Attached: D8cMJ_FX4AUSdhV.jpg large.jpg (1100x620, 202K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What is it?

SK games are getting lewder and lewder. Eventually they'll be full blown H games where you fuck them with penises.


Delicious Ryoubi and Yozakura, but it's missing top Senran Mirai.


>chimpmunk teeth
I hate nuSK art so much

what's this

now if they just get rd of the other 4 and make it Snek only...


Another gatcha?

How about one of you tells me what the title is

OP stop being a faggot and explain. Literally no one in this thread knows what this is.

Sony is literally the only one who doesn't censor content.

besides if there is censoring in a game, it's decided by the fucking publisher you incel mongrel

Tom & Jerry

I think I just fell in love with Ms. DFC.

Its not porn, so who gives a fuck?

Attached: homer-paper.jpg (377x318, 54K)

>more nan art

honestly, you're just dumb



Attached: 1448925998926.png (438x671, 274K)

Uh wheres Ryoubi's nipple?

I hope the 4th one is a trap

My girl Big Yo's involved in something? Explain.

>this is your brain on snoy

>when you secondary so hard you don't recognize a character that's been around for about 6 years

>Sony is literally the only one who doesn't censor content.
Have you been living under a fucking rock?

So it's a browser game?

>artwork looks different now
Kino incoming.

Who's the flat girl?


I went to a brothel district in Japan a few years ago. hundreds of whores sitting japanese style and waving at me. after i fucked a whore, she gave me a lollipop. said it was to signal that i had already seen someone, so the others wouldnt waste their time trying to seduce me.

everytime i see a girl w/a lollipop, it reminds me of that.

Attached: bayonetta.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)
>its a fucking lottery.raffle
OP is a faggot as usual

>Ryoubi and Snek
Pretty good
>Big Yo
>Yumi in the center
Fuck off.

dats not Evenicle 3

No Kat no buy.

Japan is such a unique place.

>dead franchise

This can't be for PS4 because it looks uncensored and nobody is in a burqa, so what's going on?
Also this. I love Kat.

Why Ryoubi got no nipple?

which one has benis?

That's really hot.

>the flat girl

>Yumi in the center
>no Miyabi or Homura anywhere
Just kill this franchise already jesus fucking christ!

I really, really like the left girl

You fucked a prostitute and then she gave you candy? And the candy was used as a signal to the others?
That's pretty cool

it's just another promo art for a collaboration cafe

4th is a trap?

>more fucking yumi

>Sony is literally the only one who doesn't censor content.
Where have you been for the last year?

>People not even knowing best senran
What the fuck Yea Forums

I got a boner

I'm honestly surprised Snek has remained this popular. Thank fucking God too.

Takaki left Marvelous and now 7EVEN will likely never be released, yet you are hype for this cash grab?

Attached: 1379787344022.gif (362x332, 62K)

>No katsuragi
What is this


Attached: Kasumi 1.jpg (600x800, 31K)

>he doesn't know
Oh. Oh, no. My poor user.

That's actually neat. It's a polite way of letting others know not to keep bothering you because you've already busted your nut. If you want to go another round, all you have to do it hide the lollipop.

Attached: 411.gif (350x197, 1.6M)

Ryoubi, actually a girl but flat chested and so angry about it to the point of cheating with ninja magic to grow fake huge ones when she transforms

waifuism is a serious disease

Is the fourth one a dude? If so, I'm in.

Why is Yumi in the middle sometimes and sometimes she's not?

That's... actually really damn clever

Did you just got unfrozen?

Weeabo waifufags have no standards and will eat literal shit if it has some hot anime girl on it.

Ryobi (fourth from left) is a girl. Get the fuck out, you psychotic trapfags.

Attached: ryobi dab.webm (1920x1080, 608K)

She's a delicious flat girl. Go be a faggot elsewhere.

Boring predictable choice

One of Marvelous' pets

Finally, one that's actually good

I think she's more popular in the west than in Japan, but I could be wrong. Still, it is good that at least once decent girl manages to be popular among the plague of yamato nadeshikos and forced shitfus.

Attached: m17aMAVv.jpg (640x800, 101K)

What is this, when was it announced?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Sony has been going to extremes to censor everything on their platform this year.

Attached: 209_s.jpg (140x140, 15K)

Glad to see you're out of your coma. You might want to try and catch up on stuff you missed.

If you like flat girls you're just as gay as me. You just prefer a disgusting axe wound instead of the superior penis.

Finally a good fucking game.

Kek nice bait

me on the left

Congrats on making it out of your coma user but....

