*saves E3*

*saves E3*

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Other urls found in this thread:

exhentai.org/tag/artist:tsuzuki masumi
exhentai.org/tag/artist:onaka emi
exhentai.org/tag/artist:aimaitei umami
exhentai.org/tag/artist:musashino sekai
exhentai.org/tag/artist:mogiki hayami
exhentai.org/tag/artist:kasuga mayu
exhentai.org/tag/artist:ikeshita maue
exhentai.org/tag/artist:tokimachi eisei

The breasts that saved E3

>yfw she isn't shown

Attached: mieru.png (60x60, 25K)

what's with this smug little shit

>character gud cause big boobies
>game gud cause got big boobies

Attached: grug.jpg (211x239, 8K)

This, but unironically

This but unironically.

Why grug make smart post? Grug should be dum dum.

I want to see a fucking meltdown. I hope it's a shit version of her.

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This will definitely be the case and I’m gonna be so mad

Yeah, if she doesn't appear at Square-Enix' conference later tonight then it's time to start worrying.

Post her boobs

I'm staying up until 2am to watch Square's fucking presentation.
There'd better be some Tifa action.

Attached: hmm.jpg (500x375, 17K)

>wanting something bad so you can see people be upset over it

Get help

>they kept the big tits but will never show her prior to release so they don't have to deal with the flatties screeching

*saves E3*

Attached: 1559682111601.png (1280x989, 348K)

>be on nofap for 3 months
>everything going smooth
>remember about FF7R being at e3 this year
>instantly get a half chub
I don’t give a FUCK bros, if they show tifa i’m going to unload everything i’ve saved up

>everybody hyping up and ready to fap to Tifa
>here I'am the same but for RedXIII


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Furry kys

They had no problems with NeoFAG and then Trannyera flipping their shit over Cindy an year before FFXV was released.


saves E3 or causes the biggest shtistorm of all time


remake is using ff15 combat and that was awful. also,


it isnt even the full game

Fuck off retard you clearly have no idea what you are taking about

nah im good

>remake is using ff15 combat
It already showed more button prompts than XV ever did.

nu Square is not old Square. we'll see.

Can't save E3 if she doesn't appear, imagine if Square-Enix presentation is all Avengers cocksucking to ride on the movie's success?

Which Cindy by any chance?

its called schadenfreude, for future reference

They did get scared of the screeching actually, they removed Cindy's breast physics.

Suicide homosexual

She's gonna look like a dude and you know it

Attached: IMG_20190610_234241.jpg (2891x4096, 1.57M)

Just watch AC

This but unironically, we need to go back

>they removed Cindy's breast physics.
When the hell her breasts ever jiggled? I had the freaking beta demo, it never jiggled there nor in any video on her reveal.

Square Enix had the guts to make this a character of an official spinoff. You don't think its in good hands?

Attached: Final Fantasy Lost Stranger - c010 (web) - p001 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 571K)

how pathetic

Schadenfreude is enjoying someone who is suffering generally over circumstances that are ironic or familiar. Wishing suffering on people is just being a vindictive and malignant faggot.

>Just watch AC
To see an untouched version of Tifa? She is the only character that movie didn't ruin.

Attached: _1434409134779.png (1737x725, 852K)

That's a damn manga free of the clusterfuck that the video game industry has become.

>She is the only character that movie didn't ruin.
>Overdressed like a half-Muslim
>Didn't ruin.

wew i dont remember her tits being head sized in AC

I'd still clusterfuck these tits

Attached: Final Fantasy Lost Stranger - c016 (web) - p025 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x854, 488K)

This, but unironically

>normally clothed

her pits are still out so it's good

Watch her have short butch hair with shaved sides, slightly too chubby and now a canon lesbian. Only joins Averlanch because Shinra hires mainly white men. Also 7th Heaven bar is covered in rainbow flags and LGBT shit.

Sorry to break the news Yea Forums, I saw the renders.

Attached: ruined.png (783x1024, 1M)

I remember seeing something about 2B's ass having more polygons than Ocarina of Time and now I'm curious.
Will Tifa's tits have more polygons than the original FF7?


>implying Nu-Square can pull a Yoko Taro

Attached: The Wages of Furfaggotry.png (327x319, 147K)

holy fuck, I remember making that image.

