Didnt see a thread up, SE E3 conference tonight. You think we'll see the launch trailer for Shadowbringers?

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Other urls found in this thread:


if the launch trailer isnt tomorrow its friday

Hope so, some new stuff to chew over will be good for the threads since they've devolved again. Janitor that's made it his mission to delete XIV threads will face Allah's wrath

Fucking faggot wowjanny deleted the last thread so good luck

Estinien forgave her, why can't you?

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I can't forgive her for the damage she's caused me to do to my dick.

because she died before I got to fuck her

Launch trailer is gonna happen on next live letter. E3 is only for shit like FFVII remake

Why did the last thread get deleted?

I'm hoping for a story trailer like Dragonsong abd Revolution. We will get both of the main theme and Y'shtola faking her death again.

They'll probably just play the Shadowbringers trailer. Isn't there an e3 live letter?

Forgive her? I don't even remeber what she did wrong.

Fuck jannies desu senpai

>Be me, BLM
>Syrcus tower, except me, all other dps on team are MCH, they crack some jokes while they play
>My rotations are on check and I'm casting all the time, the downside is that instead of evading aoe's, I manaward my way through them
>Get to Xande, I am standing in front of one of those green markers where you have to stand in
>Completly ignore it, my dps is far more important and ranged can take care of it
>Get called of by one of the MCH on team and proceeds to put the ignore/block marker on me
>"We mark you as ignore because you are ignoring mechanics, haha"
>0 commends

Who was in the wrong? Casters have to prioritize damage while ranged should take care of this things since it doesn't cripple their rotation

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>ran a violent, psychotic cult for 5 years
>killed countless civilians and innocent traders for their supplies
>sent the dragons into Ishgard and expected to be forgiven because 'I only thought they'd kill rich people :('

just the wownigger mod being a powertripping neckbeard as usual

Stop playing BLM, you entitled fuck.

Tranny janny got mad people were talking about games and not E3 shitposting

need more thread slots to post my asian e3 waifu

>syrcus tower
literally no one gives a shit about mechanics, quit lying and also quit being autistic about level 50 dps.

Last post was another sperg-out about HOLY FUCK GO BACK TO /vg/, probably the janitor that deleted the thread thinking he was being cute.

who /ready to become punished WoL/ here

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This game can be fucking beautiful. Call it a theme park all you want, but theme parks can be fun as hell DeSu fampai.

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>rich people
>ever dying in a conflict
What a grand and intoxicating innocence

You all were for thinking any of that matters in Syrcus.

If it's not at the SE show it will be during the live letter. I expect it to be at the SE show though.

I could never hold anything against her after the Shiva scene

It doesn't matter who was wrong, report everyone for bullying.

Themepark is not a criticism of quality, sprout.

>mog tomestone grinders saying a single word in syrcus
Fake news

I wish there was more porn of Nanamo

That's what most wowfugees call it. I can't say I disagree, but it's certainly a highlight of the game.

I really hope there’s some edgy as fuck options for dialogue that the WoL, well WoD, can say to NPCs. I mean, this is pretty much the Berserk expansion of the game.

Same reason they have been getting deleted for years. It's a fun game we play. Who will get bored first? The janny that keeps deleting them or the people in these threads who just keep making more or invading WoW threads until the deletion spree stops.

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i hope they announce job boost pots soon

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>That's what most wowfugees call it
Because that's what it is. Themepark is a description of the content style.

Why are you not botting syrcus like everyone else retard

I want to be an level 80 blm already aaaahhhh

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Hint: This is YOUR first MMO, but it's actually a 30-year-old genre.

Same, I need Xenoglossy in my life.

It actually isn't. But nice try

>tfw you will never get to fuck her

Because she's a video game character or because she's dead?

loose and diseased and not enjoying it

Fucking a vegetable isn't moral

I think mainly because she's a videogame character, as for the second part, that's not a problem

She's literally too pure for this world and was basically a child in an adult's body, which makes sense given her upbringing.

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>when she's fucked everyone but you
It's highschool all over again

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Feels bad.

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based taste

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Dont fucking remind me

Educate yourself zoomer, you might find it interesting.

What are some great questions to ask when looking for an FC?

I've been using
>What's your favourite anime?
>What's your favourite JRPG?
>Favourite Drink or Drug of choice?

>basically a child in an adult's body
Always so hot to me. I wish I was her.

>rich people
ahh, the right wing retard reveals his hand

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the closest we can come in rl but I hope she can really sell the despair

That's all women.

Her heartbreak and doubt of beliefs after hraesvalgr tells her the truth made me feel

>hold the fuck up

Nice red flag questions faggot

Is monk actually lightning-based? Or is their resource just called greased lightning?

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>are there any trannys in your FC?

This is your new FATE boss, say something nice to it.

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They're priests of the god of lightning Rhalgr, but they don't actually get any lightning attacks for some reason.

