>animal crossing will take up 10 minutes
>pokemon will take up 10 minutes
>mario maker 10 minutes
>smash will take up 5 minutes
>indies and weebshit will take up the rest
is there any hope nintendo will show GOOD games this year?
Animal crossing will take up 10 minutes
>implying pokemon will take up anything after they just had a fucking direct
>implying mario maker will get more than 5 minutes
>Animal crossing isn't a good game
Based retard
They need to fill the Metroid void. Im specting at least concept art. And at best a new 2.5d game/remake oooor a spin off.
Nintendo fucking sucks.
>Animal crossing isn't a good game
It barely even is a game. Only women like it. It is literally a time waster with 0 challenge of any kind.
>why game no have SHOOTY SHOOTY BANG BANG :(
Based retard
>animal crossing
I genuinely dont believe it's happening anymore
Is it bait if you actually believe the retarded things you say?
They already showed everything in Mario Maker
I like a game to have some semblance of challenge yes.
i just hope nintendo saves e3 this year. this year has fucking sucked so far
The last two years of Switch ownership have sucked.
10 mins is a good amount of time tho.
Can someone explain to me the obsession of adding characters to Smash.
>pokemon will take up 10 minutes
Pokemon at E3 has historically been like 1-2 minutes because they have their own directs.
I am prepared for Luigi’s Mansion
Rune factory 4/5 will make the entire shitfest worthy, also it can't possibly be worse than Ubishit.
Oh fucking joy, a game WE ALREADY HAVE!
Oh that reminds me, still more of the direct will be dedicated to a game we already have, Links Awakening. But that one doesn't count because it's "too old", right?
The project was completely scrapped and given to retro in january. We won't see anything, sorry.
Really hoping Nintendo saves e3. Maybe some more news on Astral chain, some metroid news, a couple of Nintendo made new games that are actually good. The bar to saving e3 is pretty low.
Honestly if they just focus on showing the games and gameplay they'll win in my eyes.
There's literally no fun watching these corporate fucks ejaculate over these god forsaken streaming services or new console specs. None of it even means anything.
Who hurt you?
I'm willing to bet they'll do some more stuff with Link's Awakening, and I also think they probably have a kirby game coming around sooner rather than later. Beyond that, they'll probably say something brief about the current status of Prime 4, and my wish is that they reveal something about the classic editions or expand the online emulations
40 mins, right?
>last 10 minutes to smash character
>30 minutes to announce Bayo 3, Animal Crossing, give an update on metroid, show Astral Chain, show the indies, show Marvel, and show some surprises.
You guys forget that Treehouse is where the gameplay's at. Directs are just about the announcements
You did
Two years of nothing but dogshit from Nintendo.
>ignoring Luigi's Mansion 3 which is confirmed playable
Top retard.
e3 has been devoted to one game for the past 3 years.
2016 = BOTW
2017 = MO
2018 = SMASH
it will be another upcoming most of the time. my guess is Mario Maker 2.
We get a new logo. That's it.
>the classic editions or expand the online emulations
Why do you care about games that we already have? Why can't you just emulate them on the PC you're sitting on right now for free? Why can't you just hack your Switch?
It really isn't that bad dude.
Yes it literally is. If you don't like the Nintendo B-team of IPs like Yoshi, Kirby, Mario Tennis, Mario Party, and shit button masher autism magnets like Smash there's been absolutely nothing to keep fans pleased.
>no metroid
>no pikmin
>no f zero
>paid online locking me out of games I already paid for (ARMS, splatoon)
>no internet app
>no virtual console
>nothing but trash multiplat indies
What exactly is there to be happy about?
not likely this year
pokemon and maro maker literally just had directs, well see both of them for 5 minutes each tops. there arent any other huge games coming out that we know of. itll be looking at a few new games for 5-10 minutes at a time (animal crossing, luigis mansion, etc), maybe reveal one upcoming new game (kirby, pikmin), then 10 minutes for indies, then 5 minute for smash character reveal, then end
Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing aren't big titles?
The former is a game that is ALREADY OUT and the latter is shit and can barely be called a game.
>The former is a game that is ALREADY OUT
>Luigi's Mansion 3 is already out
Show me.
It's a rebrand of a game that is already out.
they are, but not massive system sellers like mario, zelda, pokemon, and smash
Luigi's Mansion 3 isn't out, retard. And Fire Emblem, Astral Chain, Bayo 3, and Daemon Ex Machina aren't either.
>And Fire Emblem, Astral Chain, Bayo 3, and Daemon Ex Machina aren't either.
those are shit games god damn it.
Commit sudoku on your body
Basically it started out as simple wants for characters as any game with a roster does, especially if none of the characters are original and it's a crossover like Smash. Eventually Smash got more and more popular and now everyone only cares about the characters to such an insane degree that everytime a character is announced they think they have the right to sperg out because their favorite fictional character got into a children's fighting game.
lol, no they aren't.
It's a shared console plus poor so cant risk, and I like having ways to play games legally and without bullshit PC controllers
i think it's just time to leave video games tbqh. it's time for me to accept that BOTW was a huge fluke and nintendo won't top it for another 10 years minimum. it's time for me to accept that video games that are already out is all i have.
I feel your pain. All I want from them right now is for them to port WWHD,TP HD and the two N64 3DS ports and Pikmin 4 or even ports of previous games. I’m also sick of these damn mobile phone games and ancient indie games
Leave life instead, you have no taste and no future.
Can they tease a new Zelda using the BotW engine a la Majora's Mask? Maybe use the opportunity to flesh out the dungeons more?