Cindy is nu-Square, and the guy who designed her, Roberto Ferrari, is also working on FFVII Remake.

ferrari-man will make her look good, but people will seethe because she'll end up not looking asian and instead will look like prime connelly

Attached: connelly.gif (306x251, 2.64M)

She looks nothing like Tifa, just fuck off already with your 3DPD shit

Long story
Boob size tifa is Yea Forums vs SJW
small boobs SJW won
big boobs Yea Forums won


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You call THAT normally clothed?

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Not blaming it on the designer. I'm blaming it on the people that will play the game and complain that she's too ""sexy"". Cindy was relegated to the background because of this.

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Nomura literally said that he based tifa design on that character, fucking retard


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isn't it in 3 hours?
9 pm est

more likely than you think. people seem to forget that 90% of the FF characters are supposed to be white and a majority of the locations are western influenced. Advent Children is stupid because Square themselves admitted they didn't actually look at the original designs and instead based EVERY character on japanese idols(even barret and cid)

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>Thin and busty chicks do not exist irl

I'm not gonna hold my breath, I'm afraid the SE presentation might focus too much on the Avengers game and then just reprise the concert trailer.

>gf want to do silicon
>don't wanna let her because I know BR has shitty clinics
She'll have to stay flat unfortunately

>people genuinely like what modern Square turned FF into
I hate you all

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*saves E3*

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Imagine a reprise Playing tifa theme with tifa only cutscenes from ff7re

have kids

She is like %0.001 genetic gift

based grug

>weeb headcanon

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Here's your Resetera-approved Tifa bros.
It's gonna be awesome and empowering.

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Attached: 014.png (414x804, 225K)

grug is supposed to be wrong, newfag.

>Square will have the best E3 conference
>NBA Finals with my Rapties on at the same time
Dammit I'll miss the shitshow

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unironically wouldn't mind ZR or pantyhose Tifa.

ResetEra would still complain that her breasts are too big and she's showing too much midriff.

>slightly torn pantyhose

Attached: 1728519.jpg (600x600, 40K)

grug is supposed to say dumb things you retard

He wasn't wrong about the longnose tribe tho

No dude, these is reddit.
This is resetera

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>not a single tifafag buys the game
they're not gonna do something like that

>suspenders over the jacket
That doesn't seem practical or comfortable.

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E3 Now hangs on this single moment doesnt it?

Fucking when? in your dreams?

Can't wait for new fanart

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here's your new tifa

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I would accept this design if it had bigger boobs

Interviews, long ago? Literally every "did you know" related to ff7 says the same

Yeah Tifa will be giga jewess. No, thanks and fuck off you Connelly tard, you ruin every fucking thread about Tifa.

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too much skin, even if flat

I love muscles on females but god forbid they do that to Tifa

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[citation needed]
I also saw in an interview of his that you are a massive faggot.

Hopefully we'll get more from this angle.

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based caveman

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I doubt they will significantly alter Tifa given how similar the other characters are.

I predict that even if she does have sizeable breasts Yea Forums will still complain.

>not even 2 hours till we see her again
I can't take this anymore

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Square-Enix took Sony's old time-slot but will they be as long as Sony used to be? Sony usually had an hour and a half presentations, meanwhile Square-Enix had short 30 to 40 minutes in their original time slot. I mean if they are as long as Sony used to be, what else can they even show but a shitton of Avengers and Final Fantasy VII Remake footage? If Tifa ends up not appearing then there's some shit going on in the background.

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>implying they'll show her
They are gonna show Vincent haha


This, no doubt.

This is canon Tifa by Nomura himself, but people really will latch onto FMV cartoon proportions Tifa and all the hentai produced out of to their very graves.

Attached: Tifa_G-bike.jpg (700x800, 58K)

The thing is, should she have FF7 cutscene proportions or not? Because those things were comically big in regards to her whole body.

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I want to fuck her tits

>thinking it's outrageous for square to hold the biggest thing people are looking forward to seeing hostage until the very end
they know that once Tifa is revealed, that's when the extreme amount of attention is dropped and everyone will just wait until the game releases. If they hold out on doing that, everyone will keep tuning into square announcements and paying to go see the orchestra concerts and stuff like that in hopes of them revealing her.

