
any thoughts on new battletoads?

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looks whack as fuck

Needs more bulging muscles with veins.

Shit artstyle.

Music is good.
Style is not.
Character designs are really off, to the point where the logo no longer matches the characters.
Game looks much slower and easier. Animation/sounds are not as crunchy or satisfying.

Looks fine to me. I can see why people are mad but its just the trailer. We haven't had a hands on demo yet. It probably won't ALL be beat 'em up.


Looks bad. The art style is ugly and the animations seem both awkward and limited. Look at Rash's standing neutral pose. Its fucking weird.

The turbo tunnel stuff looks fun though.

I want games to return to 2d sprites but this is shit just the same.

Its a fucking disgrace to the original nes game and was made by fart-sy people that dont give a shit about the series. They should be force feed pig shit until they die

I might be willing to overlook the art style misfire if it plays nice.

I kept looking at it hoping that my eyes were failing me, trying to find a connection to the classic games, it wasn't a nod to the NES version, didn't look like Battlemaniacs or the arcade, it looked like NuCartoon Network shit, why? I don't watch any of that shit, I'm the target audience right? I played the games, I wanted to buy the new one.

Looks like a shitty animation from 2010 rather than buff rad-looking frogs that pretty much evoke 90s culture

Art style is fucking garbage.

I'll hold out for Nightmare Cops for my 2d beat em up fix, even though I'll be dead before it comes out.

looks worse than childish nintrash

The actual artstyle is fine it's the animation that is janky as fuck


way artstyle and you can't see what the fuck is going on

show this to anyone who says graphics don't matter

>made by soilets and not even Rare

I like it

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don't mean to sound RENT-FREE or whatever but I get the feeling if this was Nintendo plenty of people would defend it, ala Link's Awakening remake

Dark queen needs tits

>wishing death upon people just for not making a video game the way you want
LMAO cry more incel

Go look at their studio, they're human garbage. It's not like it's some kids that made the game who didn't know any better. It's literal waste of oxygen SJW types.

Everyone who got hyped at a measley logo last year or whenever they showed it needs to take a moment and sit right there and tell us all about how you live in Bel Air.

The animation doesn't look that smooth or high quality. This game will be forgotten within a few weeks of release.

>people literally shit on the art style of new Battletoads
>go on to praise the look of Streets of Rage 4

They're the same fucking thing when it comes to visual design.
But I guess it's ok when Sega does it you fucking hypocrites.

lol based blind retard

Looks good, I'm glad they abandoned the cringe 90s edgy style

Looks fun and im ready to play this with my friends.People wanting a splatter house tier battletoads lmao

If a game has a "good" artstyle like Cuphead you same faggots will cry
>people only like it cuz muh graphics
There's no way to win except to ignore people like you, just like they have done with every major hit game of the last few years.

Every thread these days are filled with these NPC shill types. It's uncanny. Is Yea Forums officially more virus than host?

>People I disagree with should die horrible deaths
>Why do I get called a Nazi?


Microsoft killed another rare IP

Which one of you faggots was it?

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Probably. But LA Remake at least tries to make something akin to the original sprite style (even if it's not the art I or a lot of people wanted them to use as an inspiration), and does it to a fault. Warfrogs goes in the other direction and shits wholesale on the original style and designs, and taking a peek at the art team, it's absolutely reasonable to assume to a degree that there was some deliberate intent to shit on the original.

Jesus, I can't believe I'm defending the fucking LA remake in any respect. Thanks, Microsoft.

Couldn't care less about the graphics if the gameplay was good. Too bad it seems the devs didn't play the old games. I don't think this game will have any creative platformer-esque levels like the old games, aside from >muh turbo tunnel

those are not battletoads, those are imposters

Reminds me of Toejam and Earl: Back in the Groove.

I think the "Rise of the TMNT" cartoon aesthetic works for Battletoads. Dark Queen's redesign is the only thing I don't like about this game (I have heard rumors that it may be her daughter).

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>Ninja Theory's new game unsurprisingly looks like an abortion

They really fucked up, especially when you take into account that Sony didn't show up.

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S o u l l e s s

I knew they were gonna do it but I didn't expect the trailer to be so outwardly bad

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>enemies aren't BDSM subs, anymore.

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looks like a cheap e-shop game you'd buy after you played everything of value
im not expecting them to give a shit about rare's legacy but this looks like the absolute minimal amount of effort was put in
the dark queen going through an apparent double mastectomy is the piss icing on the shit cake though, if we ever actually do get a new banjo i 100% bet that all of rare's old style of raunchy humor will be thrown out, and forget about a new conker fucking ever

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there is something in the idle animations that make them look rigid or something.

They now fight for gender equality