V is cute

V is cute

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Other urls found in this thread:


Did they change his face?

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That's the villain from the Tom Clancy game

He looks like one Ukrainan guy i knew
got killed in civil war

femV is cute too

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looks like that shy slav kid in class

i really like his drug fiend look, hope i can make my guy look suitably sleazy

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Givi i think

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I'm gonna love all the sfm of him getting fucked by Keanu

....im just happy he didn't slavsquat all over the trailer

>Weak jaw
>Prey eyes
>Thin lips
>Big, kike nose
>Pencil neck

Looks like the average /r9k/ poster crying about how he can't get pussy.

Attached: LiftingCantFixYourFaceBro1.jpg (1596x5664, 1.63M)

they had a big, brawler looking guy in the promos originally but i guess it looked silly being identical to Jack's archetype.

Looks like a trashy beta male partner. Never done a hard days work in his life

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>based slav mc
>latino bro
It's male V for me

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I see your fat wings from here

>Looks like the average /r9k/ poster crying about how he can't get pussy.
Is that what they do over there?

will a 1070 + i5 run this?
Witcher 3 worked without a hitch at highest settings.

He's fucking gorgeous

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post tits or out sister

Reminds of the kid lead from Breaking Bad.

proof that face > body

He's looking way better than in the first trailer, I might actually play as him

Some of these guys don't look half bad

that cutscene is cringe

Absolutely it will run it. Perhaps not on ultra meme settings but those aren't worth the performance tradeoff anyway.

Can i make my character look like The Goose in this? Also, it looks like Keanu Reeves is a JOI in the game, can i have a cute girl as JOI?

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I won't use the default he's too skinny I want a steroid freak

w-we can take the jacket off, right lads?

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The face and feature use presets so it's unlikely we can get very creative with it :/

I ain’t gay but I’d suck his dick breh

Probably, it's customizable

One thing is for certain, a black V won't fit his voice, it's going to sound weird as hell

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I assume this is a promo trailer and not part of gameplay, because there's no fucking way they can make a created character look that good since facial rigging will be all but impossible.

>cholo dies
>gives up
He wasn't DEAD-10 yet.

I took out those gangsters SEVEN MOONS AGO

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I don't know what the fuck you guys on about, he looks white and good-looking for me.

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>Scene where he eviscerates that guard with mantis blades
Nothing personnel, kid.
I'm going to fucking skin Dex alive though.

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The creator is a bunch of sliders like skyrim rather than fallout 4 face sculpting


gosh that's very cute

shit game for shit people

Slavs are taking over, poor little anglos are out, slavs in, vid related, based on a slav too. Our time is now.

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That is literally the point, you fucking moron

I like more punished V than first trailer V.

Yes. In the gameplay trailer you can see that it's an Uncommon clothing piece. That being said I hope you can upgrade it because I love the jacket

they'll probably give you more than 2 voice options

There is nothing more testosterone-fuelled than living your masculinity vicariously through video game characters my homosexual friend.

I hope we get some /fa/ clothes

better looking version of sean gunn

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Unironically, would bang.


Would unironically gargle his slavic cock in my mouth.

Aye, it's a cool jacket. Just hoping there's some gear variety. Want to cop a macklemore coat, nothing more cyberpunk than a fat coat.

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Reminder that this is what /fa/ looks like

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Looks like a Slav nigger yikes

Devs are using slavs now because bongs are either too fat, too mutt or inbred these days.

lad on the end is fa as fuck though

>from left to right
god no,
his neck HAS to be photoshopped,
why is a fourth grader there?,
and the only sane looking one there at the far right.

I can never get over the fucking neck on that one lad in the middle

Eh Bongs and Amerimutts are usually disgusting too.
But Slavs are god damn ugly.


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I like male V but for me it's femV for one reason

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Oh hell no

Bongs - too mutt
Americans - too fat
Scandinavians - too pseudo asian looking
Slavs - just right

Looks gross. Feel like if I touched her, my hand would be covered in grime.

Any chance we will get the jacket from BR2049 in this?

>Scandinavians - too pseudo asian looking
>Slavs - just right
Switch these around and I agree.

>implying we'll get anything without rolled sleeves

Well this is him from the last e3 trailer.

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Holy shit the trannies on RetardERA are SEETHING

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But Scandinavians have higher asian admixture than every slavic country. Slavs are actually the closest to the original indo europeans. Scandis are chinks

so he's /ourguy/?
More sweat to me which is hot.

Scandinavians look more human, Slavs looks like a mix of pigs and insects.

why do people like this exist

I swear his neck gets longer everytime someone posts this pic.

Yeah because he's not a outlaw in 1899 america, he's a street thug in 2077 cali where you can buy new stronger arms that come with fucking arm blades dumbass.

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Only their entertainers user, average scandis are fug.

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>rolled sleeves
hate this fucking meme


I'm not a foorfag but...

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Does your character have to have those face seams?

Explain why it's cringe without using buzzwords or personal insults.