It's gonna be worth staying up for even if I am already exhausted.

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So what, Aeris was toned down too, there are no rules anymore

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wat do you consider normal?

>implying we will ever see her before the game releases
How have you not guys realized by now?
>Tifa will be mysteriously gone from the game
>all her lines are instead spoken by other party members
>eventually come to the point where meteor shows up in the sky
>except its not a meteor
>its T W O meteors
>with a huge zooming out showing Tifa falling down on the planet
Thus it will finally have been revealed.

Attached: 1507915817672.png (372x300, 67K)

You're delusional

Attached: 1559483463131.jpg (1600x900, 124K)

I want this Tifa even though I know it won't happen. Maybe with PC mods.

Attached: tifa.png (715x767, 225K)

GOTY confirmed

>we live in an age where FF7 will get a resurgence of new doujins and lewd art
Sometimes I love this timeline.

Who cares how sexy she is if the game ends up being shit? There are plenty of hot bimbos in absolutely shit games

The current FF7 doujins mostly suck, so it's warranted.

ew nigga

whats a doujin?

Very good, square should hire you.

Bros I fucking love tits

How many of you that have already played ff7 are unironically hyped for ff7r. Personally I think only bad games with good stories (or concepts perhaps) should be remade, hd versions that don't change anything major aside

Its going to be AC Tifa

There's a limit to holding information, Tifa is a damn base character, you can't hide that for too long before people lose their patience, it's trying to hide the fact Spider-Man was going to be on Captain America Cicil War movie once Marvel settled on a deal with Sony, you can't do that, companies will try to market the character as soon as possible. Tifa is a marketing tool to be considered, not a last minute surprise.

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considering the AC designs were dropped across the board what makes you say this?

Me too. More than ass.

I dont think you understand user, where other anons fight over different waifus tifas is a waifu we could all enjoy. in a timeline where we have other "bimbos" tifa will always be pure

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the anticipation for tifa is carrying the hype of this game, just like how figuring out what worlds would be in KH3 was carrying the hype for KH3 until it all came crashing down because they basically revealed everything about the game at E3.

>Tifa falling down on the planet
>not cosmically huge Tifa plucking the planet out of orbit between her fingers to keep safe in her cleavage

That makes two of us.

Nice try, you contrarian cunt.

me in the back

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will she be more Asian like AC or more European?

I thought she was kind of cute in Advent Children

>838309838 gangbang doujin with anal with futa sprinkled on top

its like robin futa.

give me some hand holding shit too.

He's not wrong, all the current Tifa doujin artists are liberals.


European since it's Ferrari man making the designs

There's a good one by Yasakani An with shota Cloud but it's low res and relatively short. All the other ones I can think of are terrible. Mostly old, bad art, sometimes with cuck fetish etc. Even for variety, it's bad. The only female:muscle art is by some westerner, no good futa, nothing. FF7 doujins are only good if you are literally a cuckold.

Attached: tifa.jpg (640x667, 188K)

had to stop reading hentai altogether after reading part of the Aeris BLACKED one a few years ago

ACTifa is for raising a family and for vanilla sex only. FF7 Tifa is for nasty fucking and fucked up shit, so I hope she looks more hot than cute

>Cloud will have his Advent Children "dour jerkass" personality
>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable

Attached: 1459829083521.png (1253x1770, 1.47M)

The tifa scarlet fight should turn into an mgs4 esque 3d fighter with a bunch of homoeroticism

>barret won't dress up as popeye
That shit had me rolling on the floor when I first played it, the low-poly model helped a lot tho'.

Oh yes, and what song should play?

Looks like a Marshmellow.

the first two are the worst ones. and the most likely

>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
Liking a botched translation just because it makes every character swear or be rude doesn't make it good dialogue.

this is honestly the one change that would piss me off

>2 hours until Yea Forums is never the same again

Attached: Cloud_explosions.png (1920x1080, 2.04M)

This, but unironically

Jap translation needs to be spiced up or else everyone sounds bland and shit, since it's pretty hard to translate the subtle nuances of the dialog

Ah yes, I'm sure you've never delighted at others misfortunes.

