Premiering a fucking TV show at a videogame conference
Premiering a fucking TV show at a videogame conference
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Wait, I thought Sony wasn't at E3?
It actually seemed kind of promising, and then
>Apple TV +
Not the first or even second time.
How low can we go? And I fucking hate this Down syndrome-looking creep.
Mac was at e3?
So was his wife
So it's a netflix show about making a video game or something?
Someone had to fill Snoy's shoes.
Was it at least a new season of Sunny? From the context I'm guessing no.
What a weird idea for a show. Who the fuck is the audience for this shit? People who play games don't watch TV.
No. When they played the theme and Mac walked out with the sword on screen I thought they were going to turn that fake mobile mmo game from the show into a real game. Who knew it wouldn't even be a videogame
>Now this community, more than anyone, can smell bullshit
is that a fucking bird in the audience?
cant wait to torrent it for free
Will probably be shit. At least for me. Sitcoms are funnier to me when they don't have a specific theme. Sure they run a pub in Always Sunny, but that's not the only thing they're limited to. Seinfeld is similar in that sense, it doesn't always revolve around their job.
If this is nothing but gaming-related humor, I'll hate it.
True gamers who care about gamer culture rather than dumb video games.
the Big Bang Theory audience
i sure as fuck havent watched TV in literal years. movies too. i just play vidya and watch YouTube videos
Apple TV +. It looks like a workplace sitcom about the developers behind a hit MMO.
To be fair, if you're going to make a show about the exploits of a stupid publisher, Ubisoft is your best source for inspiration. For example
>showcasing a TV show at your game conference
We still don't know much about the Spielberg directed Halo TV series.
Are you ready for all the epic gamer dialogue?
when everyone else is doing cgi, they are doing tv
ubisoft is a step ahead
Would marry
>Turning your dark comedy show about narcissistic, cold-hearted cynics into a political statement about coming out of the closet
god, I wanna fuck fit mac
without playstion they had to have alot of unrelated content to pad a 3 day time slot.
For me, it's the waitress
I would also fuck dennis' psycho exwife
they're so desperate to distance themselves from Always Sunny its honestly a little sad at this point
I bet he doesn't even play video games.
>not picking the Mcpoyle sister
nig I have never once seen her out of makeup
you just blew my mind
Yeah I thought they were going to make this into an actual game
notice me sweet dee
it's weird because she's definitely more attractive all around but it still looks like she's doing the mcpoyle face
kek what a bird bitch
I instinctively wanted an 'It's Always Sunny' game when the music started to play.
God I fucking hate Americans.
>once again he's the worst actor in his own show
>normie humor GAMUR culture tv shit
simply epic. subscribed.
He was the best actor at the Ubisoft conference though.
And it was probably the best thing shown at e3. Same amount of gameplay at least
Fucking this. Jesus Christ. The Ubisoft conference just got worse and worse as it went on.
Meh future game.
Some fag shit talking Brexit.
Pitching a fucking TV show
A pink haired landwhale
Tom Clancy game after Tom Clancy game, after Tom Clancy game.
2 second teaser of the Terminator, followed by a 5 minute trailer for a mobile game.
An obvious Zelda BotW rip-off
Then twitch streamers and rappers playing video games.
Fucking Christ.
Why does everyone look like somebody youd see at the oscars?
mmmmm don't wanna mess with that bird
don't forget the division movie just starting production!
Because they want to feel like “adults”
mac is looking good for his age man
is bleeding edge just anarchy reigns?
He almost directed the Minecraft movie
IASIP hasn't been good since season 8 and hasn't been great since season 7, if you disagree you have shit taste
It's a big event more or less. most people generally dress up for big events.