Scandinavia has the best looking average people on the planet dude

blame the mantis blades

Judging from the gameplay they showed last year it's just presets that you can give different hair and shit to, but unless they added more to it since or just skipped over shit I don't know. Better waiting till the game is out before finding that out.

there is a wiring slider on the character creator, so I doubt it

What the hell is going on with the dude in the bottom right with that neck? Did they try crossbreeding humans and Controllers from S.T.A.L.K.E.R?

He's not wrong but given the context of the trailer he saw, he's acting like a dumbo.

>stabbing and shooting people is fine
>saying a naughty word isn't
they've sure got priorities

Those mantis blades are great. Energy whip looks cool as well.

that's how it starts

No, at least that you're retarded like the other user, you can see that you can choose your face structure in the gameplay

The outfit the guy on the left has looks decent but it doesn't suit him at all.


That underwear is fuck ugly though. Hope we can swap that out along with all the other clothes.

Should he have said something like "You gonna die you racist ass motherfucking wh*te boi" then?

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>Scandinavia has the best looking average people on the planet dude
I'm sure you want people to keep believing that myth as it's the only thing that keeps the countries relavent, muh blondz. but no. Not even the best in Europe much less the world. The average Aussie chad would make the little twink fagets of Scandinavia piss themselves. Pic related, average scandis.

What's with the samurai thing on V's back and Keanu calling him one? Is it suppose to be something like street samurai or is there some other reason for it?

Ethan Hawke?

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>But Scandinavians have higher asian admixture than every slavic country.
this is your brain on american public education

Nah cuz he gets shot

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Looks very British. Normal British not the modern nigger/brown thing.

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>No-Tell Motel
ngl that's a strong name.

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it sounds cool

You've got that completely backwards.

Bongs - too inbred
Americans - too fat and too mutt
Scandinavians - too muslim
Slavs - too pseudo asian looking

I'm a straight male who likes looking at attractive women. Have sex incel.

What's the odds they'll add a good editor like Fallout 4? ig that'll be hard with all the cybernetic shit.

Cope harder ugly manlet

There cause it looks cool. Keanu probably calls him samurai cause he saw the jacket and was fucking with him.

Samurai is the name of Johnny Silverhand's (Keanu) band. V, or at least this particular version of V, is a fan so he wears a Samurai branded jacket.

go back bro

A band that Johny Silverhand (Keanu) was in back in 2020

is that Dylan Roof photoshopped in on the right?

this person is obviously ukrainian/polish in origin
also why do people have to curse so much in the gameplay and trailers? It's coming off as pretty childish and retarded.

But scandis don't look muslim, they may in the future on account their women on average can't resist mixing the most with browns and mediterraneans but they're not there yet. For the moment they just look pseudo chink.

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sure Wendy

>That's what I'm talking about
>*punches ceiling*
>Looks around
>Dat pixar face
>Dat bird flippin'
It's like a teenager wrote in a feeble attempt to imitate what, to his ears, are the words of his elder but are, in actuality, clichés from decade-old IP's, too commonplace to even be considered homage.

>tfw fantasizing about what the game will be like if I make a 1:1 copy of myself
I never bother with character creators but this game tingles my RP senses for some reason.

Johnny Silverhand (Keanu's character) was a part of a band called Samurai. Maybe the jacket is suppose mean V is a fan and their fans called them Samurai or something.

Scandinavians are the best looking people in the world on average, keep coping

>tfw fantasizing about what the game will be like if I make a 1:1 copy of myself

They already showed that off

Attached: v.jpg (527x623, 47K)

All of them are slightly photoshopped. Except Dylan of course.

male v looks like a fuckboi

fucking got'em


Can I mail-order the brunette in the upper right?

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Huh, neat. Makes sense since I recall in other threads anons saying Johnny was essentially the protag of cyberpunk 2020 for all intents and purposes.

>their women
lmao cope
the problem is the cuckolded men who import cameroonian wives with "thicc" asses and buy thai ladyboys over airmail. They reject their own women for them.
check the fucking statistics retard

If only they believed that as hard as you do, m8. Highest paid male model in Denmark, bwahahahahahaha

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This Yea Forums we saw in this trailer seemed like he was built around being an immature hothead, so it looks in character. Now, I don't know if that's going to be the core basis for the character or if previous choices moulded him that way. I'm sure you can play a more thoughtful dude with the appropriate checklists.

But young people act like this user. Like I’ve seen that exact thing happen when someone won a hand of blackjack, but instead of the ceiling it’s the table.

Doesn't really make sense to talk about a protag for a pnp system, but he's an iconic character mentioned in several books at least.

>this game tingles my RP senses for some reason
fucking this, it's not even TPS but my autism senses are tingling

what's going on with this guy's nipples?

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She unironically looks way more interesting and fitting for a Cyberpunk setting than future Niko Bellic


Great post

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Male V is fucking rad too dude

I hope you can save Jakye somehow.

