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Rate it so far
Jesus Christ I didn't expect it to be this bad.
I don't know how to rate it because I can't watch longer then a minute due to how cringey everything gets, including just now with the stupid ubisoft Siege shit where the guy had no idea the camera/stream was still running.
E3 has been devoid of hype for like two decades. Its time to stop going through the motions and just end it altogether.
You knew it was going to be a bad E3 when Sony said they weren't showing up
Nintendo can't save this E3.
Its so fucking bland.
>cinematic trailer
>literal movies
>marxist propaganda
What a fucking shitshow.
Majority looks absolute garbage but there have been a few gems so far like that devolver tentacle monster game and Cristales. Watch Dogs 3 has an interesting concept, can't wait to see how they fuck it up.
>watching games medias faces mid-conference just realizing why Sony didn’t show up.
Xbox was the only good conference, 4/10
havent watched
dont care
simple as
3/10, I'll check the new FF7 footage and Astral Chain Treehouse demo, but otherwise I'm done
1/10. Only Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk had my interest. It has to be one of the worst E3's. It wasn't even stupidly bad so that we can laugh at it, it's just fucking horrible all around.
EA: 3/10, Star Wars looks okay, literally left after that because everything else is out and garbage
Microsoft: 7/10, great 3rd party games, no fucking reason to buy an Xbox
Bethesda: 4/10, Doom was the only good game shown
PC Gaming Show: 7/10, neat games, boring hosts
Limited Run: 5/10, no new games, just rereleases of FMV and Indie games
Ubisoft 1/10: Literally nothing good
I'm already giving Kinda Funny a 0/10 without watching it because they are all fucking bugmen
Sony is fucking winning by not being here
I try not to be a negative faggot like the rest of the people on this board but this has been the worst year in years
were there any nintendo leaks? i need some hope bros
MS 6.5/10
Beth 2/10
PCgaming 3/10
Ubisoft 4/10
Added up and the Doug Score is... 15.5 out of 40, which is pretty bad.
Equal to ~3.9/10
>censoring buyfag
Literally all of those games have been announced before E3. I hope there won‘t be an E3 next year. can‘t believe I stayed up for all the conferences. 1,5/10
I expected cringy bad E3 but not boring shit
new tales looks good, glad to be able to play pso2 without worrying about getting banned.
watchdogs tactical granny combat looks amusing even if the devs are obnoxious
>thinking i censored it and didnt donwloaded it like that
Microsoft was a solid 6 Bethesda and Ubishit are both 2s
2/10. Fucking abysmal showing.
>New Warioware for Switch
>New Metroid (2.5) game coming for Switch
That's all we've got until noon tomorrow that's about 100% verified.
>Sony is fucking winning by not being here
Their youtube channel is doing all the work this year and its winning
Awful. Shell of its former self. The magic is gone.
Sony is unironically winning so far by not even showing up.
Fuck me it's garbage. Only Nintendo can save this shitshow
Worst E3 in years
The only thing close to an noteworthy fuck-up was the Auto Chess bit and even that wasn't even entertaining because of how soulless it was.
Microsoft 4/10
Bethesda 2/10
PC 0/10 fuck you shenmue 3 and fuck you deep silver
Ubisoft 1/10
Nintendo will save the day as always
>all CGI and no gameplay/10
2/10, makes me not want to even bother with Nintendo tomorrow.
Tales of RISE UP, Ghostwire, PSO2 were the only good thing about it.
Watch Dog looks cool but I'll likely never play it
I doubt Ghost Recon will be good but I'll likely play it though.
Capcom nowhere to be seen, Fromsoft disappoint, EGS managing to fuck over a 5 year old Kikestarter
Needs sony/10
Xbox 7/10 (Keanu saved it from a 5)
Everything else is a solid 2
made my question capitalism and the future of mankind
absolutely nothing positive to come out of it
Easily the worst in my memory
the ONLY thing that raised my eyebrows so far is keanu appearing
Sony did the right thing not to come
Microsoft 5/10
Bethesda 8/10
PC Gaming Show 3/10
Ubisoft 3/10
probably the worst one I've seen since 2008
The most soulless corporate year
I said it was going to be shit yesterday and people told me to fuck off.
There's a few good games in the pile of shit, but Ubi completely messed up. That was more movies and tv than video games. Also no Rayman.
A fucking flying simulator was the best game of E3 2019 so far.
That says a lot.
Every corporation should do a Direct
Only good thing was Cyberpunk 2077
fuck no, I can't take more shit.
>30 minutes of shit music being played on stage
>more CGI and movie games with no gameplay
>more shit services being announced.
