>here's your hero bro
Here's your hero bro
Other urls found in this thread:
He looks really gay
>more nigger characters
can they just stop
Better than the hero from Queers 5.
>brown soulless eyes
absolutely disgusting
Oh its pit
>ripping off BOTW
how fucking shameless???
persona 5*
Generica, champion of the gods
>Discount tranny lgbtq11123fag link in a breath of the wild clone
Can Ubisoft go any lower?
>literally le BOTW at home meme
the testosterone is truly getting lower and lower in this world
guy or a girl?
Am I the only one who thought this was Fortnite?
She cute
she cute
literally a Fortnite character
Unbelievably cute
BotW is a landmark game, just like Oot and SM64 before it
It'll be ripped off for years to cum
I really thought it was some sort of Fortnite collaboration, the character looks like a copy and paste of a default character from Fortnite.
are you blind?
women were absent from all facets of society in ancient greece, pretty much slaves
>can't tell if it's a boy or girl
If that's a girl, I'm not interested.
>Show your game you've been working on the last 4 years with a release date
>Don't tell us anything about it, don't show any Gameplay or even the story.
>just immediately cut to the cringe worthy esports shit
Jesus I thought Ms did Gears 5 dirty yesterday. Ubisoft just literally killed this game
Cute. Looks aesthetically pleasing to me. Not quite hipster minimalist indie Unity shit, not quite so whacky and funneh Overwatch shit. Looks like BOTW with better graphics.
Was probably just concept and won't look anything like it on release.
FUCK /pol/
My first thought was "God of War, but for kids"
But BotW is also kinda a fair comparison from that teaser.
Are Nintendorks truly this delusional? BOTW was literally called a ubisoft clone on release too
literally looks like the fortnite chick, same exact face
no, I'm a Yea Forums poster
You always this retarded?
If this is a guy, porn when?
I'm ecstatic they're making a separate game series for fantasy shit. I hated how Odyssey had so many mythological monsters, made-up structures, superpowers,etc. it wasn't subtle at all and just ruined my suspension of disbelief
I can't wait to play this totally original ubisoft game
>seething this hard
Cope harder faggot
fucking degenerates like you ruin gaming
same thing
i want the porn
This better be a girl (boy)
you're defending a 30 second trailer, neck yourself
>i didnt like the only thing that made assassins creed fun in the past 10 years
Haha eat shit my dude, your taste is awful
porn .... of a guy?
what are you? gay?
>From the creators of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey comes a storybook adventure about a forgotten hero on a quest to save the Greek gods. Embark on a journey to the Isle of the Blessed, taken over by dangerous creatures of mythology. Prove your legendary heroism by taking on their leader, Typhon, the deadliest monster in all of mythology in a face-off for the age. Explore a beautiful fantasy world where tricky puzzles, mysterious dungeons and heroic feats await. The journey will be as challenging and rewarding as the final destination. Will you be the Hero of the legends foretold?
website literally has more info than the trailer
Jesus Christ literally this. How much did Ebic pay Ubisoft?
>called an Ubisoft clone
Not it wasn't. The issue was the 'Ubisoft Towers' which is wrong regardless.
>It's BoTW because it has cartoony graphics
Holy shit I hate Nintendo fans
That's clearly a girl. Dumb ass tranny.
We want the Call of Duty audience
is grecoroman not african you fucking shrimp
>fatty medusa on the start
Holy shit that outfit looks retarded
fuck off
Where do you think you are?
I drew that :3
Only interesting sounding game they showed off desu.
art style is pretty, which is a rarity in this day and age of pixelshit and muddy/grimey darkshit. that alone will get me to at least keep an eye on news for this game, though my expectations are low.
>likes andogynous brown boys/girls
>makes me a tranny
Nani the fuck?
it's a hunting tactic, a body so hideous looking at her face seems pretty good by comparison
your grandchildren will be brown and there is nothing you can do about it
>a tranny dude that doesn't talk / a blonde dude that doesn't talk
>being used by the gods / being used by 3 godesses
>to fight against the evil monsters that threaten the land / to fight against the evil monsters that threaten the land
Gee, who would have thought?
might be kino, really hope there's a lot of cool TECHNOLOGY
It's 2019. Everyone is a tranny.