Hey, that's no way to be. Come on, with an attitude like that it'll take way too long to get genetically engineered catgirls
If I get anything about SMTV this E3 is worth it.
I hear it's a good game, but it's not the kind of game that presents or demos well for non-fans. I'll probably pick it up out of curiosity, but I won't care seeing it since I haven't played AC before.
40 minutes? ok...
>4 minutes of intro and banter [4]
>3 minutes of luigi's mansion 3 [7]
>3 minutes of mario maker 2 [10]
>3 mins of astral chain [13]
>4 minutes of fire emblem [17]
>3 minutes of pokemon sword shield [20]
>6 minutes of animal crossing: new leaf+ [26]
>4 minutes of links awakening ft. special edition diorama [30]
>3 minute indie reel, featuring cadence of hyrule prominently at the end [33]
>2 minutes of new update for mario kart 8 deluxe [35]
>5 minutes of smash bros steve is in bros [40]
there's your direct folks, screencap this post and send to gamexplain because they know i am right
>Atlus logo appears.
>#FE Remixed announced.
>Atlus logo appears again.
>They roll the same Persona 5 Scramble trailer.
>Animal Crossing is not a system seller
>New Leaf was literally one of the best selling games for the 3DS
>2016 = BOTW
>2017 = MO
>2018 = SMASH
>each one was revealed at their respective E3s
No, they want to use the engine to make a multiplayer games as a service Zelda game next
This is the only game I'm hype for this year. The only real hype Nintendo games anymore are 3D Mario, Zelda, and Smash, and I'm almost confident the Smash character is going to be undwhelming.
Metroid Prime Trilogy would be cool, but I don't expect Nintendo to be that based.
who the fuck plays such games? autists? muricans?
forgot the last two are synonyms
How much airtime will there be for New™ Nintendo Switch?
No, I think they just ran out of big E3 games and are shoving a bunch of B-tier Nintendo games into this one to make up for it.
Every game is a time waster.
it's a comfy, stress-free life sim. nothing wrong with that. I like it a lot and last I checked I'm not a woman
>no pokemon
>no mario maker
based retard not knowing that a direct before means those games won't be in E3.
Nobody cares about Nintendo.
Fuck off
They better say something about Shin Megami Tensei V or I swear to fuck I will eat my shit
If Steve is in I'm genuinely going to be mad. Not that I don't think he deserves to be in, but he's such a boring and predictable inclusion, it creates no hype. It's like when Isabelle was revealed.
Nintendogs 2. Screencap this.
Yes but other games actually have challenge to them that make you feel like you're not just dragging a cursor around your desktop.
>OP doesn't know how long 10 minutes is
Lol, they already had a mario maker direct you goof , and a pokemon direct
animal crossing is good
>thinks theyll show animal crossing
Odyssey was pretty great. The problem with Nintendo is that they'll have two-three years of kino followed by a drought of good games. Compare Zelda and Odyssey recently to hen Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time released close together back in the N64.
>if I don't like game it shouldn't be shown at all!!
How fucking immature are you morons? I don't play AC either, but I'm not gonna cry when a big seller for them has 5 minutes dedicated to it
Lay off the testosterone, meathead.
>no more heroes didn't show up in Ubisoft's conference
No more Heroes 3 in the direct bros
Yeah, but it's the opposite of hype to watch
animal crossing isnt a good game may I check your brain because it seems that there is nothing in your head
I suck on Otter Pops all year, every year
Why would NMH be at ubisoft?
still better use of time than the other conferences
Odyssey was good at the time but it has very little replayability.
I assumed it would be since the main games had Ubisoft's logo
And I thought TSA got away with it since it's technically a different series
>mammy house slave simulator
>animal poacher and cage fighting, the game
>disney XD fighters
>western otaku S&D clones of snes classics
there's no hope of them winning this year.
what the fuck is wrong with zoomers
>pokemon will take up 10 minutes
>mario maker 10 minutes
Not happening, idiot. Pokémon will get at most 90 seconds as the tell us about that double pack they mentioned in the Direct. Mario Maker might get 3 minutes at the most as we get another game style and a pledge for post-launch updates or something.
It was announced less than a year ago.
>Animal Crossing
3 minutes
30 seconds shilling
>Dragon Quest
30 seconds shilling
>Mario Maker
30 seconds shilling
2 minutes including in-engine character teaser, gameplay trailer, Sakurai, and home-run contest.
>Link's Awakening
2 minute trailer showing what's different
>Astral Chain
3 minutes
>Luigi's Mansion
3 minutes
>Fire Emblem
2 minutes
2 minutes
1 minute
That leaves twenty minutes to split between first-party ports, third-party ports, new first-party, and new third-party games.
Probably expect ~two of each. It takes 30 seconds, or two minutes for major announcements, to announce games in Directs.
they better finally show bayo gameplay
get checked for autism
As much as I'd want this, they're not going to shift attention away from Astral Chain yet and they'd be retarded to do so.
Probably not
Xbox and Sony are getting ready to jump to the next Gen, so they aren't gonna put out shit until then.
I wouldn't be suprise if Nintendo introduces some Nintendo Switch Pro/Lite next year, or a new Gameboy/DS.
Though Nintendo might just say fuck it to Gameboy/DS from now on because the switch is portable.
kys. it's literally an e3/direct thread.
I really hope nintendo finally releases information about the new switch
Nintendo release the same shit all the time
Why do you give a shit about new hardware if there's no games for it.
they've confirmed not once, but multiple times that they wont. they'll wait until holiday season is over.