They knew

They knew

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Can we all agree e3 is dead?

What happened?

how is e3 so bad this year?


Nothing, just the same phoneposting sony faggot trying to meme this E3 into being a massive blunder when it's been overall pretty standard.

Oh please, Sony has had worse presentations than we have seen this year. They just have literally nothing to show.

they knew they will fuck up too
theyr state of play showed that

it's been dead since 2007. where you been?

it's been pretty bad this year. xbox was terrible, ubishit is dogshit as always tho

>more tv
fuck off

>xbox was terrible
How so?

They knew they would be laughed at for showing the same 3 games for the fifth time?

imagine hating sony so much you delude yourself thinking this isnt one of the worst E3 in a long time

Almost zero gameplay. Just CGI trailers.

Sony literally doesn’t have to try

they didn't have anything good that comes out this year.

Unironically save us master Sony

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The only interesting thing was CP2077 and surprise it was a cinematic trailer and its not even first party

they win on account of their Youtube channel showing more worthwhile games than anybody else this week

>battletoads looks like shit
>no gameplay for anything, even halo infinite just got another "in engine" trailer
>indies indies indies
>even more fucking cgi trailers
>buying double fine lmao
>that terrible scarlett reveal
It was shit, but better than all the other conferences so far.

Is that really what you got out of my post?
Imagine being this much of thin-skinned little fanboy faggot.
Last year was already bad enough with Nintendo's livestream being nothing but smash shit and Sony completely shitting the bed, calling this one "the worst in a long time" is literally just you being upset that sony isn't there, admit it.

I don't give a fuck what you nerds say.
Nintendo + Sony are dominating and there's nothing you chucklefucks can do about it!

The O N L Y good thing so far has been a fucking CGI trailer for Elden Ring. A CEE GEE EYE TRAILER WAS THE ONLY GOOD THING SO FAR

Fuck you. This is the worst E3 since Wii Music.

Reminder that no e3 is still good because Sony ALWAYS wins

what is sony dominating? they have no games so they couldn't even go to e3

They knew that showing the same 3 games for the 4th year in row would be absolutely humiliating and a waste of everyone's time?

Yes, which is why they did the best thing they could and just skipped E3 while still hyping up their games before and during E3. Nintendo's had the right idea with Directs, but some are underwhelming because they had only focused on a single game, but still, their pre-recorded presentations allow for more creative gaffs and less cringey shit. And I think Sony does like the fucking presentation angle too much to just record something and let it play, so yeah, their move was wise.

Still, Xbox conference was great. Last year they won E3, and unless Nintendo fucks up tomorrow, which they probably won't because there will be no autistic examination of just one game, it will win this year.

>.p-p-please give me PS4 ports... b-b-but it's not like I want them or anything uguu~

>We have no video games (and that's a good thing!)

e3s already dead, stop poking it or it'll spawn more bullshit

At least last year had some unintentional funny moments, this year is nothing but shit and fake hype

>microsoft literally does the samething this year as they did last year
>everyone praised microsoft last year because they wanted to hate sony so much for actually showing content that makes you want to buy their console
>now that sony isn't there this year they cant even deny how shit microsoft truly is
Sony helped pull E3 along last year, this year just fell completely flat and sony even knew it. Thats why they bailed.

Indeed Microcuck has nothing at all

MS wasn't that bad user. Ubi on the other hand is a complete dumpster fire.

Last year had DMC5 and RE2. Literally die, retard. That's ignoring everything else.


they had nothing but indieshit and cinematic trailers for multiplats.

No, Microsoft showed 60 games.
What did sony show?
Oh, that's right. ZERO
But you'll still suck their cock anyway, because you're a corporate bootlicker.

I thought exactly that half way through Microsofts conference.

Gotta hand it to Sony, they were smart to bail. They look even better too now that FFVII has a release date and Death Stranding is this year. Give dates for Lesbo Apocalypse and Sushi the way they did DS and they are in a good position.

>50 multiplats
Just like last year with Sekiro, DMC5, and RE2 right? Microsoft really won on all three of those """exclusives"""
Sony didn't even need to attend because Microsoft advertised for them anyway

>No, Microsoft showed 60 games.
And out of all those the only noteworthy was one that is not even made by them and was announced years ago

>the year sony was right
Clown World AGAIN. Fuck's sakes.