.sreggin skcuf ehs ekil skool ehS

Attached: Tifa_ff7remake_2_2.png (292x454, 127K)


They won't show her.

She's been in multiple spinoff and collaboration projects since FF7, why the fuck are people pretending her reveal is going to be a big deal as though you haven't seen her since 1997?

>s-s-she's going to be smaller! S-SJWs!

She's already smaller in AC and Dissidia and pretty much everything else she's been in since FF7 and she was never nearly as big as people pretend she was in the first place.

God these threads are going to be fucking obnoxious because Tifacunts are just going to scream about her instead of discussing the fucking game

Attached: 1309210085602.jpg (582x329, 20K)

HD remake of this series when?

Attached: tifafuck.jpg (400x300, 82K)

>shitposting from the black lodge
go to bed agent Cooper

kek i forgot about that awful gears of war trailer

>Jap translation needs to be spiced up
Literally the kind of people that think s"Kisama!" should be "You motherfucker!".

absolute stunning and brave

>instead of discussing the fucking game
Is tifa's breasts not part of the game ?

Ask me how I know you're a tranny.


>She's already smaller in AC and Dissidia
The exact same size as Nomura's original design drafts, the FMVs are not accurate and no amount of bitching will change that.

Attached: tifa_puzzle.jpg (616x602, 33K)

This, but unironically.

Because in your mind anyone who doesn't retardedly build up a character's canon measurements to match the decades of porn they've jerked off to, so they can get upset about how they "ruined" her when the expectation doesn't match reality, must be a tranny and not some dumbass who unironically needs to have sex and stop pretending Tifa was a Senran.

Canonical she is 92cm if that's not a big rack i dont know what is

>edgy crossdressing green haired man

Oh noes, this manga has been infected with SJW hands. It's too late.

Why do rats on the internet think they know Tifa better than Nomura does?

Attached: Nomura_Tifa_3.jpg (1328x850, 187K)

Not him but holy fuck are you missing the point of tifas tits being big. Its part of her design in ff7 because they had very limited options to make the designs stand out. All "canon" autism aside, it is just tifas original design


Not that guy, but where was Tifa's numbers were ever given?

Yes do you keep posting pictures no one cares about instead in her in=game models that are what people see for hours upon hours as they actually play the games Tifa is in?

This, but ironically, but also unironically

>Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega

Attached: Tifa_Early_Sketch.jpg (895x905, 191K)


"According to an official artwork, Tifa's bust-waist-hip measures are 92-60-88 cm (37-24-35 inches)"

Attached: tldsm.png (888x903, 440K)


So, when you guys ask if her tits will be smaller than the original, are talking about her combat model, or her FMV model?

Attached: 1471808773320.jpg (850x345, 27K)


Cloud, Aeris, and Barret all look great. There’s no reason to be worried about Tifa but I am excited anyway.

The rabid retards only see FMV Tifa as the true Tifa, official artwork and canon three sizes be damned.

You dont get it. Tifa represents the soul of ffvii, if she survives it means that in terms of wackyness and story the remake is gonna be faithful

>butcha-u working on a new doujin with VII girls
>his artstyle is getting worse by the year after Pooters

This is the minimum acceptable size

Attached: Djcua-BUcAAlMC7.jpg_orig.jpg (724x1024, 94K)

Good job outing yourself tranny


Attached: BBTAG_YANG_stand.gif (331x480, 268K)

Fuck that video. Even if you use their own numbers, you come to the conclusion that Tifa should have won that fight.

Those are the dudes that will relentlessly shitpost regardless of Tifa's new design

How's that ever increasing loss of audience doing for your, bitch?

No, still too small.

She's literally the only reason I play BBTAG. She has no right being so much fun to play.

What would be an acceptable size?

Attached: 1557409781223.jpg (1800x2913, 2.12M)

>Nier: 800,000 units
>Nier Automata: 4,000,000 units
Yes, ass and boobies are important things.

Attached: 1490121335956.gif (360x320, 1.57M)

therefore she represents the minority of women with big breasts, what's the problem? don't people cry for diverse representation?

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Kill yourself you same-fagging mentally ill freak.

You think that the jaw is real too?