>the problem is the cuckolded men who import cameroonian wives
>not the spaniards and meds in your country cucking you

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I'm not really seeing the Nico comparisons other then short hair. Sure the devs are poles but V's a burgerboy.

So? You ever been to any of the Scandinavian countries you ugly fuck?


Wake the fuck up, samurai.

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t.paul shart mall fats

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It's probably just one of the presets you can customize.

'Ate corpos
'Ate cops
'Ate the sun
Luv me rockerboys
Simple as

eh, nose, lips and jaw look pretty polish to me. accent has a slight tinge in it as well. i like it though, more than enough yankees in vidya as it is.

would cook meth with/10

>I'm sure you can play a more thoughtful dude with the appropriate checklists.
If anything the demo showed V as the more calm one, making the choice to deal with the corp chick and talking it out and getting Jackie to chill out a bit when he refused to sit and talking down the gang. And while they didn't pick it, there was a option to be polite with the corp chick at the end as well instead of accusing her of setting you up or telling her to fuck herself.

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Johnny was one of the childhood heroes you could pick at the beginning, remember? Of course the protag has his merch if that's the case.

What did CDPR mean by this?

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Daily reminder that Fem!V is the true way to experience Cyberpunk 2077

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All these "its not cyberpunk" people make me sick
Apparently cyberpunk has to be always night and raining
And the characters have to act boring and normal
Cyberpunk 2077 isnt trying to be bladerunner

Almost likes hes some sort of punk in a cyber world

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I'm really hyped for this game bros, should i break the rule and pre order it? It's pretty cheap.
The only other game i broke the rule was DMC5

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It is now considering the male looks like a Polish beta cuck.

You can tell they used a local polish guy as the model, he's the slaviest slav I've ever seen. They should have used an american actor, I liked the last model more.

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Nice face, bub.

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thats from gettin the succ 2 much

why would you tho mate, not like they'll be out of stock

welcome to the magical world of steroids induced gynecomastia

Are you gonna stare at this scene if it's a semi-naked guy in the bathroom?

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Yeah thankfully it has character customization.
Can’t wait to remove that nasty slav look and make him an actual man


only if I can make him muscular

You gain nothing from pre-ordering user.
I still did it because I like CDPR and want to support them.

When the fuck do we get undressed male V? EQUALITY MOTHER FUCKER, WHERE'S THE DICK

That’s too much of a black pill for the average person though

So long as I get to pick a thick beefy daddy and I get to kiss Jackie

Current model somehow reminds me a bit of some small time criminals and speed freaks I grew up with, which feels fitting.

So did they spoil the whole opening act? It seems like it would be
>V and Jackie bro it up and do odd jobs around town
>Start to get a rep
>Black guy gets them to do a job to prove themselves (the demo)
>They do it and run into the corp chick
>Bring the bot back to negro
>Gives them the big job that involves stealing the chip
>Shit goes bad either due to fuck ups or being set up and everyone but V goes down, with maybe a way to save Jackie
>V goes back to negro and gets stabbed in the back
>Shit goes down, Dex injuries him enough that they think he's dead and drop his ass in a dump
>Wakes up in the dump with the Keanu AI there (Maybe it jumped into his brain or some shit when he slotted in the chip on him)

You can play as her, but you need to protect her purity

So many generic looking Americans in vidya already. Besides, an immigrant fits into diverse megacity environment.

because i wanna play on day one

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And he's fucking hot, looks like one of those white guys you just know has a big dick.

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You know you can customize him right?
I wouldn't but I'm strictly against not pre ordering anything, even dmc5.

Fuck off Nordcuck you lot are the biggest faggots in Europe, weak features, stubby pig noses, square heads, no chin, and high pitched faggot voices.

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Yeah reminds me of your usual uneducated junkie Polack

i like going out to get it on release day, but suit yourself, user.

What business is it of yours what I do and don't stare at? I just don't care much for playing as a female mc in games. If I have the choice I pick a dude but it doesn't bother me if I have to play a chick.

>that tiny dick energy
I can tell, I’m gay.

that's cute

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retard that didn't follow the pre-release TW3 hype here, how bad was the downgrade really?

this. i want penis


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Not all games have this kind of shots in them

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. The chip actually AI Silverhand and it's inside V's head now.
I speculate that they wanted to use Johnny to get to Alt Cunningham since she's the one that developed the tech that allows one to uploaded themselves to the net and that is a form of immortality, the game's premise.

But on the other hand they had similar marketing cinematics with TW3 that showed events that never ended up happening in game.

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a-are you a girl

If my dream game is finally getting made I might as well ask for everything...

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Slavs are well known in the black community for having big dicks especially balkan ones. We put slavs and latins high up on the big white dick totem.

t. black faggot

>Cyberpunk 2077: A world where the wall was never built

>let's put the saint of reddit in the game
>that won't break the immersion at all
fuck this garbage

oh and charity is terrible.

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Nordcucks and Krauts make his head look as round as a tennis ball.

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tfw best girl is yourself

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Not much of a footfag so doesn't do much for me. Plus I can't help but focus on that retarded looking underwear shit she's wearing.