You don't get it. Get out.

>everyone has a lollipop in their mouth

Are you literally unaware of everything that has happened in the past year? Sony is now the ONLY major console company censoring games.

Do people really find girls like Ryoubi and Mirai attractive? they have no tits and look like small children.

Attached: __yozakura_senran_kagura_and_senran_kagura_shinovi_versus_drawn_by_tabigarasu__76a8106f5fbab1d0c2185 (1000x1000, 380K)

Men can get boobies, too. Where do they rate?

>"Can't wait to play my favorite japanese titles uncensored"

Attached: 1c4mhe.jpg (459x214, 16K)

Is the most recent one on vita good?

The lottery is for a drawdown(cloth scroll) so you pay and get a random one. You're paying about 1/5th or so the price of a normal one which is why it's random.

But what the fuck is it i don't speak moonrunes

What's the name?

>Do people really find girls like Ryoubi and Mirai attractive?
>they have no tits
>look like small children.

>a girl
not interested

Fuck it I want to play some Senran Kagura game. I have a PS4. Tell me
good SK games I could bay on the PS Store

The only good Vita one is Shinovi Versus.
Estival Versus is Summer time silliness.

Middle girl has a really really short forearm. Thank u Mr. Loomis

Well apparently some people find girls with bowlcuts attractive, so I guess so.

Attached: cL6hEcyT.jpg (640x800, 100K)

if it's web, will it be uncen?

Reduce your snoy intake

None of the games are good they're hack and slash slock

>look like small children
You answered your own question sweetheart

Attached: 1559924312345m.jpg (1023x1024, 89K)


Tight twink bodies only.

The middle girl and the green haired on the right are the best girls.

Attached: 415eae19a95d3fb8a0d6254cd612a98d.jpg (783x1000, 282K)

PS4 has Estival Versus and Burst Re: Newal as beat 'em ups.
Estival Versus has way more characters.
There's also Peach Beach Splash, a shooting spin-off with water guns and wet t-shirts.

>Yumi's left forearm

Quality art as always. How embarrassing.

I will now buy your game

Mmmmm, I can hear it all the way from here.


Wow, good timing. I'm actually just about to start watching Slayers after i finish Outlaw Star. How is it? Heard alot of good things about it

Attached: 1497958483931.gif (387x291, 3.24M)

where homu-chan?

Gays not welcome.
There will be H-games, but there won't be any penises.

Holy shit, a comatose Sony shill from 2016.



Nintendo - NINTENDO - has been more lenient with censors on the Switch than Sony has with the PS4 this year.

Attached: 7a3.png (372x539, 320K)

>g-girls have cooties!
It's hilarious how porn brainwashed people into being gay and accepting trapshit as normal. Don't forget to dilate, faggot.

Where is Haruka and Murasaki? Need to see biggest Tiddy #1 and biggest Tiddy #2

Shit girl gets shit proportions


>Collab cafe
Now im even more intrigued

Dilate what? I'm a dude and despite how much I beat it, I love my dick.

wtf is going on here?
that isn't just flat, she's concave.

Attached: QUALITY.png (572x312, 31K)

No dumbfuck it's more like an 80% chance to get a fucking keychain

Attached: d6779-89-118205-1.jpg (650x365, 272K)

Ok i will buy the cheapest one

The boobs look smaller with every game

Oh man I'm sure am glad to see these five again and not the others in this cast.

Yeah and its fucking perfect

Attached: nt_03.1b_01.jpg (1280x960, 127K)

If only a hot anime girl could shit in my mouth...

All of them

>still not on GOG

That's her teeny tiny boobs sagging just a very small bit and making a curvature underneath the clavicle due to the skin being dragged straight down as she lacks any fat underneath.

In other words that's anatomically correct for a child-like person in the 5th percentile of BMI. These people are actually harder to perform breast surgery on because there's not enough tissue leeway.

In other, OTHER, words, you're witnessing patrician taste and you didn't recognize it even when it slapped you in the face.

Attached: 1559409592420.png (874x440, 449K)

that's how those skinny asian bitches look see JAV and those barely legal idol videos

Penises are for gays. SK should always be a penis free zone.

I bought SK Stival Versus. Bettee not be shit or i will call you faggots in every SK thread

>that 4th one

Holy fuck.

It's great, but can bit a bit too much slapstick humor for my taste.


Attached: 188.jpg (600x338, 40K)

I want to lick her tiny tits

i'm sure the one minori/imu/murasaki/etc fan left out is devastated

She finally reached AAAA cup

Yumi was a mistake.

