Cyberpunk 2077 looks amazing, but I’m conflicted about supporting CD Projekt Red with the doubt they’ve cast around their social stances.
Cyberpunk 2077 looks amazing...
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
Lmao fuck off niggers *dabs*
You pol fags are just as likely to do faggot boycott shit like that,
>Caring about trannies
>caring about millionaire game devs
Go fuck yourself
Samefag bumpin clearly
Major cope
Everyone who uses watermarked pics belongs in a gas chamber.
Kill yourself
if work conditions are so bad, why don't they go work somewhere else?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
fuck off to retardera
>work conditions
who cares
Because then they couldnt whine about it on twitter for their virtue signal points. waaah Im worked so hard but I wear shoes and clothes made by kids getting 5 cents a day. fucking hypocrites
Me too if they panders trannies I won't buy shit.
hello my fellow neutral party that loves freedom and justice, I also hate /POL/! they really are gone from the intertubes! LOL
Nice try faggot. Nobody believes that shit. This is the same faggot posting all this shit and failing.
>turned against
Nobody was ever on their side.
Is it just me or is Yea Forums dying? Seems like everyone is tired of their unoriginal contrarianism.
Cant turn against the truth
Is it just me or are trannies dying? Seems like the statistics have turned against them.
Based. The most obvious samefagging ive seen in a while. Hes not even trying
>tired understanding of cyberpunk
What do you actually mean by this?
It's dying from exactly opposite thing, normies with shit taste flooded this board
It’s a falseflag you fucking idiot
All samefag
these day the only diehard magatards on /pol/ are 60 year old schizophrenic boomers, 30 something low iq blue collar rednecks or 13 year old cringe ass memelords, no one wants to associate with them
You just know Yea Forums will fall for this bait.
wow 3 out of 3 of those "arguments" are wrong, it must feel like shit being such a massive faggot OP
made me kek
Wait, CDProject Red hates gays?
Wtf, I love CD Project red now!
Better pre-order Cyberpunk 2077 and buy all their previous games!
>Nobody was ever on their side.
We were never on either of your sides cuckold.
But if it comes to the crunch and its a choice between old style goose steppers or what you're offering? I'll take those fucking freaks over you any time.
At least until you devious little creatures are dealt with, then we can pull a Romania on them and shoot them afterwards.
Tranny spam is worse than the rare newfag who's an unironic snoy.
holy shit are you retarded? read the post again
Is that a clickbait picture from some rag like IGN or did you make it yourself?
>terrible work conditions
No tea & noms i agree it's basically slavery.
If you want to eventually be accepted into society even though you're a mentally deranged loon you have to be able to take a joke.
>tired understanding of cyberpunk
Pondsmith is literally working with them.
It's a good thing Reeves isn't 100% white because we'd never hear about anything else but nazi this nazi that for months from these freaks.
so just because they don't bow to trannies and the PC police I'm now supposed to buy their game? fuck off, reverse psychology shill.
Why are you asking a question and then reply to yourself OP?
No one ever liked them.
look at the top of this page. Do you see /pol/ in there? nope, just according to the plan.
/pol/ is losing influence because Hiro made it so.
Stop shitposting. No one actually believes this, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
why is this board such dogshit? I'd love to have a non-sjw gaming forum but this place is just so crowded with morons
Is pretending to take obvious ironic shitposting seriously a new meme or something?
/pol/ turned on itself
People don't like obnoxious, over opinionated, fringe political crazy people. Irs why people hate both /pol/ and SJWs. These culture warriors think that anyone who doesn't like them is part of the "enemy team" or at the very least a brainwashed useful idiot, another reason why people don't like them.
triggered much? guessing you're parte of the middle-aged low iq demographic
stop the damn shilling you fool, the board is divided into two you know that, the non kosher section dont get the coverage.
wtf i love cd projekt red now
cringe as fuck, go dilate
What was the so called transphobic post that they made?
What actually are 'terrible work conditions' these days? i used to work at a retirement home and if you werent a sneaky workdodger they would work you into an early grave
>tired understanding of cyberpunk
There's nothing to understand, it's a genra defined by its setting, not its themes. I hate those retards.
That's true, but I have the most disgust for pathologically neutral people who think the rational position is always the middle ground. At least the annoying radicals believe in something and take their philosophy to it's conclusion.
Support Ampharos
Sounds based and redpilled to me. Trannies don't understand cyberpunk
i don't give a fuck about the workers and nobody else does either
>le circlejerk about how we're not a circlejerk sub
OP is talking about when the cyberpunk twitter made a "did you just assume their gender?" joke because that's the only thing I can think of that they have said that's "transphobic"
become part of the 43%
i already pre-ordered it, thanks for the info.
see how nobody agrees with you niggerdicks?
>this pasta still getting all these (You)s from /pol/ faggots
I live to trigger /pol/.
Seethe more tranny.
shut the fuck up you cuck
But I do.
ahaha well done my great troll friend! I love posting on 4chains!
we will defeat those pesky /POL/ users! they're done for!
the longer trump says in office, the more trumpfags are getting disillusioned with him, especially the underages that literally made /pol/
I thought CDPR were SJWs with their forcing gays and blacks into Witcher 3, or was Yea Forums just bamboozling me again?
No! The modern interpretation of cyberpunk should be about trans rights!
I figured it was something really mundane. Trannies really are cancer.
Kill yourself
Daily reminder that trannies will NEVER be actual women, they are just eunuchs with a rotting ax wound between their legs.
That's (((Netflix))) and has nothing to do with The Witcher video games or CDPR. How you got that from anything is beyond me.
>it's a genra defined by its setting, not its themes
Shut up /pol/ nobody gives a fuck, fuck off to your own board.
/pol/ literally made the ok gesture a successful racist meme these days lmao they are more powerful than ever
Reminder that being a Transsexual is no longer a mental illness and not getting laid and obsessively playing video games are. Seethe and cope Yea Forums.
why do adorable lolis make counter-jerkers seethe?
I also read that the game is based on a tabletop game and in the original one if you had a sex change your character started going mad or some shit
i don’t even play video games i’m just here for memes
I'm gonna buy 10 copies and then suicide 4 of them in solidarity with trannies
Damned right we. Anyone that doesn't think in collective terms
>Huuuuuuuurr we must protect the minorities
>Huuuuuuuurr we must protect the whites
You fuckers are two side of the same coin and the only fuckers in this whole fucking mess that doesn't fucking need you is people that actually want liberty rather than home brand authoritarianism.
