How would you react if he is revealed tomorrow?

How would you react if he is revealed tomorrow?

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I'd be absolutely fucking ecstatic, but hopefully he wouldn't get in with that disgusting render. Sakurai would treat him much better than that.
Anyways, what alts does he have, and who is his echo fighter?

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Edgeworth echo fighter, alts are different defense attorney colour schemes (Apollo, Edgeworth, Athena, Mia, hobo Phoenix, Diego, Grossberg, Sissel)

Can't a man get some Phoenix action going as well?

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Echo would obviously be edgeworth but I would not expect an echo fighter of anyone

Oh, right. I forgot that one. Probably replace the Grossberg colours since it'd be so similar to Diego and Sissel anyway.

He is the only good addition left

YOUNG Phoenix, I meant. Feenie-Phoenix. You get the gist.

>Sissel alt
Fucking based
Here's a moveset for him

Attached: unmissable.jpg (164x373, 31K)

This reminds me that we're likely getting an AA7 announcement this year.

Cool. But how in the unholy Earth will he fucking work?

Fingerpointing, tossing/collecting evidence, attacking with a briefcase, papercuts, desk slamming, Magatama and other gimmicks, the works. Also see

Would rather have Dante, Leon or Gene, but I'd be okay with Pheonix.

What does the "P" stand for?


remember UMvC3? yeah, you can pretty much take most of his moveset and put it into smash. in the end you'll get a weak character that needs some prep time and a close-range hit to turn into a pointing and paper tossing machine


Why do people pretend Sakurai is ever going to use some random fan render in the internet?

I would want his original voice actor.
The new guy sounds okay but he doesn’t have the same intensity and passion in his voice.

He isn't obviously but I'm just saying that render looks like shit

Ben Judd (Phoenix's VA) and Seon King (Edgeworth's VA) left Capcom a while back and that's why they haven't been able to get their voices. Same shit happened with Apollo's too. It's a shame because they nail it way better than actual voice actors. Fuck, I could probably do a better job.
Sam Riegel wasn't that bad in MvC3 though, but in DD and onward he wasn't that hot.

Dude, if they got Ben back, I would fucking lose my shit. He is the Phoenix for me.

I actually had a dream last night that they revealed Edgeworth but for some reason there was no Phoenix Wright reveal. Maybe he was already playable as a character in my dream? I don't know.

>talking about some new game mode
>samurai says to look forward to DLC
>screen fades
>AA Investigations Pursuit theme plays
>clip of Edgeworth running around
>slips on a banana peel

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No. I hate that that shitty outfit got into UMvC3 instead of superior hobo Phoenix.

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Can't we have both?

You don’t like Dean Venture as Phoenix user?


>Old Phoenix
>New Phoenix
>Hobo Phoenix
>1 alt color per each skin

Trevor White was a better Phoenix in the Layton crossover than Riegal is.

>no hobo Nick in DD
>no hobo Nick in SoJ
It's not fair.
The Tigre outfit in SoJ was neat, at least.

Capcom just has way too many good characters that can fit in Smash.

Bring Ben Judd back

It would be the blandest thing ever and I wouldn’t even bother purchasing him.

All these banjo haters will get fucked tomorrow when The bear is in. Get fucked phoenix boys

I was thinking more like
>Young Phoenix, default colors
>Young Phoenix, wine-red suit, black undershirt, white tie, grayer hair (Edgeworth)
>Young Phoenix, black suit, white undershirt, yellow tie, brown hair (Mia/Franziska)
>Old Phoenix, default colors
>Old Phoenix, red suit, white undershirt, cyan tie, brown hair (Apollo)
>Old Phoenix, yellow suit, white undershirt, cyan tie, ginger hair (Athena)
>Hobo Phoenix

You got 8 alts that represent pretty much all of the main protagonists. Cept Naruhodo Ryunosuke

>that payne
i wanna whack the VA so he'd scream the "objection!" out like he's supposed to

I won't be happy unless both he and Layton get in.

If Phoenix gets in, what three AA tunes do you want remixed?

Objection 2001
Steel Samurai theme

I'd be hyped as shit. Phoenix is my go to after pic related

Attached: hype.jpg (480x480, 26K)

pretty epic

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Mr Reus's theme.

Apollo’s objection theme would work pretty well in Smash

>Not his pursuit.

Quick question guys. People often criticize Phoenix's inclusion because his franchise doesn't have enough sales, but I think there's a real strong case that a huge majority of Ace Attorney fans have played the series through emulation, hence the low sales numbers.
So, here's a poll: did you experience the Ace Attorney games through emulation/piracy, and if so, how many?

I haven't. Bough the original trilogy on the Wii Shop and iOS, and bought the fifth and sixth game.

I played all the DS games vía emulation as they were all already out by the time I got into the series, bought all the 3ds games

My other most wanted that wasn't deconfirmed by the dev. Would make my E3

I played all the DS games on an emulator. I bought Layton vs Phoenix and Dual Destinies.
I hated DD and AAI2, so I didn't bother with SoJ.

I would shit myself, he's the only character left I truly want.

He need to be revealed with Layton

I'd be happy. He's my most wanted and he'll be the clincher to get a switch if he gets in and has a new mainline game as well.

I played the first three though emulation, then bought them and all the other games other than AAI2, which I had to emulate to to read the translation, and AAvsLayton which I haven't played. Although the only ones I bought first hand were DD and SOJ.