E3 without Nintendo and Sony is a joke. Then again, Snoy is fully western cinematic garbage now, but the third parties are still good. E3 died years ago, who the fuck wants to go for western cinematic shit? Tokyo Games Show is the new E3.

At least they were smart enough to not show up knowing it would be just as bad

They knew that every other conference was going to be shit so instead of showing up and looking good in comparison they should just bail?

They knew if they showed up they'd be just a shit as everything else?
Yeah, clearly

How many excluives again you fat autistic retard?

Nintendo knew since 2013.

i'm a sonychad and i don't care that they aren't there. e3 was only ever good in the '90s. it's useless in today's world when companies can generate the same amount of hype at any time by posting a trailer online. nothing that's been shown so far this year really needed the pomp and circumstance of a formal press conference anyway.
i'd be saying the same thing even if sony didn't pull out, btw. people need to take the nostalgia goggles off and realize that e3 is never going back to its prime.

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>E3 without Nintendo and Sony is a joke
Yeah, we've just seen it. It's been a joke. The saving grace is that it's been a short one.

Yes, Microsoft had the best showing at E3.
>b-b-but I can play it on
Best. Showing.
I don't even own an xbox, I'm just saying it how it is. Sure is a hell of a lot better than uhhh TLOU2 again... uh Death Stranding again.... uhhhh gohsts of tsushima and uhhhhhh FFVII remake? lol

>60 games, most of them are indie or mobile shit multiplats
>the rest were all cgi trailers with no gameplay
Not even a sonybro, but this is a pathetic thing to gloat about.

This. Iwata knew.

Microsoft paid to advertise the games for them, so why would they?

>Sony somehow won by not even showing up
This is worse than 2011.

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Sony won by not being on this shit festival

Breath of the Wild presentation, hype and floor was definitely "old e3"

>Best. Showing.
The least smelliest turd is still a smelly turd.

No one cares if they won the literal fucking video presentation you autistic retard, do you play games to play games or just to act retarded and care about presentations?

So Microsoft has nothing? Gotcha.
Sony always wins baby

It's like the UN (as irrelevant as it already is) without the U.S. and Russia/China trying to be relevant. It's just embarrassing.

Third party stuff was fine but they still gave us precisely zero reasons to own an Xbox.

This really has been a terrible E3, hasn't it? Honestly one of the worst in years.

people praised MS because they showed games unlike sonly

worst E3 in the history of ever and it just so happened to be the one time Sony didn't bother going.

Has there been a worse one?

I take the Philippines more seriously.

no it wasn't. it was pitiful. nintendo literally only had one game to show and milked it for all it was worth.

Oh boy, I sure like all these games revealed that everyone is gonna buy on Playstation instead anyway.

Its just not e3 without a pan flute

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>Best. Showing.
Best showing of games on PC and PS4 maybe

Yeah games everyone will buy on PC or PS4.
No one actually owns a Shitbox.

And Sony killed it. BBBBBASED

masterminds, they even know xboxs plans now. xbox is fucked.

>No one cares if they won the literal fucking video presentation
that's literally what the rating is about

they're not there because their games are still not finished and they still have no release dates and gameplay

Microsoft: Multiplats
Bethesda: Paid audience
PC: Shovelware
Ubisoft: Just Dance
Sony won lmao

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this. At least they took the fuckin time and showed up. They're literally in the same boot as sony, both of them have fuck all to show off because they're preparing for next gen. Props to ms for showing what little stuff they had.

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When has that ever stopped anyone?

I'd say 2015 but even that at least had some memorable moments

>E3 so bad that you win by not showing up
So we finally reached that point huh

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E3 ended with 2010. Everything since is just Scrubs season 9.

Their absence makes so much sense now. There was no reason for them to show up on the off year. Now next year for the full PS5 reveal the hype will be up 2x and all eyes will be on them.

sony only knew to withdraw from e3 because they would be blown out by nintendo's reveals.

xbox gave me a gazzilion reasons to buy gamepass and invest in their ecosystem. sony did not. by default MS > sony.

So just like every E3 then?

>Sony fans think having literally no games is winning

Sorry your brain is so mouse-sized that you can't understand it's about what you actually look forward to playing coming out. Do you just watch trailers because mommy won't give you an allowance?