Eat a dick.
ima dox u for the fun of it.
It was one guy anyway who they fired. It’s not like 1 joke tweet represents the whole company.
Same and for the shitposting. Only a fucking retard would come to the internet to have any kind of serious discussion.
take your opinionated retarded visions to /pol/ where your bullshit is appreciated. no functioning adult cares for your virgin rage user.
Kinda hard to like them when they spam their tired "JEWS" "N*****S" etc. off their containment 24 FUCKING 7 into every other board on Yea Forums.
can't discuss anything on this site without some poltard making it political about one of their world ending boogiemen
>but also sent Yea Forums into a shitflinging spree over the fucking sun
I'm more supportive because I hate transfags
only based post in the thread
Why the fuck are people on Yea Forums fanboying so hard over CDPR simply because they hired an actor who hasn't been a film in almost a decade (John Wick) and even then it was an incredibly mediocre flick?
But that's not a bad thing
why is this supposed to matter to 95% of humanity?
keep crying for /pol/
he had a funny role in that refn movie about hollywood vampires, dont be a retard, retard.
you mean 99.9% of humanity.
>I can't recognize ironic shitposting
How do you survive?
meme word that doesn't exist out of internet culture, go up to anyone on the street and ask them what that is
You forgot the 4.9% of autistic virtue signalers.
>they're still mad at the "did you assume my gender" joke
let that wound bleed, this made me even more interested to buy the game
the absolute state of reset trannies lmao
gonna buy 2 copies of cyberpunk now
The trannies hating on the game will end up selling more copies for them I know I'm buying it to spite them
Fuck off faggot
No one cares what u think
Kys tranny
SJW are the new pol
and most of all
>watermarks all over the meme
This is how you know it came from Resetera
Since when is that a bad thing?
>Themes, plot, lore and setting are all the same thing
>literal astroturfing going on here
Jesus Christ.
pol brought this upon themselves and upon us too, by acting retarded they brought an army of also retarded lefties to fight them, now we got another cancer on our hands
Transphobia followed the term Islamophobia which came from the Muslim brotherhood as a way to deflect criticism of Islam. Don’t use the term(s) unironically
jewnigger read a book
holy shit based
only thing that is actually bad here is the terrible work condition. body dismorphia is a mental disease no matter how progressives cry about it.
yeah, after trump winning, /pol/ really isn't the same.
yup, any fairy is a fired fairy. Get it? A fucking jobless motherfucker.
Why do you people take this shitty bait every time without fail? Is it just pretending to be retarded?
Transphobia? Lmao, why would anyone be scared of trannies? Trannies are more likely to kill themselves than other people. Even being scared of clowns is less absurd because John Wayne Gacy existed.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
W-whoa... This is based
learn English, moran.
>terrible work conditions
[citation needed]
all that exist are comments by anonymous posters claiming they worked for CDPR.
If they were in CDPR when things actually got hectic, they would not be *former* employees by time these comments were posted.
I'm not afraid of mental sicknesses. I am wary, though, of long term damage normalizing and promoting them does to society
>tired understanding of cyberpunk
t.cdpr shill
Cringe and dilate
do they have 20 or 50 times higher suicide rate than general population? I can't recall.
>Is it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
Four more years sweaty.
Trannies are fucking dumb lol
Yea Forums truly is the most Reddit board. Gamer gate ruined this place
Well fuck. I now have to buy this game.
Is it me or is it the same faggot posting this exact same post over and over again and the enlightened radical centrists trying to type out even worse two liners about it?
>who writes cocksucker as an insult for fictional future settings?
wonder what lefty twitter faggot you took this image from.
It's closer to 10x higher as far as attempts are concerned. There's no way it'd be 20-50x higher unless you're only looking at successful suicides.
What does the fox say indeed!
>Being this open about being underage.
Go get a job.
How do you do fellow fourchanners? i am not a sjw but...
Working at a company like that is huge for their CV, most of their employees hang out for a bit then leave asap once their part of the project is finished
I have my own store, you retard. Also congratulations on not having a single argument.
So they ARE getting something out of it.
Way too low to be honest
off yourself
Its just contrarians being contrarian agains contrarians.
The next political ideology that Yea Forums will adopt most likely gonna be radical centrism, when being a nazi piece of shit doesnt seem feel edgy anymore.
they're programmers/IT sector, not burger flippers. it's easy to change jobs for us.
Image seems to be implying those issues are no big deal at all and are being treated for properly.
This is a pasta from a resetera thread..
/pol/ can no longer claim to be the underdogs in the era where trump is president and where the far right has more power then any time in recent years. /pol/tards are to 2016-present what screaming blue haired feminists were from 2012-2016
based and frogpilled
Fucking kill yourself.
I thought it looked very ropey animation wise also the voice acting was awful.
Never seen a redneck wearing collared shirts.
Terrible work condition
Its not California.
Its not California
>Tired understanding of cyberpunk
Its not California
God I wish, but too many nati/v/es behave like uncle toms towards those occupants.
>working conditions
You're free to leave.
>all these butthurt /pol/tards
Kek, have a (You) friend, you've earned it.
Tick tock. 40%
Why would i want to go to retardera to ironic shitpost? That's what 4channel is all about my dude. Besides, i'd get banned in a heartbeat there.
>all those complaints are nothing but a tiny little scrape that anyone with a spine would barely notice
Yeah that about sums it up doesn't it
Well what is ironic about OP? They just said something that is plausibly what a SJW would say.
If I come into your house, and call your mom a bitch with a completely straight face. Then how can you tell there is irony in my actions?
Kinda funny how one of the most archaic cultures that still rely on a patriarchal system and strict gender roles have onions as their staple food.
you scum deserve it.
>Implying wage slaving isn't a thing
Not everyone is a neet where working is optional you know, most times the poor niggers got families that stop them from being able to take the risk.
Lemme give you another (You) since like all ov Yea Forums I can't help but take obvious bait.
>terrible work conditions
Nobody cares. Also they're Polish so they're used to it.
LITERALLY nobody cares.
