from the beginning.

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That's illegal, also it's a kickstart email. You can literally chargeback via kickstarter and they're forced to pay you out of pocket.


*up for preorders sorry, fuck i hope they don't do that shit.

If retarded devs keep making retarded decisions. The consumer will tell them to go fuck yourselves and pirate it instead.

Why are the PR people not answering then? On Reddit and the Discord they refuse to give a clear answer on whether not it'll go Epic exclusive.

Epic wins again baby!

Steamcels on suicide watch

I have and got it refunded, but I think the bank never really went after the company for their money back. Breach of contract.

I believed so but I saw a bunch of people ask the official Discord about it and the people there say they can't answer that question at this time.

LM2 disappointed me. It's been a year and they're still quashing bugs all because they chose to use Unity

Good luck meeting at least 4 of the definitions for class. I think the worst would be meeting the need to fairly represent the "gaming" class's needs.

We'd need some kind of uber gaming pope encrusted in dorito dust.

>Just download the client already.
Or not. Download the pirate version and report the kickstarter.

Attached: 1542910587259.jpg (450x600, 29K)

Jesus christ that thing will destroy my toaster just by oppening it, and you tell me there are people ok whit this??

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>Epic wins
By completely trashing a brand new game reputation? There's not a single place where this is being taken as positive.

Yeah user. Angel on Reddit said she can't talk about Epic exclusivity. So it's happening probably.

Gamers bitch and moan but they always buy. When it comes out no one will care.

Yakuza is basically an open world streets of rage with minigames

Shenmue is a proper adventure game. You advance the plot not by following fucking quest markers but by asking neighbors what happened and gathering clues. following a breadcrumb that leads you in interesting directions.

No game does this today and it's sad.


I'm fine with it though, for the rare people who accept it is an extremely high-risk gamble and for the very few crowd-source funding platforms that are extremely clear that this isn't investment so much as giving someone money with no real terms on the basis of "dude trust me"

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based genocide poster

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Not PC gamers. We would be the most combative users in gaming.

>Bloodstained has no comment on Epic Store
>PR people refuse to talk about it
>Won't give a yes or no answer
get ready for more rage

>completely missing the point

Pretty funny to see so many people call this illegal when it isn't. I can't wait for some retard to actually try to get a lawyer only to get told he has no case.

Why do buyfags still exist?