What video games let me play as/turn into a dragon?

What video games let me play as/turn into a dragon?

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why did he draw so much porn of his character?

Dota 2

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is there canon porn of his own character?

Dragalia Lost

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Eternally based

Divinity 2

defiler wings

>that weight gain episode

and to stay on topic: Divinity Dragon Commander

why not

All the Breath of Fire games


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Did you see the new Dragalia lost Doujin yet?


How long are you gonna take, op, to write something about "asian boy gets White girl" or something to start some /pol/ shit thread?
Fucking kys

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None of them really
Just play Drakengad and burn thousands of men in ground battles

and redscales adventure

Oh yeah, and there were games called Draken where you didn't turn into a dragon but you were a lady who rode a dragon and when you mount the dragon (kek) you are in full control. Flying around, breathing fire, swiping claws and such.

way too hot for a childrens cartoon

Based Disney.

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Bartok The Magnificent must have been a fun movie for you

the dude who created jake long literally draws gay porn of him

If it's more scalieshit or NTR, that's an NG from me.

they can take it

Disney is tyrannical and owns every piece of art one of their artists make iirc
So they all started drawing porn of disney characters.

scalie shit is the best though why on gods green earth would you want more Moeshit doujinishis


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Hyrule Warriors

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>Dragalia lost Doujin
The fuck do you think it's gonna be? 99% sure it's not NTR though.

its actually shota on real dragon this time thats never been done in a Dragalia lost doujin before so its pretty fucking based.

Is he gay? I know he went to some furry cons for the fans and that people asked him about Rule 34 corruption, is there really gay porn made by the creator? Any of him screwing Rose in her ninja outfit? Because that would be fucking base.

The Spyro Reignited Trilogy is pretty kino, might be worth a shot.

Attached: Spyro-Reignited-Trilogy-Fireworks-Factory.jpg (1280x720, 151K)


Why is Jake such a chad dragon?

Pretty based desu