So what do you have to say about the best mommy?

so what do you have to say about the best mommy?

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Shit character

Yeah, Mithra is better

She's she like shit, Just like her game.

Garbage fucking game, I’m done playing JRPGS until V comes out

>so what do you have to say about the best mommy?
That you're a faggot for using the low res version. Learn2save pics out of twitter Apart from that, you have good taste in women

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I want mommy to sit on me

Who wouldn't

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>tfw can't find a physical copy mommies game

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I want to fuck that sword


She's not even a mother you fucking mouth-breathing fetishfaggot.

What do you mean, Guts? Pretty sure the game is still easily available physical

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I live in Canada everytime I walk into any store I only see this thing called Xenoblade 2:Torna the gold country. I haven't seen a copy of Xenoblade 2.

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Inferior to Mythra, who is inferior to best girl Nia.

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Why not just order from Amazon? I haven't bought anything in a store for years, bare the food.

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Retail games have really declined
It isn't hard to find xenoblade in the USA, but I know that Gamestop is really struggling because of Amazon and online services

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>will protect you from the scary dark
I think we all know who the better one is.