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Scandis are the Elves of the world.
Tall, beautiful, effeminate, other races are jealous.

>Dexter is smooth as fuck natty wealthy black crimelord
>Jackie's fucking embarassing
god it's gonna be like this huh
Pondsmith will get the streets and blacks right but the poles writing this don't know shit about anything else.


He's got that skinny guy, weasely type face.

Like Jesse in Breaking Bad S1.

Attached: AARON-PAUL-BREAKING-BAD-618.jpg (618x412, 48K)

Kind of looks like Edward Norton.

>Wakes up in the dump with the Keanu AI there
That's the "Childhood Hero" option he choose, there's 2 more

Rip spicbro

Attached: Jackie.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

Dolph Lundgren and Beat Takeshi soon bros

>Plus I can't help but focus on that retarded looking underwear shit she's wearing.
I hope we can customize that, I'm not a fan too.

And exclusively fucking black guys, the more the merrier.

i hope he's burning in hell
along with motorola

That seems like a awful lot of work to do plus unless they were also celebrities then I can't imagine anyone not picking Keanu Silverhand.

Because only fags suck cock right. Fucking trannies man.

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Why did they make him some limp wristed ugly slav?

Why do people want to romance Jackie as male V? Jackie is Catholic and a Valentino, he'd be the exact opposite of gay.

she looks hideous though

this V gives me the "small time criminal with a heart of gold" vibe. Old V had the complete amoral sociopath vibe.

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Ryan Gosling for Morgan Blackhand
Rinko Kikuchi for the Company God or what the fuck ever that asian option was

beat takeshi would be KINO

I think Johnny is just alive in 2077, we were overthinking it last night about him be a hologram or something

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it literally says it's CGI at the start
that scene is so fucking gay it made me cringe

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Becuase it's a slav game, they based him off one of their own. Doesn't matter much anyway since you can customize him, though to what extent I'm not sure.

Saburo Arasaka is a man, brainlet

Jesus fucking Christ

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>self-driving car
top comfy

you're stupid as fuck, look at the hair, his character's hue is different from the rest of the scenery, more blue-ish

He looks different here again. Also the light on his collar is different color now. Doesn't look great graphics wise desu.

or maybe not, hes literally an holagram at the back in 0:10 youtube.com/watch?v=UZHltYhcH3g&feature=youtu.be I don't fucking know anymore

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>pick "Fuck you."
>V says "Very funny."

Excuse me for not knowing ching chong names dude
Ken Watanabe for him then

shit on the left is a mirror

That looks more like it's coming from a light then anything user.
Well it was shown at microsofts event user. It's properly on a xbone.

I hope there's a path where we can save him. Going to kill that fat nigger regardless, but based 56% bro must live.

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Looks like a chad version of someone i know irl

Reminded me of Johnny Cabs from Total Recall.

he also looks like this

Attached: Arasaka.png (308x499, 114K)

Is the hologram tied to your childhood hero?

I've considered that too but thing is if you're going to pay Keanu big bucks to be in your game it's quite the waste if you make his character entirely optional.

I don't think the Childhood Hero option will influence who V's holographic AI character is. It'll influence certain interactions and references, I'd expect to have some pretty interesting interactions with the AI if you picked Silverhand as your hero.

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I'll take this guy over the fat nigger any day.

Fuck I'm dumb, course it would look worse especially when you compare it to Keanu and the shit around him.

>That looks more like it's coming from a light then anything user.

not really how light works in games buddy

Without exaggeration it is the biggest vidya downgrade of all time, easily beating stuff like watch dogs and dark souls 2. Not only the massive downgrade but they straight up lied about it until the release date, denying the downgrade.

I think many people sweep it under the rug since the game still ended up looking pretty good visually and was overall a solid game.

It's an automated combat cab.

>ywn restore glorious nippon to greatness

Women can't suck cock?

he already burned to a crisp in real life though

it hurts

It's not a waste because it's a big incentive to replay the game, all the 3 heroes will be popular actors.

too cute

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that's the theory right now
the problem is, whos gonna play the other two? famous actors as well? because if not everyone is going to pick keanu

that'd actually be amazing

Ken Watanabe for Saburo Arasaka


His haircut is dumb but he seems pretty bro tier. Which is properly why he'll die no matter what because fuck you
>Can save Jackie during the job
>Negro just has his goon murder him in front of you

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I wonder, will Lady Gaga be one of them too?

redpill me on givi, why do you hate him?

Can't imagine how euphoric it must have been to eviscerate that guy after he tried to strangle V.

*flexes on you*

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Basically this, how can you compete with Keanu? No way they hired another celebrities and didnt announced it by now

Seems like they blew their load with Keanu but who knows maybe they'll shell out more money for the other two

That's why I can't see it happening even if it would be cool. Have Keanu want to try and meet his dead digital waifu and Arasaka to come back from the dead to continue to make japan great again. Don't know enough about Blackhand to say what would work for him.