>Resetera SEETHING


Where's Ryona so I can slap that painslut around?

Should've been gacha in the first place, the 3d models in these games look like ayy lmao's

It's alright. After Outlaw Star, you're gonna feel dizzy due to the quality plunge.

She left with sensei.

Attached: sensei.jpg (1280x3600, 1.08M)


What is this game about? Where was it announced?

all the fucking retards replying to pathetic bait
nu/v/ is fucking dogshit

Such a magical culture.

So mind explaining wtf is this gaem or is OP fag , as usual ?

They already did it last year. Like with a lot of franchises it's a limited time themed cafe, you know, decorated with titty ninjas everywhere and with food and drinks named after the girls, teams and so on.

It's no game, just a lottery for merchandise.

Attached: DxBA30MU8AArAyF.jpg (1060x600, 223K)

>nipple protrusions
They're desperate now huh?
These games aren't good anymore

I don't give a shit about any spin off games. All of them are absolute trash garbage rot. Give me SK3 niggers.

One day i wish i could bait so many fishes like you

>implying they were ever good

Dang. Ah well, still should be a fun time

>SK turning into soulless fan service garbage every year
>consolewar faggots and switchniggers will eat it up cause “lmao fuck snoy”

Attached: AEC51F38-3E4C-4BEA-A6CE-92452BEBDC0C.jpg (334x419, 19K)

Soooo A Gacha? Like really what is it?

>It's no game, just a lottery for merchandise.
Pff OP is faggot.

Just in case you're not shitposting.

Attached: metoo.png (979x1032, 79K)

SK3 is likely not happening. Hell 7 is in development hell, likely to die a quiet death

in denial, thinking it's the publishers you're basically making up your own stories at that point

Honestly this. Makes you forget that this is a ninja game.

The first few on 3ds were solid
Then it all went to shit

>all the retards replying
>I want to be in the screencap too, so I'll reply but make it seething just to false flag ;)

Oh look, another spinoff.

Please just kill this series already, its painful now.

>a gacja
It's a raffle, you don't know how those things work?

Is it true Hatsuu starting shitting on Senran Kagura at some point?

Wheres the rule 34 of this girl

Holy fuck they finally added a hot flat girl instead of the ugly cowtit cunts.


Fuck off secondary

The only things announced right now:

Peach Ball (Pinball game with same 5 girls from reflexions) July 9th Switch. TBA 2019 Steam
Reflexions TBA 2019 Steam

>girl's nips are so tiny that a silver of string covers it

Attached: cateyes.jpg (428x413, 48K)

So it's a Japan only raffle for merch?
Whats with the new meido outifts for?


Attached: 1552439356371.png (600x583, 549K)

> Sony is literally the only one who doesn't censor content.


Show your mouth dirty cow tit loving fuck

Attached: 1532840609569.jpg (461x438, 33K)

>yumi is the middle

I love Mirai!

Attached: 40008103_cl.png (1024x768, 336K)

We were all fooled, user.

>14 years old

Attached: Golden_Goddess_Hyoki.jpg (640x800, 101K)

>Reflexions TBA 2019 Steam
The xseed site says June 24.
Still no Ikaruga, no buy

New art for more merchandise like scrolls, that's literally it.

Attached: Maid.png (960x1280, 326K)

Reflexions is getting a steam release?

We're already dead and this is hell, enjoy your stay

Attached: 1501019086748.jpg (605x486, 69K)


Wait, that switch game you were the teacher in it?

when will developers learn that chipmunk teeth are only appealing if its on one character. you cant give everyone them.

this game isn't for gays friend

But I wont be able to shake my switch controllers.

I love fuck toys like that

are you japanese? I heard they don't usually let non-japanese partake in such culture

Wasn't it Hanabi? She's a real cutie.

SK died after SK2 got released.

oh hello there

Attached: 1545521307477.png (471x500, 152K)

Based and tiddypilled

Go away babu.

Shit opinion faggot, also FUCK SNOY


The series is a hollow and souless shell of it's former self, are you satisfied yumi?

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hikage on the front page

Attached: 1473351550703.png (1000x1000, 526K)

>silver nipples
Hmmm you might be on to something user

Attached: yumi_is_dead.png (829x470, 363K)

I thought you all were memeing

I just want to play lewd weeb games dammit

at least I have my pc i guess

Attached: 1441446635459.jpg (248x250, 41K)

it's not about big or small her ribcage is fucked

Attached: Illustration4.png (890x703, 172K)

I've never seen it before, no one has.

