Fuck, Yea Forums, which one do I get?

Fuck, Yea Forums, which one do I get?

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-collectors-edition-1174406-1280x0.jpg (942x925, 301K)

Fuck that. The only good limited editions are ones that are only like twenty five dollars more and come with a steelbook and the OST. Where the fuck are you going to put all that garbage?

You can't wear a statue

The Norman Reedus and the Funky Fetus collectors edition that comes with the full sized space baby.

the cyberpunk one is filled with tiny boring bullshit that youre going to lose in a week, get the doom one

i'd buy doom's if they make classic doomguy helmet

>he lives in a tiny ass room at his religious mom's house

You shouldn't even be on here if you're not old enough to at least have an apartment.

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You'd have more room in a house if anything. Where the fuck are you going to put Cyberpunk's fucking box?

>Collectors Edition
>after 76

Yeah as if anyone would do this
You get cheaper Slayer helmets on Etsy

this is the kind of stupid shit you'll regret buying once you'll have to move out from your parents house into your own smaller apartment
happened to me too to tbe desu

Doom for the fucking helmet you can use.
>No Switch Collector's Edition
>He's Doomslayer, not Doomguy



Consumption of physical media is dangerous and ill advised.


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>no CE for PC version of Cyberpunk

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No I'll save the money for my wife and kidslmao

>buy CE
>sell game

worst case scenario its a $20 loss.



inb4 helmet is replaced with paper plate with eye holes cut out held on by string. Still costs $300

Or you save it up and buy something worthwhile rather than a bunch of cheap plastic shit not worth the asking price.

But will buy Cyberpunk


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get this

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you repurpose it

Gamers are none the wiser. They keep falling for this shit. FO76 gives them some trash bag instead of a nylon bag (shit you can find online for $5) but the goyims keep coming back falling for the same trick over and over.

neither and dont buy doom just cyberpunk

>dont buy doom
why tho?

The doom one is simple and comes with a cool helmet.
The ‘77 one has a retarded toy that will look even worse in person, too much random shit and gay stickers.
Not to mention that the box art sucks ass and will stick out like a sore thumb unless you place it in a Pikachu museum

If you live in the US the CE version of Cyberpunk is not available.

>doomguy helmet you can wear vs dumb statue
CP2077 doesn't stand a chance

Don't waste money on shitty collector's editions. Learn how to paint models and you'll actually impress people.

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>Filling your house with STUFF
All the junk won't fill the hole inside you.

>buying vidya
>buying vidya toys

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the torrent

I want the doomguy helmet. Will be perfect in my edc outfit to trigger to libcucks.

don't buy collector editions you god damn fag