True, everybody knows dystopias are ran by brownies and blacks, not by fucking white males.

I hope gaga is involved somehow

Yeah she fits into Cyberpunk pretty well


>*righteous vengeance intensifies*

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That's because Marcin is cute.

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She'll probably be the chrome model.

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Leave faggot

Definitely. The chrome celebrity that we've been shown could be her.

His face is a mix of some actors but I just can't put my finger on it

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They are pulling a Death Stranding, more actors will be revealed

Silverhand was very important character in 2020, I bet he will appear no matter who you choose but maybe you will have different interactions with him based on who you pick as hero

On a serious note, I'm worried that with how detailed these (i assume scanned) faces are, custom characters are going to look dogshit unless your have painter tier anatomical knowledge.

Lizzy Wizzy
>She is the controversial frontwoman for the band Lizzy Wizzy and the Metadwarves, of which she is the only human member.

Would be surprised if it weren't Gaga.

That’s why I have grown to prefer set characters, like Geralt.

that's because the guy on the right is /pol/, he's photoshopped in

disgusting hairstyle

Fair point but most normies won't play through it multiple times I think. Keep in mind that this is probably going to be in the same vein as TW3 meaning it'll have around 100-ish hours of content.
I don't know, it just sounds weird to me to get Keanu and then make him optional.

I honestly think that Lady Gaga beign involved rumors was just BS. Not to mention all the childhood heroes are males..
But if she were to be involved I think it does sound plausible that she'll be Lizzy Wizzy

>Lizzy Wizzy and the Metadwarves

I'd assume it's just your starting gear.

what if you bump into all 3 characters regardless?

i prefer preset characters mainly because it allows for better writing, but yeah
here's hoping there'll be lots of presets to choose from

I hope we can rip his heart out

>no third person view
WHY? LITERALLY WHY? God damn I hate this


Attached: 1556939575067.jpg (1412x1500, 232K)

Oh yeah definitely, I find it hard to play as blank slates in story focused games

I don't mind being a FPS but i wouldn't mind either having a TPS option.

Can you make her a virgin? Anyway it's gonna be hard to protect that purity with Keanu arround

He touched his face to draw his attention, they're obviously close bros, don't be such an overthinking faget.

Aww the little baby gets motion sick?

I demand Charles Dance as a Euro Corpo.

Attached: TywinLannister.jpg (1720x1290, 351K)

scandi genes could use some med blood desu
back in Norway everyone had pasty white faces and hair as thin as an old man's recending hairline
i want a tan italian gf with glorious hazelnut hair

>pixar face

Attached: 1556379246126.gif (680x340, 1.35M)

Are they literally unable to grasp that not everyone thinks like them?

Why would it be gay though

>this cope
if you touch the face of a friend of yours like that, you're a fucking faggot

Because only degenerate stare at their own ass. Kys.

yes user

I never get motion sickness. The setting has a huge focus on being stylish. Let us see our damn character in the world when we want to
Yeah sure both would be great. RDR2 has switching between first person and third person flawlessly. Only reason they wont add it is because of the additional amount of work it takes

I demand Emilia Clarke as my character JOI

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>male V is a standard hot guy

>fem V is an ugly thot with token side shave

Why do non-JP devs insist on doing this?

I would prefer Hugh Laurie

>all those cute femv's that will be made
>2020 threads about comparing ingame characters

Attached: ahegao1.jpg (935x925, 121K)

That's the dumb theory floating around. It's more likely that all the childhood heroes are their own characters in the game, with Johnny Silverhand just also being your hologram buddy.

Fuck off back to Yea Forums with your meme waifu

RIP in peace Givi

I feel invested in his look already I am just going to play the default. Exact same shit happened with Mass Effect, never customized Sheperd.

Don't bother user, it's either a basement dwelling neet who has no friends or a femcel who also thinks Frodo and Sam were lovers.

I can’t wait to change his weak low test face


Attached: 1559583996981.png (1110x820, 871K)

>that guy who chooses Johnny as his childhood hero just because he's played by Keanu
If you weren't a rockerchad before the E3 trailer you're cringe and bluepilled

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Frodo may have been gay but didn't Sam fuck that lady hobbit at the hobbit hole?

I hope you can pick the default look and then do some small changes like getting rid of the earrings.

>only sane looking one there at the far right
>far right
Critically underappreciated joke.

Deadfire is a really good negative example imo. They tried to cram in a bunch of wildly different responses to every conversation, and most of them came off as comically exaggerated. Basically you had
>super aggressive
>super snarky
>[Stay silent.]
>[Slaps you with a fish.]
At least if it's established that your character isn't a lolrandom joker, you can cross the last one out and put in something more nuanced instead.

They aren't very good at it, no.