>not even a game
funny that it still sparked up the usual arguments
dead series

Attached: 1545247557976.jpg (600x684, 262K)

>Buying a PS4 to buy fanservice games


Literally nothing wrong with this
As much as SK is full of wasted potential, if Sony and similar retards had their way with things the franchise would never have had a chance to exist in the first place.

Attached: __ryoubi_and_ryouna_senran_kagura_drawn_by_yaegashi_nan__32e551e0db20ac84f783aaf14b70e7f1.jpg (1600x2696, 552K)

no1 curr

It literally says Senran Kagura in the OP

How much did you pay? I might travel to Japan this year so it would be nice to have an idea.

the nip is supposed to be right here

Attached: 1560202791715.png (572x312, 33K)

nigger that's only soaplands and even those are starting to specialize to allow westerners, see "Paradise"

>B-but muh cowtits!
Who cares when she has a fat ass of these proportions?

Attached: Ryoubooty.jpg (848x1199, 105K)

be honest, would you watch a senran do a big stinky poo


the girl in pink is missing her right nipple

Breast envy is the best.

>barbie anatomy

Attached: 1515711020074.gif (390x384, 1.49M)

You faggot.

One of my fantasies is Asuka and Haruka squeezing out massive dumps on my chest.



Attached: 1533689363610.png (1366x768, 1.28M)

I love her so much. It's all the better that she manages to be such a cool character in a game that's clearly only about ecchi and giant boobs.

Attached: 0628f9a5a14c0fdc0af98d57e7d61ef8.jpg (1280x1280, 214K)

They (sorta) showed Yomi taking a shit in PBS

Hikage is one of the most popular girls, top 5 even, her being used for publicity is also very predictable.


Yet they still won't add her to Reflexions. I'm fucking livid.

Attached: 19e1a3b85dd2bbb90f7e65dca04c9304.jpg (2048x1536, 1.87M)

top fucking kek, the pure delusion of snoybois

Attached: 13506984583020.jpg (1609x2048, 268K)

She drinks pool water and rushes to the bathroom because it makes her feel sick and she needs to poo it out.

Its the angle user, also you hrew rthe breast way too high

Yomi tried to drink shaved ice made out of pool water. She spent the next few hours on the toilet.

They added Ryouna and Murasaki over other more popular girls, she's not alone in that regard.

Attached: Dqe6i2HWkAETQKv.jpg:orig.jpg (1000x750, 164K)

they did no such thing

she probably vomited and shat her guts out drinking pool water, but you don't see it happening

>"Just fucking buy my game, or Asuka gets it"

You'd think that, but she wasn't added to Reflexions or Pinball. She's popular but not one of Marvelous' favorites or one of the hardcore waifubait senrans.

Literally what is it?
It looks like an ad for costume DLC.

Damn Ryoubi is hot.

I went there as well user. Actually fucked two girls that night. I still have the lolipop.

That's disgusting, user.

Ryoubi maybe.

She can’t love you though. It would make for a boring scenario.


Plus it ends with them leaving you.

Attached: 1556074352517.jpg (230x255, 17K)

farts sure, but poo is just nasty.

>She can't love you
If she can "love" Hinata, she can love me.

>Snoy made life and hometown man quit

Attached: 1552012427821.gif (245x246, 1.93M)

You said it yourself, she's not waifubait. Doesn't mean she's not popular and used a lot elsewhere.

Nipples aren’t that close to your armpit you mongoloid. Learn anatomy before you try to redline a pro.

>but she wasn't added to Reflexions or Pinball
Neither was Yozakura, or Ryoubi, or Ikaruga, that's the point. Hikage still has it a lot better than the majority.



Good. Maybe the series can be good again.

I hope he makes a studio exclusively to make lewd switch and steam games..



It's an excuse they use to gatekeep absolute autists with no connections

I want to sweep Haruka-sama off her feet and treat her like a princess.

it depends on what service and if it's high end.
It can range from $30 for a quick handjob to $1000 for a threesome

Not in the slightest, but I would listen to the Mikagura sisters belch for hours.

He became a spineless sellout, he murdered his own series.

>Daidouji and Rin get almost no love
>Daidouji will never have real abs and muscles instead of them being just painted on

Attached: ring to end life.jpg (720x404, 20K)

Reflexions/Pinball were mostly dev favorites.

Rin actually gets a lot of cards so someone must like her. Being Dai is suffering though.

Attached: 4kvWf2IN.jpg (640x800, 102K)

Rin gets a fair ammount of love and popularity for a non main team character, even got to appear in the latest anime though that's more of a curse. Dai on the other hand, no such luck.