Origins was 99% the exact same game but without obnoxious fantasy shit and I had WAY more fun with it
To be clear, it still had Mythological elements, but you experienced them through dialogue, culture, world building, and dream sequences not
>DUDE you are literally a demigod now go fight a Minotaur while talking to real Historical people like Herodotus and Perikles
Mixing fantasy and history like that is just too fucking weird, it makes both worse, so now that they've got a whole new IP just for fantasy I don't see why you'd be upset
I thought watchdogs: anonymoose looked cool, but it remains to be seen whether they can deliver on their promise.
>What If Zelda Was A Girl: the game
who even asked for this
that doesn't even work
when you see the body of a woman and it's fat you don't really care about the head but if you see a good body you look at the head
where is my snake girlfriend
>those tits
so it's a girl, dropped unironically
I swear I thought they were gonna reveal a Kid Icarus game made by Ubisoft since Nintendo seems to be partnering with them a lot now.
>Horizon Zero Down was literally called a ubisoft clone on release too
everyone wants linkle
Picked up.
Half the conference was NOT VIDYA and then when they finally have a good game to show, they give it 5 seconds of screen time. FUCK UBI
Really not sure why this is a thing. Odyssey seems to do it better?
Maybe you can select the gender.
press release says that "gender doesn't matter in the land of the gods"
>BOTW invented grass and blue skies
Well thanks. It's a pretty useful reaction image.
wait, possibly picked up
>Players customize a character who can run around a vast world, jumping, swinging a sword, shooting a bow and arrow, floating from high perches using a special bird power
look at his blade you literal mongoloid
I hope there's a GAME in that thing.
>BotW invented protagonist looking at the horizon
What game is this and does it look as generic as this character?
Dropped harder than a Chinese baby girl into the river.
Black eyes are not white
I dont know why this game is considered bad to be honest ,it's obvious they wanted to put more fantasy shit in oddisey but muh animus and muh aliens limited it
obviously that's a rip off of BOTW
>"The fact that we can choose and create our own character and customize it as well, there’s quite a bit that will make it its own.”
If the game doesn't have breakable weapons and actually fully fledged dungeons, it'll easily be better than BotW. Just saying.
last game showed off at ubi
what an uninspired and generic title
classic ubishit
BotW fans have a selective memory, I've noticed.
>Yea Forums spergs still so triggered over botw they deny the obvious inspiration
They should have dropped the animus shit twenty games ago. It hasn't been interesting since Revelations. They could have gone with the original plan of an AC trilogy and made all those other games better by not making them AC.
This, I can't believe they stole fucking trees and clouds. Nintendo should sue them.
That's not a person looking off a hill at the exact same pose at the exact same angle holding a downward pointed sword in BoTW grass.
It's more than just looking at the horizon.
honestly same. I couldn't get through BotW because of the stupid-ass weapon durability mechanic and how boring the shrines were.
what's with this soulless fortnite tier style graphic
>breakable weapons
>actually fully fledged dungeons
>finally a game I want to see
>conference ends
>climb up a puzzle tower to unlock a portion of the map and a fast travel location
>not a ubisoft tower
choose one
fuck ubisoft
like if stewart lee brought you here
>when heroes need help, they turn to the gods
>when gods need help, they turn to yo-...to woman
Dude, BOTW was just Nintendo's Skyrim.
objectively negative, cope harder drone
we'll see when it releases :^)
He's literally holding a downward pointed cane and looking off a hill dumb nintenfag
how's that YT channel going?
Don't bother these people will never let go of their delusions.
bravo ubisoft
I was namefagging as Todd howard when I delivered it in a 'buy my fucking game' thread
looks exactly like Fortnite + Breath of the Wild
and this is why I hate bethesda. Not because every single game they've made is utter shit, but because despite of that they're somehow still influential on the industry. Every time I see a skyrim clone I die a little inside. fucking open world trash
It's not even a meme.