>prey eyes
do what

>inb4 it's Yeezy and Lady Gaga
Would be an instant buy if so

Yes, they end up married with kids. You can't reason with those people user.

good riddance
why do you think?
вбивaй ceбe пeдикoм

she's dead user. A manlet killed her.
desu I was torn on him and Morgan Blackhand, I just don't know enough on either of them except one's a chad solo and the others a chad rockerboy.

figures Yea Forums would get their dicks hard for an early aging ugly octoroon
they're perverts

Dany is dead, not Emilia

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Also, redpill me on Blackhand
Do i need to look into 2022 before playng 2077

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Are you saying all those doujins I've read are true?

Attached: talking to a crew member in ME3.png (201x270, 43K)

And good riddance.

Attached: 1558283769230.jpg (1366x768, 791K)

Personally, it was more of an anime MC vibe for me especially with how unassuming he looks and the whole friend-dying-flashback-powerup thing

I was a jonfag too, sad they turned him into a cuck with 5 lines in s8


He like the type of white boi to give you that nasty good sex. Oh yes honey

V looks nothing like a slav, don’t know why so many of you guys insist on it

I’m from Poland. Most lower class, especially rural lower class polacks look like pic related. Slavs have round heda, prominent cheeks, ugly noses, no chins and a lot of receding hair

Attached: 856FBB6D-AF55-409D-B867-4F5A2C7216C2.jpg (1024x768, 111K)

I would consider this but only if you can change hairstyles in the case of Fem V, assuming there are any hairstyles with a full head of hair. I swear every other female shown in any sort of modern/futuristic game so far have random parts of it chopped off.

>Negro just has his goon murder him in front of you
Please no.

>Disliking weird plastic-cut underwear means you're a roastie
what did he mean by this?

most of those fits are fine though, cant help genetics and face as illustrated by that /fit/ photocomp

>t. falseflagging nordcuck

>why do you think?
I'm not to keen with Ukraine-Russia politics.
All I know is that this whole thing started with the elections, both western countries and Russia have their own bets and both called bullshit on each others candidates.
Then there was this town/village that wanted to leave Ukraine and rejoin Russia but Ukraine won't allow this so Russia intervened and occupied this town/village and assisted givi and co., who are in conflict with Ukraine's forces.

I only ask because I want to know more about this since I am interested in general slavic history, and all I know is that my knowledge is from articles only.
So, judging by this, you are Ukrainian then?

you seriously going to tell me that hand gesture on his chin is not homosexual?


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If you were thinking about choosing him before you're alright, the problem are the faggots who choose him only because he's le epic John Wick.

Depends on how the other options look. I went with default maleshep because I found every custom look I attempted always looked off and then the default grew on me.

Shut up Seba

>not even looking where he's putting his hand, just weakly trying to get his friends attention as he's bleeding to death
not him but yes.

it's because he's literally based off one of the devs

IDK if you know but moot actually did go to the gym.. invited by /fit/.
Now he's a meme on /fit/ because he quit, iirc not even lasting a quarter of a year.

He's based off one of the devs, who is slav, you dumb fuck.

>V looks nothing like a slav

Attached: 1557418731011.jpg (244x207, 20K)

It takes a special kind of autist to waste your life away in a gym.

t. watches streamers

It's because "manly" Anglos simply don't exist anymore, they're all so intermixed with other races that they're coming out as a round-jawed mess of mocha-skinned mongrels.

t. fat worthless beta bitch

As I said I don't know much about them, been meaning to look more into the setting and shit. That user who would post shit from the books was pretty based but haven't seen him in a good while. I will say I was kind of leaning more towards blackhand since cool merc guy sounded better then cool musician, but after learning a bit more about Johnny I might go with him, I'll see. Also people could also know him for Neo and not just John Wick user.

t. autist wasting his life in a gym surrounded by fags "mirin" themselves.
You can exercise without going to a gym retard.

I'd love it has an Escape from New York or a Demolition Man feel to it. It already has the Blade Runner feel.

I swear I read somewhere Johnny Silverhand died setting off a bomb to cuck that nip corp guy, what's that about? Was it retconned?

Cope harder, you look like shit you lazy loser

So, V and his spic buddy are fucking or what?

>Cope harder

He disappeared after, 2077 is about digital immortality though. Johnny Silverhand is the Chip V stole.

He did, this johnny is an ai is the running theory

Well slavs always been liked, not like they haven't made up a large chunk of elite male fashion models, and it's not like Belamionline which literally centers around slavic males hasen't been one of if not THE top male oriented porn producing studio in Europe. The irony of the /pol/ nord worshipping, Nord males don't really have a strong presence anywhere. Not in fashion or otherwise.

the future is gay

Sure sure ugly manlet

keabu is cuter, but not the cutest

Attached: Carlos_-_e3_day_one-1137984861392822272.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)

what's up with the guy on the far right?

Attached: satania laugh.gif (244x248, 114K)

Not even gay but Keanu is better looking than the boygirl.

Full version of chipping in when?

Those fucking mantis arm blades look awesome.

Your nations are around 5'10-5'11 calm down Sven, you're not Dutch or or in the Dinaric Alps, stop the cope.

Legit, Pewdiepie is a manlet.

I’m talking about you personally. Are you denying being an ugly manlet?