Yes, yes, thanks for showing all those games people will buy on our console. We'll be over here not wasting our money, time, and effort.

Wow everyone's playing games on their windows computer microsoft btfo!

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They knew!

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Are they advertising another Sony character for Smash?

Blocks your Path

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They weren't in the fuckin race to begin with. Last year they took an ass whooping so bad they still can't sit straight lmao

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Better come empty handed than showing up with shit on your hands like most conferences so far

always ahead of the curve dodging this shit show

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Unironically Sony is winning so far, only Nintendo can stop it.

>mobile filename
>still obsessing over Sony smash attempt

They'll have one smash character that no one wanted and 20 ports, just like last year.

They knew they had fuck all to show either and are banking hard on soibois creaming their panties at the announcement of the ps5.

Games of which I pirate of course, not giving a dime to those incompetent kikes

The bullshit you’re saying is exactly why Sony didn’t show up at all. Microsoft showed most of the same shit again and revealed next to nothing that would incentivize purchasing an Xbox. Sony knows they didn’t have much to show. Their big games are already revealed. We’re in the transitional period between generations. If they showed up they’d just be retreading the same things Microsoft already had on display, their own games that were already announced, and ultimately it’d lead to retards like you saying “b-but they show the same shit every time!” They’ll be back next year when it’s time to reveal the PS5, e3 or not.

By the way, Microsoft had the best showing so far because all the third parties went to them since there was no alternative. Nintendo is tomorrow and I’m completely expecting them to have a better showing because they’re building upon the foundation of their newer console AND they actually make video games.

Having no games VS showing TV shows and subscription services

That's a tough E3 battle


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The e3 in between generations are usually more lackluster. This is nothing new.

Can you blame them? E3 somehow gets shittier every year, and Sony just didn't want to with the cringy ass bullshit anymore.

they didn't come.period. That's as low as it goes. Showing up with a flute playing retard is better than straight up not showing up.

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Snoygger on damage control because Xbox won.

>e3 in between generations
Are you implying you remember E3 2004? It wasn't even streamed you know

Why? Sony just wom the entire show

>If they show up but have no new projects to announce
>If they dont show up because they dont have nothing new to show
You just cant win

>Showing up with a flute playing retard is better than straight up not showing up.
Not really.

I only care about the Nintendo E3 Direct. It's the only one I watch since like 5 years ago. E3 is garbage and pretty much pointless now. I guess someone is making money from it otherwise it would stop, but I don't see how it is better for advertising your game than just dropping trailers on youtube.

Indeed Xbox won being the most obsolete platform ever for braindead soibois and mutts

You still refuse to accept... my godhood? Keep your own God! In fact, this might be a good time to pray to him. For I beheld Satan, and he fell from lightning!

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we've seen gameplay from star wars and watch dogs so far. it's actually a joke

E3 is undoubtedly capable of creating more hype and excitement than a regular announcement. Devil May Cry 5 had to get Itsuno on stage to assuage people's initial skepticism, but thanks to the timing and presentation, hype levels went through the roof, and it ultimately sold the best in the series. DMC3 had a similar situation of coming after an unpopular entry, and was the worst-selling in the entire franchise, for comparison.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you have nothing to show, or can't present it properly.

Maybe they should have new games instead of showing the same four things every year?

>are you implying you remember e3 2004
Where did you get that impression?

Based and divine pilled

Genuinely sad but true. No wonder they never showed up.

>Microsoft showed 60 games

80% of those games will be on playstation too

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take a shower, smashfag, you reek.

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Yes, OP (faggot). They knew they had NO GAMES to show.

Sure but this has been surprisingly bad. Nothing to get excited at but nothing to laugh at either. It's been a giant waste of time.

It's baffling.

They don't show up and it's one of the worst E3s ever.

How did Microsoft fuck up so hard? They could've so easily won and gone into their reveal with hype. Instead you're left wondering what the point of Xbox is.

While I do agree with part about Sony having worse in the past, I do not agree that they didn't have anything to show. I think they've seen how useless E3 is now. E3 like video game magazines is obliterated by the internet. We no longer need an 'event' to see what game companies are making. We can go right to their blogs, twitter feeds, youtube channels, and any number of places and get the information with no struggle. E3 is a relic. Big reveals are kind of fun, but it's largely unnecessary. E3's days are coming to an end.