Attached: nXkBd2y.png (1024x768, 381K)

Yeah. The guy who tried to make a sexy beat ‘em up to sell 3D boobs on a new system with a gimmick is just recently selling out.
Makes sense.

Either youve been living under a rock or this is bait.

Speaking of - is there a site or resource where all of Yaegashi's art can be found? All the boorus are missing swathes.

Ecchi doesn't sell so your claim holds no weight.

I love my gyaru wife Shiki!

Attached: 1530841585757.jpg (1600x1200, 299K)

In Japan it does.
And the fact that he sold a crappy button masher that runs at 15fps enough to make it a whole series proves you wrong.

How was the coma?

compared to what , CoD ? then no it doesnt if we are talking budget titles yeah it does sell

Is her ass really bigger or does it just look bigger because of the lack of breast?

>obvious bait
>just lays it out
>anons grab it anyway

Snake maido

Attached: DpWwa_vUYAATZb_.jpg_orig.jpg (1536x2048, 561K)

"Ecchi doesn't sell" is a stupid claim. It doesn't sell compared to the mainstream, but it absolutely bathes in money from the portion of the market it's targeting.

I don't think so, you can check his site to get some of his personal and very lewd art that might not be in boorus, but the rest is just doing your own searching.
By the way, a lot of official senran art, including pretty much everything from the gacha games, aren't actually drawn by him but people still tag them as such in boorus,

Attached: 20190124012826_1.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

Why is that whore removing the covering for her mosquito bites?

Not everyone who says retarded things is baiting.
Usually they’re just retarded.
Shocking, I know.

>In Japan it does.
Every Ecchi focused show aired this millenium has been a flop. The same goes to videogames.

Nice whore.

Can't wait for senrans in BBTag, otherwise it's kind of a cruel joke to simply be used as datamine bait.

Attached: 1540465935076.jpg (3390x3390, 2.14M)

No love for Homura?


Attached: IMG_20190511_165321.jpg (1240x1748, 112K)

go back to /ic/

>he says in a senran kagura thread

have you seen how much gacha shit makes?

I don't care for girls

Attached: image.jpg (746x439, 66K)

Are any of those boys or are they all girls?

>retard that can't draw redlines some anime shit

Holy fuck you are dumb.

And they're low res to boot.

I love the snek, man. I'm going to make my own cardboard cutout of her when that maid render comes out.

>he doesn't know

Attached: pc.jpg (525x350, 15K)

4 & 5 are the best, only reason to get this game.

they put in even more datamine bait, and arcana heart got a slot so i personally find it hard to imagine they'll go with 2 titty games as the crossover franchises.

Attached: blitztank.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Attached: 6641de10184f894ebb5d2640dd17c28c.jpg (640x800, 185K)

My nigger.

Attached: 1558952196693.jpg (705x1000, 68K)

Probably because it would explose when she transforms otherwise.

One playable dude in one game, the rest are old man teachers, a couple who are dead.

Attached: MurasameIkarugaTag.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Just looked.
All of the top ten most successful ecchi anime of all time came out after 2000.
Your argument is wrong and you’re retarded.


16 years old btw

Attached: e3de419013ca698920d53ac720cdf012.jpg (1104x1150, 224K)

>2 titty games as the crossover franchises.
Are you considering AH as a titty game franchise?

Who /Ryoubi/ here?

Somebody tell this whore to control herself before she ends up with three babies in her.

>only team leader left out
Wow, Japan really hates her, huh?

She should just pad

Attached: its_yummy.jpg (1591x895, 338K)

I cant believe im agreeing with a Pyrafag but here I am

yikes user

Attached: 1556145376887.png (512x512, 96K)

Akasuki is pretty popular in UNI despite being a guest character, maybe they crossedover with blitzkampf just for him?

Miyabi isn't either.

Attached: DyygGJ_UcAEdz0F.jpg (954x302, 113K)

Miyabi seems to have it worse since you forgot about her.

Attached: 1528841127615.jpg (814x1000, 136K)

Is that flat chested one a boy? Girls can't be THAT flat.

Attached: 1552426086630.png (704x570, 436K)

Japan, in their eternal shit taste, doesn't like Homura or Miyabi due to the tomboy aspects they have.

Attached: ZWyNTfQ7.jpg (640x800, 100K)

That's still pretty cheap compared to Miami or Vegas. More expensive than Colombia though.

Is prostitution legal there and if not, any tips for hiring?

I consider it a cute and funny franchise

Attached: 270[1].png (270x489, 151K)

>makes top tier tomboys
>doesn't like them
An odd country indeed.