>tired understanding of cyberpunk
They're working with the original writer of cyberpunk 2020. Exactly what part of their understanding of cyberpunk is "tired?" The fact thaht it's not a Blade Runner ripoff like some people are complaining? Blade Runner isn't even actual cyberpunk. Cyberpunk has nothing to do with eternal night and flying cars.
Wake up faggot, we have some boards to raid.
You first, /pol/yp.
How does it feel to be a fucking retard?
Why are all of you faggots obsessed with trannies you fucking weirdos?
Is it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
Is it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
It's because I realized that I could be against SJWs without being with /pol/
OP made both of these posts and now he's samefagging it. Get the fuck off my board, sage
Guess we're getting raided by resetera again
What's up with that single autist going full-blown crazy whenever Keanu is mentioned?
It's like a fucking text-to-speech helicopter
>why are so obsessed with that shit lying on the table?
Because it's fucking disgusting and we don't want to see it?
Im 90% certain that this image was found on resetera
I supported /pol/ but now they're literal non-ironic about wiping out other races and sexual orientation.
Most of what was linked with Pol nowadays is just mainstream commonsense- that retard sjws insist to frame as extremism while really it's just mainstream beliefs. No idea what Pol is supposed to be now
You realize he was the villain in that film, right?
And fuck white people
>a few loud trannies make a fuss over something
>trannies are cancer
but then you fags cry when someone generalizes all white guys. at least try to have an ounce of self awareness.
>is /pol/ dying?
>the jews painted him as the villain, you realize that, right?
Quite literally the only place on earth that cares about transphobia
/pol/ has ALWAYS been unironic you fucking retarded newfag holy shit. Why do people seem to forget that /new/ was literally a hub for stormfags and was deleted for racism.
Reality is a social construct
some of us are fine with having dicks though and judging by Yea Forums alone, we're not going out of style any time soon so continue to seethe.
what's a pol?
Yea Forums was always left. We made fun of Bush.
?pol/ died after Trump was elected. The beings everyone calls /pol/ now were just shitposters and people who hate them act like them for people to hate them
>unironically for trannies existing
Unironically neck yourself for wanting these poor souls to be paraded around like mutilated freaks to prove how "tolerant" you are.
>Everyone who ever disagrees with me is a tranny
Fuck off idiot. We only used to pretend to be racist for teh lulz. They want to actually genocide an entire race of people unironically.
you spend all of your free timethinking/talking about it online? Nigger, stop.
kill trannies and niggers
/pol/ descended into madness after they got their way which is extremely telling of how their troll politics makes for shitty conversation, shitty debates.
Based mods
Naah fuck trannies to be quite honest, a white guy isn't a mentally ill retard by definition, a tranny is.
Why the fuck do you think /new/ was deleted, retard?
Why do we have to makes transphobia the defining factor about a game's politics?
Enjoy your degenerate lifestyle, and looming suicide, freak.
Is an illusion from deficit of alcohol.
lol it's still pretty fucking funny that insecure beta males get upset when I write up a post about how much I want to bash niggers skulls in. Don't even bother replying nigger lover, you'll burn in hell eventually
>Terrible work conditions
There are people who get up every fucking morning to dig shit out of the sewers, and several of them die every year. There are people who work 10 hours a day suspended 50 feet in the air working on medium voltage lines that can easily kill them without warning.
God forbid a game developer has to work for paid overtime in an air-conditioned office.
For fuck's sake.
>we're not going out of style any time soon
Yeah we'll just have to wait for you to be an obese balding suicidal mess at 35
It's a game that needed to be made I will buy it even if it sucks.
Reality is a computer program run by mossad
I just want a good game, I don't give a shit about what people choose to do and get paid more than I do for that to happen.
If they don't like it, quit. Someone else will be happy to take their job.
>a white guy isn't a mentally ill retard by definition, a tranny is.
Have you forgotten who the poster child for soi boi switch kids are?
>an American zionist being elected is getting their way
That's only because they had multiple social engineering firms present on /pol/ throughout the entire election to create that illusion.
>it's their fault that every twitter e-celeb was linking to /pol/ during the election, bringing in swathes of leftists and shills to shit up the board endlessly
Everyone who linked /pol/ endlessly on social media was actual controlled opposition.
I can no longer play games because literally all of them are infested with that shit. Would I watch interracial porn if that was all that was left? No because I'm not a fucking cuckold.
See, this is the problem with Ironic shitposting. You do it for so long then idiots actually believe it or the shitposter starts to believe it.
i don't care about what you niggers say, im preordering cp2077 because i'm fucking hyped and when they showed keanu it just made me even more fucking hyped
join the 40% fucking faggots
What a retarded wagecuck mentality. That's why your capitalist overlords will always control you.
It's just you and your fellow Discord Trannies.
rent free
yeah but those jobs you mentioned are done by white males so fuck 'em
>work shit job while looking for a better job
wow that was hard
>No signs of balding whatsoever
>thicker thighs and ass than the girl you dream of
seethe Yea Forumsirgin
I just want videogames. Don't care that they're on the Deluge Game Store, I just want videogames
Meanwhile they probably wear clothes made in some sweatshop and watch cartoons animated by Koreans on pennies
/pol/ did not suddenly become racist because of ironic shitposting, /pol/ was always a board filled with stormfags. You can make the argument that Yea Forums was ironically racist but trying to imply that /pol/ or /new/ was "ironic" before 2016 or whatever is fucking stupid stuff spouted by retards who came over here in 2014
The difference is there's also plenty of white men who aren't complete basedboys, by definition all trannies are mentally ill.
Kill yourself tranny
Enjoy the twilight of your miserable existence
So they are based out of Poland, I don't see why people are making a big deal out of a impoverished country having poor work conditions. Transphobia isn't a bad thing.
Delusion tb.h.
Poland is redpilled from socialist cancer for decades. You can gladly fuck off.
i dont understand the fucking transphobia bit. sex changes in cyberpunk 2020 (and maybe 2077 if they work really hard on replicating it) cause you to lose humanity because you use fuckin nanobots to aid the process. there's even a fuckin biomoulding thing in 2020 where you can turn into whatever the fuck you want (including the opposite gender) for no humanity loss.
post face
How many games actually have trannies in you hysterical faggot? I literally cant think of a single one.