A 12 y/o girl
oh shit, even bethesda ripping off Zelda
Skyrim did influence BoTW. Not even a BoTW fan but this new game definitely looks more similar to BoTW than Skyrim ever did.
You'd be forgiven for getting one confused for the other at a quick glance.
really not digging the artstyle but the game might be good
More like Isle of the BASED
This so much. No game is ever allowed to use grass, trees, or grottos ever again without a copyright claim from Nintendo.
romans/greeks had green/blue/grey eye colors there are historical accounts
I don't give a fuck about BoTW. They just clearly look the same. The same way all those military shooters with a diversity trio looked interchangeable from each other.
>t. gay
>odyssey dev
>first they copyed witcher 3
>now they copy botw
UBI is literally braindead ass fuck
They both have trees and grass in a cartoony graphics style, just like this game from 2005. BOTW didn't invent any of that you seething bitchtard.
heaven forbid they pick a different eye color for a fantasy game
yeah man, the color pallete is the exact same, the grass is filled with little white flowers, the character is standing on a cliff looking at the overworld in the trailer, he has a blue light sword, and there's watercolor concept art
same thing as muh grass is green
How long before (((Nintendo))) starts copyright striking people for putting GRASS in their games? lmao
>no gameplay
>ripping off BOTW
>the mental gymnastics denying it’s a botw clone
Kek it’s clearly a ripoff. No it’s not a bad thing. It’ll probably be a better game.
I can't believe Link was the first character to stand overlooking a cliff, Nintendo is so genius.
you're either trolling or in denial
the sad thing is that you're far too dumb to ever realize just how fucking stupid everything you say is
>color palette is the same
uh huh
>nintendo invented watercolor concept art
>nintendo invented flowers, guys
>a quest to save the Greek gods
Why would I want to save a bunch of assholes?
>le league of legends / overwatch artstyle
Fucking sick of this meme
They'll never understand nintendo or botw's genius, just don't bother. It was the first game that showed me the beauty of trees and grass
She looks like someone who'd get turned into a lion-woman after the man who cheated to win her engagement challenge neglected to thank the goddess that gave him the means of doing so.
Am I the one pretending that nintendo invented GRASS? No, that would be the nincels.
I don't even like Ubisoft, but holy shit you nintendofags are retarded.
>posting a photoshopped botw screenshot
Srsly nigga? Ur pathetic
Already better than BOTW
Kratos is literally spinning in his grave
cautiously optimistic for this, I think the only thing it won't have on Zelda is variety in environments since it's all Greek themed
hopefully there's a lot of environmental interactivity and such
if it doesn't have weapon breaking, has enemy variety and isn't empty it might be really good
It's literally the exact same picture from Also, wtf Child of Light has watercolor concept art, how can Nintendo allow this.
Even a fairy from ocarina of time is following that character, fuck these shitty ripoffs
Can I craft new weapons from killing monsters so I can kill bigger monsters?
I just want porn dammit
She looks like she fucks minotaurs
have you even played botw? its sunset in that pic
Please tell me that's not a guy...
I don't.
>all these autists that can only see "grass and trees" and are incapable of processing the similar artsyle, presentation, posing, cinematography, mythological swordfighting monster setting, etc.
If the game comes out and has a ton of the same game mechanics they won't be able to use the "LOL ZELDA INVENTED GRASS" excuse.
Too be fair Nintendo stole Ubisoft towers and this is an Ubisoft game so no surprise if those get added in.
>video games still using the color green when BOTW exists
calling dibs on the golden fleece
>being this obsessed over another game that wasn't brought up
I can't believe they let other games take place in daytime and in grasslands because it's the same color palette as Based of the Wild.
Is it not? What is it then?
modern male children's game protagonist
The hero is Athenian, user. Don't worry, it works on Altered Beast rules. The more powerups you get, the more muscular and manly you become until eventually you transform into a monster.
This was total bullshit. Why spend 15 minutes hyping your brand new game and then cap off the presentation with a CG trailer that looks like it could be for anything from a phone game to a shampoo commercial? At least tell us what kind of game it is.