Attached: 1539478611946.jpg (640x800, 165K)

Bullshit, there's plenty of tomboy like characters Japan loves, Homura herself was plenty up until EV.

The only girl in the entire franchise that matters has tiddies.

Attached: 24345832.png (1808x1772, 1.71M)

*plenty popular

Attached: 1o69pY8.jpg:orig.jpg (960x1390, 386K)

Maybe titty game is the wrong word, but I think they fill the same sort of niche.

Attached: __daidouji_kira_arcana_heart_drawn_by_oyatsu_mk2__cf01d79df28722b4d5d4144c13f7b4e6.jpg (1040x1050, 328K)

>Best girls are at the bottom
>Asuka isn't even in the top 10 of her own franchise chart

Spot the difference, Yea Forums

Attached: 1521047745320.png (800x800, 392K)

Attached: hahaha.jpg (1024x1598, 428K)

That I agree, most gal games do have the same type of characters.

Asuka is top 10 nowadays.

One is an absolute goddess who I want to sit on my face.

The other is also an absolute goddess who I want to sit on my face

>Reflection has Yumi
Of course
Main girl so whatever
Makes sense
She is up there so it makes sense, but why not her more popular sister?

I don't mind it either, but why not any of the top ten girls shown here or hell put more of them in it?

that flat bitch don't even have nipples

One doesn't have a chin that can cut diamonds and eyebrows big enough to be used as street sweepers.

Miyabi would fucking gut a nasty Gaijin for even looking at her.

And Homu Homu would just scoff, and go and try and find Asuka so she can challenge/rape her.


Ryouna and Murasaki are the favorites of the artist and producer. Can't remember which is which.

Ikaruga has longer and more beautiful hair that doesn't get cut for no reason at the end, better outfit with thights, a cute tie, and the best voice.

Murasaki is one of Takaki's favorites and also has the biggest tits, so that's it.

>of the artist
That's Yomi.

Attached: 003.jpg (1280x1280, 312K)

Post top 3 and rate

(close 4th the fat smelly NEET)

1. Hikage
2. Ikaruga
3. Yomi

Yours is a 7/10 because Renka is underrated and Shiki a cute. I don't really understand the love Kafuru gets.

>heavenly original
>cheap knockoff
Gee, that sure was hard

1. Ikaruga
2. Haruka
3. Kanon

Yea Forums‘s long history of pretending to be retarded has attracted actual retards. Like you.

I miss this series, fucking snoy

Left has longer hair and pantyhose.

of course it's not legal dingus why do you think they use fucking lollipops to signal others instead of big sign posts "I ALREADY FUCKED A WHORE"

One is from a series made by a true artist who appreciates life and hometown.
The other is from a series made for ironic weeb newfags.

Homura, Hikage and Rin, in no particular order.

Attached: 1490978761500.jpg (640x800, 101K)

Theres what? 4 or 5 characters in AH that has big tits?


I love my perfect wife Homura!

When is seven coming out?
Is the Canon still stuck at PBS?

>shitting on Murasaki
Murasaki is one of the few good characters added after the original cast. Her story, personality, and design is great and fits well into the the series before it went full retard fanservice with no depth.

The lack of good Ryoubi anal doujins/art haunts me every single day.

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Oh shit senran kagura ichiban kuji

Is it true that you can't go to brothels in Japan if you don't speak the language?

Can't. Both series went to shit about half-way in

yes i do
i also like yozakura

Yeah, it was a dumb question. Still, if you have to use a lolipop, they must be really open about it, unlike the US.

Probably never now.

Or if it does, its more pointless, flanderized, braindead gameplay, an irrelevant plot with beach frolics, and superfluous titty slapping modes.

yakuza just want your gaijin bux i'm sure they don't care.

Yumi is officially the best. All they can do is stay mad.

that's what makes it good

And that's a good thing!

Girls with punch attacks are automatically best girl. It's not even a fair competition.


Attached: 1541942526490.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

Homura is officially my wife.

3.Big Yo
close 4th Snek

Ikaruga always first, the other 2 in no particular order.

Attached: Senran Kagura PEACH BEACH SPLASH_20170821201440.png (1920x1080, 2.26M)

dfc pedofaggots really should be executed

>Ikaruga will never look at you like that
I keep finding more and more reasons to kill myself.

>No meebs


My wife Homura is my reason for living.

1. Murasaki
2. Murasaki
3. Murasaki
I wish she wasn't stuck in this dying series that keeps getting worse. Hikage 2nd place and Ikaruga 3rd place.

It's cannon that it's bigger along with bean sprout.