Some CDP guy tweeted the "did you assume his gender" meme and they destroyed him.
resetera is the most low-IQ forum on the internet. makes Yea Forums look like nobel-prize winners in comparison
reminder: that is a copy pasta of a resetera thread. i dare anyone to take a look at their forum and their threas. they are - LITERALLY - UNIRONICALLY - full of retards.
it's quite some sight to behold!!
>/dag/ Shitposters have evolved and are clinging to straws to further their campaign of asspain over The Witcher 2
Christ you cucks are pathetic
NoT aLl WhItE mEn!
Shut up and suck my tranny cock you soi boy faggot.
stop crossdressing you fucking degenerate
I count dykes and fags in the spectrum, so do the math.
why did they care at all, thats been a normie joke since like 2016
>NoT aLl WhItE mEn!
>literally a reddit meme
go back
Daily reminder that trannies will NEVER be actual women, they are just drug addicts with a mental illness who will try to mutilate themselves one day
I'm on Yea Forums, but that doesn't mean I'm retarded.
did I say just /pol/. ALL IRONIC SHITPOSTING causes this problem. Fuck I can't tell the difference between Yea Forums and twitter anymore because of this shit.
Discord trannies are out in full force. What's made them so upset they feel the need to raid Yea Forums?
>Yes user just Spend additional hours poring over sites and shit for a new job AND work your shitty job, that is totally viable for everyone!
Time is finite and you gotta spend it wisely, even worse is shitty jobs are the majority in some industries and the ONLY OPTIONS in others.
Who gives a fuck about what a bunch of trannies and falseflagging /pol/niggers making these threads make
I've been here since 2010. eat my ass.
>suck my tranny cock
I'm sorry, sir, but do you mean the festering wound full of pus and ingrown hairs where your cock used to be?
>did I say just /pol/.
You were responding to a person saying that /pol/ was never racist or whatever
I cant think of any games with little gay benders in either. Ellie out TLOU is a huge dyke though so I'll give you that. It's literally a non issue that this board seems to absolutely obsess over. It's fucking tiresome.
>family guy
sure thing
Post your jaw, but censor your eyes or whatever then..
If you're claiming to look like a woman then prove it
activate it
>le 40%fobia
and this is bad because?
>>thicker thighs and ass than the girl you dream of
/dag/ is dragon age general, right?
I've just started my first playthrough of DAO. What was /dag/'s issue with TW2?
They don't care. The sharpest, most bleeding mistake people make is thinking that the perpetual "victims" give a nigger's cunt about anything. They don't care, they aren't actually hurt by words, or judgement, or social media posts or opinions. They don't care. They just leverage their perceived victimhood for power, that's all that fucking matters to them. It all comes down to power, and there's a lot of power to be had by pretending to be weak when you're really quite strong.
As for the OP, this thread is blatant bait and should have honestly been deleted as soon as it went up.
They’re actually trying to improve working conditions. They said they want to be known for treating their employees with respect recently. I don’t give a shit about the rest though.
lol is this what the mentally ill freaks are thinking of cdpr?
Daily reminder that trannies will NEVER be actual women, they are just rejected lower-than-beta males who wanted to be the girlfriend
>It all comes down to power, and there's a lot of power to be had by pretending to be weak when you're really quite strong.
Jewish behavior
post it
5.5 inches of hard meat boyo. Not a foot but im sure its enough for that thrussy you have.
It's honestly not really their fault, they come from a impoverished country with a different working culture. Glad they are taking steps to improve it though.
Is that you? Pretty sure 70% of you look like him or an under weight twink.
why lie to strangers? No one believes you pass, anyways
I knew that image would get a response out of you
>bragging about 5.5 inches
Can't really complain about reset Era invading when you give an obvious bait thread 250+ replies
What even is the transphobia about ? The "did you assume their gender tweet" ?
What's funny is that if CDPR had just worded the response differently "hey, who said they weren't guys? No need to assume their gender :^)", the tumblrtards would applaud
>Make sure character creator has all 2749562 made up pronouns for you to choose from
>Get accused of transphobia anyway
Why even bother with these people? This happens literally every time.
Good try user, you finally learned what weposting is.
Thing is, what that user said is not appreciated on /pol/
stop digging yourself deeper
I honestly have no idea what this word is supposed to mean.
>literally didn't brag
How small is your dick user? is it lost under your gut?
Poland, eastern european country
So was the negro chick V shoots from the demo as well, the one acting as a handler when you rescue that chick and Trauma Team takes her?
Cringe and jewpilled
Throat pussy
Go back to retardera.
There's going to be a lot of hot lesbian sex and that what it matters
You know they're polish right?
Why are you responding to a larper who just gets off to the (You)s you give him
Yeah, put the adhesive part on the cut, that's the way you do it.
Not that user but I'm about 8 inches long and somewhere around 1.5-2 inches thick. I'm claiming your ass and you can't stop me
Actually go fuck yourself.
As I said, /pol/ descended into madness.
Suck to live in a 3rd world country then I guess lol
please do, fuck.
You niggers better vote Trump 2020.
Ha does he actually say this? I find it hard to believe but I wouldn't put it past the Yakuza Devs.
She was called T-Bug and the fat nigger calls her Bug so yes.
said maijima "goromi-chan" goro
>dude you better vote for Trump for 2020 because of those ess jay doubleyous
fuck off
you mean that orange jew lover?
Standard gamer autism "I like game X, a lot of people are comparing game Y to game X and saying it's better in some way, I must hate game Y."
Hope you have fun with DAO, what did you start as?
Goromi while hot was a joke they did for the Majima Everywhere system.
He has to be be, quite literally, everywhere. Even hostess clubs.
kikes love trump, but I doubt anyone is better.
Nobody genuinely likes trannies. It's all virtue signaling
Doesn't matter, the democrats started the war
This site is forever ruined. Fuck Trump, fuck /pol/, fuck ResetEra and fuck all of you guys that came here due to all the coverage this place got in recent years. I just want to go back to the days where you could say nigger or like because they were funny sounding words you couldnt say in real life but could say them on here. Now it's like actual racist shit
Not an issue.
Can we please stop having this thread?
Doesn't matter who you vote for. Shit is only going to get worse.
Tulsi Gabbard seems a million times better
Seriously? That's retarded.
Human Mage. This game has legendarily generic races/classes but casters are always fun. Not sure what's a decent build to go, I usually play Warlocks and it seems like Entropy is the closest type of magic, though from what I read it's not very good.
