Imho, watchdog 3

The game looks pretty great, yea, all that anti brexit propaganda is bad, but it could have been anything and you guys would have found a way to complain. I'm able to see the game for what it is (or looks to be) and it is what watchdog should be, a band of people resisting a tyranical system.

Stop watching games seething that they are not nazi wonderland gasing jews simulator, that will never happen. So enjoy the game for what it is, you can enjoy it even if you disagree with the political view it vehicles.

Attached: 30776128-1222dd54-a06f-11e7-9b26-6f60664d1669.jpg (640x624, 48K)

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>all that anti brexit propaganda is bad
It really isn't. Most of us who actually live here have comes to term it was a poorly planned mistake from just the small smattering of shit starting to happen.

I want Doge to come back

he did

Just give me aiden back.

you have to go back polish paul.
the only good reveal was operative granny, who they will nerf to shit to stop people playing the whole game with her.

t. unironic Ubi shill

The anti-Brexit thing is the least of its worries. How are there going to be any coherent narratives when every character is expendable? Deaths in the footage shown are just shrugged off with no impact. You're recruiting expendable soldiers. You're a terrorist cabal. And that doesn't exactly translate into a fun game. That isn't a noble struggle of brave heroes. That's a faceless entity sending people to die.

>all this anti brexit stuff is bad
you're stupid, brexiters are just as bad as nazi's. this game is what wolfenstein 2 was to nazi's for you retards

Worked for xcom 2