Girl(female) here, FUCK YOU.
People who like dfc are my only chance to get into relationships because i'm ugly and very tall and i have no tits.
At least some guys out there get off me being flat so i have a chance.

P.S: Don't even start your incel shit about "waaah wymenz have it easy getting laid just use dating app".
I'm looking for a RELATIONSHIP, not a quick fuck with random fat bastard.


One is a filthy dyke. The other is a filthy dyke that's into incest.

damn, even women agree that flat is disgusting

1. Mirai
2. Minori
3. Marie Rose

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>i'm ugly and very tall and i have no tits
Do you have a phone?


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This is you, girl (male)

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Before I gave up on the series, you mean?

Either Shiki or Haruka

If it has huge tits and a vagina how can it be male


Attached: senran-kagura-peach-beach-splash-mirai.png (1000x1120, 318K)

It's my wife Miyabi, of course.

Excuse me, fellas, we were talking about Senrans.

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Please take a look at this man and reevaluate

Attached: Miyabi LR 10.jpg (640x800, 384K)

Yumi is still the most popular Senran.

I was trying to lead it to a joke

Do you like fightng games?

Where are you from?

So what you're saying is that if I marry this person, they can use their big cock to impregnate me, and then use their leftover semen to impregnate themselves too?

1. All of Crimson Squad
2. Ryobi
3. Daidouji

Attached: 1457296031066.jpg (1920x1080, 484K)

Oh I re-evaluated a long time ago and came to the conclusion that Miyabi is the love of my life.

The short hair and edgy looks can easily deceive not ninjas

Literally everything wrong with it.
If the games were just shit in the first place, THEN there would be literally nothing wrong wit it.

You don't get it, there's a REAL woman on the internet right there

I'll never forgive Sony.


fucking hot

what is that, a web game?

Mirai and Hikage are definitely the best two girls.

Attached: gnh18 4.jpg (1103x1299, 1.09M)

Wat spinoff genre is it this time?

thick thighs save lives

Pretty sure he meant favorite girls, anons.

I love this user for triggering the incels in this thread. Have an internet.

The "buy a number to have a slim chance of getting physical goods. The more numbers the best!" genre.

cookie clicker

take your memes back to your circlejerk


I want to see her squirrel teeth.

Miyabi's is an ingame joke, you can't deny that one.

>best anything

Attached: 1534243948299.jpg (232x453, 22K)

There were manual controls.

>one is joked about being manish in-game
>the other has the name and voice of a man
Yes, "memes"

>The flat chested girl pulling on her bikini top
My fucking dick

Attached: GoodFuckingLord.jpg (1024x1008, 165K)

Attached: 80.jpg (677x491, 76K)

This would be the only gacha that I would play only for pictures of pretty girls

>1000 for a threesome
Jesus. Instead for any anons going to nipland, Tokyo to be more specific, follow this guide. When you exit the Shinjuku subway station that puts you right in front of the opening to Kabukicho (you'll see the big red gate) keep walking all the way down the road. Eventually it gives a slight right turn, take it, but before it finishes theres and opening to the left and you'll see some weird looking theatre building with a dude in a yellow usher outfit, go inside. Its a blowjob salon. Pick your girl, buy your time (near $15 for 15 minutes of time with near $10 extensions for 10 more minutes), take your seat and have your fun.

BUT heres the thing, if your lucky and pick the right girls and get them off as well after a few visits eventually they might take you down a different hallway when you exit and shove you into a storage room. Went there twice everyday for two weeks on a month vacation there, had very awkward and broken but funny conversations before we got started, then made whoever I picked orgasm at least twice every time as well. On your last visit make it all sad that you're leaving and maybe if your luck, dick, and charisma game was on point you'll get to go into the closet with the girls you had up to that point and have a good time. Good luck anons. it was a foursome and it was free

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>cope panel


I see you like dudes.

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Speaking of prostitution in Japan, I came across this a few months ago and was wondering if it's legit.

Attached: [philosophy-raws][Shakugan no Shana III -Final-][01][BDRIP][Hi10P FLAC][1920X1080].mkv_snapshot_06.0 (1920x1080, 615K)

Honest question: They aren't nude right?
Why would you wanna blue ball yourself like that?

Sometimes I don't want straight up hentai, I want soft ecchi.

Nice try

You know there's 2 senran kagura gacha games now, right? 3 if you count the korean one I guess.

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Men of culture value erotism.

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>the absolute delusion of snoytardians

Yeah, it's hot but it just makes me wanna bust a nut.