It's just called Greased Lightning. Because it makes you go faster.

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>LGBT friendly

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Do you think there will be more Hrothgar players than Roe players?

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>will play the expansion a few months late
>still planning on grinding DRK to level 70 before i even tough the actual expansion
hopefully i dont burn out. i wanna go full edge

>LGBT friendly
meh, fine, i assume that shit so you don't really need to say it though
>LGBT focused

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can't relate


>A BLM doesn't get commends
>In ST no less
WOW, stop the fucking presses

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Are you ready for Terminator collaboration in XIV?

>get commends all the time as tank
>don't know if it is because I am good or just thanking me for showing up

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Rhalgr is associated with lightning but his symbol is a meteor and he's a magic-user in general, not just lightning. Nor are the Fists of Rhalgr priests of him per se, just a martial order named after him.

I was just wondering, what the fuck is with all the Terminator shit at E3?

Her suicide put her back to even

Can't wait to hard skip anything related to that poz'd movie

New terminator movie coming out. It's gonna be shit

Go back to the SMT threads

I avoid "LGBT friendly" FC because it implies that there's any alternative, and that they're especially good for it rather than just normal

if i had to guess i'd say they just have control over elements since most of their attacks have element stuff in their namesorry if that sounds dumb

new movie coming out, but this is the hardest fox has shilled the series since the ford trucks when T3 came out

>Rhalgr is associated with lightning but his symbol is a meteor and he's a magic-user in general, not just lightning
He's a lightning-aspected god who represents the destructive aspects of that element as a method of change and creation.
>Nor are the Fists of Rhalgr priests of him per se
That's literally what they are. They're warrior priests, hence why they're called monks.

Definitely. Hrothgar fill in a bigger niche than Roes do.

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That's not saying much.

What are you talking about?

Rape, of course

Any chance the stormblood going on sale?

How's my hroth? I like the single color all over. Darker shade? Lighter shade? White?

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Last E3 was when they showed the MHW crossover.
Will we get anything this year?

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Doubt that, since it's getting folded into ShB when that releases, like HW was folded into SB.

Don't stick your dick in crazy

Yoshida demands it.

Handsome. I recommend giving him light blue eyes.

Maybe more info on the Nier collab.

then what am I supposed to stick my dick in

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Phantasy Star Online 2 collab.

Probably a bit more on Eden and Dark Apocalypse.

>subtle cute-crazy of cuts on her arm

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I hope we'll see some regular cactuars around too. They're so much more charming than sabotenders

Maybe the launch trailer, anything else would probably go with the liveletter on friday

you summoned me? My master?


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We will get Alatreon and Fatalis.

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Can I hold hands with Fordola one more time before she sacrifices herself for the greater good?

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Pipin's gonna bang Nanamo, right?

Sorry, she's Arenvald's.

Just wait 18 days you absolute manbaby. Your grandfather would be ashamed of your lack of self-control.

>not raping futa
low test

did they say if it's coming to PS4?

Go seek help in /xivg/, there are many nice people who can help you and give you company.

Take it to /vg/ faggot

He fucking better, because he has the best seiyuu in the game.

You're not the real Krauser-sama. He would rape anything, even fucking buildings.

Fuck off to /xivg/ then kill yourself


She has the echo. As you saw with Zenos, dying when you have the echo is more difficult than you would expect.

It's not. MS is bankrolling this localization. Reminder that PSO2 has a seamless self-installing complete translation and has for years.

i just fucking finished SB msq and have no idea on how to get gear to do endgame stuff, the AF gear is shit.

This, but with PLD, DRK, GNB, DRG, SAM and NIN.

What, she loves Raubahn

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i feel bad dismissing squadron applicants. they really want to join but i'm full

Not every Echo user is skilled enough to cheat death. All those dead Scions from 2.0 were Echo users. Ysayle was. Etc.

WoW is better.

>SMN dies 40+ times
>SAM dies 30+ times
>I stop rezzing around the 3rd time they ignore mechanics
>WHM basically uses 100% of their mana the whole raid to rez those 2
>SMN need rolls all 3 caster gear drop
>wearing full 380 crafted
i feel like they were throwing on purpose but im still screaming internally over 12 hours later

All female lalas love mhiggers

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It's not an automatic thing, Zenos was just extremely good at using his so his body naturally did it. Remember all the Scions who were killed by Livia? Most of them had the Echo because they were leftovers from Minfilia's Path of the Twelve.

Get help user, but unironically. /vg/ and Yea Forums are bad places to be if you have brain problems and depending on a video game is escapism, it's not right.

>The part where he starts pounding the fucking Tokyo tower and it begins raining
>The tower is all wet!

Why the fuck is this guy funny? Is it the sheer absurdity of it?

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I have brain problems too user. What kind are you facing?

What's it called in japanese?

>story had us recruit Fordola so someone could deal with the primal threat while WoL is away on the First
They really should have just kept Iceheart alive for this kind of thing

Because she died and left me behind with Lyse.

