Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

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Unironically yes.

What said

yes, my 7 foot queen


What does girlwood even mean?

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>tfw you will never pump her barren womb full of cum over and over again

Yeah, I was disappointed she didn't turn up again.

She's really fun in a cringey memey way. She's likable, but most of all she feeds into my tall girl amazon fetish. God I loved seeing the discomfort in all the manlet devs that had to stand next to her. Fuck it was so fun to watch her tower over every Ubishit employee and especially the CEO.

How do we convince them to bring her back lads?


Fucks sake no

Miss me yet?

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I miss them both

I literally can't believe it but I agree.

>ended up losing millions when her ex divorced her

I think it's a lame attempt to equalize male and female sexual arousal.

>tfw doodly doodly doodly'ed his way to unemployment
He wasn't that bad

Why wont they bring her back?


it means her clit gets really swollen and hard when she gets sexually aroused. I imagine all that walking on stage in those tight jeans rubs the fabric over her slick wet clit in just the right way too, making her have tiny orgasms with each step.


#girlwood come back to us pls

I enjoyed him. One of the last fun E3s.

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I dont even think she works at ubi anymore.

This. At least she throwed some sick banter

they should have bought him back

She gave us so much cringe but in a cute way. I miss Aisha a lot.
>ywn pitch her a meme

This 100%. My dick was rock hard every time.

>no TOBUSCUS at e3 ubisoft


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where is she

like she FUCKS
WHITE guys

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Lil bit

This ubisoft conference was so dull
not a single cringy moment

Isnt his career completely dead

You mean white GIRLS

Isn't that transphobic?

can't believe she fucked tony hawk

I miss you so much it hurts sometimes.

no, if anything, it supports the idea that women can have penises too (they can't)

no quite the opposite actually

She made me cringe but I grew use to it.

She was not a Ubisoft employee she was just there to present E3

How big are her two feet?

feminine penis, user

I always loved her.

How? Girls can have penises too you retard.