Does anyone even own a Xbox? I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to own such a worthless piece of trash

Yeah. They realized no one had any games and realized instead of contributing to the overall dumpster fire they could just drop their Death Stranding trailer and move on with their marketing plans above the fray. I 100% expect them to hold a conference later this year and gloat.

Life is so strange, if he was born 50 years earlier he'd be bayoneting children in Nanjing

Dey took her

xbox was a solid 'B' as far as I'm concerned. But I think this E3 is Nintendo's to lose.


How the fuck can Microsoft even compete?

but it is. It shows that they put in SOME effort at least. Imagine not even trying. Some console generation leader that is.
sony wasn't participating. They took the biggest L by default.

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E3 should be held in Japan from now on, and be flooded with cosplay skanks. Only way of saving it.

You used plural and 2004 was the previous "in between generation" E3 before 2012. Unless you're using this E3 as an example of E3s that are like this one.

>How did Microsoft fuck up so hard?
like always, it's because microsoft never really cared about gaming like the others did in the first place. they started throwing money at it only because it started getting popular with normalfags. their shit is all soulless, they have no idea what actual enthusiasts want or value. yesterday's disaster of a conference was just another demonstration of that.

Better idea, have every single stage be organized composed and run by D3 Publisher.
They'll have fun, announce all the important shit and everyone will have a good time that you won't even need to pay a shill audience.

>Sony wins by not even trying
Based as fuck

You’re a damn idiot. There was literally no reason for them to show up. It’d be unnecessary bad press because there’s nothing new for them to show that’s ready right now.

Why bother showing up if you're Sony? Microsoft literally went to E3 and spent a shitload of money to announce Sony games. That's just frugality.

This. E3 was cool in the 90s and early 2000s when things weren't live streamed. Back then the industry was also more glamorous with insane parties.

Microsoft just showed games that are on pc and playstation

based indeed

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Sony sucks. They have literally no good games. The controller is terrible, and the PS4 is an ugly console. Kaz Hirai is a bad executive and Yoshda is ugly and bland. The Last of Us is a literal walking simulator with TWD-tier cringe writing and Alloy is an ugly potato faced ginger slag. From Software is never going to develop another PS4 exclusive, Playstation VR sucks, Astrobot sucks, and Driveclub's servers are going offline. Little Big Planet is an inferior mario maker, and Dreams is never coming out. Haze is Sony's only 2001-2010 worthwhile exclusive and it's terrible. Devil May Cry will never be exclusive to Playstation ever again. Sony won E3 by not winning E3 by losing E3 to say they won E3 by not attending E3 so that their fans could lose E3 by winning E3 by not caring about E3 and not being E3 or seeing E3 and generally playing Fortnite instea. Twisted and Clank is better than Bloodcharted, Lair is the best playstation vita game that is awful because it is inferior to Tokyo Jungle, the best PSP game, which is in itself around about as good as Knack 2, the best Playstation Vita TV game. God of War, more like God of snore. Or god of bore. Or god of pisspoor. Or god of snore. What's the deal with these playstation exclusives? You put the disc in the drive and press play, then what d'ya know, it's a frickin' movie! Playstation 3 vs Xbox: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 599 US DOLLARS Chad Warden Giant enemy crab, Dabbing on Switchcucks, Gilded big grin grotesque detail anal vore guy. Crash Bandicoot, Cum, Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VIIII, Final Fantasy IIIX, Final Fantasy VII, Dino Crisis 3 exclusively not on PS2, Road Trip Adventure, Nathan Drake, Unusual PS2/PS3 advertising verging into body horror territory, 10 classic PS2 exclusive launch line up vs Killzone Shadowfall

Knew what? They literally lost a customer because whatever money I would have potentially spent on a ps4/5 is going towards a new processor and RAM so I can play PC games and gamepass games.

That they would he booed off the stage for censorship?


Fuck kusony. Fuck censorship.

They already showed an hour of gameplay last year.

The reasons of why this E3 is lackluster, is because almost all the games in dev are for the next gen.

By not censoring things.

Ubisoft showed like 3 new games. Like what the fuck. What have they been doing for the past year.

tl;dr oink oink mutt

they can't announce next gen games.


>confirmed right wing Trumpchad mods are deleting Pro-Sony threads
reseterabros... How do we stop this?