How you guys playing? I’ll probably go for a smooth talking gunman with cyber ware focusing on shooting.

Attached: 7B070998-FDBD-4BBB-BB7A-CA76BE010244.png (581x884, 878K)

A hot deranged criminal whore! She will fuck anyone for a bit of credits or murder someone for the fun of it!

My country's average is above yours, sven. But it is hilarious to see you talk big online, every single one of you who holiday here act like overly friendly submissive fagets. The amount of overcompensation on chan, kek.

she would likely be Old Cunningham

i'd like to play an on-edge cybernetics addicted fiend but i always fucking revert to roguish gunslingers in these games.

Attached: 858493.jpg (328x600, 27K)

If I can be somewhat stoic with a temper, so if someone talks shit and acts a cunt I pull out the arm blades and whip if I can have both at once. Assuming you're limited to 2 weapons, shotgun and pistols.

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slavs are the master race, sorry white bois

Attached: geralt spurdo.jpg (604x376, 41K)

Honestly, what you said here, except my guy will also be fucking every slut he can find.

Are you a lowlander? Didn't know you got many squarehead tourists, I thought the Dutch were meant to be the tourists.

>holiday in Eastern Europe
Lmao no one goes there unless it’s to fuck your cheap trash women lusting for some real dick

you. just. know.

>slavs are the master race
>posts sparde

I'm getting the boxed version even though it doesn't come with cd's but the sticker, books and map loos pretty neat

What's the big deal about third person?

>real dick

Attached: 1502298643919.gif (300x182, 1.82M)

Among the nigger races you are on top agreed

that is one of the cutest, purest things i've ever seen

I can't wait to play as male V, make latino bro my lover and purposely get this cutscene so he gets killed I'm serious. I want it to hurt.

More immersive in a RPG about customizing your damn character?

>that 3 frame shot of his friend as he's strangled

Attached: 1468581986129.jpg (446x373, 86K)

a geralt sparde
all races are niggers to the slavic man, the epitome of masculinity

also its a plot device because fat T-Pain is bitching about all the blood on his face and neck later to lure him into the bathroom to set up the dastardly ambush

Morda kurwo.

Attached: 1502959201661.gif (240x228, 858K)



Been lurking through the Cyberpunk twitter, apparently people have been begging enough for a PC collector's edition that they're seriously looking into bringing it to the US.

People want to see their waifus 24/7 so they can easily jerk off to them.

How do I get so thicc?

>all races are niggers to the slavic man
Yeah no surprise considering you are all stupid as fuck. You literally work as cheap labor slaves in the Northern countries

Can you change his face?

the irish rank above slavs slightly

The nordcuck male fears
>the black
>the slav
>the med
>the latino globino thug
>the cousin screwing arab
>the anglo bvll
>the amerimutt

And this is the truth in why the nord male is so angry at everyone imgur.com/a/DiR82Fy

Is Jackie actually dead? He was the fucking homie in the gameplay reveal, and I was looking forward to going bowling with him

>Scandinavians are the best looking people in the world on average, keep coping

Attached: best looking huma bean.jpg (640x360, 24K)

givi and motorola were rebel leaders
aka russian puppets
they shelled ukrainian towns for the sake of it and commited warcrimes back and forth while backed by russia
they both died a horrible death, motorola died at his wedding and givi burned to death
try to guess why that happened
no mercy for invaders

I genuinely hope some of the romance options have unhappy endings and shit with them backstabbing you or getting killed, or you're forced to be apart from them kind of thing.

We don't know if Jackie is actually dead. We don't know if you're forced to take the contract with fat T pain. It could be a branching story path that they decided to make a CGI cinematic for for hype.


Hey man, what did I do to you? I don't want to be dragged into this bullshit.

invaders and TRAITORS

Well damn, they actually are asians

The burden of being the Scandinavian master race, everyone is jealous. But as Gods of this planet we must bear this burden.
And yes we aren’t afraid of nudity you tiny dicked subhuman.

Just take the FUCKIN' chip, nigger.

Attached: choke.png (1083x611, 795K)

Absolute fuciing state of nordfags.


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>people in tense situations don't swear or use slurs
Hahaha what a fuckwit. Hope that pillowbiter never finds himself in the company of active duty soldiers. They'd disabuse his notions of homophobic language real fast.

Attached: swedish flag.gif (280x211, 1.19M)

> It's another night of Amerilard ranting

>this is a Scandinavian 2
>outperforming most 4s worldwide

Ah yes Sweden, our weak cousins.
I’m a Danish God king though, you will never be me.

I'm English
You are irrelevant to me

Show us those yellow teeth fatty.

Attached: ohsnap.gif (320x240, 1.37M)

>I’m English
Yikes worse than Slavs

Attached: 52A96389-7F30-4AFD-85ED-FD4E34A7413D.jpg (746x500, 102K)

>no jason genova

its piss

Exactly, then after you fuck it up, roll back your save out of guilt. What's the point of a romance route if you can't see how they'll react to you in live or death situations. That's where all the drama is.