Some people have nothing left to do but try and elude their suffering if it becomes inescapable. Like incurable diseases and disabilities.

you can
>do dungeons, the last dungeon for SB gives 375 gear
>grind mendacity tomestones for 360 gear or genesis tomes for 390 gear
>learn the extreme primal fights for up to 395 weapon
>do the normal raids for up to 380 weapons

Did you watch it user?

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But do Ala Mhigans love lalas?
this will determine if I become a lalagirl.

>the weebiest of japanese games
>exclusively on xbox

Fate collab

Maybe buyers or something? Like
>blue means GOOD green means BAD
not like Ridorana worth glamour

We already had Arenvald too


Not gonna lie, mentally ill people like this should either kill themselves or be euthanized.


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Gureasdo Raitningu

I think it's also called Greased Lightning. Grease is known across the world, it's not a case of AND THIS FATE MONSTER ALSO SNACKS ON LALAFELLS localization

Tuls pls go


cheers dude thats a good starting point. i was going into eureka all confused since i thought that was the main grind.

>doing syrcus tower to level monk and event
>don't know how to play monk but figure out a rotation that applies my debuffs and buffs right before they run out
>outdpsing samurai, hitting all my positionals like a champ
>chest drops, roll a 5 for the gear
>next boss, go afk auto attacking it
>chest drops, roll a 98

I'm never trying hard ever again. I swear there's something coded into the game to reward the shitters more than tryhards

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Based Marche

Get professional help. Don't go to /vg/. Don't go to /r9k/ or /adv/ or anywhere else on this site. You need real help. Start doing things in your real life too outside of that. Find new hobbies. Exercise more if you don't already. Even if it's just getting out for a short walk everyday. Sunshine and getting your blood flowing will help over time. Read some philosophy and or religious stuff. It helps put things into perspective. Seriously. Just discover other ways of looking at the world. You've trained yourself to be dependent upon others for your happiness, but the only way you are ever going to find that is if you take care of yourself and learn independence and self reliance. Nobody else can make you happy. Nobody else can fix your problems. Take it from me, I made these mistakes so you don't have to. I had a girlfriend and we played XIV and other games together for like 2 years and she left me for some fuckboy. If you hedge your happiness on someone else, it's going to fall through and you're going to have a rough time because you will never grow as a person, you'll just have your head in the clouds. It takes work, I'm not gonna lie, but you have to make happiness on your own, and when you do, everything and everyone else will just be icing on the cake. Never depend on anyone else to make your life better. Everyone around you is temporary in way or another.

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futa is extremely gay


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It means something like gale-fast lightning

It's Greased Lightning because of Yuffie's limit break

And 8 years late. No one is arguing that it's a dumb move, except that it's probably not getting much budget and that's a drop in the bucket for them.

My ass

BTFO Anyways, it does reference lighting too, so it's not too bad.
Nice SRW reference too.

>just caught the Immortal Flames traitor
>"Man, we have to take care that the same thing with infiltraitors and traitors doesn't happen to us and the Crystal Braves, WoL my good chum"
Geez, they're laying it on thick

imagine paying for ivalice clears

i feel like crying every day because i'm mentally ill, extremely lonely and i feel like no one will ever love me. i'm only happy when i'm playing ffxiv. please help me ;_;



What are you talking about SE writers are masters of subtlety

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You are going to be working hard to restore Ishgard, aren't you Yea Forums?

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we dun it

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Fuckin' based.

user, that got deconfirmed by someone who interviewed YoshiP during the press release, VeryMerri. They’re not doing it.

I would.

i really wish they'd just release we fall already or the omega remix


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All Japanese monk skill names are references to Japanese transliterations of cliche wuxia kung fu techniques and as such are basically untranslatable because it's passing two layers of foreign unfamiliarity.

shame about the color

Yes but not for her. It's for my boys.

Yeah, so it has nothing to do with grease, got it.
It's not too bad, it's no Fira/ga to Fire2/3.

better content
better mmo

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Couldn't they have picked a better name than Gunborker?


Who was in the wrong?

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what content? one dungeon and a 4-boss """"raid""" every 6 months?

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When is yoshi going to put in the order pizza command?

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Why is it always fucking Titan when I do trial roulette?

who cares

yeah, sounds fun to me.

PSO and WoW Classic are going to kill XIV

I had a group with 4 RDMs in Monastery today and my DPS thought that meant they can die 4 times as much.

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Whoever tried to jump down the guy's throat for screwing up in an irrelevant shit scenario that will become obsolete in a month.

It's a fucking braindead 24 man raid who cares

Unfortunately, yes.

Post yfw then the shadowdrop shadowbringers live at E3 in 3 hours


Your mom.


Shippu Jinrai more or less means "as fast as lightning"
Greased Lightning gets the point across, as in the phrase "faster than greased lightning"

I'd be fucking pissed since I already got two vacation days for EA.

