is stun locking fair?
Is stun locking fair?
Other urls found in this thread:
fair fights don't exist
no one cares, it's e3
this is some kinda horny shota thing isnt it
fair fights are lame
>he says while posting an inkling
>it's in the game
Technically, yes.
fair means foreward air, not stun locking
I never implied that was a bad thing user.
I was just hoping someone might post sauce
what the fuck is stunlocking?
its when I choke your mom while boinking her
is this like a handjob via psychic powers, and is it gay
You missed a tech. It’s fine.
it's when a character is locked a series of concatenated stuns that prevents said character from acting
you caught me user
I love the scent of shota balls
Yes, you should be punished for making a mistake. Don't make that mistake again and it won't happen.
Actually, Dsmash isnt fast enough to be used after a jab lock, so this man let himself be hit.
a combo
>Miss tech
>Get your ass whooped
You earned it user.
post more
>they miss their tech
>jab 1
>down smash while still in lock
don’t end the lock lucasfriend
shouldn't have got hit in the first place
thank you for joining my thread, fellow shotabro
In Smash, everything is fair, everybody is coming in with their best tools from their own games and it's whatever you can pull over the others. Snake was smart for bringing all of that equipment, he knows what it means to go to battle.
not until tomorrow
Brawl was not meant to be a competitive game