That requires having something to censor

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4D chess.

apparently working on movies for netflix

you don't get it. Having a terrible fucking show (like last year) is still better than having no show at all. At least they they could've done a half an hour show with another tlou gameplay + put the death stranding gameplay trailer in there as well. Maybe drop a tlou 2 release date. It would be news nonetheless, and this is why people watch e3 (well, partly why).
Not showing up at all is a slap in the face mostly for SONY fans, but they're too gullible to realize it.

That just makes it even worse, what stopped them from showing gameplay this time?

bs that had nothing to show

Oh yeah, you’re right. I don’t remember e3 2004 very well but it was actually covered on television by g4. I guess my point is just that common sense tells you why the year right before the new consoles are officially revealed is more underwhelming. It’s an awkward period where people are more tight lipped about their projects because they’ll be coming to unannounced hardware. e3 has been boring as shit but I’m not really broken up about it.

(((They))) know

>and RE2
Wow, its a 48 year old game on a 7 year old engine. Amazing. A real show stopper.

there were also genuine kino rivalries. like the time sony humiliated and ruined sega just by saying "$299."

It's a dead year. Most devs are already working on next gen titles.

.... yet despite this they just won the whole show like always.

bing bing wahoo!

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Yes, e3 is now more corporate than ever and it's audience are mostly paid company shills these days. But all us fags here on Yea Forums still eat it up. No better than those Star Wars reaction kids. Consume product and get hyped for the next.

bs there are no games to show. Everyone is moving to mobile


european teams win the superbowl every year, but they just don't like to show up

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I am a Sony fan. I don’t think they needed to do anything. We know what games are coming. We’ll see more when they’re ready to show them and then release them. Death Stranding, TLOU2, and GoT. Nothing about this feels like they “don’t care” about the consumer. In a way, Microsoft did a lot of work for them. They showed a bunch of games that will come to PS4 anyway. All Sony needs to do is come around and show the PS5. I imagine they’ll do another soft reveal like they did with the PS4, then come back to e3 next year for the full reveal. Or maybe they’ll skip e3 altogether again. Who knows. Point is, you already have information. It doesn’t matter when you get it as long as you get it.

how quickly do you think people can make video games? are you stupid?

There's a reason why the censorship """"controversy""""" is barely a blimp on the radar.
People genuinely don't care.

>no games
>biggest exclusive game of the holiday season
>FFVII remake in March

They even had one of the biggest announcements and it wasn’t even them.

>Not playing american sports is a win

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>e3 this year

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They won 2 weeks ago t b h

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>first paragraph
Might be close to the truth. Sony probably also got tired of companies like Fromsoft giving preferential treatment to Xbox for their games despite having the most sales on PS and starting off their modern prosperous state there with demons souls. We've seen this before. Oh shit Xbox just broke release date for Elden Ring. Yeah... Just like with Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 1.
But sure why not let them do it if from likes that.

I have one that I got for half price, because I wanted to play Scalebound. That turned out great. Then I decided that as the very least it's a Bluray player, but it is absolutely shit at that as well. I like Sunset Overdrive, but haven't finished it, because after that I'm don't have anything else. If I'd known they were making the move of putting everything on PC, I wouldn't have bought one. It's a dusty doorstop at the moment.

Kill yourself.

>Days Gone just released
>Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us 2, MediEvil, Dreams, Judgement and FF 7 remake soon releasing
Meanwhile on the blunderbox.........*cricket sounds*.... uhmm Gears of Trannies?

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Seriously they haven't had this good of an opportunity since E3 2014 when they did all the Smash and Splatoon shit.

I never implied that I supported it.
Just giving you the truth about the matter.

Do any of those matter when there's censorship?

How can you people be so willing to throw away your freedom like this? How can you stand for such oppression and tyranny?

Is sony going to tout virtual ram as a positive feature as well?

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Keanu Reeves won E3.

not a bad take desu, at least we got to see the ghost of tsushima last year. This year we didn't get shit.

Its crazy that Gods and Monsters comes out in 8 months but has no gameplay

it was the best conference and even then its sitting at tolerable



I’m not a fat smelly basement dwelling weeb virgin like you, never reply to me again you worthless dogshit or I will break your greasy pimple ridden neck.

>meanwhile on the xbox: no censorship

You deserve Xbox.