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Because you need to do it twice for the msq.

Fuck off, let me do Shiva, or Leviathan or even fucking Good King Moggle Mog XII

Yeah, that's why I said its alright.

Are we getting any info at E3? Or will they save shit for the live letter?
I want to kill this guy

You for posting this

Nod your noggle nog
And mind your gob
Or he'll put you to the sword!

I set a whole week and my PC busted. I'm trying to hurry and repair it but money is tight. End me.


Rava are based

>Puksi Piko likes her buddies big

Anal with Yugiri!

Better than getting chrysalis. People still fucking wipe that fight

It is less than .01% chance but technically it is possible.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the story so far?

I'm playing a Veena.

Yeah I want Yugiri to plow my c@'s butt with her fat ninja cock too.

>garleans bow to the ascians
i'm too lazy and i don't have the copypasta on hand but that's really all you need.

Stands are supposed to be rare, but everyone around you has one.

>This is what delusion feels like

Dont trust a women to do her job so now you have to do it.

Stand users are drawn together, Koichi-kun.

Alphinaud fucks up, somehow leads to the end of the Dragonsong War, and liberation of Ala Mhigo

Holy shit, user. Good luck.
I'd probably kill myself if I was in your position.

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Wedding vows with Yugiri!

Is is the echo a Jojo reference?

Everyone who jumping on noobs who dying to simple mechanic is guilty. Especially healer who doesn't rise. In normal and especially 24 mans. There is no reason to be upset in 24 mans since this is not real endgame content. Hell there is no even reason to run 24 mans. If you're good player you have gear from savages. Even for alts. ADHD roulette fags want fast clears for alliance raids and when they facing struggles they go upset. And this is good thing.

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>Darkness and Light must keep each other in check and balance must be maintained
>fucking ascian niggers trying to overflow everything with Darkness
>empowered as the Warrior of Light to put the ascians in their place
>instant transmission to a sister-world of our own where Light actually won the battle against darkness
>everything is fucking gay now and there's no night
>objective: stop the lightkeks from getting too uppity also rescue minifilia
>also garlemald was founded by ascians btw

I dont believe in gravity fuck off m8

I've gotten Byakko 3 times in a row.

>You are you
>You go around and say hi at one of three towns
>You do adventuring stuff for a little bit and help other people
>Something something ascians dungeons
>Meet a SCION
>Kill a god
>Become a scion
>Get some cheese
>Kill a god
>Bury dead people
>Fight a dragon man
>Kill a god
>Fight imperials
>Fight more imperials
>Kill a god killer
>Kill an ascian
From here there is a strange thing where nobody remembers what happens no matter what
>Best boy creates an army
>Army betrays best boy and you
>Go to elfland
>Become a heretic
>Kill dragons
>Kill a god
>Save dragons
>Kill a dragon god
>Best bro dies
>Kill a god
>Kill more ascians
>Kill a god-knight-priest
To be continued in stormblood

Cheating on Yugiri with Y'shtola!

>fucking ascian niggers trying to overflow everything with Darkness
Wrong. An outcome like that is unwanted by them either. A world overflowing with either light or darkness becomes useless for the purposes of the rejoining. They're still going to fucking kill everyone with it, but it's usable aether that they want, not light/dark shit.

post yfw
>Akh Morn

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Nah, it's okay. I've been suffering my whole life, this is just a drop in the bucket

What is up with Urianger, no one else not even the ancient Ascians speak that stodgy

>cheating on your wife

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Cheating on Yugiri and Y'shtola with M'naago!

He's a chuuni

He's a huge nerd LARPer

point being that ascians are faggots of the highest order

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He's just LARPing to distract people from him looking like a gay giraffe

You lost me when you started talking about a sister world. How did that come to be?

His parents were theater nuts, and he didn't speak to someone who wasn't his parents until he was an adult.

Wedding vows with Yugiri, Y'shtola and M'naago while they cuck me with big black Mhiggers!

Why aren't you using that fanta to be a catgirl?

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>only half the party grouping up

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It's an FF8 reference if anything. The way Echo visions happened in 1.0 without explicit warning is very similar to Squall self-inserting as Laguna.

Hydaelyn, the light, banished Zodiark, the darkness. This fractured the world into 13 realms, each a reflection of the Source, the world that FFXIV usually takes place in.

/xivg/ is not here



>there is no even reason to run 24 mans
Fun, fanservice, idiot raidlogger

Because I already am one.

Go back

Absolute kino.

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because elf girls are better


God I want that so badly. I want to be a catgirl who cheats on her EB with big black Mhiggers.


>you have lost EXP
>you have lost EXP
>you have lost EXP
tell me why should I bother continuing with Eureka?

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How do you die so often? Are you going into dangerous areas all by yourself without even trying to avoid mobs?

>not asking for res
Do you have autism? I can relate but even I toughened up and asked for help.