I think that I want to see the full image

Attached: 1556914926904.jpg (600x450, 46K)

I hope this leads to good /ss/, futa and female:muscle doujins. The latter is unlikely but 2/3 isn't so bad I guess.

Let's be real, this game is going to suck ass. Square has done nothing worthwhile since the 90's. Fans of that era still hoping for something good are basically in an abusive relationship with the company.

Ok here :^)

Attached: tifa1.jpg (800x1136, 150K)

>I hope this leads to good /ss/, futa and female:muscle doujins.
Plenty of this shit featuring Tifa already, how about actual good doujins from here on out.

Attached: 87D966B8-09E8-4239-8C86-7475962F4679.jpg (725x502, 339K)

>Square has done nothing worthwhile since the 90's.
Man, if you had said 00s I might have had to stop and think, but since you said 90s I know you're just baiting.

Kind of sad that Yang's biggest claim to fame is a fanfiction deathmatch that annoys most people, even as an eternal Tifafag I have to admit I really like her design.

nigga that's even worse

Attached: 1555984827972.jpg (773x935, 47K)

Is there a country where I can legally marry Tifa? Asking for a friend.

I thought she was on her period for a second.

They haven’t even worked on Vincent. This is part 1 nigger

Yang deserved to be in a better series, she's a serious 10/10.

Attached: 20821038102.jpg (1080x795, 228K)

yes user. big breast women are serioulsy underrepresented in gaming
giving tifa huge knockers again would be a big win for diversity ;)

Attached: enjoying the pantsu.png (968x720, 711K)

Can't wait for the new wave of ff7 doujins

Attached: 5.jpg (1200x943, 204K)

I hate this artist.

wtf happened to him?

Who cares about that, there's going to be a whole new era of 3D porn.

Tifa's gonna get a serious workout from all the knots and horses.

Butcha's faces seem to keep getting worse. Is he on a lazy phase?

>liking 3D porn more than doujins
What the fuck is wrong with?

How the internet breaks and how Kotaku takes over the net.

>everyone else is the same even the blaxploitation stereotype
>but they're gonna change the main girl
what leaps of logic bring you to this conclusion

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starting to realize that there is a greater than say 20% chance they don't show tifa at all, since she and her bust practically carry the hype for this game, and showing her would give everyone the release they've been looking for

isn't there a toyko game show or something a few months after e3? they could wait for that

Attached: 1512879124798.png (1450x2048, 1.43M)

Butcha-U went legit, he is drawing some isekai manga shit.

it's the girl from the last of us 2!

She was the only reason I watched that show until the gave into pressure and paired her up the the worst character in the series.
Whose idea was it to give worst girl blake Best Girl Yang and Best Boy Sun as love interests?

Majority of doujins don't stay on model to characters. CG porn has a much higher ratio of on-model works. Such a small fraction of doujins are worth anything of any particular character.

Meanwhile with a popular character like this, it's basically guaranteed there'll be a couple of high quality 30min+ CG videos of her.

My dick's out of the pants already, when's the stream?

This, but wholly unironic.

>and showing her would give everyone the release they've been looking for
More like it would kill everyone's boners as they realize that they hate the redesign. The redesign doesn't even have to be bad for that to happen but people have such unrealistic expectations for it there is no way it can please more than a small fraction of the people who have had their dick at full mast 24/7 in anticipation.

>since she and her bust practically carry the hype for this game
I think all the Tifa porn fried your brain, sure Tifa is pivotal as fuck but she is not the sole reason Final Fantasy VII Remake lives or dies, there is an actual game underneath Tifa's tits.

One hour from now.

>Majority of doujins don't stay on model to characters.
So? I don't want them to, I want them to at lewast triple the size of every characters tits, and double the size of the ass. Stay on model is for non-pornographic works.

1 hour and 10 minutes.

Then you have the taste of a 12 year old. Enjoy your porn equivalent of McDonalds.

...well, gonna need something to keep it hard until then.

