Commandfer Keen

I'm still mad guys

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Other urls found in this thread:

rip & tear

more like they retconned the timeline so doomguy is on a more distant era


I don't mind the artstyle but would it kill them to make a game that's fun to play?

He's a tranny now?

>when doomguy face is confirmed a guy
the old games weren't retconned. Doomguy just spent 100 years in hell killing demons.

do people seriously care about the lore of these games?

crash exists.

are both of you retarded

I'm really good loli artists already made a good amount of incest porn of these two.

crash is just another soldier. she isn't related to doomguy.

Commander Keen and Commander Kueef

You can't say that and not provide proof.

Literally google

Do you have a problem with our game user?

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What if they are just his siblings?

Yeah it's bad.

Doomguys real name is B.J Blazkowicz III
or Billy for short

God, I'm actually old enough to remember that the only reason Keen was in Doom was video game devs basically telling each other to go suck a dick. All of this is total bullshit and the only story Doom ever had was killshitgofast

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Doom Marine isn't related to Commander Keen. Get out with this retcon pandering stupidity.


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>That line about how they were trusted with the IP

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>2 pics with an edits for each.
>Good amount.

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Probably the one with the cock then.

>No shota keen porn
Snooze, Dead game already.

>I'm actually old enough to remember that the only reason Keen was in Doom was video game devs basically telling each other to go suck a dick

what the fuck are you saying

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Then why does Doomguy eventually hang his kid's self dad version later on in hell?

Neither look Jewish though

Wolfenstein 3D had a reference to Keen being the main characters grandson, they were doing this shit from the beginning so don't pretend like you're some kind of OG who's mad that nobody "gets it" anymore, you fake piece of shit.

Not him, but that was really easy to understand, are you retarded?

don't you kill hanging keens to exit the secret level?

ok tell me what he means

why does Dopefish have lewds?

>the chessmaster

I'd like to remind everyone that that's nothing but bullshit.

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Its rule 34 for a reason sweetie.

Will these people ever stop?

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This is only true of the Doom RPG for mobile phones, its jot referenced at all in any other doom game

Commander Keen was in fact the grandson of BJ in Wolfenstein's old continuity but the new series is a total reboot.


There is no such thing as DOOMGIRL.


because of crash

Every Wolfenstein game is still canon in New Order, and Commander Keen clearly is descended from one of BJ's daughters via the new trailer.

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The girl Keen is really cute. It sucks that she and the other characters are all stuck to this fucking mobile game, cause the artstyle is legitimately appealing. Like, if they made this an actual game with the artstyle and characters in tact, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

If they ever do make a new Commander Keen that isn't mobileshit, what new features would you want?

So does that means something will happen that will turn the boy into a being of pure rage?

How did lesbians have kids?

I dunno why but the way that Keen died was soo creepy to me.

I can't unsee them

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Space jew futa magic.

Oh good, will it be a $25 DLC?

fuck no

>tell each other
You mean. John Romero telling Tom Hall

>load up chessmaster rom
>play online chess game
>mimic opponents moves in chessmaster
>proceed to wreck fucking everybody online and go undefeated

good times

Very nice

It could also be Doomguy's brother and sister.

doesn't really need new features, does it?
pogo stick, ray gun, maybe a handful of single-use items. some skins/tshirts/outfits/helmets for the cosmetics addicts, as long as they include the original look.

i got no beef with playing as Keen's son or daughter, that's pretty cute. co-op might be nice.

I immediately assumed this tweet was about the kids being bisexual. Is this bad?

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Demons killed his pet bunny remember?

>Space jew futa magic.
I want proof and video. Multiple videos, preferably.

Keen looks fucking fat.

well, ID stablished the lore from the beginning, everyone who follows ID/Apogee/3d realms knows the connections.

so yeah. then again, its funny to think Billy Jr.Jr./Keen Jr. will somehow become THE MOTHERFUCKING DOOMGUY.

bigger question is what happened to his sister then if he really is doomguy?


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well, both are Jimmy neutron level kid geniuses like their dad, maybe she is a scientist?

No it isn't. Old Blood retconned the entire series out of existence

shadman porn incoming

He got put into a cheap cashgrab mobile game.

dude, this game was made AFTER old blood, and theres clearly pics of BJs sons from Youngblood in there, as well as BJs actual design.

the Wolfenstein series is still canon to the CK/Doom universe.

based danposter

Think of all the Incest porn

>BJ has nightmare flashbacks from Wolfenstein 3D and in-game articles talk about an attempt on Hitler's life
>BJ talks about how he first fought the ubersoldaten in the X-Labs from Return, and also talks about swimming through the water canals underneath Deathshead's labs from that same game
>BJ knows Caroline and the German resistance Kreisau Circle from '09

Literally every Wolfenstein game is referenced in the newer titles. If they could figure out a way to work it in BJ would probably talk about Enemy Territory somehow.

It's cringe how much some fags care about lore.

>lives in Wisconsin
>probably eats a lot of cheese and drinks a lot of beer

Can't be helped.

I only just now found out that there's a gameplay trailer as well and it literally looks like a low effort flash game from 2007. They just don't care anymore.