>People passing on free Company Seals in dungeons.
>People throwing away TT cards.

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Why would Hydaelyn do that if they know there is supposed to be balance?

He can also do Eureka for full 390 left side (with 5 materia slots) and a 405 weapon that -can- have a stat total far exceeding any weapon currently in the game.

Just don't. Your only reward is having to deal with discord trannies to get an orb mount

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Because she's not good and Zodiark isn't evil.

Cause she is an ancient evil entity and is only using you as a pawn.

why would i care about seals and a tiny bit of mgp?

>tons of modded goth outfits
>people only slap them on their generic cat and aura thot characters

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Neither care about balance, Hydaelyn only cares about life while Zodiark only cares about ruling.

Heavensward ending:
>Become best bros with bastard some of god-knight-priest
>Make peace with dragons
>Possessed floor tank shows up and ruins shit
>Fuck around with friends waiting for more shit to go down
>Shit goes down
>Kill the same dragon god
>We wuz warriors of darknuts
>Insane assclown returns
>Starts war with Garlemald
>Best potato gets baked
>Summons a god
>We unbury a god
>God's fight
>Help Ala Mhiggers
>Get btfo by best husbando
>People die
>Lyse is fucking retarded
>Go to Japan
>Go to the sea for swimming lessons
>Find descendents of the TMNT
>Kill a god
>Go to China
>Story actually gets really fucking good
>Become alpha of a tribe of lizards
>Destroy a millennium old palace to kill a dominatrix
>Return to the Ala Mhiggers
>Viva la resistance
>Lyse makes a reappearnce
>Story turns to shit
>Kill a god
>Fight Zenos
>Kill a Zenos god
>Your only friend kills himself
>Garleans go batshitcrazy
Yup that's about it

Hydaelyn isn't a benevolent deity just because she represents light

no one came to my help... I screamed like 4 times

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>Make a Veena Viera because they're going to the the INT based Viera and I play SMN/RDM.
>People hate Veena.

Why ?

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I didn't mean this. If you doing this for fun after clear you have no reason to be angry at others. You don't farm it for loot. Wiping in 24 mans is fun. Don't you enjoy seeing someone CAPSLOKING in pure rage in alliance chat?

I ask for party up a lot and no one help or even reply...

>Story turns to shit
but ala mhigo is great, and it's finally when lyse realizes she doesn't have papalymo around to straighten her out so she becomes good.

Alright, I lol'd

Seems like a good summary but I do not see how the ending of Stormblood leads into multiple worlds and light and darkness and whatever in Shadowbringers. I guess I'll really have to pay attention when I play.


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Can you use cards for something other than mgp? Because I've already botted all the GC rewards

that's because stormblood is the filler episode


If I get Yugiri drunk enough, will she forcibly rape me?

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Because it doesn't. The start of Shadowbringers will sort that out.

What's the best FFXIV bot? Preferably one that doesn't do obvious hacks, like teleporting.

Because I used it to switch from a cat to a far superior Elezen

>stormblood is the filler episode
>when the main story is garleans and the other worlds shit
our only filler episode were ARR patch series, HW and Dragonsong War.

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Making mixed race babies with Yugiri!

If someone pays for it. Can I get someone to give me the bot for free?

Basically, the Garleans start threatening to attack, when suddenly the echo possessing scions start getting mentally attacked before falling into a aether coma. Some doucher in the first world has been mind snatching them to try and get the WoL, who is apparently too strong. The WoL is probably going to be willingly taken to go help the scions in the first world.

>When the filler is better than the main story


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Because some people have nothing better to occupy their brains with than race-based segregation in FFXIV of all games

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The Garleans are not the main story, the Shadowniggers are

all the good bots have a license key drm on them.

That's fine and your opinion, I disagree and enjoy all of it equally, I'm just saying that Stormblood is far from a filler.

Realizing that her babies with me are dark-skinned and not mine at all with Yugiri!

>The Garleans are not the main story

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I want Alphinaud to breed my Elezen.

Committing double-homicide with that Mhigger and Yugiri!

I use ffxivminion and I keep all hacks except repair hack off. It has good movement meshes

I want him to breed my cat

Cats have still not lost their appeal to me

Because I fanta from catgirl to au ra

I kind of like this based on how stupid it looks. Like a bitch lacking so much self awareness that she thinks she looks good like that, though she's being laughed at, and real degenerates are enjoying her body and fucking her anyway.
I wish that was me.

>surviving the last hit with sub 500 hp

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Both lizards and bunnies are superior.

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Fucking hell.

I want to tease Alphinaud as my mature, motherly elezen

Same but this

It's the other way around user

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That's exactly the appeal of stupid bimbos, yes.

Fuck off to /vg/ with your modded garbage

Because I've always had a thing for lizard/dragon girls. Will never change from Au Ra.

Any tips on how to do it?