But her tits encompass the game

Why do you care about staying on model? You're already putting characters in situations they would never be in, so why fret so why not make them look more like you wish they did?

not the sole reason, but i think even you would agree that she's got a couple huge reasons to be a major draw for the game
also another reason why they haven't shown her yet, and may not show her today. the anticipation of fans is massive, and disappointing them almost 9 months before the game comes out might put a pretty big nail in this game's coffin

Attached: tifa world cup.jpg (831x1176, 274K)

have sex

But that's true. I know we're in the age of faggots and ugly dykes but that'll never change.


Just one more hour bros

Because I like the characters how they look you stupid fag, that's why I was attracted to them in the first place

While I agree at least she got a cool fight scene again instead of that joke that was the finale fight of last season.

Attached: yyyy.jpg (850x857, 80K)

exhentai.org/tag/artist:tsuzuki masumi
exhentai.org/tag/artist:onaka emi
exhentai.org/tag/artist:aimaitei umami
exhentai.org/tag/artist:musashino sekai
exhentai.org/tag/artist:mogiki hayami

You're welcome.

Okay, but why not take Tifa and give her even bigger boobs? Why not give Aerith even bigger hips? Take what you love about them and make more of it.

How about not fuck up with classic character designs and save your degenerate ideas for brand new ones

>all futanari
I'm not even surprised, just a little impressed.

This is all beside the original point. Which is that doujins are better than 3D shit, and unless you have a better argument that doujins can be off-model I remain unconvinced.

Of your side I mean, which is that 3D crap is better

Onaka Emi is pegging with a strapon actually. One of them is vanilla. Musashino Sekai might've done something without futa in the past, not sure.

He started getting actual work and his old school output of stuff has all but faded. Doesn't help his characters in said works are now downsized and look weirdly proportioned. The only thing he retains are the way he draws lips.
>from FFXV doujin to Pooters #585838
damn shame

If she's the only reason for you to like the FF7Remake, then you should fucking love all the other games that produced just as much if not equal amounts of porn like fucking Bioshock Infinite.

Attached: 3f23064a1afe7b14bacaa2d599edb73c.jpg (800x1133, 531K)

I'll wait for the Isako Rokuroh doujin instead. Maybe one day they'll make a vanilla doujin that doesn't make me feel bad for Tifa.

Attached: Bunnies.png (661x545, 255K)

I feel bad now. So what you do is go to google and search Logan_Cure Tifa

Forgot a few:

exhentai.org/tag/artist:kasuga mayu
exhentai.org/tag/artist:ikeshita maue
exhentai.org/tag/artist:tokimachi eisei

thanks based user

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Her entire character is that she’s an angry dumb ape.

If you guys really think they aren't changing the mini skirt into something more family friendly and pc you are in for a rude awakening

>I'll wait for the Isako Rokuroh doujin instead.
That artist has been pretty inactive over the years though, or their shit just doesn't get scanned and shared at large anymore, I can recall only one work last year.

>Tifa's tatas aren't bigger than her head

Did she turned into a dyke?

I like titties

Perfection .

He can still draw porn; just not of his isekai characters.

There's been a few, but I think they got some legit job, like how a few porn artists have gotten some non-porn work.

jewish noses

Attached: character creator.jpg (345x366, 25K)

I prefer having her tits in action.

Attached: Creamy.jpg (867x603, 96K)

>Release the milkies

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tfw never ever

how so

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Exquisite taste

do it

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Attached: tits.jpg (2000x3275, 770K)

Where'd her nose go?

Attached: Meaty.jpg (995x1061, 222K)

>they make Tifa bigger
Although this is a less than 1% chance, I would love SEnix

>not liking futa

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Are you illiterate? He is complimenting the links.

i fucking love big milkers

Attached: sample_15fd9241d880ab8be97764b7e7482826.jpg (850x1201, 161K)

I am actually. I apologize to

Attached: 1488541744245.jpg (600x849, 251K)

see thread

this but unironically

>The call that saved E3

Attached: 1488535507394.jpg (1280x1918, 273K)

last 3 digits is how big Tifa's bust will be in cm

then post some

Attached: tifa - eroquis.jpg (1024x1024, 132K)

Attached: 29513267_1816161438686799_3317743325368147200_n.jpg (960x679, 70K)

47 minutes for SE to make or break their presentation, remeinder that their 2018 E3 presentation was laughably bad was just 40 minutes long.

