Why are black people so over represented in games today?
They only make up 13% of the population yet they are easily 50%+ of characters shown at E3.
Why are black people so over represented in games today?
They only make up 13% of the population yet they are easily 50%+ of characters shown at E3.
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because white boys already play video games
And to add to this, are the people who have been pushing for diversity in games happy? Are they finally please and satisfied yet? Or do they keep wanting more and more?
not sure, maybe the board you came from can answer you
It's actually 52%
Until all ytoids are gone there will be no peace
Unironically the 'black female with afro' is already 10x more stale than the "generic whitey" everyone used to complain about
white people are brainwashed from early in their lives to be guilt-tripped about the suppossed """bad""" things they did in the past.
They grow with that white guilt/self-loathing and they start to shove brown people in every corner they can to ease the feelings of guilt.
Also it's easy brownie points.
Creative freedom.
It's genuinely a real question. Don't project your faggy politics into this.
They're not pleased by representation in itself, only that by forcing it they are getting a "victory" over the customers who don't want it. SJW's don't love minorities, they just hate whites.
>he thinks they're over represented when it was whites who were over the course of history
making up for the 30+ years of almost entirely white protagonists
>Majority white countries make majority white protagonists
Because most white people don't give a fuck about what color the character they're playing as is. But black people do. By making your character black you will probably gain more customers than you would lose, so it's worth doing.
>most white people don't give a fuck about what color the character they're playing as is
you should take a look around this board some time
>products made by white people for white people living in white countries predominantly feature white people
wow it's fucking nothing
You're dumb.
Big dick energy
You're all so triggered. wow.
because diversity is our strength and less white = more diverse
#resist #yasqueen
Someone post the whole marxism in video games thing.
Leftists have been injecting this tripe in games for a few years now
Wrong, only white SJW care about the color of the character. Blacks don't give a shit.
>Because most white people don't give a fuck about what color the character they're playing
White guilt
>majority of the world is non-white
>whitie gets mad when the majority of characters in games aren't white
Because blacks and feminists cry the loudest while not contributing anything towards whatever genre they're not included in.
This is the generation you get to grow up in white boy
Diversity doesn't actually mean diversity, it means more niggers. Just look at black panther.
history doesn't matter
>Why are black people so over represented in games today?
This is the real redpill. It has and always will be about expanding the consumerbase.
>white people put white people in their own media in their own countries
wtf?? i hate white people now
>while not contributing anything towards whatever genre they're not included in.
you have contributed nothing to the gaming industry
That shit really pisses me off man. My family came here fleeing war and persecution half a century after slavery ended. One of my great grandfathers was his family's sole survivor after everybody else got genocided a couple of years after he came to America. Another came from a village that was completely leveled and nearly everyone killed when it turned into a battlefield in WWI. When they came here they gave up good trades and their own businesses and had to break their backs in coal mines and shit to survive. Despite all that, I grew up being treated like I was personally responsible for slavery, colonialism, and all that other shit that a few rich white people from countries my ancestors had nothing to do with did.
dangerously based and redpilled
I literally won't play half the games shown at E3 for forcing me to play as a black.
t. brainlet
honestly at this point just off yourself
>so over represented in games
you are downright delusional if you honestly think that you pissbaby
It's because in the 60's and before we were too racist to want blacks in our shit. Like Jim Crow era shit. And now we have people overcompensating because white guilt. Basically.
>I grew up being treated like I was personally responsible for slavery, colonialism, and all that other shit that a few rich white people from countries my ancestors had nothing to do with did.
By who?
>expanding the consumerbase
It's not about expanding anything, it's about replacing it. If it was about expanding they wouldn't be in such a hurry to tell white people to leave the hobby.
>2 siblings in a tutorial scenario
>over represented
this is true for normal people
White men are the only believable main characters (to do epic things). Imagine a black woman slaying a dragon, kek
What is this 2012?
implying asians or blacks dont
NO! where are my asian transwomen?
>All games from 2+ generations ago
hummm are you racis sweaty?
because all devs are now SJW's
Why does this post have zero replies? It's right.
Aren't hispanics more numerous than blacks in the US? I'm not American so correct me if I'm wrong on that
it does seem like there's a specific bias towards black people when it comes to diversity that I don't really understand. Sometimes you get an asian/pajeet character too I guess, and south americans are even rarer as far as I can tell.
Does it really matter in a game where you can choose who joins your community? Mine is all white for example.
Give it a couple more years and you'll start hearing people say "Bleh, black protagonists are boring and overplayed". Then they'll celebrate any character that isn't black or white because politically correct-types treat race like it's a fashion.
Sometimes I want to play as an orc, but I'm not actually an orc.
Stop quoting yourself
You don't seriously think I'm talking about just one game do you? I'm talking about all E3 announcements
Face it white boi, we're just better. You mad every white girl wants to be Beyonce and not Taylor Swift? You upset white people just lame af?
You angry one of yours could never make such an epic mashup of classic historically white songs because all your shit is our shit, and all your singers are either cultureless or killed themselves with overdoses, kek.
Did /pol/ break down today or something?
im black and i want to know too. throughout my years of playing games, ive always picked the white female as my character, anyway so all that pandering to blacks doesnt cut it for me, at least.
i dont care about any of these fucking politics, i just want a good game, is that so much to ask for?
lol im so fucking sick of seeing niggers everywhere let alone in video games
White people: we dont care about the race of people in video games
Also white people: WTF WHY ARE THEY BLACK???
They will never stop until ALL white people are gone
>your brain on pol
Sure thing kid, you are expecting the boogeyman behind every corner, mental.
Because viddy games are for bugmen