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do NOT summon him, devil.

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There are more. Just wait for them to be posted.


What even is the fucking gameplay? Is it turn-based? With cards? It looks so goddamn slow.

RTCW > Wolfenstein 3D > Spear of Destiny > New Order > Old Blood > New Colossus > 09

I would cuddle with this beautiful 21st century crusader and attend church with her every Wednesday and Sunday

incog please

>"They have said that Doom Marine from the series is a descendent of Commander Keen either his son or grandson."
He "forgot" the last two words

Could be a she is dead possibly killed by demons.

she was a scientist at the UAC but died, that's why her Brother went to the military to rip&tear

literally not a thing.

>one of BJ's daughters grows a dick and impregnates some sexy lady nazi officer and seduces her to the side of freedom

If you're gonna go Nazisploitation, go big or go home.

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What an absolute Loon. Fuck these dumb ass motherfuckers.

Thanks for reminding me to check for updates on Sultry Summer

nope here i go

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Doomgirl? The trailer had some pretty masculine grunts.

the new Keen follows TNO timeline
Doomguy is related to the original BJ, who comes from a world where WW2 ended in 1945

Same. Felt sick the first time I saw it.

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Lost both his sister and pet bunny to demons, no wonder doomguy is so pissed.

Anybody seriously ranking Spear of Destiny over anything is just trying to sound cool by saying old things are better.
It's fucking miserable even by Wolfenstein 3D's limited capabilities.

Also Old Blood is lean and tight, just shuttling you from action segment to action segment. I legit would put it near Return since it doesn't have any of the pratfalls like RTCW's bosses or mandatory stealth.

>I'm so telling mom.

Never can get it out of my head.

its starting

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>disconnected lore
oh fuck off.

>its starting
I expected nothing less

what has quackers given us

Daily reminder that Wolfenstein, Doom & Keen being connected was something Fountainhead Entertainment did with the Doom & Wolfenstein RPG.
It's not canon, it never was and never will.

I understand that we're upset about the new Keen game, but that is NO excuse to draw child porn!

Classic Yea Forums would never be okay with something like this.

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Do you even know how to read you braindead fuck?

>Doomguy had a hard life

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of all the things i thought was safe from the degeneracy of the internet

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Do not lewd the space heroic loli! or her brother!

Ignore these faggots


>you can only have 2 children

Do not give him ideas

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Oh user, it's already too late

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He's back

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It's probably too late.

>game is announced
>Yea Forums hates the art style

>1 day later
>Yea Forums draws porn in the art style they claim to hate

Which is it? Hmm?

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I ain't gonna give him shit I'm just going to make him aware :D

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>canonically doomguy, the strongest and most manly person in the universe, is actually a transgender jewish woman

yeah, no. fuck your revisionist bullshit. not a single person who played wolfenistine or doom in the 1990s thought that they were playing some sheckle stealing money grabbler. jewish parents were too cheap to let their children play video games back then.

Commander Kunny

>its a good artstyle just not a good commander keen artstyle

Makes sense.
Being transgender requires you to be brave and strong.

Rule 34 is a RULE not a suggestion you candy ass bitch

>hello fellow ((fourchanners), oldfriends would never do this. remember the advertisers!

I remember when "classic" Yea Forums drew comics of the penny arcade guys fucking their niece.

this was the superior keen game, just try and prove me wrong

Convince me not to draw Billie.

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Did the devs know this tho so they can have fun with it?

woman? not. but Jewish? yeah.

in the original multiverse canon, Doomguy was the son or grandson of BJ Blazkowicz. and so far things are just the same in this new timeline.

Billie is not gonna become Doomgirl, but Billy Jr.Jr. OR his son WILL become Doom guy.

I don't even mind the artstyle at all. I'm just confused at the gameplay. Also the marketing. This thing looks exclusively for kids, but they said "fuck" in the trailer.

I love their design. They're fucking adorable. Game doesn't look that good though.

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No ass
No tits
Doesn't have the charms of a mature woman

why couldnt they just do a normal plataformer
why mobile trash

fuck china

Draw the girl instead because since your such a faggot all the guys jacking off to her would be kind of jacking off to you

Oh shit.

That is the minor problem here.

>Billie is not gonna become Doomgirl, but Billy Jr.Jr. OR his son WILL become Doom guy.
And I feel like something really bad will happen to the sister if the brother really is doomguy.

Umm, what isn't CK AFTER Doom?

you might want to get checked out for autism there captain. cant spot ironic posting to save his life

Billie is the girl.

raped by demons while doomguy had to watch it all

Can't wait for the Shadman porn.

the Doom 2 easter egg, was just a reference, according to Tom Hall and john Romero, the events of the CK games are Before Doom/Doom 2.

So at some point America win over nazis? Or The Nazis evole in their control and become de UAC? Samuel Hayden is a future Nazi Cyborg?

>blonde haired blue eyed jew

only exists in the imaginary land of hollywood. in the original game series he was a polish american. ie a slav. When MachineGames got the franchise, those swedish fucks retconned him to being jewish for maximum sjw points.