Simple as

Attached: a22.png (634x697, 115K)

> Posts American porn
> Displays the Swedish flag on top of it

American mastery of projection

Jealous of what? being irrelevant. All around the world British history is taught, French history is taught, Italian history is taught, German, Spanish, hell even fucking Russian. You get a brief mention for being literal pirates LOL, that's it. Even your own fucking people don't worship your own shit. Your Goteborg museum has a fucking Poseidon statue infront of it, why not a Thor one instead? why Greek shit? KEK. Even your own people know your shit is WEAK.

Attached: poseidon-statue-by-carl-milles-on-gtaplatsen-and-gteborgs-konstmuseum-gothenburg-museum-of-art-in-go (1300x960, 222K)

You can be an American? Noice

Hold your tongue you swine
You and your country are irrelevant and even slavs make better video games than you.
Anyone even knows any games you fucks made?
I can't name a single one.

Attached: pfft.png (733x520, 80K)

Cope ugly poor subhuman.

You can make Arthur Morgan in Cyberpunk 2077 tho

Attached: arthur moustache.jpg (1350x759, 229K)

western "white" people look like ugly monkeys
you look like a freak

It's Morgan Blackhand, Saburo Arasaka, and Johnny Silverhand as your options. Supposedly.

That lineup makes me suspicious, though. Unless Morgan's a black guy. Even then, I have a feeling you're going to have at least one woman hero option.

>your country isn’t filled with cringy nu-male virgin game developers h-haha!
That backfired hard huh? Embarrassing.

Fucking relax. Game has mirrors.

Nice Reddit quote faggot

Breh. Stop.

I gotta face it for the first run. After that who knows?

I’m handsome, tall and fit.
You will never be me, worthless creature.

I'm going to be an anti-aug repoman who slowly but surely realizes that he cannot provide for his starving family without cyber augments to fight against the ever increasing difficulty the job entails.

Because maybe I want to play a V who gets his heartbroken and becomes a cynical alcoholic trying to act like everything is fine due to picking the ex lover in night city background option, potentially resolves that or it never gets resolved and he makes peace with it meets someone new and then loses them and goes nuclear. A happy ending where you get the girl wouldn't feel right to me for a cyberpunk game.

>all these gunshitter solos who don't know you can literally use a bullet deflecting katana and be a cybersamurai with double jump and wall run

That's what I'm going to do with the mantis arms, focus on hitting hard and fast rather then staying behind cover picking off enemies or tanking all the hits. Use a machine pistol and shotgun for weapons.

Anyone think the audio from Dex sounds mixed/chopped weirdly? Like it ends too soon
>"Every corpo-cop in this city's gonna be blasting down these doors-"
Check 2:49
Makes me think the audio was pulled from the game, maybe from a quest fail state or possibly from pissing him off?

>slavs make one of the best rpgs of all time and a based cyberpunk game with based keanu

Why so obsessed with Scandinavians? Wtf

the contrarians make up new things to shitpost about every day, literally.

Going absolutely nuclear is much more interesting anyways.

Attached: axdHqn1W.jpg (600x400, 141K)

It’s some false flagging Murican.

newfag amerimutts only falseflag as nords

your arthur looks underweight bro, should probably keep him fed.

broke heart/ex-lover = zzzzzzzzzz

Welcome to pol, and the nazi post. They always cry and want to stop after a btfo. They cannot bant at all without crying.


haha yeah

New on this of PC gaming. Why do you say that? I noticed that I can barely tell the difference between high and ultra

Exactly. Whenever there's a defined, default face in a game with a character creator I go with it, it's probably going to be the one that has the most care put in it and if for some reason the character ends up making an appearance in a future game I won't be dissapointed when it turns out Revan isn't a black man or Shepard an Asian woman. Also both default male and female V look great and far cooler than anything I could come up with.

Attached: 1560133677864.png (736x721, 421K)

Eh male V looks a bit too Slav and tranny like for my taste.

that literally is johnny you insufferable fucking moron.

Hey man, I'll play my way, you play yours.

someone Edit this into the Joi/K scene from blade runner

Holy shit this is a reference to a scene in EVA

K retarded cringe faggot

he looks too slavic and boyish
i want an aryan daddy

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-04-00h02m58s339.png (1920x1040, 1.88M)

Wow, no need to be so rude you fucking poo poo head.

I like how their master plan was to just punch him as he left the bathroom instead of...anything else.

Thugs aren't the brightest of people.

They almost got him until he went O MY DEATH FRIEND, cygga saw him as just a disposable thug.

Let's see your plan!

Surprise shoot him instead of surprise punching him.

I want a white alpha male, not a slav monkey.

>when the newfags dont know who based dylan is

We've only heard him playing his cool guy act. This is what he sounds like when he's angry.

Everyone knows who the hick faggot is. You're the newfag for thinking they didn't.

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What about this one?

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

gonna go with a solo loner samurai street guy for first run then full on hacker corporate for the second