Currently just got Leliana. Probably going to level Morrigan as a healer (I hear shapeshifters are garbage anyway), myself as a DPS, and whoever I find the most interesting as a tank and rogue/lockpickbot. Any suggestions?
Literally who cares? Buy the game if you like it who cares about the company that makes it.
>you couldnt say in real life
lmao faggot
>Terrible work conditions
I couldn't care less, they can hire slaves if that warranties a quality product
I'm not from California, or even American, so I couldn't care less
>Tired understanding of cyberpunk
Last trailer redeemed this
and based keanu
>you niggers better kill your local politician in 2020
Wait what?
I think you made this one up.
All augments slowly lead to cyberpsychosis in 2020 if you overdo them. Not exclusive to sex changes in any way.
Transphobia is based. Trannies shouldn't be allowed in any community, they're psychopaths. They should be forced to live as men in public or be killed....they can play dress up at home as much as they like.
Transphobia? Can I buy two copies to support this?
The "did you assume their gender" tweet
That's Transphobia?
Phobia implies a fear of something
Kino Reev >> OP
You know he does this for 4D chess playing, right? He tried to repeal the whole nonbinary is a gender law.
Not even american but did Trump even do anything of note after winning?
Capitalist overlords pay them well, blue collar gets paid shit to maintain a city they can't afford to live in. You would support better treatment for them instead of game devs if you were really for the working class but you're just another idpol lobotomy
Anything that could be interpreted as irreverence or slight amusement at the mighty transgender heroes is transphobia
You must worship the ground they walk on
No jokes allowed
>liberals do faggy boycott
>b-buh you guys do it too!
cope, liberals are snowflakes
>He tried to repeal the whole nonbinary is a gender law.
Please invite me to your rat torture discord
Casters are brutal across the board, and once you reach the prestige classes (or whatever they're called) they get even more broken. While entropy isn't great, you can get access to blood magic as a prestige class, and it's arguably the best in the game, or tied with arcane warrior.
You can get a better healer than Morrigan if you go back to the tower ASAP, and for nightmare a party of 3 mages is ideal. I liked Leliana so I kept her around, or if you have all the DLC getting the golem is also an excellent choice for your front line. Shapeshifter is definitely bad, the worst of the mage specializations.
If you don't have the DLC, I recommend pirating it. It was all decent, although some were better than others. Awakening in particular as a full expansion worked very well.
/pol/ literally spergs out all the time about shit like this though. See any of the Star Wars movies
Coasted on extremely pro-corporate fiscal policy. Which inflates the economy but hurts consumer spending in the long run. The long run being probably past the time he leaves office.
Whether it's good/bad/whatever that's a /biz/ question.
Everything else has been him vaguely misunderstanding societal problems and not doing anything about them. Oh, and making an entire political wing melt down by his very presence.
Nothing really. he banned travel to and from certain islamic countries which didn't last, banned trans people from military... really just a bunch of things to distract his voters from the fact that he's fucking them over for the rich, like those Chinese tariffs that are going to fuck over anyone who buys PC parts.
I'm more apt to buy it if they hate trannies
Fucking transphobe, you are one of them
Will there be a PC HardCopy??
I don't think they sperg out about them, they just don't watch them.
Is that the same as sperging out, now? I didn't watch Ghostbusters 2016 and also laughed at it because it looked like shit.
more likely pols will get it just because of keanu
bong here. I heard he was supposed to implement tax cuts or whatever, how did that work out?
I love this line of thinking: "Don't worry, he doesn't support something you don't like, he's just incredibly dishonest!"
And of course this all gets filed under "well everyone's dishonest" until complete disregard for how he compares to others in terms of dishonesty is achieved.
/pol/ claims that Hollywood produces Jewish propaganda. These freaks are mad because someone made a joke.
Blame /b being 90% trap posts for having infested the rest of Yea Forums with the gays
It's insane that /pol/ faggots don't realize that a cyberpunk setting is an extremely liberal and democratic setting. That's what makes it so interesting because degeneracy runs rampant in a cyberpunk universe.
Do you not remember the massive "boycott Star Wars over SJWs" or whatever?
>/dag/ was full of gayfags.
>da2 had homosex romances
>in w2 they literally cut of gay mans balls and feed them to him.
They don't need your support fagboy
Don't know about Trump at this point but the dems definitely need another loss. Either they go nuclear and riot in the streets or they finally come back down to reality and learn to negotiate like humans again.
No, sounds like something that some faggot like Quarterpounder put on to inflate his views.
I remember Star Wars' earnings crashing because they made three shitty movies in a row and people got sick of it and quit going. Then the press and media started shrieking about how moviegoers were shitlords for not liking it.
Kinda like this:
Which, IMO, saying that a movie sucks isn't as bad of a temper tantrum as saying that everyone sucks because they didn't see the movie.
Yeah, got the DLC. Bought the everything bundle for this game years ago on a big sale. Thinking of doing the Grey Warden one that gives you a camp chest early, just for the chest.
Not playing on Nightmare so I don't think going balls to the wall mages is necessary. Any tips for mana conservation in fights? Just using my spells gets my MC oom super fast, and I'm only finding casters rarely so Mana Drain doesn't do shit.
Is that all it takes to get you goyim?
He implemented tax cuts for big corporations so jef bezzos can afford a few new estates, I believe he did implement lower tax cuts for wages so less is taken out of your check but that's not really better because no one else is paying those taxes and we still kinda need money for essential shit that we all use like better infrastructure especially in Chicago where upkeep is constant.
It depicts the natural endstate of modern society as massively dystopian. How is that not in /pol/'s wheelhouse?
You're right, everything is degenerate, everyone is a mutt, corporations rule everything, it's /pol/'s nightmare. But those things are portrayed as bad. Hell, not only that, from our perspective, we *already* live in that society, but most people don't care. So when cyberpunk amplifies the worst aspects of modern society and slaps everyone in the face with them, we think it's good.
this is funny bait, good job
Have you not read cyberpunk fiction in your life? Almost all of it revolves around capitalism to the extreme where Oligarchies rule and the government has a light almost non-existent touch at best. That's how Cyberpunk is defined, doubly so for this particular universe of Cyperpunk. Where are the liberal values, here? This is entirely about the free market run amok.