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Its an open secret. Go to any of the massage parlors and get the most expensive oil or powder massages, usually 25-15 pricetag respectively. Some places let you pick your masseuse others dont and you'll be taken to the room, get your massage done, then you'll get a handy.

Next is soapland, actual name is yoshi-something or other, I dont remember its been years, and literally every business there is a whorehouse. Expensive, minimum entry to most of them is over 600 dollar for basic """services""", but could be worth it if you're a good conversationalist with your woman.

Then theres other places all over kabukicho, escort services that are easy to find online but your hotel WILL bill you extra for the night regardless of her stay time, and others that you dont need to care about if you dont actually live there.

no she unironicaly best girl

Wait, there was a 2??

Oh neat, senrans aren't dead, they're just zombies until they run out of whales to feed off of.

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Why did you have to ruin the fun?

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Ryoubi's ass is pure perfection, no other senran can compete with her on that

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my wife Ryoubi looks fantastic

Your wife has killed billions.

Thinking about it I shouldn't have said anything
The search for a flat gf continues



What's the OP announcement for? 7even?

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I wish this franchise would die already, fuck SKfags

if that is true, mad jelly user

It's the announcement for my marriage to Homura.

>still trying to force the worst character as the new series mascot
This needs to stop.

Sorry buddy you got it mixed up. She's already my wife.


Attached: 00.jpg (331x331, 99K)

Ask on jaypee.

t. trannies who cut their dicks off

>force when nips like her

The fans where the ones who forced her into that position in the first place, and Marvelous/Takaki went where the money was.

imagine if Ikaruga was your beautiful and loyal girlfriend

someone with taste, finally.

Sorry body but Homu is already my perfect wife.

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>posting worst girl.

But she already is.

Attached: Dress.png (960x1280, 457K)

imagine if Ikaruga's series got a decent budget so she and other senrans would stop being excluded

Has anyone deciphered the moon runes yet or are we all getting hyped for nothing.

Damn lads look at that delicious dfc chest

>Makes you forget that this is a ninja game.

The only ninja shit i've seen happen in these games was when Hibari tried to sneak into Hanzo to retrieve the stolen scroll and got caught in the first game and that was explained thru text instead of actual gameplay, these games never had anything to do with ninjas other than some lore fuckery. At this point they can do whatever they want and still call them ninjas.

If you want to complain about the lack of ninja stuff you fucked up by not raising your voice when the first game came out and was revealed to be a hack and slash game, a ninja only used their sword as a last resort, unless they had to assasinate a target the enemy should never know a ninja had been there. Hell, most ninjas were just normal folk that would gather information on the target numbers or keep their employers updated on enemy armies location and in the case of kunoichis were often prostitutes which would get high ranking offices piss ass drunk to extract information from them.

ryobi's tits are too big

I want to FUCK Ryoubi!

I'm imagining Ikaruga's thick bush.

We all knew Senran Kagura was just magical girls under another name.

Where the FUCK are Homura and Miyabi?

Gomenasai ken-sama

What is his role?

Homura is a nigger and Miyabi is a dude, nobody likes either.

You're a nigger and a dude and I thought you were alright until that post, man.

爆乳ハイパくじ = Huge Boobs Hyper Lottery
皈売期間 = Sales Period
So it doesn't tell us much.

You better fucking be, you lipstick looking aniki fucker yaro.

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Ikaruga's older brother, she was adopted because he lacked talent on the shinobi department and his parents wanted someone actually competent in the family, he has hated her since forever, but they are fine. He hated her, but they are fine now.
Dude is a broken joke character. actually pay for sex?

Oh yeah? Well yoy never were alright, so there.

Homura is busy being my wife and the mother of my children.

Have you been locked in a cage for the past 6 months???

Attached: 99C5148F-7BB3-4B26-8287-AC5E3E60D8B0.png (615x767, 666K)

so is this a new game or what?

Someone remind me to double check what I write.

Attached: IkarugaMurasame.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Remind me to marry and impregnate Ikaruga.

A shame he doesn't really show up in any other game, little stuff like this is cute and sweet.

>9th place in a LOCAL chain whipping tournament
How many people even do that shit in Japan? That's when I dropped this game. Nobody is that pathetic.

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It is. YMMV

t. 10th place in a local chain whipping tournament

>Back when SK had unique jiggle filled and cute unique animations
I miss that.


Any good doujins about pink salons?

Guaranteed replies


It’s legit. Some of the girls are fine while others are ugly.

>game about big tiddie ninjas turning into a fan service game
no fucking shit

Ladies and gentlemen, we found him. The wrongest person of the year.