>three times as big as her actual body
So basically two fuckhuge boobs that talk.

Attached: 29594453_1816161675353442_1762581038742815939_n.jpg (445x600, 42K)

No one cares

I forgive you, user.

Do it man, cum so hard you never forget about this moment

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>Now make them big, firm and pointy

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I hope they keep her style from the movie she was cutie.

Attached: tifa-main.jpg (1710x900, 152K)

this tifa is godlike though. Bringing this image to "life" is all I want

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this is honestly a huge black pill. this shit is what gave the game its charm and life

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>remake is using ff15 combat and that was awful.
Brainlet can't read.

Attached: ATB.jpg (800x459, 152K)

>this thread

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>those giant cheers that will happen the moment she appears on screen
Can't wait.

This but unironically.

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What I wish to get vs
What we will get

hell i might scream, provided she gives me a couple reasons to

Attached: tifa12.jpg (564x1000, 218K)

>trying to change the definition of a word because of feelings
Not according to Oxford Dictionary:
Malicious enjoyment of the misfortunes of others.
[1852 R. C. Trench Study of Words (ed. 3) ii. 29 What a fearful thing is it that any language should have a word expressive of the pleasure which men feel at the calamities of others; for the existence of the word bears testimony to the existence of the thing. And yet in more than one such a word is found.‥ In the Greek ἐπιχαιρεkαkία, in the German, ‘Schadenfreude’.

>have sex

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If millions of years of evolution haven't taught you that we will and always will have a fascination for big boobs, then I don't know what to tell you.

at this point I'm just hoping for the overalls

What game was this artwork used for?

I haven't been this excited for a conference in a long time. There's a good chance I'll end up meme-crying like that one soiboi

Attached: 1520239907278.png (900x1000, 442K)

That looks terrible. The muscles are all wrong. The jewish nose.

the G-Bike game iirc


We needed more Apex ....

Muscle girls are good, but Tifa is better with her normal lithe body.

How many hours left until Tifa bros?

Attached: 63c96cc0f690611c0cc2b4563901a2ff.jpg (800x1236, 108K)

10 minutes till Squeenix show.

>implying it would be ntr shit
there's isn't enough wholesome doujins

Attached: vanillabro.jpg (3000x1687, 1.26M)

How much for Aerith?

Attached: 803104.png (1280x1701, 1.81M)

10 minutes until either joy or maximum panic.

Attached: 1474986102316.jpg (481x796, 212K)

1 gil

this but ironically

ff7 and the ps4 only marvel game bro thats the only thing that will save this shit show


No it's not retard. Just looks like an ATB where you can move freely.

I just saw the redesign. Not only are her tits smaller, but she now has less visible cleavage than fucking Aerys. She's also wearing leggings and they covered up her stomach.
Kill me bros.

I disagree. Girls who fight with nothing but martial arts look hot with muscles. Which is why muscle art with Tifa and Chun Li look 10/10 as long as they still look realistically feminine, unlike the image from the user you replied to.

then post an example

this unironically


Stream where?

Literally who?


Primeval wisdom.

Unfortunately I can't find any good ones for Tifa, since mainly westerners draw her.

Wait no, it has started but that stream hasn't, go here instead.

i think they cut tifa from the game


This, but unironically.

Attached: 1554403167604.jpg (867x1028, 711K)

I think Barret sounds too young and sassy.

There she is.




A black sports bra?

>those women screaming at her reveal

His art always looks so much better as a sketch to me. Colorists always eliminate detail.




Attached: 1560194579420.png (445x528, 214K)

E3 Status: Saved


Not as big as I hoped, but that face, man.




Girls like pretty girls too.


>They shrunk her boob size by half
>gave her a sportsbra
lmao she tran now

it was fine

are we going to get any ingame footage or are you faggots on Square's payroll?

Does anyone remmeber this old ps2 game?
This is how the combat seems to be.

Doent seem to be FFXV combat at all

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 18K)

>sports bra
>chopped size
Imma just wait for the PC release and mod it.

How the fuck is this even a poll topic, it is OBJECTIVE FACT that her breasts have been shrunk by over half. She has Yuffie-size tiddies now.

Good taste user

Fucking trash tier game, Japan deserves to be nuked a third, fourth and fifth time for this cowardice.

