Microsoft Flight Simulator

You do know how to turn on autopilot, right, user?

Attached: D8p0WyKXsAAA-KJ.jpg large.jpg (2048x1152, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>flight sim neutered so it can run on xbawks
no thanks

>flight sim perfected so it can run on xbawks
yes please

The only important reveal from this edition.

If this doesn't have VR support someone at MS needs to get shot

recommend me one flight simulator to get started on the genre in anticipation for microsoft flight simulator

the duality of man

>flight sim
>Use autopilot

what do you think actual pilots do?

>alexa, turn on autopilot

So what happens if you crash

People who play flight sims are weird in general, user. Lets not pretend autopilot is any weirder.

auto pilot in those ole civilian types are only course, altitude speed and climb rate inputs
navigation in military aircraft is much more fun

Attached: scrr.jpg (1920x1080, 283K)

>auto pilot
>same thing
nice one

>mfw we get new high fidelity air disaster videos made with it

Attached: Let's get the hell out of here.jpg (368x270, 22K)

I want Combat FS 4 so I can stop giving slavjews my money.

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Are you stupid

Finally, a game for my dad

shit you're not looking too good mate, should see a doctor

I'm just sad there is no simulator game with crash physics for passenger planes. I always liked crash landing in games like DCS and IL-2 sturmovik, seeing if i can survive it, how many parts i can lose and still fly, see if i can restart the plane after having landed and so on.

Well I only use autopilot if there's math to do in the left seat. Since you only do math in the left seat if you're lost or in training, I'd rather hand fly the plane since it'll keep me engaged. If I'm flying for fun, I'm not using autopilot. If I'm flying flight sim, I want to have fun.

Do you prefer combat or commercial?

I just want a flight sim that lets me use Iron Man armor or a jetpack. It at least gimme realistic physics as I do an air race or pretend to bomb a city

commercial for the comfy

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fsx or dcs maybe
il2 but its not as complex

thanks user, ill check em out

Can I play as a slav and then just yell commands at a teenager to pilot it?