Being the big black Mhigger and cucking the WoL from their wives Yugiri, Y'shtola, M'naago, and Alisaie!

I like this, but it's easy to counter. We have the wisdom and clarity to accept violence for the sake of it, but we also have the wisdom and clarity to cease violence altogether. Neither are in our nature, one takes physical strength and the other takes mental.

You mean the niggers who made the garlean empire? Because that means breaking the garlean empire would weaken their hold on our world, making them part of the main story.
Besides, I said the multiple worlds shit was too, not just garleans.

Hit level 5 with eureka challenge log then shout "lfg nm". Don't put your level in the shout if you actually want an invite. They won't kick you, the worst they will do is not give you a ride.

Based as fuck.
I should make a Y'shtola lookalike alt so I can get blacked.

I felt worse about Zenos than I did about Haurchefant

It's not exactly a counter, but more of an elaboration. It's still exclusively human, because they choose which one they would prefer, instead of obeying their baser instincts blindly like animals do. And violence is in our nature, much like it is in the nature of everything else.

>I should make a Y'shtola lookalike alt so I can get blacked.
Honestly same.

>place a few waymarks wrong, cause a wipe.
>"Accidentally" cleave some bitches, cause a wipe.
>pull with ifrit or eos, or do a 5s countdown as people start panicking when all 3 tanks are bottom bitches who dont pull
>vote abandon after every boss, enjoy as people seethe in alliance chat.

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This is a cat I'd like to pet

True. But Stormblood was clearly "downtime" in XIV. Most stories follow roller coaster patter.
>ARR was slow start
>HW was peak
>SB is downtime/setup
ShB will be next peak.

Easy to do, especially if you bought any of the Y'shtola items from the mogstation. You're not the first person to make a look-alike to a lore figure just to get them blacked


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Because my leezard take flight

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in what ways does the gameplay experience improve after level 50

Not same but I use Zenos' death quote on my steam profile because of relevancy. I'll probably put whoever's next death quote on there for ShB.

Fucking terrible

That's because Zenos wasn't nice to you because he liked or respected you. You had that happen because you fought and clashed, blades and ideas. The greatest friends can come from the greatest enemies.

welcome, my son

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Truly, I'm among fellow connoseuirs and scholars.

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It doesn't so fuck off

Looks pretty realistic and simple, neat.

More moves, more stuff to do, more places to go. You know, the more the merrier

No real reaction because Bahamut's Akh Morn was far more epic.

why won't /vg/ keep their shit to the general?
they have a whole fucking area for their shit, but still come to the Yea Forums threads anyway

what weather? thinking of continuing just to make it foul
hopefully genes doesn't affect it

No thanks.

Kill yourself

>You're not the first person to make a look-alike to a lore figure just to get them blacked
Who else would be best besides Y'shtola? I think Minfillia and Krile work well.

Has anyone made a mesh/texture replacement mod for better looking armpits?
Asking for a friend.

HWbabbies will never understand this.
>Bahamut begins casting Akh Morn.



Giving you a (You) because this gif made me chuckle

Their new revolt dungeon bot is ridiculously good. I've farmed around 260 mog tomestones with it and have never been called out for it. Looks almost exactly like a real player

Minfilia and Yda/Lyse work, since they got the gear to buy if you want to burn money. Krile and Tataru would be after, with Tataru being easier. Hardest would be Alisaie and Yugiri, since you cannot just recreate them with Mogstation items and character creator.

>more fetch and go here to talk to person quests
no thanks

Jobs unlock more key weaponskills/abilities that make them feel more complete, (some) job gauges evolve, certain jobs acquire passive traits that drastically change the flow of their gameplay (SAM is the main culprit here with Kenki generation speeding up significantly at 62 and onwards).

Some jobs will nearly double the buttons they have to press going from 50>70.

Mine is Foul but in my experience it doesn't make a huge difference.

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So can you get XIV looking really good texture wise and stuff? Has enough autists fixed all the textures like they did with Skyrim?

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man hands
you're not fooling me, homo

I know this feel.


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Yugiri is cute!


Do you have to pay for all of those little add-ons, or do they come with the license?

Ahh, she's a great choice. A bit minor but I'd say Momodi is an absolutely perfect one.
yeah, not much hope to be a young elezen woman and get blacked I'm afraid.

You considered cunning more important than acceleration?

>TCJ still exists
well guess that's another 2 years of not playing this shit job, gonna stick to MNK. You all can go enjoy being trickslaves.


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Holy fuck, Susano is a fun fight.

I want porn showing WoL using Tataru as a cock sleeve throughout the story in secret

You could make the claim that you're an older Elezen, but that defeats the purpose, really.

The amount of actual serious texture work done is largely focused on the characters. Higher resolution faces, eyes, hair, bodies. Outfits unless they are already modded for revealing or just alternation of some sort aren't generally retextured. Majority of graphical alterations are done by using reshade, you can achieve pretty impressive results with certain post processing settings.

