Turns out Boogie used his alt account to hit on the Japanese presenter from Bethesda

Turns out Boogie used his alt account to hit on the Japanese presenter from Bethesda.

That’s really fucking creepy.

Attached: A1E79058-8B39-43DE-9693-614A1BBBC19F.jpg (328x767, 25K)

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what a greasy fat fuck.

boogie is a disgusting fat american cunt

Salad dodger.

get that ass banned

Who the Hell is boogie and why should I care

Begone resettear

Fuck am I looking at OP? I don't read twitterese

That's fucking it? "cutest person ever" He's just being nice.


Anyone got pics of the girl? I was sleeping during their conference

There has been an unending amount of threads made since she went on stage and fanart all over of her. Yea Forums is just as much of a creep as Boogie, which make sense because he's a Yea Forumsirgin too

i dont get it, he said she was cute... and?? what

Didn't this fat fuck got BTFO by the Yea Forums cuck a few days ago?

Spoony did the exact same thing once too only even more embarrassing because he tweeted directly at the girl.

>Boogie "Cut her clitty" 1488

Attached: breh.jpg (600x338, 32K)





isn't he married?

can we use this to ProJared the creepy faggot?

go back to tumblr

Oh her, she's okay my Jap gf is better ;)

Um, I'm genuinely confused as to what's going on. What exactly is the issue?

Saw that icon and thought it was Ronnie for a second.

Attached: 2011-12-19-Crappy-Feet[1].jpg (900x582, 170K)

Get back lardo, she's mine.

Attached: 1560128116513.png (679x666, 302K)

Ah I see you just got out of prison too

well since you cared enough to type, solve the captcha and reply in a thread about an e-celeb you don't even know about you might as well just google the name at this point you tremendous asshat


What's his hook? His videos looked like absolute shit, and he plays a fat manchild? Why do so many people want to watch him?

I know who he is, Bad Luck Boogie from AVGN

How is it creepy? Because he's fat? We're all doing the same thing. He's single and doesn't want to get a bunch of SJWs blowing shit outta proportion when he makes comments about a woman.

How is that creepy? Can you just not compliment a woman now?

>say a woman is cute while not being turbochad
>twitter jumps all over you

So...how long till roasties have beta males in concentration camps?

Why does when a men express interest on a women all white """"""men""""""""" on twitter start going all "ew problematic"