You get into the totalitarian dystopia when you go too far to the other side and the government becomes a parental figure.
>I understand cyberpunk because I'm trans and do body mods!
That's like saying you understand 1984 because you are creating a police state. You can understand the subject, but the message just flies right over his head.
Is American healthcare really as fucked as people say it is? Here the general meme is that American healthcare is really fucking expensive, but its also really good.
Why the fuck do places like this exist? Why do people need lgbt and trans representation in a video game? Why does it matter? Same with the whole "Why hasn't cd project red acknowledged their trans Devs and the greatness they bring" Why do these people need to feel so special and different while normal gay people and other minorities wish to be nothing more but treated as normal and be accepted into society as normal people. I fucking hate this timeline and the need that everyone needs to be treated as special.
Who's this faggot?
>Mana conservation
The early spells in a tree scale really well and tend to be cheap, while the big ones that blow your mana should be seriously affecting the outcome of a fight, if they aren't don't use them.
The DLC in general gives you much better rewards than the base game. The golem segment takes like 45 minutes and gives you the strongest follower in the game. The keep is a bit longer and more difficult but still doable from the outset. Both will make the first base area you go to much easier.
It depends on quite a few different things.
>is really fucking expensive, but its also really good.
Is not good if you can't get it you fucking faggot.
Found the newfag
The need is just a simple one of acknowledging the existence of a demographic and feeling supported by more than just lip service. It's not like "I need this or I won't enjoy it" but rather how we say a Doom game needs health packs instead of regeneration a game needs less fetch quests.
Its super fucked. Like as bad as people say. I work 30 hours a week and even for someone who works health insurance is a mess that a bunch of people just don't deal with because either its super complicated and lengthy process or its expensive as fuck and another 20%-30% bill out of each of your monthly earnings.
Quality is also very subjective.
If you make good money you still get fucked with high cost but have no worries, if you make under middle class like most people under the age 25 without rich parents you're fucked lmao.
That's a bad thing?
It's 50/50 I don't know too much about it, I know my parents were (somehow) my mother getting weight loss surgery as well as cosmetic surgery and it was covered by our insurance.
However my medication was insanely expensive and they wouldn't give it for more then a week before asking for way too much money to the point that we took me off of it.
Not sure why exactly
This is what we've allowed. This is what we've wrought.
and it's based
Bet those Japs are rethinking their immigration policies right about now.
Any argument about transexuals being natural or healthy for society is instantly BTFO by just posting a picture of one
Who is this bitch with the fat ass everyone has been posting lately?
If people need support or some acknowledgement to be gay or trans, or to feel whether or not what they have chosen is the right answer, than honestly I think those people are part of a whole different issue.
What do you think "good" meant in this context you fucking retard?
>its expensive as fuck and another 20%-30% bill out of each of your monthly earnings.
Jesus. I know the UK generally spends less per capita than the USA in terms of healthcare, but that's ridiculous. Why is there such fierce opposition in the USA to Universal Healthcare?
based obsessed redditor
Oh yeah this person just ruins my day :(
It was a trivial tweet that they blew out of proportion.
You see, here is the point of outrage culture: they use it as an excuse to sneak in a company and subvert it.
>find a weak spot
>open the wound
>use it to infect the company under the premise "you've gotta prove to us you're on our side"
>trannies that infected the company call for aids from outside
>company is now pozzed and beyond redemption
trannies are gay and dumb and cd projek red is based
a board for interracial porn addicts
Imagine making the retarded choice of being a tranny in real life when in 20-30 years we're going to be experiencing the real stepping stones into Matrix-like VR where you can be a woman at absolutely no cost to your real physical self.
These are people that think mutilating themselves and doing what is essentially keeping a wound open, is natural.
I doubt a pic is going to wake them up.
>thinking transphobia is unjustified
God I new when I saw those tweets that there was a hideous obese abomination behind them
top fucking kek, imagine living life as a sideshow freak
That's not what's happening though. You sound as dumb as someone proudly declaring "I don't need to drink to have fun". A moot point that misses the point entirely. Yes, there are alcoholics, but everyone who drinks is not an alcoholic.
I'm not talking about convincing them, I'm talking about convincing normies
I work 40 hours a week and the company I work for provides me with health insurance. I get about $80 taken out of my paycheck. I had pneumonia last year and only paid about $130 for 2 clinic visits and 3 different prescriptions.
>wtf cyberpunk has always been about social issues and not dumb aesthetic.
>ooh look it's Keanu Reeves, guess everything is fine
Shouldnt anti-tranny be a second band-aid with terrible work conditions being an ointment?
Are you uneducated?
The new Atelier girl. Japan really liked her and gets tons of fanart.
I'm endlessly confused by this board and I've just come to the conclusion that most of you are either 1) newfags or 2) newfags from reddit and more specifically the donald.
I remember when no one cared about what AAA games were doing, no one cared what Ubisoft was doing but now this place is flooded with reddit and edgy newfag 15 year olds. You used to get laughed off this board for talking about these year after year same old garbage shit.
And now AAA is all you fucks talk about. I miss the japanese games industry. I miss the old Yea Forums.
Western games are in a dark age. What happened to my old Yea Forums?
Like, im all for trans people wanting to be accepted same with those who are gay, but why make such a big deal about it, why pretend the whole world is against them, and why the need to change everything they don't personally fancy as okay, same with the parades and the constant "You are special" mentality. Why can't they just be treated like normal we everyone else.
Every person who want to work there is informed that there are crunch periods and if they dont have problem with it.
Secondly, CDPR publicly is not even hiding that they are crunching, everybody knows it, and still they are growing as a studio so employees want to work there (also most of the industry is crunching, but many of them are not open about it until Schreier make article or something)
Thirdly, people who crunch in CDPR gettin paid more, night 150 % , weekends 200 %
Working on Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077 in CDPR looks also good on CV
Workers except salary are gettin CD Projekt stock, i don't know how it works but its probably solid money if they sell it.
why is any of that funny?
>they take $80 out of my paycheck
>only paid $130
what is the insurance for again?
>That's not what's happening though.
yes it exactly is what's happening. They are allowed to organize and find themselves, but if people like that think they have anything of value to contribute, then they need to show it just like everyone else. They need to compete.
Acceptance comes with honest exchange - not force. Living in a world of motivational posters does not change anything.
