I think I'll be making my all-white squad cleansing London of the true threat.
I think I'll be making my all-white squad cleansing London of the true threat
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Is it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
>not a band of asian cuties
pic unrelated
>there's not enough white people on the street to recruit
Yes only you
They became easy to trigger
>Seems like everyone has turned against them.
That's what they get for spreading their "cuck onions boy clown world XD" memes outside of their containment board.
I only saw one white playable white person in the entire trailer and he fucking died.
Good luck.
im actually really down for this
Are you retarded?
>white granny
>white guy you save
>literally every single fucking npc
You’re a troglodyte and you deserve death
THey dont have a purpose anymore since the rest of 4 chan didnt like them.Doenst help when your posting garbage for years and ignoring things like the south american crisis or supporting the mosque rampage.
it's honestly sad seeing them go from MEME MAGIC SHE LOST GET OVER IT to crying about every single thing every second of the day
or u could go outside and not be an unlovable faggot
No they aren't.
Time to bring punk back by having a boot party with some of the local skinheads them or Football hooligans or Mods or Rockers or hell some of the boys for a clockwork orange i cant wait to feel pleasantly surprise or sad
Everyone is just ironically shitposting as leftists because retards keep replying to them
/pol/fags became the retards to troll, they go from 0 to autism at mach speed.
NEET perma virgins LARPing as ubermen is hilarious.
No one liked /pol/ ever
Nice cope, you're still crying about Hillary
Remember some user made this video and all the buttmad articles from kotaku
/pol/ used to be ironic shitposting, and then retard tourists came by and saw everyone pretending to be retarded and thought they would fit in. Then it got progressively worse and worse
They’re essentially tumblr snowflakes who get triggered over everything expect replace the boogeyman with muh SJWs, trannies, soiboys, Jews, leftists, etc (insert boogeyman of the week)
Where's the wall?
That was my first thought.
irony is the mantle of the coward
>it's another politics thread
There better be football hooligans
I want to go around with the Norf FC lads and smash the soft Soufeners
It's coming, Drumpf isn't a dictator
>sex pistols song in the trailer
Fitting, that trailer was the least "punk" thing I've seen in a minute, so why not slap in the most manufactured punk band's godawful tunes.
How many recruit missions will there be? they imply that you can recruit any npc. If you get them killed, does it respawn another of them somewhere else to recruit?
>don't like terrible games with political shit and ugly character
>ur /pol/ xDDD
God, this place is fucking dead.
>/pol/ used to be ironic shitposting,
Are you for real? Who are you leftist trannies trying to fool?
Since /pol/ hates its gay allies, their numbers are getting shrank.
divide and conquer, bro
Why do people pretend Yea Forums wasn't always a toxic, racist place? It was like that in 2007
can't wait to make an all white dedsec squad taking out the trash and free LAHNDAN
Yea Forums has always been edgy
Ignore this. Being spammed every thread.
/pol/s very existence triggers everyone else. All they have to do to make you sperg is be racist
Rent free
homosexuals are like libertarian kids. They always end up flaking out when push comes to shove.
Not really sure why you'd be upset about the mosque shooting unless you're a muslim or lived in NZ.
Nah I don't believe you
Nice leftist buzzword you humongous faggot
Could you post your discord?
Why are dumbfuck under twenty five year olds so easily triggered? This is why you're alone.
Right-wing hacker squads when?
my bf loves me though
Why are you projecting?
that's still one of the funniest videos I've ever seen
/pol/ has been the same since it's creation. Far left and their dying media has become super extremist since Hillary Clinton lost.
>The Moment were the Granny shot the Bobby point blank.
I hope a disgruntled employee shoots up Ubisoft
In MGSV my army only accepted whites, if I get this piece of shit, it'll be the same.
I didnt even know that there was a watchdogs 2
>no file extension
Hell yes I love this image
it sucked balls im glad they got rid of the yo-yo weapon i cant wait to have football hooligans beat the shit outta those coppers
So easy
Bullshit, no way your Kikongo translator is white
Do you think this becomes true if you spam it enough?
Why the fuck would I want to play a game where I am supposed to fight against a based and redpilled regime that is rooting out the shitskins from London?
You post this bullshit every thread shitposter
Brenton Tarrant was a fucking hero.
Mudslimes deserve to be shot.
I'll be doing that in the better game that is Cyberpunk
>it's coming