This, fucking based.
You're a homo if you didn't think this was hype.

It's sexy but not as sexy as the original's, AJ's, or AAI and AAI2's.

I think they all conveyed it their part well, it's just that Dual Destinies' felt really grand. I could write out the emotion that each one invokes for me.

Alright, Yea Forums. Phoenix gets in. But what's his Final Smash?
Hardmode: find something from the games instead of making it up.

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Just his level 3 from UMVC3, a bit shorter

Someone suggested that his trailer would just be defending Joker in court for stealing the first invitation and proving without knowing it that it was Phoenix’s all along and I can’t get it out of my head

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Glad since he has BANGING music

Any Capcom character is on bargain bin and have been on all of their crossover games. They even have a Monster Hunter guy on MvC Infinite.

Better yet his level 2, imagine it with the ringtone

I will be pissed off that we get generic lawyer detective man instead of a character who can fight

Absolutely ecstatic

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Layton and Wright for Smash
Fucking do it Sakurai.

Either it's like his UMVC3 special where we proves someones guilt of a crime wither generic or character specific, or they fall off Dusky Bridge and get washed away. Second one's a bit of a spoiler so tat might count against it.

Why not just do Thought Route instead? Shit's always a final gambit before the conclusion of the case.
Phoenix Wright would initiate it by pointing at nearby victims, and then it would zoom in on his face with a red beam glaring by. Phoenix would open his eyes, point to the opponent, and giant black blurbs would smack them, alongside the red beam from earlier.
If Edgeworth got in as an echo it could be Logic Chess instead.

I bought every game that was released in the states, emulated AAI2 with the fan translation

>Phoenix uses the Magatama in his moveset
It sounds dope, but how would it work?

FS is as said. As for specials...
Present. Phoenix uses one of his found pieces of evidence. If he has none, he flashes his attorney's badge! Which,.... does nothing, save for give him super armour for the duration. Most evidence is a thrown projectile.
>Side special
Metal Detector. Phoenix attempts to root out evidence, like a knife, pipe, or other metal object. Adds the object to evidence. The metal detector can also drag opponents closer.
>Up Special
Phoenix calls upon the police dog Missile to sniff out evidence. Missile drags Phoenix around and into the air, and snaps at opponents in his way. Phoenix can get a DNA sample from opponents Missile bites, which grants him unusual evidence like Peach's turnips or Villager's Lloid rocket.
>Down Special
Magatama. Phoenix holds forth the magatama. If hit in that instant, he wraps up the opponent in chains, stunning them. He also gathers a piece of testimonial evidence.
Once you have 3 pieces of evidence, the Present special changes to the Objection special, and Phoenix enters Turnabout Mode. Objection is a powerful single-hit move that gets even better if your evidence matches your target (ie you have their DNA or Testimonial).

It's his grab, duh.

Oh, fuck that's good.

>screen fades to black
>you hear a gavel sound
>"court is now in session"
>mario is on trial for polluting isle delfino
>a witness begins his testimony when suddenly
>Phoenix Wright - Takes the case!
double reveal. Phoenix Wright in smash, Super Mario Sunshine HD remake coming summer 2020

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Him having an UMvC3 evidence mechanic in Smash wouldn't work, it'd cripple him too hard in a game like this.

No echo fighter

Hobo Nick

>How would you react if he is revealed tomorrow?
More gay Pheonix Wright porn? Now i hope he's actually in.


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My most wanted by far, I don't give a shit about any other character.

i´d cream my pants.
he´s my most wanted

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He's literally the only character I want, very badly at that.

But what does everyone think about this?

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Put that thing away, Mr. Wright. You always go around showing your prized possessions to people.

God I would fucking love it, I am not that much of a PW fan or care about roster discussion but definitely a better choice than most of the garbage people request here

Sorry, I don't really know anything about that... Stop shoving stuff in my face!

Sorry guys, there was a leak that mentioned "Adventure Time in Brawlhalla + Banjo in Smash"

So uh.
It sucks but the leak was confirmed.

Black Suit Phoenix (Maya)
Blue suit Edgeworth (Von Karma)
Yellow Suit Apollo (Valant)
Hobo Phoenix
Pink outfit Hobo Phoenix (Zak/Kid Trucy)

they were backpedaling off that twitter person who got C&D'd, moron

why do they call him "hobo Phoenix"?
He wasn't fucking homeless

I meant Mia, not Maya. Oops.

Real men show their police badge, pal

IS (You)!

>Phoenix x snake
>Phoenix x little mac
>Phoenix x male villager
oh no bros, we need to jumpstart the hetero pairings

Phoenix adopting a woomy and raising her with Trucy

Fujos OUT

Given Phoenix's history with assistants, there's only one option.

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It'd get me to buy Smash, get good, and use him as a main to beat tri-hard friends of mine.

He looks like a bum.

Because "nigger Phoenix" never took off.

baste and leafpilled

I would fucking cum so hard i'd die of a heart attack.
Sadly it isn't likely to happen, specially now that they are going for the more outlandish DLC picks.
A Phoenix announcement wouldn't cause nearly as much excitement as someone like Banjo or Doomguy.

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phoenix x bara

Not for the people here but AA is loved by many

Why not both? Also has anyone else noticed that the new Pokemon chick everyone is drawing porn of is literally just Athena?

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