>Do any of those matter when there's censorship?
None of those games are getting censored

Many weeb games come out unscathed. I guess the sony fags just don't buy the ones they know are hit by censorship. So its a bad idea for devs to censor if they want the money.

>or games


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and you deserve

>defending censorship in any way shape or form
Kill yourselves.

Fuck Sony so much for turning their backs on E3. I'll never forgive them for this.

>no censorship
Excuse me?

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>you are defending censorship even if those games arent censored
take your meds

They are right to stay away from this garbage fire.

Sonyhaters are funny

there's nothing to censor to begin with

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friendly reminder the game that showed most gameplay at the MS conference is fucking Gears Funko pop

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go back

You know that it's a fucking Catch-22.
Sony shows up:
>oh boy another walking sim movie day one play through on Youtube.
Sony stays out:
>wow no gaems station cowards
You know that this is fucking true.



I love them more than ever now, they are too based.

The only thing Sony has a chance at winning this month is getting first place for best gay pride parade float

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based and RGpilled

That's right too. I dunno man with california's blunders and the censorship crowd astroturfing its kind of a mess so its probably better if Sony does their own thing when they feel like it, for now.

Fuck off shill

This post didn’t age so well lmao

Ubisoft just released a trailer about joining the resistence to comit political terrorism against the evil brexit guys.

The cancer has spread, both Sony and Microsoft are pushing left wing crap. If anything you should champion Nintendo until they also get corrupted.

Usually at this point in E3, people say; At least THEY're going to announce games, or; Now that Microsoft had all the multiplats on stage what is Sony going to do? Yea Forums does the same shit every year, followed by 2 weeks of Nintendo threads.

Microsoft doesn't censor because they have no weebshit.

We will see if PSO2 will still have lolis.

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>Sony remake
>stays faithfull to the old artstyle while giving it a modern touch
>Microsoft remake
>the most soulles redesigns you can ask from a first year Cal Arts student

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Videogames is too big an industry now. It can't be cool anymore.

How do we stop Sony bros?

>Just like last year with Sekiro, DMC5, and RE2 right?
Yes indeed
>Microsoft really won on all three of those """exclusives"""
They arent exclusives. However XboneX is the best console to to play them if you don't own a high-end gaming PC
>Sony didn't even need to attend because Microsoft advertised for them anyway
Look, Sony didnt come because they dont have enough content to show. This is a fact. They will be at the next E3 because they are aware E3 matters

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no, worse: western AAA/AA gaming is

Call them all niggers and onions, that will stop sony from being number one

>that is a fact

But you could say the same thing for Microsoft, they literally just copy-pasted last year plus indie titles.

But how will that stop them when they are based Chads?

ain't that true for literally anyone? If you look at Yea Forums everything is fucking trash. Sonybros won't claim that x is a walking sim movie game. Companies primarily do these events for their fans, and snatching costumers are an added bonus.
As a sony fan i think they should've given us SOME kinda new footage from the games we already know are coming. Or SOMETHING, really. That's why I hold MS in higher esteem this year than sony. They both were running low on actual games, but one still put on an ok show.
And i'm saying this as a ps owner. I'd imagine a neutral guy would be inclined to think positively of MS even more so than a sony guy

Trust the plan, we must defend m'lady Nintendo's honor to the death, even when they start peddling overpriced tablets

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This year by default is better than the last 4 years' e3s because Keanu showed up.

>le movie
Yawn kill yourself

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..did you read the reply at all?

You're good, keep it up.

Yes I have posted that picture several times before, what's your point?

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No? Couldn’t be bothered. Sniff my fart

I think his point is that you are a faggot.

Sure is summer in here

jesus, user.

You can eat my shit
And you can drink my piss, enjoy

show a titty


Time travel to 1994 and tell Nintendo to break with Sony and put a goddamn CD drive in the N64.

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Have sex sweetie

Every 3rd party game sells best on PS4.
The Xbox X is irrelevant.

Attached: doubt-6.png (492x280, 85K)

That's not even remotely close. Why are sonibronies so passive aggressive and angnsty?

You want some cola to wash down my shit or to create a cocktail with my piss?


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What country in south america are you from?

I don't like Sony, but it is better to not come to e3 than to show the same 3 games for the 4th year in a row.