Truth is user, most oldfags moved on with their lifes and stopped coming here. Now newfags are the majority.
That is exactly what's happening though?
Someone at resetera noticed the word cocksucker being used in one of the trailers, gets upset about and now the studio is considered bad and they want them to redeem themselves.
Jesus Reddit fags are cancerous, fuck off you came here un welcomed
>look mom I posted an edgy comment,
Everywhere else in Poland is worse and pays less
>went to school for 3D art/game development
>was told a million times about crunch time
How are people so confused about this
Its not about acceptance, it's not about being just the same as everybody else. We're there, they have it. It's about revenge. Whenever they say they want rights, they can't actually point to any human rights they don't already have. What they want is rights to be invented then guaranteed to them, and for it to be criminal to not provide them.
There is no human right to be called a word you like.
There is no human right to be your truest self.
Your happiness is nobody else's responsibility.
it's called irony poisoning
so what the story? Trannies boycotting Cyberpunk 2077? kek
So you're saying they provide better working conditions than everywhere else and people still act like they the bad guys? Wew
To be fair, I would rather be an edgelord than a beta pussy cucklord faggot.
Medical, dental, optical, and believe it or not pet insurance. And that's 80 a month not every other week.
Shame. I really looked up to those faggots.
spoken as a delusional tranny who needs to gtfo and kill themselves, their tweet wasn't transphobic and the only people who got offended by it were cis sjws
Basically it can cost $30,000 to remove a sort of tumor from your neck. Insurance pays for a huge majority of that and high end blue collar and any white color jobs offer insurance for "free" whatever that particular company's idea of free means. As long as you're a successful human you're essentially immune to all health issues except cancer because that $30,000 tumor would have killed you in most countries, but they take care of it overnight with no issues.
>Average game dev
It's a "big deal" because normalizing them as a joke is a cause of a lot of their problems, ignoring them keeps them this alien thing, and the status quo is against them. So I get their frustration and why trans options are nice for them. It's not even turning over heaven and Earth to make it happen in some cases; The Sims 4 introduced trans options gracefully. Looking for something like that in a Cyberpunk game isn't too crazy. The parades aren't a form of "you are special" it's support and celebration of freedom in a world that would rather have you be silent on the topic and pretend it doesn't exist.
cdpr games always revolve around boring male power fantasies which wont work well in a cyberpunk setting where people should be able to change their cyber junk at will
>I have my own store
>let me tell you about being an employee
Full retard.
without the insurance it would have been significantly more numbnuts
its just what working in games is like everywhere, because its the only industry where they can treat you like dirt and work you like a slave for minimal pay but there are still 20 people desperate to have your job if you quit
Is that why the /pol/ meetup a few years back was full of beaners, chinks and women? Keep seething that a bunch of nazi larpers are less homogeneous than your average progressive clické.
They've literally only made Witcher you libtard
which is a male power fantasy
That's pretty good, in my country most of the healthcare is paid by the government, like you get money sent to your account each month to cover whatever healthcare option you choose, depending on what, the money you get each month will be enough, though if you go for the full package with everything included you usually pay ten bucks on top of that.
You do realise HWNDU was in 2017, right?
So why aren't retarded people inluded in games and media more? Where is Retard Pride? Or Autism Pride? Or Schizophrenia Pride? Or really any other mental illness?
I'll be honest: These people who complain, and the ones who work for Rockstar as well, are just weak.
>work for one of the biggest developers in the modern age
>trying to craft A+++++ products
>waahhhh why do I have to put hours into it and be uncomfortable and sacrifice things
Go get a regular office job then and stop fucking whining. This is what separates artists in any industry from regular workers.
Are you trying to sell me on the game ever harder?
>What they want is rights to be invented then guaranteed to them, and for it to be criminal to not provide them.
it's called positive liberties. it's attractive to populism crowd. the definition of positive liberties is liberty being defined through what it allows you to do, rather than restrictions on others (which is negative liberty).
The "right" to good health is an example - how does one facilitate that right? What must be asked of others to facilitate that right? Are others in society responsible for you to be healthy? If you die, they clearly failed at facilitating that right. This is a positive liberty.
It's also something you might see in a toxic relationship where people are dependent upon you making them feel better about themselves.
Often positive liberty breachs on other peoples' own liberty to facilitate itself.
The question is how do we bring people back to negative liberties: Liberties where we respect others own liberties, and only ask to be left undisturbed to be able to do our own thing.
"Did you just assume my gender?" is offensive and that's why it's funny. It's mocking someone's struggle.
and that's the retarded part.
reminder: the op is a copy pasta from resetera.
just look at this shit. they are 100% retards
As if I needed more reasons to buy the game and support them
Accept they're not bring normalized as a joke? All of this just sounds like excuses or fear of being accepted without much fanfare, you know, like normal individuals would be. Trans or LGBT people are not a new race, they are human just like all of us, so it would be normal to be accepted and normalized into society without trumpets, firework or all new society rules.
its good and bad. there's a lot more freedom and choice, but if you can't afford insurance you're fucked.
Because nowhere in the Bible does it say you should kill people for liking Sonic in their 30s. Sodomy is still illegal in some states and you can be executed for being gay in some countries.
its a joke
Don't worry your announcement is tomorrow
There was one even before that. Wouldn't expect you to know though, newfag.
No one implied that retard.
What the fuck Im looking at
hey reddit how it going?
So they're based?
Their intentional disease carriers, user. They're aware of how fucking disgusting it is and they don't care, they're a danger to everyone around them, criminals in my book. So yes, it SHOULD be illegal.
There's someone in this thread claiming that "did you just assume my gender?" isn't offensive because he sees them as a joke.
>All of this just sounds like excuses or fear of being accepted without much fanfare, you know, like normal individuals would be.
How do you figure?
probably not if he has career options. just get a degree in something useful and you'll be fine.
There were a fuckload of /pol/ meet-ups, retard. Maybe you want to narrow it down to the specific one you're talking about?
ACTUAL "normalizing" comes from voluntary interaction - not forced interaction.
"Normalizing" in your sense, doesn't exist. There is no evidence that your form of "normalization" even exists. No one is being affected by the voluntary exchange of others. Their bad argument is like a dumb christian thinking gay people kissing in front of them is harming their sensibilities.
>ignoring them keeps them this alien thing
People should be allowed to exchange with whoever they wish. No one is harmed from this exchange.