Looks like a cute girl. I'm happy.
>every hero is a girl or a nigger now
Gaming was a mistake
I don't think they can remember anything before two years ago
If it was a botw rip off I don't think I'd be against that, provided it improves on a few things.
Thanks for further confirming the color schemes look nothing alike.
Dibs on the golden apples so I can fuck Atalanta
>I hated how Odyssey had so many mythological monsters, made-up structures, superpowers,etc.
Why would you hate that? What the fuck is wrong with you?
irreparably breakable weapons are a failure of the game designer
She's a boy!
Have sex.
>- customize your character
>- gameplay involves jumping, swinging a sword, shooting a bow and arrow, floating from high perches using a bird power, use some sort of telekinetic ability to toss trees at enemies
>- uses a stamina meter
>- presented as a tale told by the poet Homer to his grandchildren
>- equip special ability-enhancing gear
>Some noticed that the game, both in visuals and gameplay, seems to borrow a lot from the Legend of Zelda franchise. Here's what Ubisoft's Jonathan Dumont had to say when Kotaku brought up that point in an interview.
>“It’s flattering that we can be compared to that, but from a storytelling point of view it’s going to be a very unique adventure. The abilities will change, as well as the scope of how it blows up. It is influenced a lot more by Odyssey in that sense mechanically. The fact that we can choose and create our own character and customize it as well, there’s quite a bit that will make it its own.”
Are Nintendies seriously so deprived of video games that they think that a game with tall grass and someone holding a sword is a BOTW clone?
>telekinetic ability to toss trees at enemies
Yeah, totally not ripping off BOTW runes for sure.
Isn't that from the anime with the really popular woman whose name refers to her breasts?
they're just trolling.
you would have to be actually retarded not to notice the colors, art direction, genre, watercolor motif, youthful protag with a lightsaber but in a fantasy setting, pose, etc are all the same.
props to them though cuz i'm mad
Fug. I'm such a sucker for Greek myths.
This better not be good.
>Man is an asshole
>Punish the woman
I like the top one better because there isn't a layer of dust on the camera at all times
A ton of these Ubisoft games love doing these generic diversity trios. Kept seeing it again and again during this conference.
-at LEAST 1 black
-at LEAST 1 woman
-MAYBE you can get 1 white male... MAYBE
found a higher res
I like the art style
Why are you mad that your game is influential? Nintendo fans didn't get mad that Ocarina of Time influenced gaming back in the day.
Is it because there's nothing else to play on your shitty console so you're mad that they're taking the only good thing?
Yea Forums is dead
It is from advertising. Maximize demographic appeal.
Make sure you thank Aphrodite profusely, user.
Isn't that the story of Medusa?
>Get raped
>Get turned into a monster as a punishment
>I can't believe these people are using colors in their game
Since when has Yea Forums not been gay, user?
It might honestly be better.
>durability in BoTW was a pain in the ass
>the same copypaste shrines with the exact same environements
>shitty combat
whatever happened to stabbing somebody in the neck from the top of a 14 story building and throwing change at peasants to obscure detection?
She shouldn't have been raped in a place of worship.
But Medusa might be an older snake woman from a culture the Greeks beat up and cast in a bad guy role.
I thought she was punished for saying she's hotter than the gods.
i'm not mad it's a copy of botw i'm mad people are pretending it isn't
like when people say dark souls combat isn't just advanced oot combat
mythical shit in Assassin's Creed was more tastefully understated prior to Odyssey
I'm gonna FUCK my WIFE in APHRODITE'S TEMPLE and there's NOTHING she can do to stop me.
It depends on who is telling the story.
Ah, a "history is written by the winners" situation.
don't forget to add 10 points to whatever score it gets on metacritic
>If executed correctly, it promises to be highly effective in building out Gods & Monsters’ extensive open world - a world we’re told is several times bigger than Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’s, but not quite of the scale of Odyssey’s
is that big or not?
