so what do you have to say about the best mommy?
So what do you have to say about the best mommy?
Shit character
Yeah, Mithra is better
She's she like shit, Just like her game.
Garbage fucking game, I’m done playing JRPGS until V comes out
>so what do you have to say about the best mommy?
That you're a faggot for using the low res version. Learn2save pics out of twitter Apart from that, you have good taste in women
I want mommy to sit on me
Who wouldn't
>tfw can't find a physical copy mommies game
I want to fuck that sword
She's not even a mother you fucking mouth-breathing fetishfaggot.
What do you mean, Guts? Pretty sure the game is still easily available physical
I live in Canada everytime I walk into any store I only see this thing called Xenoblade 2:Torna the gold country. I haven't seen a copy of Xenoblade 2.
Inferior to Mythra, who is inferior to best girl Nia.
Why not just order from Amazon? I haven't bought anything in a store for years, bare the food.
Retail games have really declined
It isn't hard to find xenoblade in the USA, but I know that Gamestop is really struggling because of Amazon and online services
>will protect you from the scary dark
I think we all know who the better one is.