No, modders only care about ass and titties. And Yoshi will never up the textures because of "technical limitations".

The modding scene has really only started in the past year, but they're getting there. Just like Skyrim there's a hundred low effort porn mods to every one HD texture.

>the echo possessing scions
None of the other main scions possess the echo. Of the named scions only Minfilia, Krile, Arenvald, and the WoL have it.

>he plays MNK
>but fears TCJ

Yes, Acceleration is the worst stat.

Got any links for these reshades?

I definetively will play as Y'shtola and look forward to get blacked while insulting catboys and midlanders.

I do not want to pet that cat, she looks mean.

Yeah you gotta pay for the user made add-ons there's tons of free profiles for the base bot though

Ten Chi Jin doesn't use Ninki anymore (it's on a 100 second cooldown).

Makes me think maybe Mother Miounne is a good choice, at least.
Good! Forget those little cuckboys.

How much knowledge do you need to make your own add-on, and is it free to do so? And is it a one-time purchase or a renewal fee to use other people's add-ons?

All women belong to Highlander Chads


Female Miqo'te dressed appropriately for their job
Female Lalas not covered in make-up or memeshit
Female Elezen Dragoons
Female Au ra Ninjas in full body suit

Not Based:
Female Miqo'te wearing bottom of the barrel slut glamours or using that fucking voice
Male Miqo'te and Lalas at all
Roegadyns in general
Male au ra's terrible run and non-ninja females
Heterochromia snowflakism of any kind


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There's a ton of presets and versions of reshade since it's open source and that means everyone and their grandma tries to make their own new exciting version with blackjack and hookers. Basic reshade, Stormshade, Espresso glow, whatever. Pick the one you like and stick with it or not, fiddling around with it is not too difficult since it's not invasive, just a couple of dll files placed in the folder.

TCJ is great, only people that dislike it don't understand the point of it
Maybe they miss the time nin would hold their mudra 7-12 seconds or drift trick by 15

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Release ShB already you cowards.

So this is the power of FFXIV posters

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first double check you are not in a dead cluster

I'm not playing a female because I'm not gay. What should I be?

SAM or DRg.


>female miqo'te
Stopped reading there

Imagine having this much shit taste

The addons are written in C++ so it depends on your coding knowledge. It's free to make addons and they have a program where you can sell your addon through them. It's a one time payment

What is the BEST MALE CASTER RACE? Show images to prove it.

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Where do Lalas in slutglam fit into this?

>t. cucklander

Lalafell or Highlander and no I won't prove it because it speaks for itself

>Heterochromia snowflakism of any kind
but I have heterochromia irl

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>I hate female Miqo'te because they're common and popular
Imagine being a contrarian for such a trivial reason

My proof: Urianger

ah shit...

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Sam literally brings no utility to raids

DMC crossover. Can even work in Gunbreaker stuff.

Any race can pull it off with the right glamour.

Lala for traditional Black Mage look.

All I have is some entry-level Lua knowledge from making scripts for a bot for another game, but I'm fairly confident that I could manage to learn enough to eventually make my own. Thanks for all of the advice, user.

Does the huge dps they bring not make up for it?

Why would I play a female character as a make? That’s gey.

>Female Au ra Ninjas in full body suit
I would if there was a bodysuit

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I miss Heavensward.
Yoshi said it's going to be bigger and better than even that, but I don't know if I believe it.

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Wacky woohoo pizza man would be great, but how would they work him into the world?

Good. Now be a part of Primal.

They kill stuff fast. That’s the utility.

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Compared to DRG or NIN no

He said the same about Stormblood and he was right so we'll see.

good to know, thank you, i will main DRG

Careful, you might trigger some "hardcore raiders" talking like that

SAM just to make more parse-fags seethe because you're not padding their miniscule dps.

Sorry I'm on Crystal...

DRG according to Balance Discord.
Both DRG and SAM if you're sane person.

It's fine, I understand.

It's not meta.

It brings personal damage that makes up for how shitty 97% of the playerbase are at doing their jobs.

imagine not playing the job you enjoy the most because you might not be picked by the .3% of the population who cares about comp.

dumb h@, dumb c@

>mfw outdps all sam on nin

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Are transfers out of Crystal still free? I made on Byrn when I first made, haven't played for a few years, and recently found out that the data center is aids for anyone decent at the game.

>you know the meta for shadowbringer

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You can selfcast dragon sight now lol.
I'm not sharing that buff with anyone, the most you'll get from me is a Litany every two minutes.

No, you missed your chance

>mY uU utillLitY IS mY dPS

Both obviously.

Though for actual raiding, probably DRG. The still seem meta as fuck and their improvements all seem slick and actually awesome for improving the class.

you missed the free exodus
either pay up or wipe forever

If everyone was good at doing their job, a SAM, a BLM, a BRD, and a DNC would be the only DPS composition seen in an 8-man.