Because all you're saying is the colors are the same and that both games have grass and trees and fantasy settings. If it comes out and it borrows mechanics from BOTW then you might have a point but you look delusional right now if all you say is "this cartoon grass is green and there are fantasy monsters"
>We want both the Fortnite and BoTW audience
mite b cool
Majority of players are white males. And if I ever bothered to play these game up with some bros I wouldn't want to play some negress or something.
Imagine all the annoyed dudebros playing these games getting stuck with some shitty character. First example excludes white guys completely... the MAIN demographic for these games.
I remember Gears of War 1 being one of the most meathead dudebro games out there and now the protagonist is some lady with perfect hair who looks more at home in a Starbucks then a war. Game companies are doing a piss poor job at appealing to the demographics that BUY GAMES and you're seeing the effect in all these "go woke go broke" games.
You might be thinking of Andromeda. Andromeda's mother claimed her daughter was more beautiful than the gods, so they sent a monster to kill them. Both Medusa and Andromeda are part of the Perseus myth.
Telekinetic abilities weren't invented by Zelda either.
Which is why every commercial will have a white and a white person.
Is this Fortnite or League of Legends?
She looks cute. I don't see a problem. She's not some purple haired land whale, which is what I've come to expect from Ubisoft. Unfortunately, it's an Ubisoft game, so it'll probably be shit and I won't buy it anyway.
>video games weren't invented by Zelda either
Why pretend to be so dense with the similiarities? Where you guys like this when PlayStation All Stars was revealed too?
The environments are a MAJOR part of BOTW's core game design. It's way it looks so different from previous Zelda games.
A game like Skyrim has a different design philosophy with a ton of tree clutter, roads, and generally not designed to so easily reach high areas to scout for landmarks.
Just got home from work and trying to catch up. What game is this?
oh I will
BOTW but Greek Mythology.
I don't remember telekinesis in BOTW
are you talking about the magnet thing?
BotW ripped off telekinetic abilities from Star Wars then I guess. Why be a seething retard who thinks things levitating in the air and thrown at people was something invented for the first time by Zelda?
Didn't play both games but I imagine Syndicate's open world was more difficult and time-consuming to create since it's a bunch of London streets and such... compared to a bunch of literal desert in Odyssey's.
This game should be easier to create land than Syndicate's at least.
>classical mythology AGAIN
When i see this i literally hear that little BotW piano jingle.
Real helpful....
Gods and Monsters, it's called.
The weak should fear the strong
So did want you the grass in this game to be blue or something? All you've said is the art of the trees and grass is similar and both characters use a sword. It's a generic cartoon fantasy style that happens to have trees and grass.
You have no idea if this game uses environments like BotW but you've gone crazy thinking no other game is allowed to cartoon graphics and green grass, you sound like the biggest butthurt Nintendo shill I've ever seen on Yea Forums.
She's even holding a blue glowing sword like the one's you collect a fuck ton of in BOTW.
Its literally BotW, but you play as a Greek hero traveling around fighting Greek monsters and getting new powers from the Gods.
She's cute. What game?
no i thought this was a Fortnite skin too
It was called Gods and Monsters, I think. They didn't show any gameplay. It's an Ubisoft game so it'll probably be trash. Cute protag, though.
Gods and Monsters. Going to be coming out down the line, apparently.
Much appreciated friend.
title's a bit generic but I still hope it's good
>hey neat this looks like botw
Was it autism?
stop raping my culture you Canadian fucks
t. Greek
Greek culture died out before feudalism.
it's DLC and amiibo-infested kusoge, nothing more
Yeah the first guy who said that was so nice about it...oh wait
it's not like you're doing much to keep it alive in the first place
>reveal new IP
>don't show gameplay
How am I supposed to care about this?
>a cartoony open world in big open grassy area
>with the same kind vibrant colors
>same level design with big areas, forests, cliffs and ruins placed in a similar pattern
>same fucking pose
>even previews from journos are comparing it to BOTW
During that time on Yea Forums
if no giant Palutena type Goddess i can climb no buy
>using retard game journalists as proof that you're right
>cute girl
>greek mythology