By Wolfenstein Youngblood all that's really left of the Nazi Empire is Europe, so presumably it's whatever company the UAC comes from.

I have a feeling someone is going to draw that kind of porn at some point.

just check the Eclipse chapters of Berserk.


>seriously thinking BJ being of Jewish descent is a new development

What if the boy becomes Doomguy and the girl Crash?

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Watch the fucking trailer you retards. The new game has two main characters, Billy and his sister Billie

>all that doomguy/crash porn is now incest

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>First this
>Now splinter cell and rayman
why does this always happen to games I like


>tfw I liked the cartoony style song
>Turns out to be a mobile game
Fuck this, man

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huh sometimes I forget there are little kids running around here

what the fuck are you talking about

n i c e

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Alright, that was actually kinda funny

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Its going to be funny watching Dooms guys go out of their way to fuck this lore up its asshole just to avoid having their angry boy be associated with the faggy shit the rest of bethesda is trying to do.

Hey idiot, why don't you at least pretend you know how to read, and realize the issue isn't the female Keen, but that there is no "Doom Girl" except in the heads of mentally ill people.

It's called a RULE for a reason

took them long enough.

I think I need to replay Doom 2016, but I thought that game's lore already undid the connection between Wolfenstein and Doom. He's like a nameless angel of destruction that the demons imprisoned for millenia, as I understood it.

>DOOMGIRL isn't a thing._.yet

What did Hell do to Keengirl to make Keenboy Doomguy?

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You could draw Gwen instead and everyone would be happier for it

>The hand is not turned by punchette
one motherfucking job shadman.


>What did Hell do to Keengirl to make Keenboy Doomguy?

ITT: we summon Shadman

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>mad about the lore
literally don't give a fuck
>mad about it being a shitty mobile game
yeah hella mad on this bit

I think it was implied he was just the dude form 1/2/64, so he's a normal human who just endures through being the man too angry to die meme. He got mummied and brought back to the world of the living thanks to science in nu doom. They'd have to explicitly do something like state he was never human in the first place to avoid the shit they did in the past by implying BJ and Doomguy are relatives.

CALarts Cancer

He can be whatever you want. Being a normal human gifted with a human manufactured armor and later imbued with angel magic can still plausibly fit the plotline of a Doomguy that experiences 1, 2 and 64.

>Classic Yea Forums would never be okay with something like this.
You ain't fooling anybody, fuck off summerfag

subverted your expectations so funny haha

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>not letting the girl be the commander

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do child twins really fuck each other frequently?

if theyre opposite sex yes
t. have female twin

No but GoT made it popular in concept

where's the damn source

Canonically, DoomGuy and the actual DoomSlayer aren't the same person

the thumbnail looks like wojak


fuck of with game of onions
I cannot believe how much a netflix series has ingrained into normalfag minds

tell us more

new movie

started when we were 12, last time was when we were 17

is that Gara?

we're gonna need details

>if they're the opposite sex
why is it only restricted to that? sounds like you're just making shit up based on your fetishes user

penis in vagina

I don't see it but alright man.

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because most people arent gay

thats pretty fuckin lewd user, you talk to your mother with that mouth?

There are no exceptions to rule 34.

>says to not post cp. Posts cp.

>yfw Doom Eternal will involve Doomguy rescuing his sister
>Doomguy and Doomgal co-op mode

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In DOOM16, doom guy was a warrior from another world who ended up in an ethereal dimension, forced to work there as the guardian of a pantheon of deities: the wraiths.
He did his job very well, and he got a family and all, but when his son died, he got distraught, the demons took advantage of that and made him sign a contract, that contract was the trigger of the destruction of that dimension.
Doom guy died there, but got revived and powered up by a seraphim, related to the wraiths, that is what turned him into the doomslayer.

Bethesda/ID doesnt need to do this but they can easily imply that Billy jr.jr. somehow during adulthood, probably during a space mission he ended up stranded in the dimension with no way to go back to earth. Leading to the events of DOOM 16.



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yes, subversive humor is a genre of humor. don't act superior just because you point out that it's a joke

Oh my god who the fuck cares

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There is no such thing as doomgirl you fucking retard

Is Billie even a real name? Why would a parent give their daughter a name that sounds like it belongs to a guy? Unless you're a shit parent and name your child American or some retarded shit like that.

billie eilish

The boy becomes Doomguy after watching his sister get raped and covered in cum by a battalion of different demons and tentacle monsters

Billie is a not uncommon equivalent to Billy for girls, yes.

Billy= William
BIllie= Willhemina

>the Fuck Commander
Now there's a title.

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Commander Keen was BJ's (the Wolf3D guy) grandson or someshit and the only reason for that is because they thought it would be humorous to have a cutesy game have a link to Wolf3D.

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>female protag is named joan dark
are you kidding me

Stop being autistic

>Yea Forums hates the art style
The opinion on the artstyle was mixed in the irst place, it was the fact that it was a mobile game, and a shitty mobile game at that that really sucked.

>following old lore
The future is now, old man.

sister gets raped by demons, and secretly turned into their hot queen