>could have been the fucking highlight of this shitfest of an e3 by doing the bare minimum
>Instead didnt participate because they didnt have anything new to show

didn't check the e3 rulebook, but i'm pretty sure sony is also allowed to showcase multiplat titles.

That's not censorship though, that's a redesign. If her design was different from launch and then later on change on release, then it's censorship.

(silently laughing my sides off because of this thread)

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Eat up, my feces are all yours
Can’t hear you while you are gurgling my piss

I meant reveal.

On the contrary. I think most of the devs/publishers this year kept their best cards in their pocket and just wait to reveal them once sony starts spilling some beans.
Don't believe me ? Then riddle me this :
Why was Beyond Good and Evil 2 such a major thing last year with cinematic, gameplay, multiple interviews, only for them to not even mention it tonight ?
Why was Starfield revealed as "the next big project" from Bethesda, only for them to not let out even the smallest of teasers ? Fallout 76 was supposd to be the main thing of 2018 only for Starfield to take the limelight in 2019.
Why did MS tease us for 5 min about a new console only to tell us we'll get more in a year and a half ?
They're all kind of waiting on Playstation to see what kind of new hardware they'll work with and what exclusives to expect.

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do you have some kind of pee/poo fetish? Come up with something better dude. This shit is pathetic

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>all the frogs look pretty faithful to the original designs
>Dark Queen looks completely the opposite of what she used to look like

Go to bed Sony

You want my shit and piss? You can get both and mix them together as a smooth sauce

Ghostwire looked interesting you fucking Soulsbaby

you sure sound like the scat connoisseur

you're mistaking me for a loo, pajeet.

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Chad Warden is always right. Sony was smart. Let the inferior ones showcase all those multiplats for you.

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There are still different with the frogs as well. They do look closer too the original, but they are still different. It's a redesign.

>However XboneX is the best console to to play them if you don't own a high-end gaming PC
Man, all the DF videos keep saying that the only benefits in an XboneX version is a bump in resolution, but they all come at a cost of performance. All these games run like shit anyways. Xbone X serves no purpose.

they knew that they had no games and would have had a more embarrassing show than bethesda
smart move sitting out

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>saving new console announcement for later in the year
>no point in talking about all the games that will be on PS5
Smart move desu mayne

>marvel heroes
that's not even remotely funny you son of a bitc delete that picture immediately

Nobody learned and nobody is gonna release anything decent until Xbox 4 and PS5 comes out next year(s).

Nintendo is the only one who will put effort in because they've been releasing their systems out of sync with the rest for the last 15 years.
Switch came out in 2017, so they've got another 2-5 years to until their next console.
I wouldn't be surprised if they release like a Switch Lite/Pro/Upgrade/Mini when PS5 and Xbox4 comes out though.

That being Nintendo probably won't show anything great at E3 either. It'll just be.
-More news on Pokemon Sword & Shield
-More news on Metroid Prime 4
-More DLC for Smash
-A Reggie Mention/Bowser introduction
-Some shitty game for the 3DS.
-More news on Link's Awakening remake
-Probably a shitty filler Mario like Mario maker, Mario Bros Switch, Mario Party, Mario Sports.
-Maybe a some news on a new GOOD Mario like Mario Oddessy 2 and such.
-Maybe, MAYBE, a teaser for a new console Zelda. But probably just another shitty Zelda DS game or more DLC for BotW.

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yes, both ms and nintendo have pride shit going on. Yet only sony has actual half-naked degenerates parading around

Because snoyfags are gigacucks


>sony remake: censorship

it's dying but not dead

Whats the point of more power if all its used for is censorship?

Where's the censorship in MediEvil?

>Sony has the Chads of the gay commubty partying hard
>meanwhile Microsoft and Nintendo have the ugly fat gays who wont get invited to sick parties
Based as fuck, Sony always wins.

Best Showing doesn't matter if you're just advertiser software sales for your competitor.

Microsoft know they're doing this because they use the multiplats as a way of advertising Xbox One and maintaining brand awareness going into the next gen. Sony have "nothing to show" because they can't announce exclusives for PS5, even if they're just CGI teaser trailers they can't be announced until the PS5 itself is

Still predicting Sony will show up and shit the bed next year, then hand Microsoft the next generation on a plate. History repeats itself.

>Why are SJWs so passive aggressive and angnsty?

none of the people look fat on the image you linked though.