Jesus fucking christ, just kill me already Pete
So far Terraria: Journey's End completely salvaged it. The stream cutting out was the best part, when you remember that they bad mouthed the biggest sponsor of the show.
If ever you needed proof that Epic games was a group of spiteful assholes.
wrong, shark game it is
Its ok the cringe compilation will save it
snoozefest all around
>we don't talk about EA
>mircosoft was slightly disappointing but just okay, cinematic trailers everywhere, a lot of indies, but at least most of the stuff shown are new titles and there was good reveals
>bethesda was mobile trash and DLCs, only two (2) new IPs and actual gameplay also WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAHHHHH
>devolver lacked games, but their conferences are just dramatic parodies anyway
>we don't talk about PC Gaming show
>ubisoft was about the same as bethesda but with less sting, still talking about mobile trash, a gamer TV show, DLCs, but bought some new stuff
Yeah, it would've been 2/10, but her appearance made it a 1/10
3/10 awful
i don't even think nintendo can save it
i would fuck her but shes kinda ugly
5/10 overral
Microsoft was ok
Bethesda was a disgrace
Devolver was good but last year's was better
Pre-Pre Show is still the standout, never disappointing
PC was snooze-tier
Tom Clancy Softworks was meh
1/10, 2 at best
>indie games that don't look good as filler content for multiple conferences
>cinematic trailers out the ass
>subscriptions, subscriptions everywhere
>expansions for long-term games that everybody knew were coming (like ESO expansion or new Siege season) with no or very few details actually given
>Commander Keen's corpse gets dragged up onto the stage and publicly violated
>only cared about Doom Eternal, Cyberpunk, and My Friend Pedro
I doubt it's coming to PC and it's not enough for me to buy an xbox for
We must #resist.
>can save it
Doesn't compute
2/10, worst E3 EVER.
The longer it goes on the more I'm disappointed. The onlu things I'm looking forward to from the conferences are Phantasy Star, Tales and Elden Rings. Ghostwire and Doom from Bethesda and literally fucking nothing at Ubisoft. I missed the PC showcase but I saw the Shenmue thing so I guess I'm excited for that.
It showed PC as the other thing that it's coming to
nintendo is shit dude
0/10, there was nothing worth giving even 1 point to.
“Haha these people like something that I don’t like so I called him a cuck. I really feel good about life.”
>Elden Rings
ruined because of muh nordic setting
Only thing i'm looking forward is CP2077 and maybe Doom
>Watch Dogs 3 has an interesting concept,
based feminist ally
>yfw Xbox Game Pass is just microsoft admitting they'll never ever win a console war
yo i didn't watched
what is this game pass for pc?
can i fucking finally play Forza Horizon 1 on PC?
Yeah I'm not really into the Nordic setting either but I'm still interested even though I don't give a fuck about the GoT guy writing it because I know nothing about it.
If it was about the ASOIAF universe i would be hyped as fuck tbqh
I pray this is the last E3
We have suffered enough already
This. Very few games of interest, and even most of those have been shown as CG trailers and nothing more.
Its gonna be generic and repetitive like most ubisoft games
>no green v blue rivalry
>mobile shit allowed limelight at the biggest vidya event
>pitbull allowed on stage
>niggers and wamens everywhere, especially ubisoft
>cp2077 confirmed railroaded like witcher 3
>online/subscription shit everywhere
>cute nip girl
>baldur's gate 3
>cp2077 release date
>cdpr presentation
you can tell that nobody gives a shit about e3 anymore. everybody announces their stuff beforehand
4. Worst one in years.
Gaming subscriptions/10
Any quirks or features worth mentioning?
I can't think of one thing I was surprised to see announced. 2/10
Post captures and OC from the shows
>sony is absent
>suddenly E3 turned into shitshow
you can't explain this
So #hyped for #watchdogs3!
Only watched this E3 for Splinter Cell. It's the only game I want (if it's good). Why is Yves so cruel?
I think Watch Dogs 3 is pretty good and showed lots of gameplay, so everyone is wrong there was ONE good game at Ubisoft.
Yeah it sucks that everyone is so sophisticated now that cringe is almost impossible and we can't even share memes and moments. Just Keanu and the stupid rapper guy and maybe that Ubisoft guys awkward non-hug, a cringe compilation so far might be like 2 minutes long.
It's sad when the most memorable thing at gaming conference is a celebrity showing up on stage.
It's Ubisoft, they'll fuck it up.
seemed interesting at first, but
sequels to shit series/10
i r8 it OM OMG OMG IT'S KEANU REEVES! (*creams pants*) out of 10
Don't worry, you're still breathtaking.