>the status quo is against them.
It's against everyone. Appealing to more regulation is not going to make the status quo better. Certainly not for them, or even for those within their own group who wish to dissent from their own group and do their own thing.
>The parades aren't a form of "you are special" it's support and celebration of freedom
They have every right to organize, in order to find their identity, but others have every right to dissent and peacefully do their own thing without being harassed by them. Being outraged on twitter because a game doesn't include something they want is not the way to bring about actual "normalization".
Fuck off with your edgy racism you fucking underage fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.
Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead.
Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot incel with a non-existant social life.
The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on an anonymous fucking image board.
I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.
dank pasta
If that were the case, there'd be exponential growth in AIDS cases.
Is this how you fish for (You)s in 2019?
Idk, hard to say, it's just that every time I feel there has been progress at just accepting trans people or the LGBT community, someone from those communities comes out and accuses some company or some high status individual for being bad, I just feel that they rather have stuff to complain about than the day come there is nothing more to complain or be mad about anymore.
The future.
>Snoybois projecting again
For ALL the players(™)
It's not force though and yes, it is normalizing to be included. Part of why this is happening at all is because the devs said they'd have trans options. It isn't forcing anything, but just talking about it counts as "forcing" to you. Just having the conversation the devs started is forcing. This extra sensitivity to "harrassment" is ridiculous considering you segued from pride parades. Of course you have the right to not like it.
Genuinely doubt any of these fags on the wagon even play video games
You need to have your brain smashed in a vice to be quite honest faggot nigger
What's getting mass deleted here namefag?
It sounds like this is mostly based on your feelings. It's true, a lot of complaints are often unwarranted or coming from a place of ignorance, but to come into these subjects assuming motives is pointlessly cynical. Take it at a case by case basis instead of "they all just want fireworks to feel special".
brb preordering immediately
Not the user you're replying to, but it's fine for a game to have a trans option as long as it's not forced onto it, and as long as it was planned in dev, I have a autistic little nephew who likes games, doesn't mean he needs to be able to play as a person with autism in game, just to represent his issue. Sometimes you'll only have the chance to choose out of two genders for example, and as a game, something that you experience through a fictional character written and living in that universe that should be fine.
If the game is transphobic I'll buy 4 copies for cdpr being based as fuck.
>It's not force though
it is force when they demand censorship for things they don't like.
>it is normalizing to be included.
no, it is normalizing when people voluntary exchange with each other. trust builds with voluntary interaction - not forced interaction.
>Part of why this is happening at all is because the devs said they'd have trans options.
If devs want to provide that, then they should be allowed to. If they don't, then they should be allowed to without harassment from others.
I'm curious do they talk about transgenders in cyberpunk media?
I'd imagine in the future you can switch genders with the technology right? So shouldn't it be an option in the Cyberpunk game?
Look at the people doing walkouts at Google, Riot, etc. They’re not coders and artists they’re diversity hires doing make work jobs like “community manager” and deciding like good commissars to take down the system.
Talented people are actually finding new places to work if they want to. A commie history major writing backstories nobody reads for the elf king doesn’t have those options.
Yeah and that's okay. For all the doomsaying about the SJW twitter mob, there is no effort to fight heteronormativity or shove gender sliders in games. This assumption of "you need this to have fun" is still dumb.
Are you doubtful of them because they're not taking you mentally ill faggots-with-extra-steps seriously?
Poles are legit UE members unlike bulgaria or rumania, which are out of schengen due to being muslim-tier, so they can migrate elsewhere within the UE if they want to.
I'm just realizing that being able to specialize as a cyber tranny with a biomechanical cock is logical for a Cyberpunk setting and even what real-life future is trying to build toward.
Not even social justice it's just what a cyberpunk world would probably have.
Retard spotted
/pol hate keanu and vidya
not him and I didn't follow the posts closely but wouldn't the larger disproportion in cases be something to consider or look at?
The issue here is that you're seeing twitter posts as forcing. Were the people in charge of the Sonic movie "forced" to change their Sonic design when the internet complained? Does anyone who said "lol this looks like shit" just trample on their freedom? Your idea of "forced interaction" is kind of silly.
>shitty bait thread got to 500 replies
we did it rebbit!
yes absolutely
that's not a problem with the insurance as much as it is with the whole pharma industry though
And sadly, a lot of times that mentality isn't used. Hence why once in a while you see these posts or issues where people are complaining about not enough LGBT representation in games or gender options. Which are one of the things I absolutely despise, because more often or not it feels that Devs being hold at gun point and if they don't comply they'll get a huge rep hit. And the games that do include this stuff out of their own volition
never get mentioned such as the latest mech strategy game from paradox.
Replace 2016 image with some fag ranting about trannies on a video game board.
>Were the people in charge of the Sonic movie "forced" to change their Sonic design when the internet complained?
no. they voluntarily are making changes.
>Does anyone who said "lol this looks like shit" just trample on their freedom?
No. It also goes both ways though.
People are free to use whatever rhetoric they wish, even if that rhetoric is offensive.
>if you had a sex change your character started going mad or some shit
BUt thats wrong, you get mad before changing, not after
>mentally ill, gender confused people who encompass >1% of the population
>mutilate and disfigure their genitalia
As if that's a bad thing at all, people should take a more active stance into shaming the retarded assholes who support these insane freaks.
>5.5 inches of hard meat
my black tranny girlfriend is packing 9 inches of white boi destroying nigger meat. yes we fuck bareback, and yes she's poz.
>Which are one of the things I absolutely despise, because more often or not it feels that Devs being hold at gun point and if they don't comply they'll get a huge rep hit.
Your problems are mostly imagined. On Yea Forums we tear each other's opinions apart, we fight, we argue, but are the end of the day, for all the "PUT GENO IN SMASH SAKURAI" there's no feeling of "oh poor Sakurai, he's being forced to do things" because the gun to the head, the "rep hit" is all imaginary bullshit you selectively attribute to bad actors. You're going to see gay characters as mandated appeasement quotas rather than something a liberal from commiefornia would actually want because you've already made up your mind and you want to blame others for your cynical impression and assumptions. Take some responsibility and take each case as individual and instead of writing out this unfalsifiable narrative.
Conflict your dick faggot.
Then they voluntarily "censor" by that logic.