Portals. Same way everything gets into a fantasy world. That or a Diablo crossover since Yoshida mentioned it. This expansion is perfect for some crossover with demon slaying.

If you was a Sam then you would do more dps

Good job outdpsing retards with your BiS. Anything other than that and you're the baddie.

>someone who plays on gilgamesh or crystal thinking their opinion matters

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It's the same as any DC you reactionary idiot.

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Imagine needing a meta comp for an easy game like XIV

t. heterochromiafag
it is never done well outside of the three faggots using it as a form of injury/blindness

I know this reddit meme

How is NIN? Will it satisfy my autism?

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Unironically based

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You're literally telling someone who plays expecting to have to make up for the other dpses failing to line up their utility skills correctl, to not expect to get any utility skills thrown at them.

You may as well have just posted a picture of your shitty heterochromia cat, faggot.

well shit

futanigger seething

Then that's acceptable. All other cases are not.

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>no trick attack

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It's not free anymore but you really need to get the fuck out of there as soon as you can

Yes. It’s a fun job with a lot of busy work to play good.

NIN is by far the most autistic melee dps.
Having to perfectly line up your trick with your other abilities is pretty fucking annoying if you're not on the spectrum.

This but unironically

Fine, swap BRD for NIN.

One healer meta.

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Oh no no no no no NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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It's already all been theory crafted on discord. There is a reason the west is the best at raiding.


Reminder that the Nintendo Switch version of FFXIV will be announced tomorrow morning.
It will be fully supported and launched with patch 5.1.

it doesn't have vuln anymore, retard

A truer nigga never spoken,

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Trick Attack is the only thing that requires effort on the NIN's part and that's pretty much just aligning it with the burst-damage windows of your party.

>futanigger seething
No i'm happily doing content on Crystal because I'm not a retard who falls for Yea Forums memes.

even the hardest of the hard content is not so difficult as to mandate this level of minmaxing bullshit. You could probably clear everything in a reasonable amount of time with an un-optimized everyone playing what they like party config. Speed clears are for achievement whores

How do you even know/decide when the burst window is?

Is this a 24 man raid? Literally who fucking cares.

I hope you niggers are ready for the inevitable wave of WE FALL that floods the sticky when they show the ShB trailer.

post logs

It was never synched up you literal shitter.

Thread is dying soon, quick post your cats

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Even then anytime they're outside of their raid night and don't have their slave masters threatening to kick them if they fuck up TA they think they're hot shit and just throws it out whenever.

I don't use it either, but you cunts terrified of expressing yourselves to the point that you'd hammer someone else for it just because you've been potty trained to do it by a general negative response are far more pathetic than any snowflake could ever hope to be, little more than trained monkeys.

You should feel bad for typing out this horrible bait. Shame on yourself and you dishonor on your family.

Time to cancel my service account. Another 5 years of switch limitations

you have to know every single fight

they've gotten worse since the data center changes
if you're playing shad and don't want a nightmare doing the MSQ trials, move

Who do you think you're fooling, nigger?

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FFXIV team doesn't have the resources to port their engine from x86 to ARM

>haha im only pretending to be retarded and obnoxious
Found the nasally-voiced discordfag

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I'm looking forward to it, user.

looks hot to to be honest.

The rest of the party adjust so that their burst window aligns with TA.

A meta-heavy comp is only relevant if you're attempting world-first clear.
Which NONE of you itt are gonna do.

Stop bitching, play your favorite job, and most pugs don't give a shit as long as you don't parse blue.

i already did

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>SE will probably just show the Shadowbringers trailer at the E3 Conference
>SE wont show the Expansion trailer
>SE wont show a cross-over event

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>It's just who cares
That's all you people ever say in response to ANY responsibility whatsoever.

>the west is the best at raiding.
The best west has to offer is somewhere around the level of Japanese casuals.

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>Thought the Hildibrand quests would be cringe as fuck
>turns out they are fucking hilarious and full of soul
Thats me fully told

you have people still wiping to fucking normal ravana

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Just because they got more clears doesn't mean they're good.

What's the name of that SAM skirt?
I know you get the top part for free but I want that male skirt for my other glams.

>ps4 hits single digit fps in eureka
Not happening

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You have to get a feel for it if you have a consistent party (ie a static) since even two people playing the same job might throw something out a bit sooner or later. If you're just pugging something and you don't know what your party's burst-window tends to be, throw out TA at your own peril, it doesn't matter as much as people make it out to. "Any job can clear any content", yadda yadda.

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>implying im aligning with anything
ta is on cd unless phase change happen i just reopener

Post nudes lyn

What does it mean then, hmmmmm?

Basically, the burst window is every 60 seconds, which is every time Trick Attack is up. Once Trick Attack drops, every member of the party should unload their OCDs and DPS cooldowns to make those 10 seconds count, then repeat when trick attack is up again.

I regularly fucking up TA in pugs cause I bad or tank bad.