They’re still there, and as big as AC. I don’t know why the fuck people are chimping out aside from her black undershirt.

Yes, but a hundred times smoother.
Also, when will they remaster/remake/sequel THAT?

They are the smallest breasts she has ever had in anything you fucking lying piece of shit. Look at her original art. She has like fucking K-cups in OFFICIAL art. Now she's like the average teen, which she sure as fuck should not be.

Thank you for fucking up this hasbeen.

No, those were F-cups stayed by the creators themselves. Go choke on glass shards.

>people genuinely thought her tifa’s wouldn’t be nerfed
I never had a hint of doubt and I don’t even care anymore.

They're just as big as they were in Dissidia.

Attached: tifa-dissidia-2.gif (348x196, 534K)

I thought it's PS4 only?

>No, those were F-cups

Attached: 1417657555842.jpg (905x549, 273K)

Nah, all the FF games eventually release on PC.

The battle system looks stupid. I don't like the ATB/Tactical thing

Who is her new voice?

Five years later, a little late to the party no?

She still looks pretty good.
It's been fun Tifafags, I'm off. Hope your game turns out good, will be picking it up.

Attached: 9tcl7z0ueu031.jpg (640x789, 84K)

She's wearing spats!

Attached: tumblr_inline_pswusrkRWq1qdrism_1280.png (459x365, 161K)

FFXV's PC version released 1 year and half later even though it went on development """"exclusively"""" for PS for over 8 years.

we have to mod her tits to the correct size lads

Do u mean spanks?

You realize it was developed for a fucking watered down PC so porting was a bit easier to fucking be done than what happened with the XIII series.

See, they're pretty big!

>tits are smaller
>sports bra
>bad face
Sorry, tifafags, they did you dirty. The spats are a nice touch, though. Glad to be an Aerithfag.

Attached: cloud and aerith 3.jpg (510x850, 160K)

Based caveman.

>There's a war going on against big tiddies, Cloud. You cain't sit on the sidelines no mo'. If we don't all stand up for America, Shinra and them fools gonna drain all the milkers in the world down to prunes... Now I cain't force you to do nuthin', but Tifa's sweet sweater pups? ...Those'll be the first to go.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake-New-Footage.jpg (1920x1080, 145K)

>You realize it was developed for a fucking watered down PC
So is this remake. It's been in development since the PS3.

>tits still nice and big but not fetish and retarded size
>her battle style and physique look amazing
>they gave her ZR
>eyes confirmed red
>face looks just like her Nomura original design

Fuck yes this is perfect for me

Does nobody here understand her clothes are likely just compressing her breasts? Clothes can be deceiving.

Do you really think permavirgins have any idea how boobs work or actually look?

Is that Litchi voicing her?

Most of the tifa pictures in this thread aren't even consistent proportion wise and design wise

> ugly black undershirt covering cleavage
> ugly boy shirts and no thong

you must be a tranny

The PS3 era one was a goddamn tech demo you fucking moron, not an actual game. Holy shit do any of you morons actually know what you're talking about?

Since when is Marlene white? It's been a while since I've played, but I thought she was black

Is this your silly new shitposting routine?

She looks fucking great. ZR are the elder patrican's fetish after all. Please try to bair harder

Was the undershirt really necessary? I'd be 100% okay with this design otherwise (okay 90%, they were never going to make the breasts big enough to satisfy me), but the undershirt is killing it for me.

Since fucking always. She is adopted.

>Hating spats

Attached: 1e9452ec8da32430cafd1b11234bfd9b.jpg (800x1140, 276K)

>S grade ZR
Thank you SE

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unironically true

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Good thing I'm an Aerisfag.

Attached: tumblr_psvrfgiUP71uqouabo2_540.gif (540x600, 1.49M)

Nothing wrong with spats in general, but Tifa shouldn't be wearing them.

Totally blanking on that, but then again, it's not like she's a major character,


Did you even play the game? Barret is not her biological father.

Any way, the game is gonna come out on PC. Why are you so triggered by that?

You mean Aerithfag

They needed an excuse to flatten her chest, and a tight underbra is the perfect bullshit.

They're visibly flatter.